Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • Hey nerds, I'm Amanda!

    I'm 26 (but I'm told I look like I'm 18 ... trying to take it as a compliment).

    Female PC gamer. League of Legends is my jam ... I main Katarina, Quinn, and Tristana, but I also play a mean Teemo. Love me some Sam & Max and Minecraft, too.

    I started doing crossfit 3 years ago. I was 150 pounds when I started, dropped 30 pounds of fat, and have been building muscle since then. Right now I'm at 136 pounds and have a 23 BMI. My goals are to continue to build muscle, increase my weight PRs, and eat clean.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Wow, somebody bumped this dead thread. Right on. It's cool to see this stuff on here; makes it a lot more fun.

    Who are you!
    Feisty Bucket!! 44! Male!

    I used to play D&D and other TSR games (Gamma World, Star Frontiers, Top Secret) back in the '80s but stick to computer stuff these days. I do like to read the player's guides for any game though.


    What are your weightloss goals?!
    Cut from 14-17% down to the "athletic" range of 10-13% and stay there forever, while getting stronger. I've been lifting 2-3x a week since I was a teenager, but my nutrition skillz haven't been very strong. Been eating primal-style for the past, I dunno, 3-4-5 years?

    Walk on the Beach?
    Yeah! Rockaway Beach. Rock rock, Rockaway Beach.

    Howdy. I live in NYC, but mostly grew up in Texas. I like doing outside stuff but play a lot of games at night, as I'm a trader and have to stay up working through the night.
    I like a lot of the usual geeky stuff: comix, sci-fi, fantasy, movies, good TV.

    PC is my main platform. I've been loving games since the Apple II and golden age of the arcade. Currently, my favorite games are PlanetSide 2 and Guild Wars 2.
    Also love RTS games (Rise of Nations, C&C, Age of Empires II), arcadey racing, FPS, strategy, sims, etc. but I'll dabble in anything. Play a little League of Legends too.

    Anyways, hope to participate in the chatter here!
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    edited November 2014
    Guess I'll introduce myself. I'm not good with introductions or small talk, so I'll keep it short and sweet.

    My name is Seth. My basic info is free to view in my profile. I really don't have much weight to lose, but I want to cut off a few lbs and what fat is on me until I have the same body I had when I had first joined the Marine Corps at 19. Did 8 years in the marines as a network engineer. Currently out and a fulltime student studying information assurance / cyber security; which gives me lots of free time for video games and working out.

    I'm not much of a "geek" as one would say, but I don't really fit in with the preppy crowd either. I'm that guy that just kind of "on his own program." I don't like RPGs or games that require me put in hours upon hours of game play until my life is wasted (although I do like the concept). I do like quick paced first person shooters, horror/suspense games such as Metro or Dead Space, and motorsports games such as Forza.

    I currently play on 360, but getting an XboxOne for Black Friday since Walmart is giving them away for basically $300. I do plan on getting a PS4 also, but not until the Oculus Rift comes out and they have a price dropped bundle package for the console. I don't have a computer for gaming ( yea yea, don't care).

    Xbox Gamertag: Mah BALLFR0 (zero at the end)

    edit: hobbies listed in profile
  • DevilsNegu
    DevilsNegu Posts: 60 Member
    I'm Whitney. 24 years old. 100% female.

    Back in the old days I RP'd on a message board type board thingger. It was an addiction that was only squelched when my home board shut down. Now I play RPG games on the computer and PS3. I enjoy the Dragon Age games, Final Fantasy, Persona, The Witcher, etc. I'm getting into the Heroes of Might and Magic games and I play LORTO, my first MMORPG! I love little big planet as well... who doesn't?!

    I hope to lose 45 lbs (before re-evaluating) and I have lost almost 26 now (the official week's weigh in is tomorrow and so the ticker updates then!).

    Walks on the beach are pretty awesome. Can't deny that.

