Find Friends: Charge / HR Owners



  • KSheary
    KSheary Posts: 2 Member
    I just got my fitbit charge over the holidays and have linked it to MFP. I hope this helps me to get going with regular exercise.
  • drrasjr wrote: »
    Just got mine on Saturday. Tracking is going well. I did notice that I got "congrats on your new Force" and it is showing up as Force on apps. I called customer service and they said that it is normal for now based on current firmware and that an update in a couple of weeks should fix the issue. FYI.

    I just got mine at Xmas and it was coming up a force too. I called customer service and they updated new program right over my cell. I am in love with the charge. So far so good.
  • Please reply with your user profile
    Loving my charge.
  • AWOLFitness
    AWOLFitness Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    Boy, I'm reading all the posts and thinking I am WAY behind the times. But I bought myself a FitBit Flex ("from my husband for Christmas, bought the day after Thanksgiving"... hee hee)

    So far I love my FitBit Flex though! Would love to understand watch-outs/learnings from the rest of y'all. What is the biggest benefit of getting a Force/Charge?

    I am at my highest weight ever and my new "rock bottom" was having to buy jeans a size bigger while at my in-laws over Christmas break. I couldn't fit into any of the pants I brought with me! Looking to lose about 55 lbs. Hoping my FitBit and My Fitness Pal will keep me on track! Oh, that, and my mother in-law and I have a little challenge going before our cruise at the end of March (not the whole 55 lbs lol). Wish me luck!
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    Just set up my first fitbit. Still working out all the features. Crystalo76
  • jecallcut
    jecallcut Posts: 1 Member
    Upgraded my Force to the Charge on Black Friday. I like it. It's lighter and the clasp is stronger.
  • Pikespeakguy
    Pikespeakguy Posts: 3 Member
    Just got mine. Excited to start!
  • Finally synced my fitbit to myfitnesspal
  • libra35a
  • nikki6669
    nikki6669 Posts: 7 Member
    Been using fitbit for a while, had a flex before but got a new charge for christmas. Love using my charge. Finding it useful having the time on it and that fact that it gives actual number of steps rather than just lights. Also like the way it records stairs too. Feel free to add me (haven't added fitbit friends before)
  • valeries216
    valeries216 Posts: 1 Member
    I got my fitbit for Christmas!
  • thehansens
    thehansens Posts: 1 Member
    Just got my charge for Christmas! NEED to lose 15 punds! Looking for motivation and ideas. Off to the gym :)
  • nashvillenellie
    nashvillenellie Posts: 75 Member
    I got my charge as a Christmas present from my mother in law. I am hoping it will help me lose my last 17 pounds. I lost 59 pounds in a year and I have plateaued. It is driving me nuts!
  • stannardh
    stannardh Posts: 1 Member
  • DrSchizo
    DrSchizo Posts: 19 Member
    I just got a fitbit on the first! I'm still trying to figure out how to sync the steps and calories burned to MFP cos nothing I try is working. Here's my user profile for fitbit - feel free to add me!
  • I just synced my Fitbit Charge to MyFitnessPal. Looking for friends to add to the app. Smartinson23

  • Got mine a couple of days ago - love it! Anyone from the UK using charge? Add me! :)

    My charge keeps falling off my wrist! Can anyone recommend a clasp that will keep it secure? Thanks!
  • jilladamson52
    jilladamson52 Posts: 1 Member
    Just starting out using my fitbit with my fitness so far its going good :smile:
  • My Fitbit user name is J​e​r​r​y​s​G​i​r​l. I would love to have more friends on MFP and Fitbit.