Dec 14-Dec 20 Challenge Thread



  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member

    I would be the guy on the left.... Attributable to my North European heritage I guess.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Go get 'em Kim!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    John- congrats on your primal blueprint certification progress!!! And I think I'm the guy on the left too.

    Thanks for the kind words Chris.

    Kim: I totally trust AJ. And reining in Carb Nite is right in line with Vinnie's advice. I think it's probably: Insulin spike=good. Flooding your system with extra sugar like Carol does = fat.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    DANGIT!!! I forgot a day. Oh well. I was busy yesterday. Had a bunch of snacks for breakfast, McDonalds chicken sandwich for lunch, and chips and salsa for dinner.

    Kris, did you try the ranch?
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    Day 17 weight down
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Morning all! Curious about something. Seems like there is a lot of debate over weighing yourself. I weigh every day and log any change. It seems easier for me to stay aware of how things affect me and such. Anyone else do that? I basically weigh at the exact some point every morning so it's as consistent as possible. The only time I don't record numbers is if I was sick and know it will be low from not eating and being dehydrated, or if I ate some really salty stuff and am retaining water. Like a Chinese buffet for carb night...
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Morning all! Curious about something. Seems like there is a lot of debate over weighing yourself. I weigh every day and log any change. It seems easier for me to stay aware of how things affect me and such. Anyone else do that? I basically weigh at the exact some point every morning so it's as consistent as possible. The only time I don't record numbers is if I was sick and know it will be low from not eating and being dehydrated, or if I ate some really salty stuff and am retaining water. Like a Chinese buffet for carb night...

    I have some serious OCD issues and thus in the past I have weighed myself repeatedly in the same day. Yes, that's a problem!!! I find that weighing daily for me is just as bad. My weight fluctuates 5lbs in a day sometimes. I weight weekly as that is a good compromise between severe OCD and losing focus. :) Imoe put my scale away after I weigh so I don't get tempted to weigh everytime I see the darn thing.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Morning all! Curious about something. Seems like there is a lot of debate over weighing yourself. I weigh every day and log any change. It seems easier for me to stay aware of how things affect me and such. Anyone else do that? I basically weigh at the exact some point every morning so it's as consistent as possible. The only time I don't record numbers is if I was sick and know it will be low from not eating and being dehydrated, or if I ate some really salty stuff and am retaining water. Like a Chinese buffet for carb night...

    I was able to do that for a very short time before I started obsessing about gaining a pound or two (even though, rationally I knew that my weight would fluctuate day to day).

    But for the most part, I can't weigh everyday because if I have a good day and showed a loss, I think it's okay to eat more and if I gained then I would tell myself whatever I was doing wasn't working and would eat to comfort myself. It became a no-win situation. So the scale had to go...

  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Kim / Carol - I would suspect that changes begin even before age 50 for many of us. I'll probably be keeping CarbNite to no more than 200g from now on (i.e. starting Jan 1) ... which essentially means only a carb meal and a carb treat on carbnite. Besides using CarbShock to maximize insulin response for the meal, I'll have to ensure the carbs consist mainly of rice, white potato, and wheat (bread and pasta) to avoid straight sugar as much as possible. I'll save, if any, sugar for the carb treat/dessert (pastry and ice cream!). Also try to not exceed 100g of protein a day, though really my goal is to try to maintain a daily average for the week of no more than 50g/day. For those interested in the numbers, that is essentially less than 1800 calories a day for ultra low carb days.

    Carol ... this must sound psychologically horrifying to you!?
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    So.... a resident just dropped off a crazy good looking chocolate cake.... I had a small piece....
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited December 2014
    Rocked my presentation...time for carb spike #1. Which was helpfully provided by our deprtment holiday lunch - where I snuck out a pice of very yummy iced cheery kuchen. And a side of Salted Caramel Skim Mocha from the company coffee starbucks.

    Arturo/Carol- my prescribed CN macros are 125gr protein, 200-250gr carb and 60-70gram fat (~2200calories). ULC are 125gr protein, 125 gram fat and less than 30 carb for around 1750cals. I keep hitting right around 1825. If I stopped tracking my supplements (60 calories of fish oil and another 10 calories in my CoQ10 tablet) I'd be closer ;) . As I begin this first revised carb nite, I feel like it will take more planning, but still be enjoyable...and I won't feel so much like crap by end of night.

    I continue to be surprised by how low Jef is pushing your protein...esp. seeing as how AJ upped mine from 90-100 on avg. to 125. It was my fat that had to be cut. I've been eating more or less intuitively and just below maintenance the last few months, and closer to 175gr fat, 2100 calories. I am curious if there's a limit to amount to eat in a sitting (she'd prefer 3 40-42gr meals, but I'm not a three real meal a day gal. We'll see)
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Rocked my presentation...time for carb spike #1. Which was helpfully provided by our deprtment holiday lunch - where I snuck out a pice of very yummy iced cheery kuchen. And a side of Salted Caramel Skim Mocha from the company coffee starbucks.

