Getting back on the Primal/Paleo horse



  • treatgirl
    treatgirl Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I am starting over as well. I lost a lot of weight in 2012 eating 80/20, but need a re-set, as about half has gone back on. In fact I started a Whole 30 yesterday. I do log, just because it helps keep me mindful about what I'm eating. So feel free to 'friend me'.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I too am jumping back on the paleo wagon. Day 7 whole 30. I have a lot of health problems and I am finally ready to commit to this lifestyle. I will be starting at bread explaining where I am at.
  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    Ugh, Thanksgiving! I hadn't even begun to think of the food aspect yet. The biggest temptation I know will be my Nana's nut-bread. It only comes out at holidays so it is a real treat. I will have to see where I am mentally and physically when the time comes.

    Welcome all you Whole30ers. I did one myself back in March and LOVED it. There were two things I wish I had done differently. First I felt so good at the end but I still felt like I would feel even better if I went a bit longer. I was doing it with another person though and she wanted to get through reintroductions by a certain date and so I didn't go longer but I wish I had. Listen to your body, if at the end of the 30 days you want to go longer than do it. Second, please do the reintroductions, that is where I really learned the most and some of it really surprised me. I do recommend you give yourself longer between food groups though. Especially if you do react badly to something. I had a BAD reaction to gluten and the two days of clean eating before the next reintroduction was not enough to fully recover. Even some of my milder reactions could have benefitted from more time between food groups. If I was doing it again I would probably go a full week between reintroductions. I think they set it at the shortest possible time frame so people wouldn't freak out and not even try.

    So, my face broke out terrible yesterday. Could it be the sugar detox? Also I woke up with another raging headache this morning and I have an itchy rash on my leg. I am eating pretty clean. I did start logging again a few days ago to track my carbs and sugar and I worry that I am not eating enough. Hopefully this is just my body punishing me for denying it sugar and things will calm down in a few days.
  • sarabeth624
    sarabeth624 Posts: 33 Member
    Luckily my mamma is primal too. Unluckily, she's already lost everything she wants to lose and has maintained for about 10 years. So Thanksgiving will be fully primal/paleo. Paleo maple syrup, local honey, figs, plantains, dates, sweet potato... you can wake me back up in time for Christmas!
  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    Congrats to your mom for maintaining for 10 years. That is my dream. It would be lovely if Thanksgiving was primal for me but we have a large family and always do it up potluck style. Most people bring the same thing year after year but there will be lots of healthy choices. We always have a big salad as my whole family loves salad. Last year I roasted some vegetables and I will probably do that again. My biggest problem will be dessert. There will be lots of pies, candies, cakes, etc. I think I will forgo having any wine that day. One I would rather eat my calories and two I won't have to worry about having one glass too many that ends with me face down in a pecan pie.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    edited November 2014
    "One I would rather eat my calories and two I won't have to worry about having one glass too many that ends with me face down in a pecan pie."

    That is hilarious, I hope this hasn't been your habit in the past. Go on have a couple, would certainly be some funny, family embarrassing photos at the very least. :D

  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    It may have happened once or twice. LOL
    Whoever is left at the end of the day will usually end up around the table with wine or coffee and pick off the remaining desserts. It is the prize for staying long enough for clean up.

    I did not sleep well last night. I am a bit worried I am not eating enough. My appetite is so reduced I could probably skip lunch entirely some days. Of course that would probably lead to bad choices later in the day so I don't. I have been logging but I mostly eyeball my portions so I'm not sure how accurate it is.

