Any June 2015 Moms?



  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I desperately hoped the sea bands would work, but they did nada! Nor did ginger ale (or anything else ginger for that matter). About the only things that kind of helped were strong mints and lemonade. And my taste in food changed dramatically! For a normally clean eater, sometimes the only thing I could hold down was a few chili fries or nachos. Weird stuff!!
  • Uniqjae
    Uniqjae Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I joined this group a long time back but can now finally say: Yes I am expecting!!! I am 13 weeks in and due around June 30th.

    With regards to the morning sickness. I can't help much either with that. I have not had much of that mostly just indigestion and heart burn. I can only eat small meals and every two hours! If I eat too much the indigestion comes back! Other than that all has been going ok.... thanks goodness!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Uniqjae wrote: »
    Hi all, I joined this group a long time back but can now finally say: Yes I am expecting!!! I am 13 weeks in and due around June 30th.

    With regards to the morning sickness. I can't help much either with that. I have not had much of that mostly just indigestion and heart burn. I can only eat small meals and every two hours! If I eat too much the indigestion comes back! Other than that all has been going ok.... thanks goodness!

    Welcome! I can relate with the heartburn & indigestion. So much fun!

    Congratulations on your pregnancy =)
  • beanie1119
    beanie1119 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the group. My name is Charity. I'm 8 weeks pregnant and due June 11th. Anyone else? This is my first baby, first pregnancy. I'm already really overweight so I'm trying to maintain and not gain a whole lot of weight with this baby. I'm still so nervous I don't feel like I'm excited yet....

    Hey Charity,

    My name is Sabrina and I logged on to MFP and searched for pregnant woman on here and found this group. Once I got in you post was my first to read and OMG we have the same due date. LOL....CONGRATS :)

  • beanie1119
    beanie1119 Posts: 150 Member
    clkdt wrote: »
    Hi Everybody, my name is Cinthia. I'm due on June 22. Had lost 25 pounds prepregnancy.. was still overweight after said weight loss (185 lbs for a 5'3" height was only my half way point. I wanted to lose another 20-25 lbs). I went up 12 lbs the first 14 weeks ... my doctor is totally fine with it but I'm not. I was exhausted up until Christmas and could only stand to eat carbs and dairy due to nausea. .. so that explained a lot of the weight gain! I'm trying to maintain my weight now that I have energy again and started craving veggies and fruits! I am sooooo excited to feel like myself again! Anybody in the same boat? I would like to gain a total of 20 lbs overall since I am overweight.. hopefully maintain the weight all the way til delivery. I'm going to start exercising soon. Is this too much?? Dr isn't concerned with weight, just as long as I'm eating well and taking prenatal vitamins.
    I feel ya hun. I am 17 weeks and I have gained 15 pounds total now :( I was on a carb kick as well in first trimester. I started at 187 and I am 5'5". I feel pretty bad about myself as I do not want to get huge and I feel like that is what is going to happen. I try to be good but some days it is so hard.
    I hope you are able to maintain your weight! Good Luck
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    How's everyone's morning sickness going? Mine hit hard at 7 weeks and when I was told it was likely to last through week 16 or 18, I thought I would never get through it! I'm a couple days shy of 17 weeks now, and feeling better about 80% of the time. Seems like every time I tell my husband I'm feeling better I get hit with another several days of horrible nausea and vomiting! But at least I don't feel like death all day, every day anymore!
    Curious as to what worked for you all to get you through the nausea.

    Yah, I'm not much help either. This is my third pregnancy, and the morning sickness was the worst yet but it subsided at 14 weeks. I agree tho...those weeks I felt sick I only wanted carbs. Macaroni and cheese. Bread. Bad stuff. Finally back to enjoying the healthier foods again. Well, until Christmas hit. I don't even want to know how much I've gained the last few weeks:/ Starting to get back on track today.

    Welcome all you new ones to the group! I was in a group like this for my last pregnancy and thoroughly enjoyed it, as I'm sure you will:) Mommyhood is the best!
  • jsimm2127
    jsimm2127 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi ladies! I am due with my 4th (and final) June 21. I have been such a slacker. Only gained a few pounds so far but I am overweight to begin with so I am hoping not to gain much.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    jsimm2127 wrote: »
    Hi ladies! I am due with my 4th (and final) June 21. I have been such a slacker. Only gained a few pounds so far but I am overweight to begin with so I am hoping not to gain much.

