Hey mods, I need your group join dates (and I have a bit of a rant)



  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    We can get rid of them without deleting. Uncheck announce at the bottom of the original post.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I just checked on my phone. You need to go and edit the original post (no need to actually change anything) and there is a checkbox at the bottom called "announce". Uncheck it.

    I just got rid of the "moderators needed" thread as a test (figured it was safest) that way. It still exists, but it is no longer pinned to the top.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    frob23 wrote: »
    Baconslave was the first person on page 297. When I was moved out of the general member list to the mod/leader list (because my status changed), it must have shifted everyone back one spot. I suspect the same thing would happen if someone left the group, everyone else would move back a little. Those who were first on a page would become last on the previous page. The page links given were for the state of the member list when I ran the script. If I ran it again now, it would show her on 296.

    DD ended up something like two pages back and in the middle. XD

    But! It helped narrow things down infinitely farther and made life so much easier to get everyone promoted, so thank you, very much!
    frob23 wrote: »
    See, and my wife says my being a nerd has no benefits. LOL

    Ask her to check with her resident "nerd" <BG>,
    WHY the record page # changes????

    Nice find but it really shouldn't be this difficult (not your fault of course).

    Bacons record shows for me on page 296 not 297.

    I'm not doubting that it's different only asking WHY/HOW???

    Someplace, buried in what we can't see there has to be a record number the DB is referencing.

    It'll be interesting to see if these page numbers change over time as are new records are added.

    Anyway, problem solved for now and nice work sherlock (nerdlock?)<s>.

    It's generally actually coded as a relative thing. Each page basically says "get me (number of items per page) items, starting at (page number * number of items per page)." So if there are 25 items per page, and we want to get the ones for page 200, it would be "get me 25 items, starting from item 5000 (200*25)." So, if someone leaves (or gets pulled from that list, such as leader promotion) and was before record 5000, or joins and is placed before record 5000 (since it's sorted by join date, this won't happen on the MFP group member list, but can happen if it's sorted alphabetically), between the first and second times to ask for that information, then the selection of 25 that you get will be slightly different.

    Anywho, everyone's promoted now. :smiling_imp:

    I await my orders, fearless leader. :mrgreen:


    Here are your options for something to do:

    1. Clear out the stickies From what I can tell, the only way is to remove the posts entirely. Given that they're so old, I don't see a problem with this, but we should go through them and keep a hold of things that are still useful. Copy the useful stuff out and save it somewhere, and we'll put it in our new stuff when we get there.
    2. Start writing the text for the new stickies (namely, the Welcome sticky and intros into other sections).
    3. Compile and organize things for the list-style stuff. Links to more detailed articles on specific topics, the most common questions for the FAQ, research papers, etc.

    Feel free to do these in their own threads (or we can create a closed group to handle this, if we don't want to pollute the main threads here?). We'll put up a polished one for the finished sticky entries.

    I just nixed the old "Welcome" which just had a million introductions and the Food Porn...er...I mean Food Pics. And by nix I mean I unannounced them. Cursory glances told me they weren't worth keeping up and didn't appear to have any helpful links or some such to glean and reuse.

    The closed group might not be a bad idea to avoid flooding this one with our shop talk. But I defer to the majority.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    frob23 wrote: »
    Baconslave was the first person on page 297. When I was moved out of the general member list to the mod/leader list (because my status changed), it must have shifted everyone back one spot. I suspect the same thing would happen if someone left the group, everyone else would move back a little. Those who were first on a page would become last on the previous page. The page links given were for the state of the member list when I ran the script. If I ran it again now, it would show her on 296.

    DD ended up something like two pages back and in the middle. XD

    But! It helped narrow things down infinitely farther and made life so much easier to get everyone promoted, so thank you, very much!
    frob23 wrote: »
    See, and my wife says my being a nerd has no benefits. LOL

    Ask her to check with her resident "nerd" <BG>,
    WHY the record page # changes????

    Nice find but it really shouldn't be this difficult (not your fault of course).

    Bacons record shows for me on page 296 not 297.

    I'm not doubting that it's different only asking WHY/HOW???

    Someplace, buried in what we can't see there has to be a record number the DB is referencing.

    It'll be interesting to see if these page numbers change over time as are new records are added.

    Anyway, problem solved for now and nice work sherlock (nerdlock?)<s>.

