07/12/14 - 13/12/14 Weekly Post



  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    snaps and carbs - I think, that happens to most of us. It is a long battle and worth the energy we are putting in!

    That said...after a late night and wine, I woke up tired, hungry and with a headache. I tried to fast, but broke it off in the afternoon. I felt better after eating something and the headache went away, but I fell into the Christmas cookies too... Definitely not a fast, a day lower than TDEE, but that is all I can claim.

    Yes, Carb, still working on 16:8, though with the night out yesterday and today's failed fast, my eating window was more like 10 hours. Will try again tomorrow and see if I continue the eating window over the weekend or not. Will definitely give it another go next week, as it does help me keep within my cals even with the homemade christmas cookies in the basement, that are calling my name....
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Wow, what a post to wake up to! Bees and snakes! I live in Australia so 87 snakes would most likely be of the deadly kind. Unimaginable! There is something cool about bees though, and we need more bees, just not in the chimney! My bugbear at the moment is storms, so much damage.
    Anyway, the good news is that it is my Friday weigh in and I have lost another 900 grams since last Friday. So close to a kilo for you imperial folk. I haven't been so excited about a new anything for ages but I love this fasting business. I did get a new car a couple of days ago though and that was pretty exciting as the one it replaced was 11 years old.
    Carbmonster, good luck with your demons. I hope you are able to get professional help to keep you going.
    Flumi, I am trying to ignore xmas until around the 24th, then it's gloves off!
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Just want to see if my ticker shows up.56353108.png
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Uptight-fantastic weight loss!!!

    Stormy here too. My main emergency supplies are chocolate and diet coke. If they aren't stocked when the power goes out someone may get hurt.

    Just finished my 3rd fast day so I guess I ended up doing 4:3. I feel like I haven't been great on my non-fast days and that's why I added the third. Tomorrow's officially week 1 weigh in and at this point I'd be happy with 1 lb loss.
    Wish me luck!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Great loss uptight! The cookies are homemade...hard not to fall into them ;-) I will be bagging most of them this weekend to pass them on as presents. The rest is a question fof discipline...or the lacking there of :p

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you chiccam!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    edited December 2014
    So, I'm sort of freaking out...On Monday I have to see my tutors at University and sit for a practice exam for my PhD (a mock viva). I am so scard...I'm afraid they will ask me all these complicated questions and I will be like uhhhhhh and then they will say, "You actually know nothing and you not worthy of a PhD!" :s Tight chest..sick tummy...freaking out aaahhhh! I am going to try my best not to eat everything in the cupboard this weekend and study like mad over my thesis, but I just don't know what they will ask me...I sure it will be nothing that I reviewed aaaaahhhhh! breath
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited December 2014
    @snaps. Can you arrange trial questionings with the questions you think or guess could be featured? Get your hubby or frd to interview you. Merely going through the motion of having to answer and practice will calm you down, guaranteed. The more you can transfer things over to muscle memory, the more assured you'll feel.

    Like if someone asked you how to boil an egg, you reply automatically because this is knowledge within you that you don't have to think about. You just access it, right? Same with anything new. Repeat till you feel less shaky and don't have to over think what to say. Imagine yourself in your own prepping for witness stand in murder trial courtroom movie :p

    Think open questions like: what are your findings and what does it mean, what would you've changed given opportunity, etc....just in more academically accepted phrasings.

    Watch vids of other people defending their thesis? If you have time, it could give valuable pointers of do's and don'ts.

    Last week I tried a trial run of my exam cycling program all by myself in the spinning amfi. No-one present. But I still choked up, turning mute. Afraid. Then I practiced A LOT saying ALOUD what I wanted to convey in the following week and it helped tremendously come video shoot day. Sure I forgot some stuff here and there, but there was NO panic or going deer-in-headlights.

    Another tip is to deflect if you're cornered. Pretend you're just playing Trivia. FISH for clues to what answer they might have in mind. Do a little verbal detour first, talking about present topic, try reasoning or deduction, to make it a bit less obvious. THEN you can start fishing, like "By this question, do you mean this....or that?"

    Another deflection is to play to their vanity. All academics are vain to a certain degree. If not too obvious, you can ask questions about their pet peeves...sometimes they forget about you and start giving a lecture about what they are interested in....Or it evolves into more a genuine exchange. Not just you defending.

