Dec 14-Dec 20 Challenge Thread



  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Well I was saved from making a bad lunch decision today. I saw a friend of mine going into the cafeteria at work and she was getting a salad. So instead of going for the awfulness I was planning on (double cheeseburger and onion rings), I talked to her while we both got our salads. Ahhhhh, thanks Kim! :) But now I want pizza. Is that bad (I already know the answer - hehehe).

    DebSue, another fantastic post that made me smile.

    Montana_girl, AWESOME!!! I know I've had weighins where I thought I lost but gained and thought I gained but lost. Just never know.

    John, your motivational speeches are quite well, motivating. Thankfully I had an unexpected ally today that was able to steer me from a major fat and carb ambush.

    Heron, good for you for not falling into old habits.

    Well now to decide what I'll have for din-din.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Heron, Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing that link. I swear the quest for proper fitness underwear is a nightmare. Now don't everyone be disgusted but I was so tired of wearing my running tights and having slippage to the point that I felt like I was wearing a diaper hung low, that I turned to fitness semi-thongs and well...ugh! Running tights and undies fight one another. Funny thing is I am still at the point where I keep the tush covered by a longer top, but "I" know what's happening.

    Stacy, CONGRATS! I know you have been struggling lately and am so happy the weigh in went well. Keep fightin'!

    Kevin, Now you are just showing off with that cake! You are stronger than I:)

    Aaron, Skipping dinner is dangerous for me and thank goodness it is almost Friday!

    Haha DebSue! For some reason I can't pull up John's link.

    Jen, BAM! Proud of you. No pizza for dinner. It can't win!

    I was not great today, but am okay with that. My lunch was splitting an appetizer with a friend and a bottle of Bud Lite. I did however reject my coworker's offer to eat one of his tots. They looked SO good. I was just chomping on a homemade tortilla. My friend's hubbie is experimenting with them and made a batch for me. Sorry Low-Carbers. They taste like decadent Naan, but healthy:) I accomplished a ton at work as I was hyper-focused. Work Christmas party tomorrow and I know it is going to be a whole pile of FRIED. The theme is game-related with stations set up everywhere. My strategy is to play nonstop to avoid the goodies. Then dinner tomorrow is meeting friends. I will drink a bunch of water and try not to stress.
  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Hey folks, looks like everybody is doing well and keeping things more or less under control. Congratulations ... rock on!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Kris, I didn't let the pizza win. I had a bowl of cereal and some fruit. No it wasn't Captain Crunch. :wink:
  • kc9ljo
    kc9ljo Posts: 19
    Still here. Thanks
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    So... my day went from normal to nuts in a hurry. By 2:00 I was back at work after running all over town due to a problem with a gift we got my pastor. It all worked out fine but I got to work and hadn't eaten anything but a quarter cup of almonds for breakfast... the cake was still there.... BUT as I contemplated giving in.... the assistant manager informed me she had some summer sausage I could have.

    No cake for this guy!
    What a victory Kevin!! Way to go!

    Heron: It was .4lbs (not even a 1/2 lb).
    I WISH it were 4lbs!!! LOL
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Happy Friday everybody!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!! I'm listening to Carol and John chatting this morning. Great to learn more about you John.

    I have a team lunch today at a pizza buffet. The pizza didn't win last night but today I might be overwhelmed. I'll think of John and the plan of attack he gave Carol for her meeting at the bakery. :)

    I'll check in a bit later when everybody else has woken up.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy and Funtastic Friday Folks!

    Good Morning Jen. What a great time we had. (probably should be illegal to have that much fun so late at night.) When you hit that pizza party Fix Bayonets and Charge!

    Good O Kevin! Way to find your ammo on the battlefield!

    KC you're rockin it lad!

    Kris - Tighten up those Ruck Straps and Roll on! You got this lass.

    Our Dementia Care Team is hosting Family Christmas Party this afternoon, Gonna start it with Hot Chocie with some Peppermint Oil drops in it. Peppermint oil has a measurable effect on cognition for folks with dementia so gonna give the families the best possible chance to have a really good visit with their loved ones. One of the activities for the party will be Ornament Crafts done together so families have a keepsake for their Christmas Tree. Then inviting all to our Christmas Karaoke Concert to finish up the day for them. Gonna be a long day for me but 3 day weekend coming up (I have to work Sat after Christmas so Monday off.)
    Remember folks Friday is RED TOP day (Remember Every Deployed Troop Overseas Protecting us.)
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    many of you may already have this but this is I think one of the best resourses for doing a nutritional clean up
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Thanks for recording with me last night John, great talk! & thanks for watching Jen! I'll get that show & one that Jef Fry did with Heron & Arturo out ASAP.