    It's generally actually coded as a relative thing. Each page basically says "get me (number of items per page) items, starting at (page number * number of items per page)." So if there are 25 items per page, and we want to get the ones for page 200, it would be "get me 25 items, starting from item 5000 (200*25)." So, if someone leaves (or gets pulled from that list, such as leader promotion) and was before record 5000, or joins and is placed before record 5000 (since it's sorted by join date, this won't happen on the MFP group member list, but can happen if it's sorted alphabetically), between the first and second times to ask for that information, then the selection of 25 that you get will be slightly different.

    Anywho, everyone's promoted now. :smiling_imp:

    I await my orders, fearless leader. :mrgreen:


    Here are your options for something to do:

    1. Clear out the stickies From what I can tell, the only way is to remove the posts entirely. Given that they're so old, I don't see a problem with this, but we should go through them and keep a hold of things that are still useful. Copy the useful stuff out and save it somewhere, and we'll put it in our new stuff when we get there.
    2. Start writing the text for the new stickies (namely, the Welcome sticky and intros into other sections).
    3. Compile and organize things for the list-style stuff. Links to more detailed articles on specific topics, the most common questions for the FAQ, research papers, etc.

    Feel free to do these in their own threads (or we can create a closed group to handle this, if we don't want to pollute the main threads here?). We'll put up a polished one for the finished sticky entries.

    I just nixed the old "Welcome" which just had a million introductions and the Food Porn...er...I mean Food Pics. <snipped>

    The closed group might not be a bad idea to avoid flooding this one with our shop talk. But I defer to the majority.

    I must have missed the "closed group" discussion but if I'm understanding it correctly I'm of mixed mind.

    One side of me says keep it here and "open" for all to see and to "chime in" if they feel the need to do so.
    I'm a big believer in "too close to the forest to see the trees" and feel we would benefit by "fresh eyes".

    OTOH, I do "git" the "...flooding this one..." point.
    That however can probably be avoided simply by those not interested in the "shop talk" avoiding that thread. (Maybe a dedicated "shop talk" thread?).

    OR, just set up a brandy new "group" LCD Mod Shop Talk and close it to "all" or by invite only (assuming that can be done, I haven't checked).

    Just my random musings on the subject and fine with whatever the consensus (man do I "hate" that word<g>) is.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    frob23 wrote: »
    Baconslave was the first person on page 297. When I was moved out of the general member list to the mod/leader list (because my status changed), it must have shifted everyone back one spot. I suspect the same thing would happen if someone left the group, everyone else would move back a little. Those who were first on a page would become last on the previous page. The page links given were for the state of the member list when I ran the script. If I ran it again now, it would show her on 296.

    DD ended up something like two pages back and in the middle. XD

    But! It helped narrow things down infinitely farther and made life so much easier to get everyone promoted, so thank you, very much!
    frob23 wrote: »
    See, and my wife says my being a nerd has no benefits. LOL

    Ask her to check with her resident "nerd" <BG>,
    WHY the record page # changes????

    Nice find but it really shouldn't be this difficult (not your fault of course).

    Bacons record shows for me on page 296 not 297.

    I'm not doubting that it's different only asking WHY/HOW???

    Someplace, buried in what we can't see there has to be a record number the DB is referencing.

    It'll be interesting to see if these page numbers change over time as are new records are added.

    Anyway, problem solved for now and nice work sherlock (nerdlock?)<s>.

    It's generally actually coded as a relative thing. Each page basically says "get me (number of items per page) items, starting at (page number * number of items per page)." So if there are 25 items per page, and we want to get the ones for page 200, it would be "get me 25 items, starting from item 5000 (200*25)." So, if someone leaves (or gets pulled from that list, such as leader promotion) and was before record 5000, or joins and is placed before record 5000 (since it's sorted by join date, this won't happen on the MFP group member list, but can happen if it's sorted alphabetically), between the first and second times to ask for that information, then the selection of 25 that you get will be slightly different.

    Anywho, everyone's promoted now. :smiling_imp:

    I await my orders, fearless leader. :mrgreen:


    Here are your options for something to do:

    1. Clear out the stickies From what I can tell, the only way is to remove the posts entirely. Given that they're so old, I don't see a problem with this, but we should go through them and keep a hold of things that are still useful. Copy the useful stuff out and save it somewhere, and we'll put it in our new stuff when we get there.
    2. Start writing the text for the new stickies (namely, the Welcome sticky and intros into other sections).
    3. Compile and organize things for the list-style stuff. Links to more detailed articles on specific topics, the most common questions for the FAQ, research papers, etc.

    Feel free to do these in their own threads (or we can create a closed group to handle this, if we don't want to pollute the main threads here?). We'll put up a polished one for the finished sticky entries.

