Daily check in - NoVEmbeR give up!



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm nearing a week off and I think it'll do me some good. OHP 3 this morning


    EMOTMx8 assisted pull-ups 1-3 reps (so as little assistance as possible. But I started too low and burned myself out on the first 2 minutes...

    4 rounds of the double KB complex @25lbs
    - wide stance sumo deadlift x5
    - front squats x5
    - push press x5
    - thruster x5

    it was a lot harder than with the 20lbs next week, which would explain the

    - KB deadlift pop squat x3
    - hanging knee raises RAT = 65 total (1 less than last week. But I was more tired. So ah well...)

    I'm debating doing my 1RM testing next week WITH the 5/3/1 instead of on its own the week after. And basically taking 2 whole weeks off from heavy lifting (1 where I will go to the gym but just work on speed stuff, and 1 where I'll do only bodyweight stuff because I'll be on a trip to see my wife!). The numbers might not be *quite* as good... But I think it'll do me more good to get more rest. Aye?
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    Wasn't really feeling it yesterday, but I got to they gym anyway. I deloaded my squats a bit to work on form -- medial L knee has been bothering me a bit lately.

    Squats: 2x5 @bw, 2x5@45, 1x5@65, 1x5@75, 1x5@80, 1x5@85, 1x5@95
    Bench: 2x5@45, then 1x4@70, 1x5@70, 1x4@70, 1x3@70 (and the roll of shame, so I was done after 4 sets). These felt really hard.
    Row: 4x5@75

    3x12 bw hip thrusters
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited November 2014
    krokador wrote: »
    I'm nearing a week off and I think it'll do me some good.

    I'm debating doing my 1RM testing next week WITH the 5/3/1 instead of on its own the week after. And basically taking 2 whole weeks off from heavy lifting (1 where I will go to the gym but just work on speed stuff, and 1 where I'll do only bodyweight stuff because I'll be on a trip to see my wife!). The numbers might not be *quite* as good... But I think it'll do me more good to get more rest. Aye?

    Good Lord, Krok! REST!

  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hey everyone! I just ended up repeating the same weights as last week and no accessories. I came down with a sore throat/cold and my lifts weren't anything spectacular lol. I'm just glad I got them done.

    Have a great weekend! Keep on killing it B)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hey all!

    Saturday here so morning lifting for me! Not quite a fasted workout but tummy sure grumbled throughout it!

    Squat 5x5 @ 155lbs - only 10 ish pounds off my bodyweight!
    bench 5,5,3,4,5 @ 85lbs - these felt really heavy today, had to roll of shame one set, then stop after 4 reps for the next one
    Row 5x5@ 90lbs

    Hungry now. Contemplating taking next week off as I really haven't been feelin it lately, will get some rest tomorrow and see how I feel when Monday rolls around <3
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Back after a kind of inadvertent rest week, since Monday. I think it was kind of needed - was nice to hit the gym at lunch today.

    Squats - 5x5 @ 165 lbs (stayed here just because there aren't any nice 2.5's at my work), felt nice and easy, just one rep where my form failed because I was distracted
    OHP - 5x5 @ 75 - first attempt here after failing a few times at 80 then deloading. Felt pretty good actually (and I hate OHP)
    Deadlifts - 1x5 @ 135, 1x5 @ 165, 1x5 @ 195. I feel like the warmup at 165 really helped the "work" set. My 185 was a bit shaky last week so I was nervous about this attempt - but it went really well, my grip only started failing on the last rep.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Family gone and back to business. Day B done. It was a decent work out once I did my treadmill warmup, bit of try and some foam rolling. I tried doing the OHP in a different section but the 30 was too light and 40 occupied so ended up back by the squat section. Then I ended up waiting to do the deadlifts. Hope I can catch it unoccupied or with someone who takes less than 30 minutes as they were using it most of my squat and OHP sets. Still, I did the deadlift using a couple 45's on each side to get the bar up higher. My set took so much less time since I'm just starting out with the 1x5 and that's it. Guy afterward probably wondered why I wanted so long to take so little time on it but whatever.

