Basic Questions

mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
I just completed my first full week on 5:2. My FD's are on Tues and Thurs. I have some questions, and would appreciate some feedback. One other thing, I am also trying to do an 8:16 regimen.

1. Should I stick to an 8:16 on the days immediately following my FD, or if I do, am I just prolonging the FD?
2. Should I track on the days immediately preceeding or following my FDs as long as I don't eat any crap?

Just wondered what is working for you.


  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I track everything, because honestly, I'm a binger. If I give myself permission not to track my non-fast day foods, I have no clue just how much I'm eating. When I track it, I can see that I'm destroying any deficit I gain on fast days, and that helps me rein it in.

    As for the 8:16, I dunno. I'm not sure how that fits in with 5:2.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    Both questions are up to you. I try to do 8:16 but have been finding that I get a headache when I do it after a fast day. Which is just something I've dealt with - so I'm stopped doing it.

    I track all my days on MFP. Fast and other. Because in the end I don't take my non-fast days as free for alls. I want to make sure I'm hitting where my calories are, not going too over, and I'm getting my protein where it should be.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    AlyssaJoJo wrote: »
    Both questions are up to you. I try to do 8:16 but have been finding that I get a headache when I do it after a fast day. Which is just something I've dealt with - so I'm stopped doing it.

    I track all my days on MFP. Fast and other. Because in the end I don't take my non-fast days as free for alls. I want to make sure I'm hitting where my calories are, not going too over, and I'm getting my protein where it should be.


    I fast 2 days. Then I (mostly) track the other 5. I got away from tracking for an entire week.....not a good result. I do need some accountability. Whatever helps you keep your maintenance days in check is up to you.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Agreed about the logging...I do it everyday, but you seem pretty fit and are a biker also. So it sounds like you're a regimented individual and already have some control over your eating. At some point I'll try it, but most likely not until I get within 20% of my goal and even then I'll work my way into it slowly.

    I am a believer in eating within a small window, my best weeks "appear" to have been when I've done this by accident. I also feel that if you are going to have a blowout (eat your TDEE or beyond), like at Thanksgiving, the smaller the window the better. Simply because you're less likely to eat 2 huge meals in a 5 or 6 hour period. If you get into the swing of pushing your fasts to 40 hours and beyond (I'm sitting at 39 hours right now on 0 calories) then doing the reduced eating windows becomes a lot more manageable. Another trick is to shift your meal schedule back by 2 hours on the day before you fast, then on the day you're coming off the fast you'll be 2 hours closer to fitting those meals in your window.

    I think I really need to work on setting up a window for myself, but my schedule is all over the place.
  • angelamb1970
    angelamb1970 Posts: 123 Member
    I also make my eating windows pretty short on non-fast days ( about 4-6 hours...fasting days are just one meal) If I have the odd "I'm starving day, it almost always falls on day 3 after a fast. The fasting days really really help keep my appetite in check on non fast days. I log everything, but only because I want to keep myself accountable and have been trying to identify patterns that work well for me, plus my TDEE is pretty low given my size, I must just have a really efficient metabolism and gain at a relatively low daily calorie intake. I only know this because I've been logging everything and noticing patterns. If I were following recommended TDEE calculators I would be gaining. So, I am all for logging everything just to get a baseline.

  • katinahutch
    katinahutch Posts: 1 Member
    Ok... I just stumbled upon this thread and it may be silly question but can someone outline 5:2 briefly for me? I see talks of "windows" and "dinner to dinner" fasting and I am just curious about the extent of your fasting. Just juices? Smoothies? Water only? This concept interests me. I had a yoga instructor once tell me that "occasionally fasting can reset your relationship with food" and I thought that made a lot of sense. Any information would be appreciated! Thanks!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited October 2014
    Katina - there is a link to the documentary at the beginning of the group page. It is very worth watching.

    I posted the link here:

    In a nutshell - 5:2 means 5 days of normal eating (around maintainance cals) and 2 days of your choice at 500cals (women) / 600cals (men) That gives you a cal deficit of around 20-25% over the course of a week.

    You can choose and switch your fast days at will and how ever they fit into a given week. You can eat your 500cals in as many meals on a fast day as you wish. No foods are forbidden. It is more important to find out yourself, which foods make fast days easier for you (proteins and veggies for me, no grain carbs on fast days).

    It's a way of eating and not a diet. I've been doing it since May 2013, have lost 29kg and have maintained with the help of my fast days, while still enjoying my other days. If it suits you, it is very sustainable and healthy. It definitely suits me much better than daily restriction.

    mwhite: it's all your choice. 16:8 can be combined with 5:2 if you want to. I counted strictly on non fast days in my first year of 5:2, while wanting to lose the weight. That gave me a much better idea for portions. Now I usually count, but often don't log quite everything. There are many 5:2 that only count on fast days and learn to eat intuitively on non fast days. If you are not an overindulger, that should work just as well.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited October 2014
    FAQ for 5:2
    Other sites:
    Every Other Day Diet FAQ:
    JUDDD: ...but he wants to sell you a supp too...

