Weekly Post 14/12/14 - 20/12/14



  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    My daughter fasted today and commented that she thinks it must get easier to fast after a few times. I would agree with that. You realise that it isn't that big a deal, you won't suffer and your body seems to get used to less food.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Also fasting today. Won't be diving into the cookies today. After I fell (actually flew) off my horse as he spooked downhill and turned on his hocks...I got back on as best I could (thank you universe, that I fell near a bench) and rode home very slowly...walking wasn't an option. Went to the doc's, because I wasn't sure if I had just smacked my thigh REALLY hard or if something was broken.

    Glad to know nothing is broken, but I will have trouble walking the stairs to the basement...and that's where I keep those cookies. Guess that's the upside ;-)

    Oh and on a lighter note - my own GP didn't recognize me right away tonight...flattend hair and another 10kg lighter then last fall, when I went to see him. And he's known me for 27yrs :p I love doing that to people!
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Flumi, that is great about the doctor!
    Does anyone else have this problem? I ate a sandwich last night and correctly predicted that my weight would be way up this morning. Bloated, and I suppose, carrying fluid. Maybe just carbs or maybe gluten intolerance. Either way it will pass but obviously bread is not really the thing for me to eat.
  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    My gym MM%2BBeach%2BEaster%2B2014%2B%2812%29.JPG
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    edited December 2014
    Ha, KCD. Your gym is so cool we won't accept any excuses for not exercising, out you go! ;)
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited December 2014
    Whoa, KCD that is beautiful. But is the water cold?
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    KCD - love that gym, but no oceans in Switzerland....

    Uptight - I get gas, bloat, water retention from grain carbs. Might be a slight intolerance. I don't avoid them completely (because I like them...) but I have reduced them. White bread, pasta, pizza are the 'worst' for me.
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks, Flumi. That is what I am doing. Reducing but not giving up completely.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Uptight - I also make sure my potassium intake is higher than my sodium. Potatos are high in potassium and they don't cause any of the symptoms, grain carbs do (in my body). Potassium will also help you get rid of retained water, when you do 'enjoy' those simpler carbs. Always good to know, there is an antidote after my weekend ration of carbs ;-)

    I also mostly eat bread that is high in seeds, thus high in protein (and cals, because of the healthy fats in the seeds). Several grocery stores and bakeries now offer high protein 20-25% / low carb breads. Some people don't like this type of 'heavy, dark' bread, but I actually prefer it to white or 'just' whole wheat, and my body definitely prefers it.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Im going to join you guys! I recently started 5:2 (last week) and am on my 3rd fasr day today.

    I live in Chicago, and am a stay at home mom to 4 kids (ages 6, 5, 3 & 15weeks) I also nanny full time for a 11week old.

    I like the ezekial flourless breads. They dont upsety belly like most bread does. Trader joes carries a couple different types (and their own line too).
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Just wanted to stop in and say hi! I haven't had time to go through all the posts yet (can you believe it, work is taking up all my group time haha!).

    2nd fast day today! Went to lunch with a friend, but ended up just getting wonton soup and it was so delicious! Since I need to work from home tonight I got another to go for dinner :D I can guarantee it was just as delicious as any other rice heavy thing I would have gotten, but it felt a lot better later when I wasn't stretching out my pants with a stuffed stomach haha. Fasting feels gooood.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Uptight - I also make sure my potassium intake is higher than my sodium. Potatos are high in potassium and they don't cause any of the symptoms, grain carbs do (in my body). Potassium will also help you get rid of retained water, when you do 'enjoy' those simpler carbs. Always good to know, there is an antidote after my weekend ration of carbs ;-)

    Do you include bananas for potassium as well? I have been having leg cramps at night since I have been on 5:2. I am wondering if my potassium is low and causing cramping (or it could be dehydration?). So I am looking for some foods rich in potassium.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Im going to join you guys! I recently started 5:2 (last week) and am on my 3rd fasr day today.

    I live in Chicago, and am a stay at home mom to 4 kids (ages 6, 5, 3 & 15weeks) I also nanny full time for a 11week old.

    I like the ezekial flourless breads. They dont upsety belly like most bread does. Trader joes carries a couple different types (and their own line too).

