high carb meals at night every 10 days - is it worth it?



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    Sajyana wrote: »

    Many salad dressings are just vinegar and oil. Ratio of 1:3. Put it all in a jar or tupperware (liquid tight) container and shake it. Add in some Dijon mustard and herbs and shake some more.

    I make a dressing out of sour cream with a little bit of vinegar (apple cider vinegar is my favourite) mixed in to thin it out. Add in whatever herbs or mustard you like.

    Those two dressings should give you plenty of scope to add to salads. I also like the sour cream dressing mashed into boiled egg. Add some crumbled cooked bacon. (I cook bacon in large batches in the oven so there's always boiled eggs and bacon in the fridge.) Wrap it up in a lettuce leaf.

    Like iloseityes, I also wouldn't have the patience to lost 10% and then maintain for 6 months. :smile:

    Thanks Sayyana. I can do a lot of things because I followed my dad from the time I could walk so my kitchen time was limited but I did learn how to make the best waxy chocolate oatmeal cookies of any that I have ever eaten. Hey if you are going to abuse carbs you have to learn how to make them first. :)

    Thanks for your know how info. I was wondering how I was going to mix a cold chunk of of sour cream into a cold salad.

    At this point I am starting to think I can make LCHF a life long eating lifestyle. The sugar in the dressings was a major hang up when eating out which is what I often do.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member

    Cooking is what I do. :smile: I've always liked it. I was cooking and eating what I thought was healthy diet. Then I couldn't understand why I was getting bigger. Little did I know. I still cook. It's just different foods now.

    I had a thought. If you eat out often you could take your own dressing with you in a small container and order your meal without any dressings or sauce. Would make it much easier for you when ordering. If you heat the sour cream dressing it makes a great sauce for meat if you make it a little thicker. It won't be hot if you take it when you go out but it might be ok if you need a sauce.

  • middleagedmeh
    middleagedmeh Posts: 104 Member
    I started for weight loss but now I just enjoy the health benefits. I am very close to where I want be for weight.
    I think the carb re feeds are a good idea but it looks like the science is once again counter intuitive on this one. There are rules at least for weight loss that work for me. It has to be high GI carbs (the bad kind) and a lot of them in a 2 to 3 hour window preferably before bed followed by a strict return to keto and no re feeds for at least 7 to 10 days. So once again with the OCD mindset you have to chose the times and not let them chose you.

    The evolutionary argument I heard about was actually interesting:
    humans for thousands of years before agriculture used to have carbs as feasts. They would get a honey or find a date tree or something like that. so our bodies are used to no carbs for months and then a whole bunch of carbs at once then nothing again for a long time.

    I am currently on vacation and I know the risk of abusing this concept are too high so no carbs until Christmas eve.

    I know that for some of us (diabetics, people recovering from eating disorder and other medical conditions) this is a slippery slope. I am not saying go carb up.
  • middleagedmeh
    middleagedmeh Posts: 104 Member
    Regainin has been a major fear for me too.

    It seems like people like us who were very fat at some point are at a much higher risk because our fat cells remain almost intact and in almost the same numbers as when we were at our heaviest. With most diets out there at one point or another they will cause a "panic" and demand to be refilled. This is translated by increase hunger and no satiety and usually break the diet. The body will protect itself from perceived starvation.

    The great thing about long term lchf is that it helps a little with that because the fat cells although smaller are still very active. Increasing insulin sensitivity makes the fat cells more likely to store extra stuff and release it then store again when you eat. Intermittent fasting (without calorie restriction) seems to help with that as well. It is possible that the increased activity tricks the system into not panicking.

    There is a ton of research done on why the body always wants to get back to the heaviest weight. The only 100 percent sure way to avoid it is to deliberately kill the adipocites... With surgery and even then some people have a theory that the hormonal imbalance lipo causes just makes the cells reproduce faster to get back to thwir original numbers. I am not willing to go through that.

    It is an uphill battle. I would love to see one day the fat cell killer pill in stores.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    I started for weight loss but now I just enjoy the health benefits. I am very close to where I want be for weight.
    I think the carb re feeds are a good idea but it looks like the science is once again counter intuitive on this one. <snipped>

    The evolutionary argument I heard about was actually interesting:
    humans for thousands of years before agriculture used to have carbs as feasts.

    I know that for some of us (diabetics, people recovering from eating disorder and other medical conditions) this is a slippery slope. I am not saying go carb up.

    The "problem" I have with "The evolutionary argument...." is that it depends to a very large degree on WHICH (evolutionary argument) one uses to attempt to "prove" their point.

    Too often, it focuses on one specific set of "cultural" circumstances and conveniently ignores the "outliars".

    While one group of peoples certainly did "...get honey or...dates..." - it's unlikely that Arctic nomads stumbled across many beehives or date trees, or that those existing in rice fields in the Orient didn't consume large quantities of starch and yet remain lean.

    Probably not the best examples but I think you get where I'm coming from.

    For every example commonly cited, there's an (or many) exception.

    I don't know the answer, and certainly anyone is free to draw their own conclusions about which "theory" they choose to believe, but I remain "confused" and "uncertain" <g>.

    My "gut" tells me that carb "refeeds" or "feasts" don't make sense. Certainly not for ME (for many of the same reasons you've cited), but, in general for "most" Low Carbers. But recently I've been reading some of Dave Asprey's stuff (the "bulletproof coffee guy), and he makes a pretty compelling argument that very limited, and targeted, carb excursions, "might" be a good idea - at least for "some".

    Once I have a better understanding of all he is saying I'll probably give it a try.

    If you are interested and haven't seen it - have a looksee here:
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    I'm not really adding anything to this discussion, but I want to comment on the fact that people in this group can have a discussion and talk about the merits, or lack-there-of an idea without retreating to name calling, or thinking their idea is the only one that might possibly be right!

    It's refreshing to read :smile: so thanks!