    IS there anything hotter then Geeky girls........When did girls start playing RPG's and what Damn I am behind the times
    Lol u have totally missed out because there are lots of us nerdy girls
  • KayDeeCat
    KayDeeCat Posts: 17 Member
    • I'm Cat
    • Female~
    • I do roleplay but not very often; mostly just the forum based story style stuff.
    • Never did LARP before.
    • I'm trying to drop about 50ish pounds.
    • Haven't lost any weight yet but I hope to eventually.
    • I'm a teacher during the day and by night/weekends I become a little cave hermit and stay inside to play games. Mostly WoW but some Diablo III, Torchlight II, Depth, and other such games are mixed in as well. I am part of a gaming community and we have a web show every Sunday that I also participate in.
    Any gamers here also use a fitbit? I could use some friends on here and on there~
  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    I'm Kris aka Roughgalaxy
    I don't larp but I cast on Twitch
    My goal is to maintain between 180 and 200 pounds
    My total weight loss is 64 pounds. (240 down to 176)
    I enjoy all kinds of games, from old school jrpgs, to rhythm games. I play most games with the Mrs when my new born lets us have a couple hours. :)
  • TeyaSweet
    TeyaSweet Posts: 18 Member
    Hey I'm Teya
    Table top and live action role play with friends, as well as rpg's and mmorpg's. Currently happily lost in the world of FFXIV (Siren server) with brief stints into Destiny and Pokemon. Mass Effect is probably my favorite series maybe? How can you even pick?
    I'm also in university to be a videogame designer. We'll see how that plays out.
    PSN: PiggySweet
    My xbox no longer exists or I'd share that too.
    Trying to lose 50 pounds so I can get back into cosplaying, LARPing, and maybe even DDR. I dunno, dream big.
    I had lost a bunch of weight in the past and was rockin' my goal weight, but then a new medication and stress from university has me back up 50 pounds.

    So add me if you wanna shoot up aliens or whatever. OR if you play FFXIV. I just bought a house for my FC so like, yea.
  • Nickuki
    Nickuki Posts: 15 Member
    Hello I'm Nicki!
    A short (5'2), 28 year old, geeky, mama of 1 from the UK.

    I used to be into all things anime, manga, video game, board game, card game, sci fi or Zombie related. Then I had a baby and free time became a thing of the past!

    These days I'm lucky to get a spare minute on the ps4, play the odd board game or a random game of hearthstone. The one hobby I have managed to cling to is my love of sci fi! Which roughly translates to I watch too much TV.

    Feel free to add me :3
  • bariachic
    bariachic Posts: 76 Member
    Hey everyone! I've really enjoyed reading many of your intros, so it's time to do my own or else I'm just a creeper!

    Who are you! Teresa
    Age? 24
    Female or male? female
    RP? Oh man, yah, in SL of all places, for like 3 years. Now I write solo, which is really fun.
    LARP? Nope, just not my thing, but think it's cool!
    What are your weightloss goals?! I would like to lose 15-30 more pounds, but my biggest goal is to tone up and actually have the energy of a normal 24 year old!
    How many pounds have you lost? I have lost over 120 pounds, then I maintained for 6 months, now I'm trying to lose again.

    My gamertag isn't really sfw... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but I'd be happy to share it with anyone who's interested. I play so many different games, on xb1, pc, and 3DS. I have found that all-out game binges are harder now that I'm trying to be more active, but when they happen, they are glorious! And I don't beat myself up about it. I have used gaming several times to curb food cravings... I'm all for it.

    Please send me a friend request ect if you'd like! I'm super friendly, and after coming back to MFP after a few years, many of my old friends have gone :(
  • Hey, I'm Bri. I'm 24 and female. My goal is to lose 80 pounds. I also would like to build more muscle and tone. I prefer xbox. I like to play shooter, MMO, RPG, and horror survival games. Some of my fave games are dead space, gears of War, Resident evil, Saints row, tekken, Borderlands, skyrim, etc.
  • Hello everyone names Braxton I'm 31 never got the chance to larp but in secret have attended a couple of RenFairs. I am a recent PC convert once I got the red ring of death three times in a row. Right now I'm mostly forging and breaking into stuff on Skyrim and crafting an absurd number of unique weapons/ammo in Fall Out New Vegas. Right now my current distractions are Chivalry Medieval Warfare, Insurgency, Outlast, and Banished. Look me up on steam I go by Mr.Tibbs and feel free to add me on MFP
  • Oh Also Dark Souls for speed runs and Dark Souls 2
  • E_Goldfish
    E_Goldfish Posts: 21 Member
    Hello folks, Goldfish here. I'm 37, newlywed, and of the female variety.

    I live in Tampa Bay and I've been a gamer pretty much all of my life. Gaming of all types, really - console, ccg, lcg, pc and most recently board games. I follow fighting games like other people follow sports. Also like other forms of geekery - comic books (I'm a Marvel girl), manga, anime, kung-fu movies, etc. Have a lvl 80 Sylvari Ranger in GW2, but I've been away since November.

    My weight loss goal is about 50 lbs. I'd be happy at 150, although I was at 135 most of my life. I'd also like to get my stamina and leg strength back. When I was working retail, I could walk endlessly. (or at least it felt like it) I've only lost 5 lb so far, but I'm new to MFP - I just started my journey, ya know?