    Last night I made a stir fry and I did add a bit of honey to it. My carbs might be a little too low for me. Usually by now I would be feeling super energized but I'm just not feeling it.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Are you taking any supplements? I take Omega oils, vit. D3 and a high dose of B12 in which I disolve under my tongue (which really helps for energy). I am with ya on the low appetite. I sorta feel like I am force feeding which makes me feel nauseous afterwards. I do NOT enter my foods most days because I hate hassle! I am trying to relieve stress & that to many is just another thing I have GOT to do each day. I am usually under cals most days but it is what it is. I started eating this way to quit eating soooo much sugar & I have done awesome. I rarely eat wheat nor dairy so this is becoming a way of life for me & even if the scale has only shown a 3 pound loss (in 12 days) & feel like I have dropped 20! The bloat is gone & the brain fog is gone! I LOVE how I am feeling!
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    yes, I take vitamins - and they're so NOT primal. I hate swallowing pills so I do the chewables. I take a womans multi in the afternoon (weekdays only because I leave the bottle at work), and D3 and Calcium at night (when I remember)...
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited November 2014
    lujo321 wrote: »
    What are everyone's thoughts on food logging? I have decided to baby-step my way back in and I have cut out all gluten grains since Monday. The only non-gluten grain I have had is some corn yesterday so I have been mostly grain free. I have been eating if I was hungry though to avoid caving in on grains I allowed myself to eat as much as I want otherwise. So far when logging my calories are way high and that seems to mess with my head. When I did a whole 30 last March I stopped logging because they don't want you counting calories. I know I am eating too many nuts and definitely need to figure out a better snack. I tried putting together my own little primal packs with jerky, nuts and dried fruit but they just seem to make me hungrier. Probably all the sugar from the dried fruit. Anyway that got off track. My question is really about logging. Does it help or hurt?
    Coming late to the discussion. I find food logging to be very helpful as when I am concentrating on eating for health, I am never hungry. If I went by my body's hunger signals, I would be content with less than 800 daily calories, not good for the metabolism. Logging shows me what I need to make my "minimums" for the day.

    Busyness (mainly related to moving house) has thrown me off track, though I worked hard to keep an 80/20 primal approach, even when we were relying heavily on fast food for the week we actually packed everything up and moved it.I was close enough, even with fast food, that when I REALLY went off recently (free samples at Costco and Whole Foods were the trigger, because of shopping when hungry, having missed breakfast and lunch due to too tight a schedule, and not having an emergency snack with me), I noticed the difference in how I felt (pain and stiffness, insomnia, headaches, low energy). I'm motivated to be back "on" and stay on, even through the holidays.
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    I'm starting over again, too. This has been a stressful year for me, and I turned to food for comfort. And I started a new medication, which helped me to gain 15 pounds in the last 5 weeks. :-o So, I am going to work on reducing the bad foods in my house this week and plan and prepare for good food shopping this weekend so I can get back to meal planning. I would love to have more friends who are supportive. It's pretty hard to find support in "real life" because people think it's a fad diet or a bunch of baloney.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    ahjenny wrote: »
    I'm starting over again, too. This has been a stressful year for me, and I turned to food for comfort. And I started a new medication, which helped me to gain 15 pounds in the last 5 weeks. :-o So, I am going to work on reducing the bad foods in my house this week and plan and prepare for good food shopping this weekend so I can get back to meal planning. I would love to have more friends who are supportive. It's pretty hard to find support in "real life" because people think it's a fad diet or a bunch of baloney.

    Several people have mentioned how helpful planning and preparation can be. I agree! For the newbies here, a resource: I found the planning and prep advice in Well Fed and Well Fed 2 to be invaluable. I think the author has a lot of that info freely available on her website as well, but as I'm on my phone it's too hard to cut and paste the website address. I think her website is "The Clothes Make The Girl" but I could be wrong.
  • jmhunter82
    jmhunter82 Posts: 23 Member
    rae_32 wrote: »
    I am also getting back on the primal wagon... I just love how un-bloated and awesome I feel after only a couple days... I'm primal thought because I just can't give up my coffee cream and cheese lol... please feel free to add me :)

    I never realized how bloated and inflamed I really was!!!!!!!! Until now that I'm not!
  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    I take a daily multi-vitamin and a weekly vitamin D. I was having a problem with leg cramps a few weeks back and started taking my multi-vitamin twice a day and haven't had any full blown cramps since. I suspected I was missing something somewhere but wasn't sure if it was magnesium or potassium or something else entirely so I just upped my multi-vitamin dosage and it worked. The other day I had a brief sensation like a cramp was coming on but it never did so I guess it's working.

    I started logging again once I fully gave up sugar and it does help me make sure I am getting enough food vs. before I was using it to make sure I didn't get too much food. The psychological difference between those two approaches is vast. When I was "dieting" it made me crazy. Now if my calories or fat is low I'll grab a piece of cheese instead of a piece of fruit at the end of the day. Yes I eat cheese. Not everyone does and I don't eat it all the time just sometimes.