    And their respective books + Brad Pilon's "Eat, Stop, Eat"

    We are all different. So it's best to do some research and make your own trial and error and conclude what works best for YOUR body:)

    The good thing is that different IF protocols are very flexible and can be adjusted to almost any taste or weight loss goal! That's also why it can be hard to give standardized answers, since our goals are different.

    Edit: A couple of cliff points:
    * People on Varady's EOD who both dieted AND exercised as well, lost double than those who dieted only within same time frame.
    * Low-ish carb on feeding days turbocharged my weight loss.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited October 2014
    Ok... I just stumbled upon this thread and it may be silly question but can someone outline 5:2 briefly for me? I see talks of "windows" and "dinner to dinner" fasting and I am just curious about the extent of your fasting. Just juices? Smoothies? Water only? This concept interests me. I had a yoga instructor once tell me that "occasionally fasting can reset your relationship with food" and I thought that made a lot of sense. Any information would be appreciated! Thanks!

    Do whatever works for you on FD days. Personally I try to limit protein shakes to when I know I need it for workout days. On FD I prefer to eat food I can chew and swallow. Soup is great though:P

    The different IF protocols are "harder" or "easier". I'd say 5:2 is probably the easiest, especially if having breakfast and no restriction on feast days. Then the 16:8 leangains, which is easy but is more restrictive on the macros. Then 4:3. And finally the EOD and JUDDD are probably the most aggressive when it comes to fasting days.

    BUT...results in the form of weight loss comes down to what you can stick to and how you implement your plan! Changing your weekly plan once in a while adjusting for life is a good thing not bad. It means you probably can keep doing it longer than a very restrictive jo-jo diet.

    See above post for more info on the different protocols.

    Edit: You can also mix the different protocols. If you had a "bad" week, meaning no loss. You can dial up the fasting days by adding 1-2 more next week...if it suits you. Or prolong the fasting hours with smaller eating window.

  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    I have a much do you guys/gals log for exercise on MFP? Do you log everything (housework, shopping, gardening) or just aerobic/toning activities?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    snaps27 wrote: »
    I have a much do you guys/gals log for exercise on MFP? Do you log everything (housework, shopping, gardening) or just aerobic/toning activities?

    Technically housework and shopping should already be included in your activity I think logging those would give you pretty inflated numbers. MFP's guesstimates are pretty high for a lot of activities. Gardening is a bit tougher to call. Gardening can be pretty strenuous.

    I use a FitBit for my TDEE (maintenance) estimate. On cardio days I could add numbers from my heart rate monitor (MFP is way too generous). I don't fully log right now, trying to see if I can lose steadily with less logging.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,425 Member
    I have only logged significant stuff like walking and biking. I even stopped logging weight lifting. But I'm doing a test right now, I added my activity level to my TDEE and now will be eating to that new higher level but not logging any calories burning. Want to see if it makes a difference :)
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    @snaps27 - I have my activity level set to lightly active (daily life / job / horse back riding / barn work / etc). I only log my exercise separately (running, brisk walks, swimming, biking, circuit training, etc). I measure the burns with an hrm, as for me (short/low puls) the burns from apps or mfp are massively overestimated.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    @snaps27 - I have my activity level set to lightly active (daily life / job / horse back riding / barn work / etc). I only log my exercise separately (running, brisk walks, swimming, biking, circuit training, etc). I measure the burns with an hrm, as for me (short/low puls) the burns from apps or mfp are massively overestimated.
    Lookie...the boots! Flumi changed her pic...looking good!

    Ok, yeah, I used to log exercise but I don't do enough of it (yet) to make a big dent...I'd just rather use it as more calories burned. I expect I will if I can ramp it up.

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    @Oricam: Thanks! I love them and they are amazingly comfy! That's actually a before 5:2 and now comparison. I'm happy ;-)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,425 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    @Oricam: Thanks! I love them and they are amazingly comfy! That's actually a before 5:2 and now comparison. I'm happy ;-)

    You look fabulous!!! 5:2 definitely works!!!

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    @calsoda: Thanks! I'm in love my first ever knee highs ;-)
  • Tiamo719
    Tiamo719 Posts: 256 Member
    snaps27 wrote: »
    I have a much do you guys/gals log for exercise on MFP? Do you log everything (housework, shopping, gardening) or just aerobic/toning activities?

    I only log actual workouts, although my house cleaning can seem like a work out. I do not eat my calories back.

  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Tiamo: I only log my workouts, shopping, housework, etc. is already figured into your TDEE.
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello I was told that people calories go up as high as 800 on fast days when doing the 4:3? Is this a right way of doing things or it is a rule to stick to 500 as close as possible?

    I am one of those people that love to work out at least 1.5 to 2 hours a day and the range of the calories vary from 400 to 500 or even higher. I don't eat back all my calories or I even ignore it most of the time. What is you take on this?