    Welcome and congrats! Four babies is impressive! Must be lots of fun. =) This is my first and I'm terrified...
  • IrisNicole79
    IrisNicole79 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi :) Due June 25th. I'm not too sure what my caloric intake should be now that I'm in my 2nd trimester. I've been trying to stay on the right track, but before pregnancy, I was losing weight. So, now I'm not sure how much my eating should increase. :|
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    Welcome, IrisNicole79. I set my calories to maintainance. I was super hungry in my first trimester, but not so much anymore. I would talk to your doc about the diet, but seems like most women consume as if they were trying to maintain.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Hey Iris! Love your profile pic =) I'd talk to your doc, too. I didn't get much of an answer from mine as far as exact calories, and she didn't seem too concerned about weight gain as long as it's relatively close to the expected amount. My OB's advice was centered around eating nutritous food more than how much to eat. I started my pregnancy in pretty fit condition, and she told me that she knows I know the fundamentals of eating well and avoiding unnecessary weight gain, so just to listen to my body. Kinda scary to not have an exact calorie target, but I guess I'll just have to let go of that control for now. I've set my target calories to maintenance, but I eat if I'm hungry and don't if I'm not. I don't worry if I go over or under a couple hundred calories because it tends to balance out over several days. During my first trimester my appetite didn't change much, but I had a tough time eating because of all the nausea. Now in my 2nd trimester my appetite is still about the same, but the nausea is less frequent so I can eat more normally. I'm so happy that vegetables finally appeal to me again! Even the thought of most vegetables made me ill for the first 15 weeks. Now I find that I get full much faster than before pregnancy, so I have to eat tiny meals or I'll get mad heartburn and indigestion misery! I've been a grazer for many years, so I'm OK with that!
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    Hi guys!! Im due june 8th with my second baby. My first is 4 years old. I would love to share this journey with all of you... please feel free to add me!
  • IrisNicole79
    IrisNicole79 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome, IrisNicole79. I set my calories to maintainance. I was super hungry in my first trimester, but not so much anymore. I would talk to your doc about the diet, but seems like most women consume as if they were trying to maintain.

    Thanks for relying! :) I set my calories to maintenence, too. When I spoke with my doctor Wednesday, she said around 1800 should be fine. I was happy to hear that considering what I had been seeing on WebMD and other baby sites (like 2200-2400 calories). However, most days I'm still under by about 200 calories. I jog/walk 3 miles a day and lift, too, so sometimes I feel like I'm not eating enough, even though I'm really not hungry. I figure I'll just have to trust my body :)
  • IrisNicole79
    IrisNicole79 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Iris! Love your profile pic =) I'd talk to your doc, too. I didn't get much of an answer from mine as far as exact calories, and she didn't seem too concerned about weight gain as long as it's relatively close to the expected amount. My OB's advice was centered around eating nutritous food more than how much to eat. I started my pregnancy in pretty fit condition, and she told me that she knows I know the fundamentals of eating well and avoiding unnecessary weight gain, so just to listen to my body. Kinda scary to not have an exact calorie target, but I guess I'll just have to let go of that control for now. I've set my target calories to maintenance, but I eat if I'm hungry and don't if I'm not. I don't worry if I go over or under a couple hundred calories because it tends to balance out over several days. During my first trimester my appetite didn't change much, but I had a tough time eating because of all the nausea. Now in my 2nd trimester my appetite is still about the same, but the nausea is less frequent so I can eat more normally. I'm so happy that vegetables finally appeal to me again! Even the thought of most vegetables made me ill for the first 15 weeks. Now I find that I get full much faster than before pregnancy, so I have to eat tiny meals or I'll get mad heartburn and indigestion misery! I've been a grazer for many years, so I'm OK with that!