    Catered breakfast, Christmas party lunch & dinner out with friends. Will need my No gun John!!! I'm ready!!!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited December 2014
    Jennifer- theres a woman I saw last year at the Train Like a Girl2 summit, Dr Brooke Kalanick (specialty in women's hormonal issues) whose philosophy I really like. Her tag line is "between perfection and giving up, there's better". She sends little inspirational quotes a couple times a week...this is a great recent one:
    "Think "I'm being BETTER" vs. "I'm being good".

    Don't tie your self-worth to your eating and exercising.
    You are worthy and good no matter what. "

    That's how I try to live my life, making the better choice in the moment - not the perfect choice, not beating myself up or regretting if I don't make the best choice or am not always "ideal" - but each day getting/being better. It works for me.

    AJ was great! Still kinda processing our discussion. I'm pretty pumped. More on that over weekend. But I will say if I hadn't spent the last year trying to get better- prioritizing sleep, already eliminating processed carbs, adding a strength program, moving a lot (but not in a workout/cardio fashion), she wouldn't have taken me on as a client right now. As she put it, you've done the tough work, now we just are tweaking calories, seeing what's ideal for you. Because calories matter. Just not as much as that other stuff.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Cmon Carol... .4 pound in December is fantastic!

    Says she of the .3 pound loss this week (which based on your size versus mine, you are twice as good because you're so much tinier)
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    Day 19 weight down
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Jennifer- theres a woman I saw last year at the Train Like a Girl2 summit, Dr Brooke Kalanick (specialty in women's hormonal issues) whose philosophy I really like. Her tag line is "between perfection and giving up, there's better". She sends little inspirational quotes a couple times a week...this is a great recent one:
    "Think "I'm being BETTER" vs. "I'm being good".

    Don't tie your self-worth to your eating and exercising.
    You are worthy and good no matter what. "

    That's how I try to live my life, making the better choice in the moment - not the perfect choice, not beating myself up or regretting if I don't make the best choice or am not always "ideal" - but each day getting/being better. It works for me.

    AJ was great! Still kinda processing our discussion. I'm pretty pumped. More on that over weekend. But I will say if I hadn't spent the last year trying to get better- prioritizing sleep, already eliminating processed carbs, adding a strength program, moving a lot (but not in a workout/cardio fashion), she wouldn't have taken me on as a client right now. As she put it, you've done the tough work, now we just are tweaking calories, seeing what's ideal for you. Because calories matter. Just not as much as that other stuff.

    What great quotes. I've definitely done the 'beating myself up' thing for quite a while. While doing Weight Watchers, I was a little better but still would get down on myself and then totally go into sabotage mode. I will check out Dr. Kalanick's site. Thanks.

    John, I'm ready to take on all enemies, no matter how tempting and delicious.

    Carol, do you need an extra No gun today? :)
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    John, your link didn't work. Here's a good one.

    My wife and I are thinking about doing this in January, to reset ourselves. Should we kinda do a MFP support group? I'm thinking yes.

    On another note, has anyone else noticed the huge jump in members? at the beginning of December, we had 63 members, and now we have 84. NUTS! It seems that most of them aren't here, but welcome to the ones that are! (like Jennifer)
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Ah missed a day. Had it in my mind to go post but got distracted with Christmas wrapping...haha. Leg feels like someone hit it with a baseball bat. I'm going to run on it today so we will see what happens!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    I ended up doing carb nite a day early. Last night was our church's Caroling activity, soups and chili after. I told myself I would decide whether or not to do a carb nite based on what food was there, and I didn't go too far off the reservation but did have some crackers with dips and chips with an excellent chicken tortilla soup, and a few cookies after. Was great, now back to it. I struggled in the past with the carb nite turning in to carb weekend, this time I guess I am just more focused. More tired of what I let myself become.

    And more scared of failing in my 10k run n gun might be part of it too! Lol
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning, everyone! Had our office gathering last night, just our little section, so a small group of us met at the local sports bar. Was a lot of fun and great to get away from the office stress of the past week.

    Today is Therapy Pet visit day. Once a month, my 3 year old black cat, Mikey, goes to the local retirement home to visit the people there. Since its at 10, I bring him into the office with me for a few hours before we go. He's become the office mascot. :)g4lf300gmz88.jpg
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    Thank god it's Friday.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    So today I took my work truck in to get an oil change, usually that amounts to sitting in the lobby and eating a ton of free cookies. Well today it meant a 3.2 mile jog/walk.

    I need new running shoes though, I have good shoes for cross country, but trying to jog on concrete today it felt like someone was beating on my feet.