    Welcome mkakids! I too am a SAHM with a 6 year old. And I am originally from River Forest! So I know your neck of the woods. :smile:

    If you haven't already, we recommend that you read Link To 5:2 Information found under the Announcements section on the first page. It will give you a lot of good information on what 5:2 fasting is all about. And you are always welcome to post your questions. We are glad to have you on this journey with us.

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Absolutely jknight. Sometimes cramps come from magnesium deficiancy, sometimes potassium. (I'm sure there are other reasons for them, but those two are easy to solve with the right foods) When drinking alot on a fast day, you do flush out some of the good salts with the 'bad' ones. They need to be replenished. Those veggie soups I make on fast days are loaded with potassium incomparison to their cal content. Lots of veggies have alot of potassium in them. Bananas are great, but a bit high cal for me on a fast day.

    Since keeping an eye on my potassium my water retention has gotten a bit better.

  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for all that advice. Food for thought! I do eat heavy bread when I eat bread but I don't eat it often because of the issues. Last night my german visitors cooked up spaetzle for dinner. Absolutely delicious but based on flour so about a kilo up from Tuesday's weight. I really hope whatever the cause, that the results are out of my system by tomorrow's weigh in because I look forward to those shrinking numbers so much!!!!
    Fast day today so I am pinning a lot of hope on it today!
  • Calahonda1984
    Hello mkakids, welcome to 5:2! I'm relatively new to it too, on my 4th week. Sounds like you have an extremely busy life with all of those children to look after - how do you do it?!

    Flumi - That is great about your doc not recognising you! That's the kind of reaction I'm striving for... it won't happen this time I go back for Christmas but hopefully when I next see family next year then I may get a 'wow'!

    KCD1961 - what a great photo, do you swim in the sea all year round? I last swam in the sea at the end of October, I couldn't bring myself to do it here now as the temperature has seriously dropped!

    Loveswalking - hope your fast went well on Tuesday and also today. I'm doing my second one of the week today too and hoping for a result on the scales tomorrow. Even just the smallest amount off would be great!

    Uptight - I am a massive carboholic. I have never really thought much about the fact I could have an intolerance but it really is seeming quite likely. I do get really bloated and gassy (mmm!) after eating them. Pasta is my weakness - I can't get enough of it! I try to ration myself but I suppose 5 out of the 7 days I am eating pasta.... something I need to cut back on drastically.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    edited December 2014
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Also fasting today. Won't be diving into the cookies today. After I fell (actually flew) off my horse as he spooked downhill and turned on his hocks...I got back on as best I could (thank you universe, that I fell near a bench) and rode home very slowly...walking wasn't an option. Went to the doc's, because I wasn't sure if I had just smacked my thigh REALLY hard or if something was broken.

    Glad to know nothing is broken, but I will have trouble walking the stairs to the basement...and that's where I keep those cookies. Guess that's the upside ;-)

    I'm so glad your okay had sounded scary! Take care of yourself and heal-up! Nice to hear about the cookies though :p and the doctor!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Thanks, snaps! All is good with my thigh. I'm amazed at how lucky I was! Unluckily that meant I could walk the stairs...ugh. Fell into the cookie jar yesterday and the chocolate today. Bad because today was a fast day. Still at around 800-900, but not a successful fast.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Thanks, snaps! All is good with my thigh. I'm amazed at how lucky I was! Unluckily that meant I could walk the stairs...ugh. Fell into the cookie jar yesterday and the chocolate today. Bad because today was a fast day. Still at around 800-900, but not a successful fast.

    Well that is much better than I have been this week...my last sucessful fast was last Saturday! I was going to try to do one today, but now am feeling under the weather (again), annoying :s

    So instead of fasting I made a game plan starting next year or January 3rd for me (first Saturday of the year). I started 5:2 by setting myself a 6 week challenge so I will be doing that again and not looking any further than that! If anyone wants to join me you may. I think (for me) setting smaller goals are easier to get my head around.

    Hope everyone is getting through the crowds in the shops with a small bit of sanity... off to bed now....cheers from London :)
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Weigh in day for me and 100 grams up. Those carbs! Also had miso soup yesterday while fasting. Delicious but salty so maybe contributing to fluid retention. You win some, you lose some. Could have been worse given the time of year!