    Thanks for relying! :) I ended up setting my calories to maintenence. When I spoke with my doctor Wednesday, she said around 1800 should be fine. I was happy to hear that considering what I had been seeing on WebMD and other baby sites (like 2200-2400 calories). However, most days I'm still under by about 200 calories, especially when I eat the "right" stuff. I jog/walk 3 miles a day and lift, too, so sometimes I feel like I'm not eating enough, even though I'm really not hungry. But she also said something similar to what you mentioned... that some days I'll be hungrier than others and everything will balance itself out. I didn't really have horrible nausea during the first trimester, but I didn't exercise nearly as much because I miscarried during the first trimester in my first pregnancy back in May and was super paranoid this time around. But now, I feel a little better psychologically and emotionally, so I'm back on it :)
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    How are my June mamas-to-be feeling? After taking time off due to holiday sickness, I had a lot of bladder pain/urgency when running. So I have switched to run/walk and am wearing a support belt. Other than that, I've been able to continue other activities (dance, yoga, light weights, etc.) as usual.

    Eating-wise, I am good with protein/whole grains/fruits and veggies but have been eating too many baked goods!
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    20 weeks tomorrow! Feeling the baby moving on a regular basis, it's so weird and wonderful at the same time :) I have been running and doing my usual strength training, and while I can still run the same distance, I am much slower now. That's ok though, I will get back to my fast pace running this summer B)

    I also have been eating a lot of baked goods, but it's always been my weakness. I can live the rest of my life without chocolate and ice cream, but please don't take away my bread, cookies, and bagels! ;)
  • lshea0414
    lshea0414 Posts: 6 Member
    Due June 2nd with baby #2. This was quite a surprise to my husband and I as we have a little girl who just turned 16 months today! We are excited though and are not finding out the sex. We didn't find out with our daughter either and it was amazing!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    20 weeks this Thursday! (or today, depending on which ultrasound tech you ask...)
    Feeling pretty good. Finally feel like I'm almost over this crazy nasty cold and ear infection (going on 14 days of misery) and getting some energy back. Poor hubby (who has only been sick maybe five times in the 15 years we've been together) got it too, so it's really bad!
    Found out on Friday that we're having a little boy. :):o:D It's been a roller coaster of surprise... Our first ultrasound they thought it looked like a boy, then at 13 weeks they thought it was a girl (she sounded so sure!) and even though we knew it was too early to really tell and tried not to get anything set in our heads, finding out for sure (yeah, no doubt!!!) that it's a little boy was kind of a shocker! My hubby said the sweetest thing when the ultrasound tech showed us. He said, "looks like I have a little man to teach to hold doors for you" and of course I got completely choked up. <3 For all my fears and anxiety and resentment about this pregnancy, I am feeling surprisingly happy since Friday.
    Haven't felt him move for sure yet, but I'm feeling something that I suspect is him. Hard to tell since with this cold my insides are churning and bubbling like crazy.
    Hope you're all feeling great, and HOLY CATS THIS IS LONG!
  • Aaimzey
    Aaimzey Posts: 10 Member
    Hi June mummies :smile: I'm due my 4th baby on the 26th June. So far I've put on 28lb! :s I'm 19 weeks and really need to get my weight gain under control! I walk for about an hour a day but that's about it. I'm tired out very quickly too. I hardly gained anything at all with all my other pregnancies but my last pregnancy was nearly 10 years ago. I'm 5'6" and now weigh 11st 10 lb and I'm only just halfway through the pregnancy. I'm really hoping getting back on here will motivate me to make a change.
  • lmccloy28
    Congrats mamas!!! My baby boy is due June 7. I'm chasing a 14-month-old around, so I haven't gained as much weight as last time. Last pregnancy, I was RAVENOUS and gained 50 pounds. I heard comments from a number of people and obviously stressed myself out about it thinking I had forever changed my appetite and appearance. I remember catching sight of myself in a three-way mirror at 9 months pregnant. I sat down and started bawling in the dressing room! As it turned out, my appetite returned to normal as soon as I delivered and I lost most of the weight very quickly. So, I figured my baby just needed the food and this time I'm responding to hunger with less anxiety! Anyway, obviously listen to your doctor and do your best to be healthy, but hopefully this is encouraging to some of you first-timers :)