Daily check in - NoVEmbeR give up!



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    for people like me who know something is off with their deadlifts but can't pinpoint what . . . a little way down this page you'll find mark rippetoe's 5-step recipe for 'perfect every time' deadlift form. for me, i think 3 and 4 are the points i'd been forgetting about.

    the page also has a lot of stuff on sumo deadlifting, but i can't speak much to that.
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    Ty canadianlbs! Crabada's share about using 'push' really helped me this week but I can tell something is still a bit off. Will check this out.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I haven't checked in in a while, but today's workout was pretty good.

    I'm still working past a shoulder problem, but it is getting better. Turns out narrowing my grip on OHP helped A LOT and nearly fixed it.

    Squats: 160 5x5, form was great today too, felt the difference as I got more upright (which I've been working on).

    Bench: 123 5x5, narrowed my grip slightly, felt better there too.

    Rows: 118 5x5 This bothers my shoulder still, but a deload seems to be working. I'm stiff after that and my neck hurts, but it will be better by tomorrow probably.

    My two older boys have started lifting. Each of them has lost 2 inches off their waist, after about six weeks. They are both being pretty consistent too and making faster strength gains than their friends who lift at school on the machines, since the school feels free weights are too dangerous.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Morning all!

    Dumb food day yesterday and it totally showed in my lifts aargh!

    Squats 5x5 @ 150lbs
    Bench 5x5 @ 77lbs
    Row 5x5 @ 85lbs

    Need to eat more carbs this week - am lacking in calories in general!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hi everyone, good to see you all. I lifted for the first time in November this morning after some days away from home and a bit of over-doing it at the end of last month.

    Squats 5x7 90lb
    OHP 5x7 40.5lb will go (back) up next time
    DL 5x 123lb

    Think I've finally got my deadlift form sorted. Want to go back up next time. OHPs? I can't put it off any longer, need to go up next time.

    Squats are the big thing - I'm definitely not going low enough. Me and a PT set up a "box" of two step steps and a plate. Depth is going to be my focus this month. I might even de-load to 80lb or something (although lovely PT said just practice with the box and it'll come).
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Glad to see you ladies kicking butt!

    I'm repeating last weeks weights because my lower back and hips have been giving me trouble. I did a little abs circuit on Sunday and I think that aggravated it. I've been massage rolling and stretching a lot now.

    Squats: warm up + 5@60,80,95,110,125
    Bench: 5@45,45,50,55,65 (really focusing on form with these since I've been catching myself flaring my elbows from time to time)
    Rows: warm up + 5@45,50,55,65,75

    Squats: warm up + 5@70,80,95,95
    OHP: 5@45,45,50,55 (I couldn't get the 60lbs up without turning it to a push press, so I decided to stick with 55 and work on form) + 6@45
    DL: 5@95,100,120,135

    I decided to try squatting bare foot again, since I lift at home, and it really helped me to refocus on my form. It's a lot easier to tell that I'm pushing through my heels, but also the rest of my foot is planted on the ground.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Wasn't really feeling it today but sure glad I pushed through it!

    Squat 5@75,95,110,130,150 and another 150 for fun.

    Bench. Ugh 5@45,55,65,75 2 sets of 1 at 90. Couldn't do it. Finished with 2&1@80.

    Row 5@50,65,75,90,105,105 and 8@90 for more fun.
    Lunge 15lbs each side 3x10
    Feet elevated glute bridge 3x10
    Banded pull-ups 4x5
    Banded Hip abductor 2x15 left 2x10 right
    Hyper extension 35x3x10
    Planks 1 min, 40 second, 45 seconds
    And a few scissor crunches.
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    Was planning to lift again today but my legs are just fried. Is it too much to be doing super high HIIT 2 x per week and some very easy running/biking/rowiing 30 min to warm up before lifting? The HIIT I am doing is really intense as it is a 10 session ski conditioning class and has lots of lunges, squats, wall sits, etc. I am also wondering if it might be the 5:2 I just started. I am not exercising on my super low calorie days but I did really notice the muscle fatigue the first day after. I am only in my second week of 5x5.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    for what my mileage is worth . . . . the warmup part sounds okay. i quite often do a 15 mile ride (well, i used to this summer, but i've been getting sloppy ;)) and stop at the gym right before i get home to do lifting as well. i never rode especially hard, but it would add up to more than an hour altogether for the round trip. still, that always seemed to go okay for me.