    I just nixed the old "Welcome" which just had a million introductions and the Food Porn...er...I mean Food Pics. <snipped>

    The closed group might not be a bad idea to avoid flooding this one with our shop talk. But I defer to the majority.

    I must have missed the "closed group" discussion but if I'm understanding it correctly I'm of mixed mind.

    One side of me says keep it here and "open" for all to see and to "chime in" if they feel the need to do so.
    I'm a big believer in "too close to the forest to see the trees" and feel we would benefit by "fresh eyes".

    OTOH, I do "git" the "...flooding this one..." point.
    That however can probably be avoided simply by those not interested in the "shop talk" avoiding that thread. (Maybe a dedicated "shop talk" thread?).

    OR, just set up a brandy new "group" LCD Mod Shop Talk and close it to "all" or by invite only (assuming that can be done, I haven't checked).

    Just my random musings on the subject and fine with whatever the consensus (man do I "hate" that word<g>) is.

    Can't disagree with any of that. :smile:
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    frob23 wrote: »
    Baconslave was the first person on page 297. When I was moved out of the general member list to the mod/leader list (because my status changed), it must have shifted everyone back one spot. I suspect the same thing would happen if someone left the group, everyone else would move back a little. Those who were first on a page would become last on the previous page. The page links given were for the state of the member list when I ran the script. If I ran it again now, it would show her on 296.

    DD ended up something like two pages back and in the middle. XD

    But! It helped narrow things down infinitely farther and made life so much easier to get everyone promoted, so thank you, very much!
    frob23 wrote: »
    See, and my wife says my being a nerd has no benefits. LOL

    Ask her to check with her resident "nerd" <BG>,
    WHY the record page # changes????

    Nice find but it really shouldn't be this difficult (not your fault of course).

    Bacons record shows for me on page 296 not 297.

    I'm not doubting that it's different only asking WHY/HOW???

    Someplace, buried in what we can't see there has to be a record number the DB is referencing.

    It'll be interesting to see if these page numbers change over time as are new records are added.

    Anyway, problem solved for now and nice work sherlock (nerdlock?)<s>.

    It's generally actually coded as a relative thing. Each page basically says "get me (number of items per page) items, starting at (page number * number of items per page)." So if there are 25 items per page, and we want to get the ones for page 200, it would be "get me 25 items, starting from item 5000 (200*25)." So, if someone leaves (or gets pulled from that list, such as leader promotion) and was before record 5000, or joins and is placed before record 5000 (since it's sorted by join date, this won't happen on the MFP group member list, but can happen if it's sorted alphabetically), between the first and second times to ask for that information, then the selection of 25 that you get will be slightly different.

    Anywho, everyone's promoted now. :smiling_imp:

    I await my orders, fearless leader. :mrgreen:


    Here are your options for something to do:

    1. Clear out the stickies From what I can tell, the only way is to remove the posts entirely. Given that they're so old, I don't see a problem with this, but we should go through them and keep a hold of things that are still useful. Copy the useful stuff out and save it somewhere, and we'll put it in our new stuff when we get there.
    2. Start writing the text for the new stickies (namely, the Welcome sticky and intros into other sections).
    3. Compile and organize things for the list-style stuff. Links to more detailed articles on specific topics, the most common questions for the FAQ, research papers, etc.

    Feel free to do these in their own threads (or we can create a closed group to handle this, if we don't want to pollute the main threads here?). We'll put up a polished one for the finished sticky entries.

    I just nixed the old "Welcome" which just had a million introductions and the Food Porn...er...I mean Food Pics. <snipped>

    The closed group might not be a bad idea to avoid flooding this one with our shop talk. But I defer to the majority.

    I must have missed the "closed group" discussion but if I'm understanding it correctly I'm of mixed mind.

    One side of me says keep it here and "open" for all to see and to "chime in" if they feel the need to do so.
    I'm a big believer in "too close to the forest to see the trees" and feel we would benefit by "fresh eyes".

    OTOH, I do "git" the "...flooding this one..." point.
    That however can probably be avoided simply by those not interested in the "shop talk" avoiding that thread. (Maybe a dedicated "shop talk" thread?).

    OR, just set up a brandy new "group" LCD Mod Shop Talk and close it to "all" or by invite only (assuming that can be done, I haven't checked).

    Just my random musings on the subject and fine with whatever the consensus (man do I "hate" that word<g>) is.