    I don't have PhD, though. But I always got top marks or raising my grades to max in verbal exams.

    Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse...

    You can do it!
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    good luck @snaps! that's so awesome :D your hard work will def pay off!

    chic- diet coke is my emergency supply for life haha

    uptight- fantastic!!! it's so funny, I forget we're all over the place! I haven't seen grams on here yet, so that's a new one for me haha. I have finally gotten ~2.2 lbs = KG, but don't even get me started on stones, etc. haha. We need our own measurement calculator on here :P

    Feeling more in control today! Back to my recent *stabilized-ish weight* for the last few weeks. I have been all around 295, a little up, a little down, but I feel so much better that after seeing 297 something yesterday morning it was back to 295. It was getting too close to 300 for me! I am still feeling happy and content when I can just MAINTAIN a week. Even though I haven't gotten back to my lowest from last week (293 something), 295 has been my safety zone the last 2-3 weeks. Here's hoping I can break out of it next week, but I will still be thankful to see that instead of something with 3 at the beginning haha!

    And since I was just talking measurement conversions lol- 295 is 133.81 in kg, 133810 in grams (omg that's scary haha!), 21.07 stone lol.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Awesome advice @foamroller! I'm going to take all your advice. My hubby is going to go over it with me this weekend, I know that will help and when I was studying possible questions today I was able to write quite a lot. I just get worried about all the academic jargon, like epistemology and imperial implications, but then again this is only practice with my tutors for the real thing next year, so if I completely go wrong hopefully they will help me so I can get it right. Thanks for your help and it's especially good advise to play off their vanity! :p
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    I will definitely be taking time to work on the mental side this weekend! I just have been feeling blah lately all-around- can't get up for work, avoid going in, feel like crap/sick, always tired, etc. When I was feeling like that a week or two ago, I took a break on fasting and it's been difficult to get back on it. The one super positive is that it isn't anything compared to how I used to be just a year ago (and for soooo long before that, too) before I went to my doctor and a therapist to get help and finally started taking depression/anxiety medicine for it that I was avoiding. This just feels like a funk or rut, not a permanent state of being. I can definitely shake myself out of it!

    Mental health weekend coming up! I know I need to work on my mental game!

    It does take time to figure out why we turn to food because the real reason can be masked by so much. Like we talked about before, many times I thought it was an issue of self-control when really I was trying to comfort myself and the real work was trying to find out why I was comforting myself. Changes in life might be scaring me to death and I need comfort. Going, going, going might be tiring me out and I need comfort. That was my issue last weekend. It was a busy weekend and I needed some down time but there wasn't a way to get that so I ate. The funny thing is the more I eat of sweets and fats, the more tired I am, the more I craved and ate sweets and fats when really I just need a nap!

    If you haven't been, I recommend writing down anything that has recently changed in your life for the bad or good. There is probably something in that list that is looking a coping mechanism. Personally, I am wondering if the scale beginning with 2 instead of 3, while very exciting, might be a bit overwhelming? No matter, I know you will figure it out because I know you want to figure it out, in your timing. You are doing well. These bumps and curves are a normal part of the journey of life. They are opportunities for learning. :heart:
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited December 2014
    My day....

    worked 5h
    went shopping (groceries and other stuff)
    drank a coffee at home
    went running (faster than in a long time, even on the uphill part)
    did 5 loads of laundry, hung most to dry, folded and put away, what came out of the dryer
    carried out the bundles paper and cartons for pick up
    picked up my very messy appartment
    cooked and ate dinner

    It was the first sunny day with real blue sky....after almost 3 weeks of fog - high level fog - low level fog - fog ....What a little bit of sun can do for my energy level!!

    ohhh and drank a beer ;-) TGIF

    Have a great weekend!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    No change this week which I am grateful for after my "detour" last weekend.

    I am doing my own work here. I still struggle with feeling deprived when I can't eat whatever I want. And deprivation feels like punishment. And feeling punished leads me to eat whatever I want to lift my spirits. Bad cycle.

    I keep telling myself it's ok. It is part of the journey. If I didn't have issues with food I wouldn't be here. I just am looking to get to a place where I am turning to healthier options to deal with the struggles of life. The truth is very few can eat whatever they want and maintain their weight. I want to walk in that truth.

    Hope you all have a great weekend! Thank you for your support. You all keep me going.

