Fat Fast---Frustrated



  • KaroshiQueen
    KaroshiQueen Posts: 213 Member
    I've had really good results with keto so far the last month so I can't complain - however I have noticed that my system is ultra-sensitive to any slips *at all*. I immediately start retaining water and one bad day can cost me 3 pounds on the scale the next. No thanks. I'm sedentary due to recovering from an illness, so with that variable, I keep my protein under 50/day so it doesn't convert to glucose. So far that has worked pretty well and I feel full nearly all the time. I always keep my net carbs under 20, and gross carbs under 40, but most days I try to keep my total carbs between 5-10% of total calories no matter what. When it was 15-20%, I was not getting consistent results.
  • @Deansdad-Sorry it's been a few days. I'll certainly share my results with everyone. My doctor will be the one doing the metabolic test among other ones I probably need.

    @Dan-I'm consuming 80% of my calories from fat. Other than the fast I haven't lost anything this week but it's not over.

    @Jani-I used to spin and weight lift but nothing changed (body fat%, inches, weight--nada) so I slowly scaled back to the point I'll walk a few days a week. That's when what little weighloss I've managed started happening.

    @Nill-I can completely relate--when the scale goes down, after waiting for so long, it feels like a serious accomplishment. I'm hypo as well but being treated. It's possible the treatment is off which is another reason to go get tested. It shouldn't be this hard for either of us. I know plenty of women who lose weight being hypo with the treatment.

    @Karoshi-Me slipping in and out of ketosis over the slightest mistakes could be the problem. One thing I need to be more mindful of is the macro portions I'm eating through out the day. Each meal should represent my fat macros (80%). I don't eat a ton protein either. It made me sick besides-I don't have an exuberent amount of muscle on me despite how strong I am.

  • shortnsassy1981
    shortnsassy1981 Posts: 154 Member
    I do Optimal Ketogenic Dieting but I workout hard and lift. I eat around 100 grams of protein a day, about 50-70 grams of fat and less than 20 grams net carbs. I have lost 14 lbs in 4 weeks, and I was already calorie counting with Paleo foods and carbs under 50 when I started. For me, letting a portion of my dietary fat come from my body and not my plate has helped my weight loss. Plus the protein helps me maintain my lean body mass. Different things work for different people. I will increase my fat when I hit maintenance.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    This is a thick thread to read. I just wanted to toss in my $0.02 - I did a fat fast to break a stall and after two weeks had no change at all.

    I ended up having to drop my BMR calories by 200 in MFP, I guess I'd just gotten too small and it was time to recalculate. Not a bad problem to have, overall, but not what I was hoping for ;)
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    ^^^ I just have to say, rprussell, your profile pic is awesome.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    I have pcos as well. For about three weeks I wasn't really losing any weight. I adjusted the amount of carbs I eat now to 10 or under for most days. Now I am losing 1-2 pounds per week. So at 20 net carbs I was losing super slowly and 10 total carbs I'm back on a good losing streak. Sometimes just tweaking some of the macros can make a difference.

    ^^ This is interesting to read, I perhaps may have had the same problem.
  • Mufflana
    Mufflana Posts: 18 Member
    Bansheecat......I was stuck for 6weeks despite appearing to be in ketosis. Checked out the egg fast and did 1 day....dropped 2lbs and so continued to eat loads more eggs but not exclusively. This has broken my stall and the 2lb loss stuck and more is following....now having at least one egg/fat day per week to keep it mixed up.
    How are you doing today?
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    I need some help understanding these fasts. My only experience with fasts is from a religious standpoint and those usually mean you aren't eating anything. So when you guys talk about fat fasts or egg fasts... do you mean that is all or the majority of what you eat? How does that work? I may need to add some of you as friends so I can see your food diaries. I'm still losing weight but I don't think a fast will hurt. I just want to see what happens if I do it I guess.

    I'm not doing so well today and I was kinda half into yesterday. I did really well last week but I just can't get it together this week. I do not want to eat. This is what happens to me all of the time. I'm tired of eating and chewing and food in general. Last night for dinner I had about 3 or 4 oz of leftover turkey and some water. Breaking the old habits is going to be extremely hard for me and I know this is what holds me back from success. I would rather not eat than eat. The crazy thing is that I KNOW I have to eat. I KNOW that the only way my body will burn all this fat is if I fuel it but there's something in me that would just rather not eat. It's exhausting on all levels from finding recipes to getting the ingredients, food prepping, and then eating what's been prepared. I hope I can get around this. I don't want to fail anymore.
  • RockLobster4
    RockLobster4 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm tired of eating and chewing and food in general. Last night for dinner I had about 3 or 4 oz of leftover turkey and some water. Breaking the old habits is going to be extremely hard for me and I know this is what holds me back from success. I would rather not eat than eat.

    Have you tried drinking your calories/food? You can make a super fatty milkshake using whipping cream instead of milk and protein powder (watch the carbs in the protein powder, and you can use a sugar substitute to sweeten it if you need to), and maybe that would be easier for you to down because there's no chewing involved.
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks, RockLobster4. This may sound silly but I never considered making my protein drink with heavy whipping cream. I add HWC to the almond and coconut milk.

    I think this is one of those habits I need to break. It is so easy for me to slip into not eating when I'm only drinking the protein shakes. I really couldn't care less about eating most days.

    I'm going to try this tonight. I really wanted a milkshake yesterday but I didn't get one because no one makes sugar free shakes. I think you also told me about the butter in coffee. Great suggestions. I'm going to add you as a friend if I haven't already.
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    I tried the milkshake. I can't believe I couldn't figure that one out myself. Fabulous! Thanks again!