    Arturo/Carol- my prescribed CN macros are 125gr protein, 200-250gr carb and 60-70gram fat (~2200calories). ULC are 125gr protein, 125 gram fat and less than 30 carb for around 1750cals. I keep hitting right around 1825. If I stopped tracking my supplements (60 calories of fish oil and another 10 calories in my CoQ10 tablet) I'd be closer ;) . As I begin this first revised carb nite, I feel like it will take more planning, but still be enjoyable...and I won't feel so much like crap by end of night.

    I continue to be surprised by how low Jef is pushing your protein...esp. seeing as how AJ upped mine from 90-100 on avg. to 125. It was my fat that had to be cut. I've been eating more or less intuitively and just below maintenance the last few months, and closer to 175gr fat, 2100 calories. I am curious if there's a limit to amount to eat in a sitting (she'd prefer 3 40-42gr meals, but I'm not a three real meal a day gal. We'll see)

    Awesome news about the presentation. Woohoo!!!!! :)
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    A quick pop in to remain in the logging in game. Let's just say that this is one of those days that needed to start over almost immediately, but didn't. I need a major attitude adjustment >:) Now, if I could only get my dog to stop barking at the neighbors that he sees EVERY day I can just breathe. Oh and give the cat another bath since he can't figure out how to clean his butt. Dry heaving while demon cat gives me the stink eye. Do you have any idea how hard it is to clean an angry cat??? Night all. I will catch up tomorrow and hopefully have turned this frown upside down.
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Ah started working out and missed the box on a box jump. Let's just say I'm done for today before I even broke a sweat. I'm going to rearrange my scheduled rest day which is tomorrow so I can go swimming. Today my swim buddy backed out on me. Now my shin is bloody and bruised, and I'm in a bad mood.

    Kris, I can relate. TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY and it shall be a better one! Bathing an angry cat has to be in the top five best ways to not have skin on your arms. Good luck!
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Chris, Here's to new days! I am really sorry to hear about your arm. This is why I still can't do a box jump. I have messed myself up on a lousy step. Take care and hope that you are okay!
  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Kim - I agree there seems to be a conflict. Intuitively and medically a person shouldn't need a lot of protein unless they continually need to repair and build muscle. So for example a normal person who's not consistently killing it in the gym may need like 1/3 g per pound of lean body mass vs. 1g or more per pound for a hard core body builder. Also its become apparent now that Men and Women are definitely different in how they respond to both diet and exercise. That's why I'm frustrated that Kiefer has yet to publish his new CBL and CN books. He just keeps saying sometime 2015. Supposedly AJ has a book coming out next year (2015), same for Alex Navaro. Both will address health, diet, and exercise issues specific to women. So AJ's plan for you may make total sense for you ... while if it were for me she may recommend different macros.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    John so where did guy on the right came from?

    As for the weighing thing.. I think women's weight fluctuate WAY more than Men. Depending on the time of the month I am rational and know that it is normal fluctuations, other times....Sigh but I've gotten better having Arturo as a sounding board definitely helped lol

    Chris, I don't know if you've seen these contraption before or even need them. Well, I present you the "cat grooming bag" Look I know it looks weird and it might be a biitch to put them on cats, but with animals, a lot of time if they "snugly restraint" they seem to calm down. Kinda like hugging someone tight to calm them down. I think its good for nail trimmings and brushing teeth and administering medication. Just remember when introducing anything new to a animal, use positive reinforcements
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    For all you fat loving pals: I found 72% butterfat heavy cream powder. Haven't tried it but this will be great for travel.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    edited December 2014
    Kris your cat story cracked me up, I can totally picture that pissed off "try this again and I just might claw your eyes" look that only a cat can give lol
    Kim, Congratulation on your presentation! You rock!
    Jef also wants us to spread out the protein throughout the day. He explained it but I don't remember exactly why.
    I feel ya on the 3 meals a day. I would much rather eat 2 meals with a bigger protein allotment.
    I think the right protein amount varies with the person. Heck I'm all confused. Did you ever listen to a pocast that Jimmy Moore did? He said "I started at 120 grams just to see how I’d do, and then found I didn’t do as well with the ketone production, so I kept bringing it down and down and down till it got to 80 grams on a non-exercise day. I was doing well in that level of protein. So 30 to 35 grams of carbohydrate, 80 to 100 grams, closer to the 100 on lift days"
    But he is not doing Carb Nite, I haven't finish the whole thing yet but it sounds like he is carb backloading.
    I hope I am not turning people off.. I want to say that I am doing this because it is what works for me. We all do what works for us as an individual ;) For example, I tried Intermittent Fasting, but it just didn't work for me because of how my days are structured, but for others it worked great! So to each its own! I am just glad to have such a funny and supportive group of "pals"
  • kc9ljo
    kc9ljo Posts: 19
    Must resist the cookies...