Episode Discussions **Spoiler Alert**



  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    edited November 2014
    Yeah, glad the whole Eugene thing played out and that cat's outta the bag. Now they (both the show writers and the group) can focus on something else, hopefully. I agree, I don't love the eugene/abraham/rosita group, but I also think that's because they aren't as developed (yet?). They did a pretty decent job developing abraham last night, for example, and as a result, I'm a little more sympathetic to where he's coming from. I still wish he'd learn to use his inside voice, though!

    ETA: I didn't see the sad Darryl teaser! OHNO!
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    They showed a sad looking Darryl walking out of the hospital with a body wrapped in sheets. He was putting it on the fire. Carol followed soon after so we know it wasn't her. Better not be Beth!

    Thanks for the update. Wow! That gives me a lot more to think about. Perhaps it IS Carol behind him in the bushes after all? And he's just acting weird because he knows he needs to break the news to Maggie about Beth, if it was Beth's body?

    Argh, too many possibilities!! I need to just get it out of my mind and not think about it until 9pm on Sunday. ;-)
  • pdnaylor
    They showed a sad looking Darryl walking out of the hospital with a body wrapped in sheets. He was putting it on the fire. Carol followed soon after so we know it wasn't her. Better not be Beth!

    Usually with a death in the group, they tend to properly bury their colleagues. I understand that this might not be able to be done because of being in the city, but I don't think they would just burn it. I don't think it was Beth.
    Although my thought of Carol being a decoy to get inside looks to be true! :smiley:
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    For those wondering - YES they followed the comics as far as the Eugene Storyline.. so happy about that!
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    I'm sad that there's only 3 episodes left in this half of the season! IMDB shows Emily Kinney in every episode the rest of the season (parts 1 &2), so maybe it was Noah wrapped in the sheet, although I didn't see the teaser and we still don't know who Darryl told to 'come on out' when he went back to the church. I agree, last Sunday's episode wasn't captivating for me. Those characters just don't draw me in....
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    julebg79 wrote: »
    Yeah, glad the whole Eugene thing played out and that cat's outta the bag. Now they (both the show writers and the group) can focus on something else, hopefully. I agree, I don't love the eugene/abraham/rosita group, but I also think that's because they aren't as developed (yet?). They did a pretty decent job developing abraham last night, for example, and as a result, I'm a little more sympathetic to where he's coming from. I still wish he'd learn to use his inside voice, though!

    ETA: I didn't see the sad Darryl teaser! OHNO!

    I'm with you julebg79, I actually felt better about Abraham after that episode. To see him on the verge of taking his own life after the death of his family, we can better understand how Eugene was able to manipulate him. Abraham's life was without purpose in that moment, and Eugene seized on that. I am surprised that Eugene was revealed to be a fraud so quickly this season; I thought it would happen closer to/at DC.

    I actually thought the writers did a good job unspooling Eugene's thought processes in this episode. Guided by Tara, he came to the conclusion to be honest about his manipulations, and I don't think he had the capacity to arrive at that point without feeling supported/useful on his own. Did it backfire? Uh, hell yeah. But he also grew as a person (assuming he is still alive next week...)

    And I don't think that was Beth that Daryl was placing in the fire. Carol & Daryl would have been far more upset, plus the bundle seemed a little short. I do think that some terrible stuff is going to go down at the hospital and that C&D are cleaning it up, maybe so that the group can move to the hospital as a new base?
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    Darryl was in Boondock Saints?! How did I never notice that?!!!
  • KristyMayhem331
    KristyMayhem331 Posts: 189 Member
    julebg79 wrote: »
    Darryl was in Boondock Saints?! How did I never notice that?!!!

    I thought the same thing!! I love that movie, we actually have it, and I never put two and two together.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I still remember his small cameo in "Mimic" haha
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I'm inclined to think the body Darrell is carrying is probably Noah. The group does seem to let only a limited type of people in and Noah is more coward than group defender
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    What a great episode.
  • KristyMayhem331
    KristyMayhem331 Posts: 189 Member
    I agree. It was a great episode and finally we know who was with Daryl in the woods and why he looked so upset.
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    Best acting and best everything so far. Carol and Daryl (or rather, the actors that portray them) are so very talented. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen for a second. The writers are doing a great job with this hospital/Beth thing so far. Can't wait for next week to see what happens when the Rickettes all get there! (at least, I assume that's what's going to happen)
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    I think the Beth scenario will end up being a cliff hanger for February... :(
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Walking Dead producers need to do some physics lessons. The van on the bridge was facing the wrong direction. It was clearly stable and why did they stay so long in there and let the slow walkers catch up to them. That heavy engine would have either made them crash head first or flipped them over. Poor writing and revising. That is my complaint.

    My compliments are the dynamics of Carol and Daryl. They are clearly still learning about themselves and their rolls in this world. Hard to be a bad-*kitten* compassionate person. Carol is really hurt! I really hope they don't kill her off. It seemed to be leading to it with all the flash backs.
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    Walking Dead producers need to do some physics lessons. The van on the bridge was facing the wrong direction. It was clearly stable and why did they stay so long in there and let the slow walkers catch up to them. That heavy engine would have either made them crash head first or flipped them over. Poor writing and revising. That is my complaint.

    Totally agree with this. NO way that van would have landed on all fours! Very poor writing on their part!

    Still a great episode, although I'm getting tired of waiting for the Beth scenario to play out...impatient would be the more appropriate word, I'm impatient. Lol.

  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    edited November 2014
    MsTiffamee wrote: »
    Walking Dead producers need to do some physics lessons. The van on the bridge was facing the wrong direction. It was clearly stable and why did they stay so long in there and let the slow walkers catch up to them. That heavy engine would have either made them crash head first or flipped them over. Poor writing and revising. That is my complaint.

    Totally agree with this. NO way that van would have landed on all fours! Very poor writing on their part!

    Still a great episode, although I'm getting tired of waiting for the Beth scenario to play out...impatient would be the more appropriate word, I'm impatient. Lol.

    Yes, my former stunt man husband ripped this scene apart. Then to top it off, why the heck would Carol just run way out into the street when the guys were still in the building...c'mon writers....
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Or how they dropped their guard coming out of the chained doors to be apprehended by Noah??? Hello??? How long have they been fighting walkers? Look before you approach or you could be dead. I think it just insults our intelligence.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    This may sound weird, but I was actually happy to see a walker horde as an actual threat again. Since they left the prison it seems like the attitude has been "Ho hum, here's another member of the living dead revenant, let's casually stride up and stab it in the face." The walkers aren't as scary or threatening...and I guess that's probably how it would happen in real life if the zombie apocalypse ever came to pass, but it makes kinda boring TV.