Introduce Yourself



  • shaidian
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Shadian, I Live In Toronto Canada. I have lost almost 40 lbs since I had my daughter almost 3 years ago and am desperate to lose my last 10lbs that I can't seem to shake..I am going to Jamaica in April for vacation and want to look banging in my bikini so am very excited to be apart of this challenge
  • mg_adina
    mg_adina Posts: 32 Member
    Happy New Year! My name is Adina and I live in Toronto, Canada. I have a three year old boy and can relate to those who say it can be hard to find the time to dedicate to losing weight. My goal is to lose 15 - 20 pounds. I look forward to the encouragement I gain through doing this group challenge.
  • kbrazell1
    kbrazell1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! My name is Karen and I am from Statesboro, GA. I have an almost 4 month old baby girl and am a FTM. I gained 25lbs with my pregnancy and have lost all but 5 of it. I'd like to lose those 5 and tone up, more specifically my calves, thighs, and glutes! Looking forward to this group challenge. Excited to learn more details.
  • blueeyedbabe9090
    Hey there! My name is Brooke and I live in Alexandria, VA. My baby girl, Aubrey, will be 3 months on January 13th. I only gained about 20lbs when I was pregnant because I lost almost 15 in my first trimester due to morning sickness. ugh. I am close to my pre-baby weight but my body definitely does not look the same haha. I was wanting to lose weight before I got pregnant anyway. I am hoping to lose 10-15 lbs and really need to work on toning legs, gluts, and abs. It has been hard for me to stick to a routine in the past and stay motivated so I am looking forward to having the accountability of this challenge and support group! Happy New Year!
  • lynpcooper
    lynpcooper Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, my name is Lynette and I live in a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa. I am 33 and have two boys, ages 4 and 6 and was introduced to this program by a coworker that just had a new baby. In fact, a group of ladies at my job have decided to do this starting Monday. We are all night shift nurses in a Maternity Center and shift work, babies, etc has made losing weight a bit of a challenge. A little more about me. I am down about 90 lbs from my highest weight, but still have a little over 50 to go and I have been stuck for several months and my weight even started creeping back up a little. I work weekend nights at the hospital and am completing my Master's Degree and all of life's distractions have caused me to put my weight/fitness on the back burner. But, I refuse to undo the progress that I have made. So, let's do this.
  • kmgehrls
    Hello! My name is Karyn and I have one daughter, Isabelle, who is almost 16 months old. I am a teacher and just completed my Masters degree in December for teaching elementary school. I'm 27 years old and I have been struggling with weight pretty much all my life. I am addicted to sugar and diet coke, both I am well aware are bad for me. Now that my daughter eats regular food, I made a conscious effort to only give her healthy meals with very little processed foods. I'm trying to make this transition myself, but it is difficult with a husband that is a very picky eater. I have PCOS so losing weight is even more difficult for me than most. I have tried weight watchers with no success and I have tried out plexus slim. I like how it made me feel (more energized, less cravings for sweets), but I just can't spend that much for only 30 days worth of
  • kmgehrls
    ...I posted before I was finished!
    ...stuff. I want to lose the baby weight, but mostly I want to increase my physical activity. I also want to change my eating habits. I need your help, mommies! I have very little motivation and not a lot of support here, just negativity and a husband who burns through calories faster than I can blink.
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Ladies - don't forget to weigh in so I can get our spreadsheet set up and get you all on teams!!!