    Workout B
    Squat - 75
    OHP - Bar, working on form. When I added weight my head tries to go back and get out of the way, lol.
    Deadlift - 95 (used 25's on the bar this time)

    Done and already looking forward to next time that I get to lift.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Saturday morning for me. Nothing extra special, nothing disastrous.

    Squats 5,6,5,6,5 @ 101lb
    OHP 5,4,5,5,5 @ 46lb. Again.
    DL 5 @ 134lb

    In other news, two of bulky big men who work out at similar times spoke to me. One complimented me on my squat form (but said I didn't need to go to parallel) and another said any time I needed spotting on the bench, just to give him a shout.

    I also went on the bench, and with an empty bar practised rescuing myself.
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    I am one week in now!

    Friday B:

    Squats: 5 x 5 @ 40 lbs
    OHP: 5 x 5 @ 35 lbs
    Deadlift: 5 x 5 @ 60 lbs

    Feeling good!
    I am going to add in flexibility/balance work now that I have made this part of my weekly routine.

    @krokador and psych101: Your DLs are amazing!!!!
    @krokador: Thanks for all of your helpful responses. They are really helping me!!
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    OHP: 2@55+2@50+1@45, 3@50+2@45, 2@50+3@45, 5@50
    DL: 5@95,115,135

    Hip thrusters: 3x12bw

    I'm deviating from the strict SL program at this point -- feeling a bit run down, but also kind of bored. I know my lifts just aren't that heavy in the grand scheme of things. Is boredom a reasonable excuse for moving to a different program, or should I stick with the slog that is 5 sets straight across? Btw, the OHP
    is so wonky today because SL had me increase to 55 lbs, but that 5 lb jump was clearly just too much. I'm hoping for a set of fractional plates for my birthday next week. And the squats were this way so I could work on form. It seems my left leg is a log weaker than the right.

    Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. Thanks all!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    we're at almost exactly the same point and weights. same thing, in a lot of ways.

    idk what the technical prescription would be, but my mindset is kind of like: hey, this is my body and i can do whatever i want to with it. so if i decide that 90lb squats is good enough for right now and i want to mess around with something else for a while, that's my business.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    OHP: 2@55+2@50+1@45, 3@50+2@45, 2@50+3@45, 5@50
    DL: 5@95,115,135

    Hip thrusters: 3x12bw

    I'm deviating from the strict SL program at this point -- feeling a bit run down, but also kind of bored. I know my lifts just aren't that heavy in the grand scheme of things. Is boredom a reasonable excuse for moving to a different program, or should I stick with the slog that is 5 sets straight across? Btw, the OHP
    is so wonky today because SL had me increase to 55 lbs, but that 5 lb jump was clearly just too much. I'm hoping for a set of fractional plates for my birthday next week. And the squats were this way so I could work on form. It seems my left leg is a log weaker than the right.

    Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. Thanks all!

    If you're bored with it, move on to something that you feel is more fun. Half the battle is doing something you enjoy, the other half is giving it your best effort. If you go in half-assed, you'll get only partial results. Also, not everyone has the same ceiling when it comes to a particular way of doing things. Switching it up might very well be what YOU need, regardless of what the "experts" or whatever say.

    I'm saying this with the assumption that you've at least done 8 weeks on that program, though. There's program hopping and changing program. But again, if you really don't enjoy it, might as well find something you will :)
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    @krok Thanks to the advice. I've been doing SL since July with 1 deload and now it's time for another, so I think I've given it a fair shot. I'm still struggling with form a lot of the time, so I'm definitely still a beginner and I don't want to go to a more advanced program until I'm ready. Anyway, motivation isn't too much of a problem for me, so I might stick with it until I get my form and imbalance issues under control. I don't really want to introduce new variables at this point.