    Feel free to send me a friend request if you want to. I'm also on Steam but rarely play multiplayer games. (although I do have some)
  • Hi! I'm turning 25 later this week, female, and married to a fellow gamer. I just finished my master's in chemistry and I'm working a desk job for now and starting a PhD program in science education in the fall. I gained about 45 lbs in grad school and that's what I want to lose.

    I grew up with Nintendo consoles and my earliest gaming memories are playing Donkey Kong Country co-op with my dad and Mario games on the Game Boy Pocket as a 6 year old, then later Pokemon as an 8 year old. Later on when I was able to play on PC, I got really into KOTOR as well as simulation games of various kinds (SimEarth, SimCity, Roller Coaster Tycoon, The Sims) and strategy games (the Civilization series). Lately my most commonly played games are Sims 3, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, and Crusader Kings 2 (I like Beyond Earth but haven't gotten into it too much yet). I play games like Super Mario 3D world in co-op with my husband. Sometimes I just like to watch him play the kind of games I'm not really good at (too slow reflexes for things that need a fast response). We usually watch game grumps, stuff on twitch, etc. during dinner.

    Feel free to send a friend request. :)
  • caddir
    caddir Posts: 150 Member
    Hi all, I'm Caddi, I'm in my fifties and have been gaming since I first got my 386dx. I started with Tetris, Brix and Transport Tycoon. My favorite MMORPG atm is LOTRO but in have far too many games on my steam account. Currently playing Civilisation and Solar, Plus7words on my mobile. I spend too much time gaming, really.
    Oh, if you are in Lotro I'm on Laurelin as Allegretta.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Wow, so glad there is a group for gamers! Started this love affaire in the early 90's when my dad got me a Sega Genesis and I haven't stopped since.

    I'm 30, female and for the past 2 months I've put down the controller... mostly ;)

    I'm strangely inspired by my SoulCalibur V creation, and find myself getting hungry when I play Skyrim (something about collecting those ingredients to make foods). Twisted Metal is another culprit that keeps me sitting on my bum until my eyes bleed. I used to play Mario Kart while walking on the treadmill, but I almost had a few real life wipe-outs, so I stopped doing that.

    For the past month I set a goal that the ps3 (or wii) doesn't turn on until after my workout. So far that's been working.

    My fitness goals are to tone up and get muscle definition, so feel free to add me!
  • abrazil65
    abrazil65 Posts: 21
    edited February 2015
    What's up y'all! Got addicted to Playstation at the vulnerable age of 5 B)

    Im 23 and i reside in Texas, male and love playing rpg genre more than any other! Im currently playing dragon age inquisition and re-playing FFX for ps3.

    I was invited to MFP by a friend earlier this year and loved it! Im usually gym active at least 4 days a week but i haven't really buckled down(love me sum meat & bread) when it comes to calorie intake so this app is perfect for keeping me in check with portion control. My main expertise is strength training and overall goal is to lose 20lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • kiragami
    kiragami Posts: 73 Member
    Hi folks, my name's Adria aka Kiragami, I'm 33, female and love my video games. :)
    I started out with Sega and Nintendo but didn't become a video game junky until I got my first Playstation.^^
    Right now I primarily console game (PS3, PS4, 360, etc.) I just finished D.m.c and Catherine. I am on Assassin's Creed Unity and Final Fantasy XIII. I love Gears of War and Left for Dead, although FPS are not my first pick, I generally like RPG's. My ultimate favorite is Resident Evil (everything lol).
    I don't always have a lot of time because I am currently in school trying to nab a degree and of course trying to lose weight as well. I would like to lose 80lbs but would be happy to lose 60! I am on my way and have lost 7lbs already. :)
    Any way I need to stay motivated so feel free to add me!! :blush:
  • BadgerFaced
    BadgerFaced Posts: 66 Member
    Hey! I'm Simon, Male (Trans), 23, Canadian.
    I am aiming to lose over 150lbs and so far (since I don't weight myself often) I've lost 1lb. I've had a fantastic streak of nearly 120days though so I know I've lost more than that since then. I've always been obese, and at 180lbs I'd still be overweight but right now, that's the big goal and my doctors approve.
    Nerdy/Geeky things I love? Anime, video games, books, history, furry.
    Games I've been playing lately? Verdun, Starbound, and Dino D-Day. I'm excited for the new killing floor and have a few other games on my steam that really need more love from me.
  • I'm Dave. I'm a 56 year old male. I play mostly pc platform but I have a Wii. I started gaming in the 70s with Pong. I took some time off to get married and raise a family. I got back into it when my daughter bought Sims for me one Christmas and my son got Total War Rome for me. I am playing Inquisition right now. I have lost 6 pounds since Jan 1st. I am trying to lose 50 in all. I live close to the beach but prefer hiking in the mountains or riding my bike.