    Hugs, Mommies!
  • kissxoprincess
    Hi mommies! I'm a new mom in Alexandria, VA with a beautiful baby boy who will be two months old on January 5th. I was overweight before pregnancy and barely gained any weight because of lots of morning sickness throughout, but after a c-section with a rough recovery, I'm only down 6 pounds from my pregnancy weight. I'll be going back to work in about a month and am looking for a balance between family, work, and getting back into shape! Always happy to get together with other mommies for a baby friendly workout!
  • utkchick25
    Hi Ladies! My name is Jan and my daughter is 8 months old. I spent the two years before I got pregnant losing weight and managed to drop 60 pounds. I gained a little back before getting pregnant and then the rest once pregnant. I haven't lost any since having my daughter and am desperate to get back into my healthy eating habits and an exercise routine that doesn't take me away from my daughter.
  • JessicaMaeD
    JessicaMaeD Posts: 5
    edited January 2015
    Hello! I'm Jessica and I live in Northern Va (Lorton). I am a FTM to a 5 month old girl. Due to bad morning sickness, I only gained 10 lbs during pregnancy and lost that immediately upon returning home from the hospital. However, I was the heaviest I've ever been prior to getting pregnant so am looking to get back to my previous comfort zone, about 20-30 pounds total. And, as you all know, everything shifts when you have a baby so none of my clothes fit me anymore!! I'm looking forward to this challenge!
  • linseylee1
    linseylee1 Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    Is it too late to join?? Hope not (: So my name is Linsey, and I'm a SAHM from northeastern Pennsylvania. I have two sons, ages 12 & 13. I have hypothyroidism. About 7years ago, I got my meds right and was able to lose 65lbs. I had a hard time keeping it off and my weight has slowly inched up. Last year, my youngest son was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It's been a long battle but he is almost done with all his chemo treatments and is in remission. Needless to say, there was a lot of stress eating and inactivity, sitting inpatient at the hospital with my son. I have gained back everything I previously lost plus some. I know what I need to do, I just lack the accountability to keep doing it. I'm hoping this will be the thing that keeps me going.... Now I'm off to find the measuring tape (:
  • bikinibooty
    bikinibooty Posts: 4 Member
    Hi BBM's! I'm Susie. Married with 2 kids & 2 dogs. Lost a ton of weight on PINK method after kid #1 but just can't get back into it. Thought I'd try something different. I will also be following a paleo diet w/o nuts or chocolate as I'm trying to heal eczema on my hands.
  • AbsterBee
    AbsterBee Posts: 22 Member
    Hello all! I just discovered Bikini Body Mommy last week and I'm so excited! I have two children (ages 4 and almost 2). I am a 5th grade teacher in a town about 35 miles northwest of Green Bay (although I'm originally from Long Beach, CA). I have never been skinny, but, I was a much healthier me when I was younger and I managed to almost get to my healthy weight between children. I lost about 25 pounds this past spring, but, with the stress of my job I have gained it all back. :( My husband also has quite a bit of weight to lose, so, he's going to be doing the workouts with me! I can't wait to be a healthier mom and a happier person!
  • pucca_belle
    pucca_belle Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone! I am so excited to see a group up to doing this challenge!

    Well my name is Lisa and I live in sunny South California. I have two daughters: Damaris age 3, Elianna age 9 months. After giving birth and seeing pictures of myself I was disgusted by my looks. A black dress that I "thought" was slimming showed off all the baby weight I had gained. I was 196lbs in high school and after giving birth to my second daughter I was at 235. After working out and logging my food I am back at 196lbs! But my goal weight is 130.

    Add me, I'm always looking for mommies as motivation and accountability.
  • cbhutton
    cbhutton Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I'm Caroline, also from DC!
    DS is 6.5 mo, and DD is 3. I'm a SAHM. I'm doing BBM in conjunction with a Couch to 5k program.
    I was super fit when I got pregnant with DS. I got into running and MFP when DD was about 1. Looking to get back to that place--I never felt better! 20-25lb is my goal.
  • kristaewd885
    kristaewd885 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Krista, I'm the proud momma of a 5 month old boy. Between working full time, being a wife, mommy, and pumping Im finding it hard to lose this baby weight. I used to run 3 times a week, lift weights and had a strict gluten free/primal diet. That's out the wind since I had the little one. I love being a mom but miss the old me and am looking forward to funding her again
  • GreenGoddess0716
    GreenGoddess0716 Posts: 27 Member
    I am Sam! Sam I Am! No I don't like green eggs and ham, because I am a vegan. lol B)
    I have a smart, beautiful daughter who will be turning three in March. :)
    I previously lost all the weight, then gained it do to falling back on bad habits. :'(
    I am happily married on days I don't contemplate homicide. :p
    I like lists and emojis/emoticons. >:)
    I currently work from home for a company that is going out of business. So I am currently, kind of looking for a new job. Whatever happens, happens I guess. :\
    I have a weird sense of humor and am usually that weird bubbly chick that everyone likes but can't quite figure out why. o:)