    Week 15 - 0 lbs (0 kg)
    Total loss as of 12/12/14 10.8 lbs (4.90 kg)
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    What a great supportive group this is! I am pleased that today, I way the same as yesterday as often I weigh less after the fast day and then up a bit the next day. Normal I know, and also why it is best not to weigh daily but that's one bit of self discipline I don't care about!
    I'm thinking this might be my body finally settling into this because I used never to fluctuate much but did when I started this.
    Good luck Chiccam, it will be worth it in the end!
    Flumi, yum! I get that. My daughter wanted to do a whole lot of xmas baking yesterday. She has been scouring the books for inspiration but I managed to put her off for a week because she agreed that if they were there we would eat them! She in particular has a sweet tooth! I don't so it was easy for me. I must say walking through the cheese aisle at the supermarket yesterday was not easy, that is my weakness…..well one of them!
    Snaps, good luck. I get anxious too and feel for you. I also lived with a husband doing a PhD years ago and now have a son doing one on the other side of the world. I just get to hear his worries through Skype.
    Foamroller, you seem like a really thoughtful person, that was a lot of good advice. I had to chuckle at your vanity comment. I count many academics in my friend circles but I would say, we all have vanity to a degree.
    Carbmonster, I re read my comment. I guess telling you it was nearly a kilo wasn't that helpful! I should have around 2 lbs! We were imperial when I was growing up so I am familiar with it and even today, baby weights are meaningless to me in grams whereas if you tell me you had an 8lb baby, I know exactly what that is. Especially as my first was 10lb 5 and a half ounces 29 years ago! He is now 6 '6. Weird as my husband and I are average heights.
    jrknight, it is funny isn't it, our relationships with food. I was brought up by health nuts and food was never used for comfort and I really don't think I have issues with food in that sense though I know plenty do. I have just had too large portions over the years, combined with not enough exercise and now that I am older, a slower metabolism yet a general love of food. I have always eaten well but it has crept on. I did manage to lose a lot at one stage, the old fashioned hard way, and kept it off for a long time but then illness got me and I put it back on. You are right, hardly anybody can eat whatever they like and maintain their weight as time passes. How I envy those who can!
    Anyway, we all know the secret of success now, without deprivation. So upward and onward! Or should that be downward ;-)!

  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    way! Should have been weigh!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    @carb - did you get your iron levels checked too? Alot of those symptoms, including depression can be caused by very low iron levels (my sister goes through this every few years)
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Fast day for me today. Came in at 599cals. On to the next week...aiming to do better and be more under control, perhaps after Monday's exam I will feel better. Also going to try and bring back my weekly exercise (which I have been very lazy about).
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Snaps - that is still a good fast! Even more so with your exams coming up. Don't be to hard on yourself.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Not a good week, but I'll live...I'm up about 9 lbs from my lowest. Only managed 1 good fast last week. Some family in town, wedding, holidays...I think I'm going to step back for a couple of weeks and try to just maintain. New year, new focus.

    On another note...
    Since I can't always be as involved as I want and @melaniecheeks is mostly in maintenance (I think) I would like to add a few more "leaders" to the group. Since we are mostly lopsided in the "sex" demographic I'm looking to add 4 women. This will bring the leaders to 5 (ladies) and 1 (not a lady), which more closely matches our mix. I think it will be a nice cross section of motivated, active, inspirational, knowledgeable, determined and generally welcoming individuals. They are (in no particular order):

    If any of you feel this is too much responsibility then just let me know and I'll make it "not" so. Also this in no way reflects how I feel about or diminishes the respect I have for other members of this group. There are 2 or 3 more names that could easily be there and who probably deserve it even more than myself (you know who you are)...but, alas, you're stuck with me as your lewd and lascivious (but generally likable...hopefully) group owner.

    Keep in mind that things may change, we're only human after all...life has a way of throwing us curve balls...some of us will move on or fall away. So if a month or so goes by and we've lost contact (no posts/log entries) then it would probably be best to pass the torch on to someone else.

    Thanks everyone, enjoy your weekend.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    @orlcam What good choices! These ladies would be perfect as I always find there comments and advise useful. I hope that they all agree and 'take the torch'!

    I am also up from my lowest and hoping to maintain up until the new year! As you said, New year, neew focus!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    What does the job entitle and how is the pay? ;) Just kidding. No problem, although I really don't know, what you want us to do. I saw that I now have admin rights.