    what i can't do is get up the day after a stronglifts session, and ride it like i stole it. i can still do the same long ride, but the exposive/sprint kind of chops just aren't there. sl sucks up a lot of muscle glycogen and from the reading i've done it takes up to 2 days to replenish it. i was doing sprints and micro-sprints myself before i started heavy lifting, and since i started doing sl every second day this summer, the sprinting just hasn't happened for me. i never get a day anymore where i have the resources for it.

    something that might help a bit though: make sure you eat within a few hours at the most, after doing sl. mark rippetoe recommended carbs over protein on lifting days, and protein on the rest days, for anyone trying to gain strength while in a deficit. and i did see studies saying that eating soon after an intense session does give a big hit of the glycogen back. to me like a bowl of cornflakes with milk feels like a pretty good thing when i get home from the gym, compared with the times i do a protein/yogurt/fruit shake instead. but i haven't been very scientific about proving whether that's fact, or just how it feels.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    okay . . . so i didn't lift. i actually think that At My Age, two days of rest between sessions might be better. no reference to anyone else of my age, but r.a. and all that and like that stuff as well.

    anyway, that's not the reason of course. i didn't lift because i spent the first half of the day NOT buying a bike, then the first part of the second half of the day buying a bike . . . and then the first bit of the second part of the second half of the day taking my other bike to the mechanics to get its winter rebuild. and then i sat around and just breathed for a bit . . . and then i went out and rode my new bike. basically, i set out at 5:20 and i took it down to a technical-clothing outlet 5 or 6 miles from here, and bought a full-bore rain suit before they closed at 6. which i changed into at the side of six lanes of traffic, and then i rode home.

    i'm pretty happy. i'll lift tomorrow.
  • qstneverything
    qstneverything Posts: 125 Member
    Hi everyone! :)

    Just started Stronglifts yesterday, bloody sore today! I haven't done any real weight training before (besides group classes which we all know is really cardio and not weights) so I know that'll disappear over time.

    Saw all the success stories and have never been so motivated before in my life!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I AM BACK!

    Didn't feel the 2 workouts I did during my wedding week and then some were worth reporting. I failed to hit my 5/3/1 reps big time on deadlift and OHP, then took my wife to the gym to show her the basics so ended up with some weird 3-4x5 sets thrown in the mix.

    Today I decided to give myself a bit of leeway and not go back straight to the program.

    Worked up to a heavy squat clean single, reps went a bit like this:

    I had more in the bag but gave myself a 12 min cap and wasn't really going for a 1RM anyway (which is 115, btw, so came close!)

    Did an EMOTM x5 of 2 reps at 80% of that max weight (90lbs)

    Then finished up with the death by barbell complex as an AMRAP/ladder for 15 minutes. I originally was going for 20, then decided to ladder it down, so technically it took about 17 minutes.

    barbell @ 55
    - power snatch
    - overhead squat
    - push press
    - back squat
    - alt drop lunges
    - bent over rows
    - romanian deadlift

    for complexes of 8, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps. My shoulders feel great now! lol

    I don't have time to catch up with the thread just yet but I'm sure you guys are killing it! I'll be dropping by more often as I catch up on my life gradually! :)
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    Workout B today:
    Squats 5x5 @ 70 lbs
    OHP (ugh): 2x3@50+2x2@45, 2x4@50+2x1@45, 1x1@50+1x4@45 -- this was actually better than the last time, so there's progress here...
    DL: 1x5@125
    pullups with 34lb assist 5x5, next time I'll do 25lbs assist.

