Alcohol is killing my weight loss....HELP!!!



  • brandireni
    me too!!!! it is wine for me though.....usually I will exercise enough to counteract it, but then I want a snack too!
  • MountainMaggie
    MountainMaggie Posts: 104 Member
    One word: Discipline. I love my wine, and it has a suprisingly similar amount of calories as beer. It's hard, but at times I just have resist. Sometimes it means having less (even 2 can make a difference) and sometimes I just have to be antisocial. I fell ya though, I'm Irish too. I used to be a beer lover but grew into a wino because it makes me feel less bloated and full. It's a skinny illusion, lol.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    My recommendation is to do a cleanse in January. We call it Juiceless January (no alcohol)! Everyone has to lose a bit after the holiday season and there is too much alcohol during that season so I do juiceless every January and drop 5 pounds without too much effort. I am sure the liver likes the holiday too.
  • tarataffera
    tarataffera Posts: 3 Member
    I exercise regularly eat fairly healthy etc but have gained 10 pounds in a year and I Know it is a glass of wine maybe 5 days a week. That has been my only big change. And I have exercised more than ever. So my big.goal is no wine on weekdays. But with 3 kids and a stressful job I have looked forward to that glass at night.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    I am on day 3 of Juiceless January and the scale is looking good! Not posting it yet but I think I am down 3 pounds! Of course dieting too.
  • darlenehleonard
    darlenehleonard Posts: 6 Member
    I think alcohol is my biggest issue too. This is where I'm making the biggest cut in my diet. No more wine at night before bed. I will switch to Michelob Ultra at social occassions. So far the scale is moving down (started this on Tues). We'll see if I can keep it up.
  • staceykindler
    I used to drink everyday of my life!! I put on 20kg's and realised I had to make a change! I have stopped drinking alcohol so frequently and I only drink maybe once a month or once every two months.

    I never thought I'd ever stop drinking.. I wasn't an alcoholic it was just a bad habit. The power of the mind is stronger than we realise and if you REALLY want to achieve your body goal I would advise you to cut out ALL alcohol until you can get to that point of self control & occasional drinking.

    Also I see you said you 'reward yourself with a beer'... I read a saying which goes:

    "Don't reward yourself with food, you are NOT a dog..."
    Yes this saying is focussed on not rewarding yourself with bad food but I think it definitely ties in with alcohol or 'liquid calories'.

    I hope you come right and manage to fight the temptation of alcohol because if you get past this you will feel and look amazing!! :smile:
  • beachlover83
    beachlover83 Posts: 68 Member
    I think wine is why I've put on most of my weight over the past year. It's so nice to come home from work and pour a glass while you're getting dinner ready. Definitely need to cut back though and focus on drinking water instead! I feel better not drinking alcohol and need to remind myself of that!