    In September my doctors were giving me massive amounts of steroids to treat both a back injury and an ulcerative colitis flare up. Needless to say I gained 20 pounds. 20 POUNDS! I'm still trying to get over the fact that even when I have a loss I am still 15 pounds higher than my start weight. I was so glad to get off those steroids. They also made me cry all the time as I was super emotional.

    I love Well Fed and Well Fed 2 is on my wish list. The website is and it is awesome. Homesweet is right about how important planning is but I must confess I am terrible at it. Especially if I get particularly busy or if I am hurt and/or sick like I have been these last few weeks/months.
  • I am also getting back on track with Paleo - starting the 21 Day Sugar Detox on Dec 1st for a kickstart. This week is getting ready (shopping, getting my head in the right spot) and Thanksgiving with family (my husband and I are flying to NC to have dinner with family and they are cooking so will do the best I can). Ready to start feeling AMAZING again - know the first 2 weeks are the hardest and then it gets easier.
  • scvb13
    scvb13 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a newbie to the group and am starting to eat Paleo/Primal (I'm more in line with Primal as I'd like to enjoy some Greek yogurt or Kefir now and then). I just started Thursday and I'd say I've been following it about 80% thus far. Doing pretty well AND feeling better except I got HANGRY yesterday around lunch as we went too long without eating. Amazingly, my GI system already feels WAY better (I don't have a gallbladder) off the milk and wheat. I'm not stressing about Thanksgiving, my mom always cooks the same every year so I'll have a bit of stuffing but we are skipping rolls this year and will have green beans, sweet potatoes, turkey, scratch made gravy, and pumpkin pie (my husband makes it). Overall not horrible and I'll get the dog out for a walk to offset some of it!
  • wittybelle
    wittybelle Posts: 19 Member
    wow. You guys have gotten busy lately. I am still inching my way back to paleo life. I loved how I felt on paleo and loved that I was cooking my own foods too. I wish I could say goodbye to rice and bread this time as easy as I did the first time. I think this group will be a lot of help. I am planning on making paleo pancakes for Thanksgiving breakfast and paleo cookies for dessert.
  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    Midnight raid on fridge last night and paying for it today. I don't know why I did it but I sure regret it now.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    lujo321 wrote: »
    Midnight raid on fridge last night and paying for it today. I don't know why I did it but I sure regret it now.

    Been there, done that. I did it last week, as a matter of fact, but I think it was due to stress and crazy hours.

  • slimjaques
    slimjaques Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all - getting back on paleo myself. Did 30 days early this year and felt AMAZING and lost weight that I had trouble losing any other way. Then... Well, I'm back! I struggle most with the evening hours. Seem to want to snack even if not hungry. Stocked up on great foods at home, have mostly cleared out the pantry - but will still be challenged with the wine and beer around over the holidays. I'm also doing the "Ultimate Female Training Guide" on Heavier weights than I have been doing - but think it will work. I LOVE the idea and practice of no processed food. And everyone here is right - the planning is so important, isn't it? Best wishes to you lujo321 - you can do it!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    The planning is super important!

    Today was my regular shopping day and I sort of shopped on automatic, buying the kinds of things we usually get. I have no motivation to cook or even eat (at least healthy food). I think if news of fresh baked brownies hadn't greeted me on my coming home today, I probably wouldn't eat at all, just sleep.

    I really need to plan healthy meals but I'm fooded out from the holiday and leftovers.
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 191 Member
    Hey all! I'm getting back onto the primal band wagon too. I'm focusing most of my energy right now on avoiding gluten and not worrying about dairy, potatoes, and rice. IT'S GOING TO WORK THIS TIME. I FEEL IT. :smiley:

    Would love some cheerleaders on my team and would love to support others too!

  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Way to go, munzinni. Listen to your body. Eat what helps you feel good. I ended up eliminating rice and potatoes because I didn't feel well after eating them. I can do sweet potatoes, though, if I feel the need for something starchy. I also do full fat dairy (butter, sour cream, full cream - but read the label as many companies, even organic (!) add carageenan to whipping cream nowadays) and some occasional cheese, as long as it's not part skim.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    munzinni wrote: »
    Hey all! I'm getting back onto the primal band wagon too. I'm focusing most of my energy right now on avoiding gluten and not worrying about dairy, potatoes, and rice. IT'S GOING TO WORK THIS TIME. I FEEL IT. :smiley:

    Would love some cheerleaders on my team and would love to support others too!