    That's what I had in mind with the "create a closed/private group." It wouldn't have to be closed to everyone -- they're welcome to request an invite -- but it doesn't seem like something that people would be interested in usually, and we don't really need to be littering the main group with this stuff.

    What we can do, is in one of the stickies (the Welcome one, perhaps? Seems a fitting place), put a note about the Shop Talk group and say something like "if you're interested in watching the goings on of the mods, send one of us a PM for an invite." That way, the option is visible to all members, and we don't have to worry about random people or spambots finding it.
    frob23 wrote: »
    I just checked on my phone. You need to go and edit the original post (no need to actually change anything) and there is a checkbox at the bottom called "announce". Uncheck it.

    I just got rid of the "moderators needed" thread as a test (figured it was safest) that way. It still exists, but it is no longer pinned to the top.

    I wish MFP had "like" buttons for the forums. I hadn't had a chance to test it with someone else's post and with an old one to see if that would work (it seems there are a couple different paths to dealing with an announcement, which makes it a tad confusing). I do like the Edit -> Uncheck "Announce" route the best.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I'm fine with a semi-private group for discussing moderation issues or doing it here. It probably would clutter things up here.

    Personally, there's one thread I would like to unpin, but I won't do it unless everyone thinks so. I think http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/759713/ketosis-ketoacidosis-extra-info-to-share is pretty much anti-keto-scaremongering. I haven't found any support outside of the anecdote(s) in that thread that super-low carbs (<10g a day) will cause spontaneous ketoacidosis in people... potentially otherwise healthy people with no history of diabetes.

    Without any other evidence backing those claims up, and no real medical specifics in that thread, I can't even see the benefit of retaining the link to that thread in the upcoming FAQs. I'm not saying to delete it. Someone searching for ketoacidosis on here should have the opportunity to discover it and make their own judgements. I just hate seeing it given a place of prominence when it is basically an unsupported "you need some carbs to live" thread.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    frob23 wrote: »
    I'm fine with a semi-private group for discussing moderation issues or doing it here. It probably would clutter things up here.

    Personally, there's one thread I would like to unpin, but I won't do it unless everyone thinks so. I think http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/759713/ketosis-ketoacidosis-extra-info-to-share is pretty much anti-keto-scaremongering. I haven't found any support outside of the anecdote(s) in that thread that super-low carbs (<10g a day) will cause spontaneous ketoacidosis in people... potentially otherwise healthy people with no history of diabetes.

    Without any other evidence backing those claims up, and no real medical specifics in that thread, I can't even see the benefit of retaining the link to that thread in the upcoming FAQs. I'm not saying to delete it. Someone searching for ketoacidosis on here should have the opportunity to discover it and make their own judgements. I just hate seeing it given a place of prominence when it is basically an unsupported "you need some carbs to live" thread.

    Absolutely agree with sending that to the scrap heap (although I still believe they ALL should go).

    And an "oops" I just stumbled across (although you guys probably are aware of it) - be careful which "create" button you use when posting a new thread.

    I just used the "wrong" one (under the announcements) and it went there instead of in the list of current threads.

    Looks like I was able to make it go away but if not, feel free to hit the "disappear" button.

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    DD, I have done that SO many times on the other group I run. It's how I figured out how to unpin things in the first place. The button for creating an announcement is just placed in a more direct location than for creating a normal post.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    frob23 wrote: »
    I'm fine with a semi-private group for discussing moderation issues or doing it here. It probably would clutter things up here.

    Personally, there's one thread I would like to unpin, but I won't do it unless everyone thinks so. I think http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/759713/ketosis-ketoacidosis-extra-info-to-share is pretty much anti-keto-scaremongering. I haven't found any support outside of the anecdote(s) in that thread that super-low carbs (<10g a day) will cause spontaneous ketoacidosis in people... potentially otherwise healthy people with no history of diabetes.

    Without any other evidence backing those claims up, and no real medical specifics in that thread, I can't even see the benefit of retaining the link to that thread in the upcoming FAQs. I'm not saying to delete it. Someone searching for ketoacidosis on here should have the opportunity to discover it and make their own judgements. I just hate seeing it given a place of prominence when it is basically an unsupported "you need some carbs to live" thread.

    Agreed. I think having information on NKA vs DKA (including the circumstances under which a person actually risks going into DKA) is important to include in the stickies, but that thread isn't it. I'm surprised it made sticky status to begin with (seriously, the woman was doing very low calorie and very high protein, and the poster blames it on the reduced carbs? WTF?).
    frob23 wrote: »
    I'm fine with a semi-private group for discussing moderation issues or doing it here. It probably would clutter things up here.