    Wow. That was rambling. Thanks for listening!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Bench day!
    5 @ 59, 62.5, 75, 85, 100 (triple digits FINALLY), then 10 @ 75lbs

    More bench press! 15, 15, 20 @ 65lbs

    Resistance Band front & lateral raises 10, 15, 20

    Dumbbell single arm bent over rows 10, 12, 14 @ 30lbs

    Also did 15 frog kicks on the bench after my last set of presses and did 15 shrugs with the 30lb dumbbells after my rowd. Oh, and since my dog/stalker kept trying to get me to ditch my workout and walk him, I battled him in between bench press sets with the nail clippers. Trimming a 75lb dog's nails will make you sweaty! lol I walked him after the lifting so he's happy now. rgajpushl0el.jpg
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    The OHP seems a bit of a nuisance for many, from what I've seen in the different forums. I don't know why but I'm okay with the bar form wise but add 5 measly lbs and my head goes "nope, I'm staying out of the way". When I was working with the trainer it kept going back when I lifted the weight up instead of forward. I did okay on my own when I did the 30 lbs, which was too light, and then just the regular bar though it was a slight struggle on the last couple. I'm going to do the bar one more time, I think, then maybe try adding a little weight and really try and keep my form in place. *grumbles* I'm just going to be starting week 3, so long ways to go.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    End of the stretch! Squats 5/3/1 1RM day went as follow:


    I reckon I probably could've gone for 195 and even possibly 200 if I hadn't been following the 5/3/1 scheme to the letter, but eh, this is pretty good and still a PR :)

    I have videos of 180, 187.5 and I tried to take one of 192.5 (where I yelled like a crazy person to not get stuck in the hole, lol) but my phone crashed - made me pretty upset :( I also have one of the set of 6 at the end. I will have to work on keeping my bar path straight and staying upright, methinks

    Then did 3 rounds of 40/20s with 2 20lbs KB
    - Push-ups
    - single leg RDL one side at a time
    - alternating bent over rows

    and then 4 rounds of 2 min AMRAPs of
    - burpee broad jump x2
    - KB thrusters x3
    - russian outside the hips KB swings (really weird move, btw) x4

    managed 3 rounds per round (erf... you get it, right?) and an extra 2 burpees on the last set.

  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    edited November 2014
    So I did a body weight workout Friday since I didn't have access to weights. Got some good increases today.

    Workout A (Sun)

    Dumbbell Side Bends - 5 x 10 - 40

    Overhead Press, Barbell - 5 x 5 - 70

    Barbell Row, Bent Over - 5 x 5 - 105

    squats 5 X 1 - 200

    squats 5 X 5 - 205

    Flat dumbbell flys - 5 x 10 - 40

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 135

    Reverse curls 5 x 5 - 110

    Incline obliques - 1 x 100 (each side, 200 total)
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Damn, you peeps are STRONG! Awesome job!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Go perseverence on those 205lb squats!!

    Today was squat day and it was fantastic. I repeated the same weights from last week, but this week I had knee wraps which were AMAZING. My right knee has been making this crunchy sound for the past few months when I do any kind of bending (walking, going up stairs, squats, deadlifts, everything...) so I decided to finally invest in some knee wraps. My jumper's knee brace was helping, but not quite cutting it. These wraps are just wonderful.

    5 @ 87.5, 110, 132.5, 152.5, 2x5 @ 180, 10 @ 135
    10, 12, 15 @ 120

    3x10 @ 60
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    slept most of yesterday, when i wasn't rolling my shoulders and upper back against the wall with a small rubber ball for the kinks. then i woke up long enough to eat, take a hot bath and a muscle relaxant, and sleep some more. i also retro-checked what my november goals had been since this is my last day for ticking those off.

    seems like it paid off. workout b:

    squats: 1x5x45, 2x5x65, 5x5x95. NINETY FIVE. these were hard work, but only the very last rep of the very last set was close to what you'd call bad form. i'm claiming it anyway. spending warmup time just hanging out down in the hole and activating those bounce muscles with body weight before i dive in really seems like a keeper as far as routines go, to me.

    ohp: 1x5x30, 2x5x45, 5x5x50. these weren't very graceful, but i realised i've been hanging back on ohp and not even trying to push thing for quite some time. and i started the month at 50lb, so i kind of did want to finish it there instead of going backwards.

    deadlifts: 1x5x80, 5x5x100. i'm deviating from instructions with deadlifts, and mehdi can bite me. november goal was to work on form at whatever deload would let me do that without hurting myself. 100 pounds seems to be it, and the 5x5 format is so i can get locked on the form. even so . . . stringing 5 deadlift reps into a set isn't too easy by the time the 5th rep comes round.