    Felt good today.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    @ Crabada -
    "Sorry to hear about your hip. Any idea what's going on? And good for you for stopping before making it worse. - NO Idea whats going on but now my adducter is not happy on the right. I actually did 10x bodyweight squats this morning and it was really sore so I didn't add any weight :-(

    AND YES TO DEADLIFTS! Did you ***PUSH*** ?!!? :) - Thank You! You are an awesome cheerleader! "


    Squats - NIL, see above :-(

    Bench - 5x5 @ 65, these were HARD, not sure what the problem was today

    Row - 5x5 @ 75, these were ok, but I am pretty sure my form is off. Lower back almost always hurts after I do these.

    I added in 3x10 curls @ 30lbs, 2x10 clean and press @ 40lbs, 4x10 hip thrusters.

    Hoping for some better increases on Saturday.

  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    Hello again everyone. It's been a while since I posted here. And last time I did I was complaining of my knee hurting. Someone posted an article about how everyone will have a different squat form and I just wanted to say "thank you!" That really helped as I had been trying to follow the SL video and follow his form. But I have since found a stance that feels good.

    Workout A today:

    Squats: 90# 5x5
    BP: 70# 5x5
    BR: 90# 5x5

    Reading your all's posts and advice are sure helpful to this newbie. Thank you all!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Glad to see Krok back.

    Thanks all for your inspiring reports, warts and all.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So I did my monthly 5k for time (32:46) a little slower than last month blah. No surprise I haven't been doing much running this month.

    Then deload day for squats. Warm up the 85 lbs X 5 115 lbs X5 and 135 lbs X 7

    Superset of straight leg deadlifts 95lbs and rear lunges with 25 lbs X 2 plates. 5 sets of 10

    And then 100 burpees for time (7:47) so almost 2 minutes faster than last time.

    This was a really busy day. I'm tired, over on calories but hungry. Also not sure how much this "hunger" is just me being tired. Blah, I might just have a maintance day.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited November 2014
    when you come home and take your whole freezer apart, because 'i know i made chili last month and it's in here somewhere . . . ' must be stronglifts.

    workout a:

    squats: bodyweight, 2x5@45, 1x5@65, 5x5@85. very happy. the time i'm investing before i even get started, in getting down below parallel at bodyweight and then just practicing 'finding' my glutes and hamstrings and doing maybe an inch or so of hip bounce in that position . . . it really feels as if it's paying off when i do my actual lifts. these are 5 pounds heavier than last time and it's my all-time pr weight for squats, but they felt good and strong and solid all the way through.

    bench: 3x5@45, 5x5@65. better than i expected. left shoulder felt like it was going to be a problem during warmup, but somehow once i went to my full workout weight it got much better and much easier to get set and lift strong. i'm really finding that bench is much much more doable if i put everything all my other muscles have got into it too. i think my glutes will be getting more doms off the bench than i even gave them with squats.

    rows: strange . . . again. i saw someone demonstrating a very limited row to a younger kid, and he really seemed to know what he was talking about when i saw him coaching the same kid to squat. so i tried his version of rows. plus, i overheard the word 'lats'. so what this was, is sort of like a roumanian deadlift except you move the bar with your arms instead of using hip hinge. so basically, just pulling the bar from your knees to your hip crease, while keeping it in contact with your thighs the whole time. this was actually more work than i thought it would be and put a pretty good burn on my lower glutes/upper hamstrings as well. but then i did 8 reps per set instead of just 5, to make up for the shorter bar path. 1x8@30, 2x8@50, 5x8@70.

    accessories: pulldowns: sets of 5 reps, various weights and grip widths. deloaded on weight because of various twinges and pinchy feelings in various tendons, but i was pretty happy with form. 2x60 sec planks during warmup, not bad for how slack i've been about planks.