    Personally, there's one thread I would like to unpin, but I won't do it unless everyone thinks so. I think http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/759713/ketosis-ketoacidosis-extra-info-to-share is pretty much anti-keto-scaremongering. I haven't found any support outside of the anecdote(s) in that thread that super-low carbs (<10g a day) will cause spontaneous ketoacidosis in people... potentially otherwise healthy people with no history of diabetes.

    Without any other evidence backing those claims up, and no real medical specifics in that thread, I can't even see the benefit of retaining the link to that thread in the upcoming FAQs. I'm not saying to delete it. Someone searching for ketoacidosis on here should have the opportunity to discover it and make their own judgements. I just hate seeing it given a place of prominence when it is basically an unsupported "you need some carbs to live" thread.

    Absolutely agree with sending that to the scrap heap (although I still believe they ALL should go).

    And an "oops" I just stumbled across (although you guys probably are aware of it) - be careful which "create" button you use when posting a new thread.

    I just used the "wrong" one (under the announcements) and it went there instead of in the list of current threads.

    Looks like I was able to make it go away but if not, feel free to hit the "disappear" button.

    Haha, I know, right? It's like the GIANT, GREEN "leave group" buttons. WTF were they thinking?
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I am going and removing the rest of the threads. Here and the links to them. We should probably at least pull some of the information from the first thread (linked) for the new FAQ.

    We really need to work on developing a current FAQ.




  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    "This is an extension of the "Low carber daily forum" Thread where like minded low carbers interract, share recipes, shopping tips, product info and generally get together and chat.

    Newbies always welcome- the more the merrier!"

    This needs to be changed and updated. There's no longer any Thread, if such existed. I am not a fan of changing the group name. That I suggest leaving alone, as it is the group people joined and I think it isn't horribly inaccurate. It's the identity we're known as and a link to the group's history.

    I also don't like the picture of the guy holding the steak above the dog. It doesn't show up correctly, and it's not exactly good looking. We should try and find a better image for the top of the page.

    I do love the heart icon though, that I say we keep.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member

    Apparently it's over a cat... not a dog. You can't even see it. Anyway, if someone finds something better, I would be all for changing it.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    frob23 wrote: »
    "This is an extension of the "Low carber daily forum" Thread where like minded low carbers interract, share recipes, shopping tips, product info and generally get together and chat.

    Newbies always welcome- the more the merrier!"

    This needs to be changed and updated. There's no longer any Thread, if such existed. I am not a fan of changing the group name. That I suggest leaving alone, as it is the group people joined and I think it isn't horribly inaccurate. It's the identity we're known as and a link to the group's history.

    I also don't like the picture of the guy holding the steak above the dog. It doesn't show up correctly, and it's not exactly good looking. We should try and find a better image for the top of the page.

    I do love the heart icon though, that I say we keep.

    This is awesome, frob! Thanks for the work you've put in, it looks better already!

    I agree, the banner needs changed, but the heart is cool. I'll keep an eye out for some new banner candidates.

    I also agree that the intro needs re-written. Not sure to what, yet, but if I come up with any ideas, I'll share it.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    frob23 wrote: »

    Apparently it's over a cat... not a dog. You can't even see it. Anyway, if someone finds something better, I would be all for changing it.
    Something like this maybe? <g>

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    frob23 wrote: »
    "This is an extension of the "Low carber daily forum" Thread where like minded low carbers interract, share recipes, shopping tips, product info and generally get together and chat.

    Newbies always welcome- the more the merrier!"

    This needs to be changed and updated. There's no longer any Thread, if such existed. I am not a fan of changing the group name. That I suggest leaving alone, as it is the group people joined and I think it isn't horribly inaccurate. It's the identity we're known as and a link to the group's history.

    I also don't like the picture of the guy holding the steak above the dog. It doesn't show up correctly, and it's not exactly good looking. We should try and find a better image for the top of the page.

    I do love the heart icon though, that I say we keep.

    This is awesome, frob! Thanks for the work you've put in, it looks better already!

    I agree, the banner needs changed, but the heart is cool. I'll keep an eye out for some new banner candidates.

    I also agree that the intro needs re-written. Not sure to what, yet, but if I come up with any ideas, I'll share it.

    Here's a link to a blog post of mine that could be modified or fleshed out as part of the intro.
    Feel free to not use it or use it and turn it into Frankenstein's monster if you think any of it would be helpful.
  • December 2014
This discussion has been closed.