    Do you mean you are including dairy potatoes and rice? Because I need to give those up! LOL I have been gluten free a long time and am finding the starches don't serve me well either. But if you are just starting out it can be wise to wean off things if you need to. I guess I did that as I refined, although I also have done the cold turkey type thing with Atkins. I guess both have merits and I am probably going way too far here! :wink:

  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I am going to do a Whole30 starting in January. Only planned cheat will be my birthday! I will have some wine that day!
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 191 Member
    cindytw wrote: »
    munzinni wrote: »
    Hey all! I'm getting back onto the primal band wagon too. I'm focusing most of my energy right now on avoiding gluten and not worrying about dairy, potatoes, and rice. IT'S GOING TO WORK THIS TIME. I FEEL IT. :smiley:

    Would love some cheerleaders on my team and would love to support others too!

    Do you mean you are including dairy potatoes and rice? Because I need to give those up! LOL I have been gluten free a long time and am finding the starches don't serve me well either. But if you are just starting out it can be wise to wean off things if you need to. I guess I did that as I refined, although I also have done the cold turkey type thing with Atkins. I guess both have merits and I am probably going way too far here! :wink:
    Yes, I'm including them in for now, since apparently I'm a gluten fiend and that's where my focus needs to be right now. But if you need to give them up, I'm rooting for you! You can do it!!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    munzinni wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    munzinni wrote: »
    Hey all! I'm getting back onto the primal band wagon too. I'm focusing most of my energy right now on avoiding gluten and not worrying about dairy, potatoes, and rice. IT'S GOING TO WORK THIS TIME. I FEEL IT. :smiley:

    Would love some cheerleaders on my team and would love to support others too!

    Do you mean you are including dairy potatoes and rice? Because I need to give those up! LOL I have been gluten free a long time and am finding the starches don't serve me well either. But if you are just starting out it can be wise to wean off things if you need to. I guess I did that as I refined, although I also have done the cold turkey type thing with Atkins. I guess both have merits and I am probably going way too far here! :wink:
    Yes, I'm including them in for now, since apparently I'm a gluten fiend and that's where my focus needs to be right now. But if you need to give them up, I'm rooting for you! You can do it!!

    If you are not cutting out dairy, you might consider limiting your dairy to fat -- butter, sour cream (the natural kind, like Daisy brand, with no thickeners or additives), full cream (again, check the label for thickeners) and *maybe* full fat cheese (like Brie). Dairy protein (casein) has a similar effect on the body to gluten. I found out that my dairy intolerance was not a problem with lactose, but with casein! (Amazing how many "non-dairy" non-foods have casein added to them...)

  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    munzinni wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    munzinni wrote: »
    Hey all! I'm getting back onto the primal band wagon too. I'm focusing most of my energy right now on avoiding gluten and not worrying about dairy, potatoes, and rice. IT'S GOING TO WORK THIS TIME. I FEEL IT. :smiley:

    Would love some cheerleaders on my team and would love to support others too!

    Do you mean you are including dairy potatoes and rice? Because I need to give those up! LOL I have been gluten free a long time and am finding the starches don't serve me well either. But if you are just starting out it can be wise to wean off things if you need to. I guess I did that as I refined, although I also have done the cold turkey type thing with Atkins. I guess both have merits and I am probably going way too far here! :wink:
    Yes, I'm including them in for now, since apparently I'm a gluten fiend and that's where my focus needs to be right now. But if you need to give them up, I'm rooting for you! You can do it!!

    If you are not cutting out dairy, you might consider limiting your dairy to fat -- butter, sour cream (the natural kind, like Daisy brand, with no thickeners or additives), full cream (again, check the label for thickeners) and *maybe* full fat cheese (like Brie). Dairy protein (casein) has a similar effect on the body to gluten. I found out that my dairy intolerance was not a problem with lactose, but with casein! (Amazing how many "non-dairy" non-foods have casein added to them...)

    OMG YES!! I do need to give up dairy again too, and was looking at alternatives. 90% have CASEIN!!! REALLY??!! Because casein and whey are more issues for me than lactose. I am addicted to cheese though, so its rough. I have done it...but went back!