    while i was in the second one this pair of women walked past me on their way out the door, and one of them pointed me out to the other one and said 'now that is a perfect plank'. then they both stopped to tell me the same thing again and we had us a little conversation with me hanging out in mid air and talking at them kind of upside-downy :D it was nice.

    oh and also: working on deadlift form and implementing the rippetoe tips, so i did about 10 of those too. but i only used 100lbs, so i don't think they count :D the thing about bringing your shins TO the bar without dropping your hips, and then squeezing your chest up really does seem like it's a big key. much easier to push through the heels like that, for some reason.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi everyone! :)
    Just started Stronglifts yesterday, bloody sore today! I haven't done any real weight training before (besides group classes which we all know is really cardio and not weights) so I know that'll disappear over time.
    Saw all the success stories and have never been so motivated before in my life!
    Welcome! This is seriously the most awesome group. We're glad to have you aboard!

    symba1130 wrote: »
    @ Crabada -
    "Sorry to hear about your hip. Any idea what's going on? And good for you for stopping before making it worse. - NO Idea whats going on but now my adducter is not happy on the right. I actually did 10x bodyweight squats this morning and it was really sore so I didn't add any weight :-(

    AND YES TO DEADLIFTS! Did you ***PUSH*** ?!!? :) - Thank You! You are an awesome cheerleader! "
    Yay! So glad it helped. :)
    And I'm right there with you on the adductor issues. Going to try out the adducter / abductor machines at the gym on Saturday. I have an aversion to them simply because they're so darn, well, um, they just put it all on display, you know? But got do whatever it takes to strengthen them up, so it is what it is!

    when you come home and take your whole freezer apart, because 'i know i made chili last month and it's in here somewhere . . . ' must be stronglifts.
    oh and also: working on deadlift form and implementing the rippetoe tips, so i did about 10 of those too. but i only used 100lbs, so i don't think they count :D the thing about bringing your shins TO the bar without dropping your hips, and then squeezing your chest up really does seem like it's a big key. much easier to push through the heels like that, for some reason.

    You DEFINITELY made chili, because I was lusting after it so hard when you posted about it. Did you find it? Is there any left over for me?

    And thanks for the article about deadlifts. Going to read it tomorrow since it's almost bedtime.

    And YAY for the new (nope, not buying, nope, nope, nope, YEP!) bike!

    Here's my workout from tonight:

    StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout A

    So, I think afternoon workouts are my sweet spot. I got to the gym about 8:45 PM tonight and was ready to just be done by the time Barbell Rows rolled around. I was plum tuckered out from the day, you know? But overall a decent workout.

    Squats - 5x5 @ 105 lbs.
    - Still feeling these in the adductors, and a little bit in my right knee. Form is good, so I'm not worried -- just need to keep being aware.
    - As mentioned, I'm going to start adding some accessory work for hips, adductors, and abductors to see if that helps.

    Bench Press - 5/5/4/5/4 @ 77.5 lbs.
    - Felt pretty good on these. Think I got into my own head on set 3, so failed the last rep, but came back swinging in set 4. Good lesson on how this is also very much a mental game!

    Barbell Row - 5x5 @ 77.5 lbs.
    - These felt way heavier than they should have, especially considering at one point I was doing these at 95 lbs. Still trying to concentrate on getting the full range of motion on the pull and squeezing my should blades together at the top. Definitely not natural yet, so may stay at this weight a bit longer.

    Missed my plank and sit up challenge, and considering it's almost 11 PM, looks like they'll have to wait another day. I'm beat!

    Keep killin' it out there, Gals. You're rocking my world!

  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hey all

    Lifting tonight and I just wasn't really feeling it :neutral_face:

    Squat 5,5,5,4,4 @ 150lbs
    OHP 5x5 @ 60lbs
    Deadlift 1x 5 @ 177lbs

    Tired now. Need sleep.