Let's GO!

hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member

Where are you with T-25? Day 1?

Best way to keep us on track... ideas? Weekly stat checkin? (measurements, weight)


  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    Day 1, complete!!! I'll try to check in as often as possible, but weekly stat check-in will be awesome!
  • tbroschinsky09
    tbroschinsky09 Posts: 4 Member
    Today is the start of week two! Legs are killing me! This is my 3 time restarting T25, I am going to actually follow through this time :) Everyone have a kick butt Monday!
  • booradley30
    booradley30 Posts: 7 Member
    Started this today - nearly killed me! I have become so unfit! I will check in weekly with stat results too!!
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    finished day 2....man am i uncoordinated
  • emmalynesmom
    emmalynesmom Posts: 3 Member
    Yesterday was day one for me! Hoping I won't get bored with it with this group!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    Today was day 2. I found today a bit easier with the stretches, until the last 10 minutes. Then it was really hard and I had to take a few breaks!!
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    Speed 1.0? Ugh - hate it! High knees my big ol' booty - I can barely get them up half way - thighs burning, calves cramping... hahaha BUT pushed through and Day 2 in the books!
  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    Shall we have our first official check-in soon? Saturday? Tomorrow? What do you guys think?
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    Yes - I like starting on Mondays but I'm game for earlier than next Monday (unless everyone took stats yesterday before starting T25?)
  • I have done T25 once fully, lost about 20lbs, I tried a second time and just wasn't into it. I took measurements and stats this past Monday, started tracking calories this week and will start day 1 of T25 this coming Monday. Can't wait and good luck to everybody!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I did my stats on the weekend, and I'm planning to do them again on Saturday.
  • ScrapperCandy
    ScrapperCandy Posts: 31 Member
    Just finished speed 1. I kind of liked it better than the cardio one.
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    If anyone wants to do stat updates, let's start at some point this weekend by posting current stats if you choose to share (commiserate...) - weight and/or measurements?
  • Sheerraa
    Sheerraa Posts: 4 Member
    MFP could with working out the number of calories each T25 workout burns so they can be measured accurately against our food/exercise log. I've started T25 for the second time after finishing it last year prior to my holiday. I felt amazing afterwards but sadly let standards slip when I came back from hols when I should have just started it up again....now i'm back to square one no thanks to the extra Christmas treats I've been nibbling on. But it seriously does work and once you've finished the programme it just needs to become part of your general lifestyle. Well done everyone for trying..Dont give up!
  • BrendSherwood
    BrendSherwood Posts: 31 Member
    Started this yesterday, so experienced Speed 1.0 today. So glad there was no one else in the house - I must have looked like an octopus trying to dance.

    Anyone got any coordination to spare?
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    Started this yesterday, so experienced Speed 1.0 today. So glad there was no one else in the house - I must have looked like an octopus trying to dance.

    Anyone got any coordination to spare?

    LOL - gotta love the "speed and agility" - or not. ;)

  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    finished day 3....i can do squats forever but cant plank for my life haha
  • nicolhelen
    nicolhelen Posts: 11 Member
    Anyone else really aching from speed1.0 yesterday? Not sure how I'm going to get through today's exercise!
  • BrendSherwood
    BrendSherwood Posts: 31 Member
    Oh yes, my legs are aching like mad from the knees down. I'm sure it'll all be good once you get going today - I know that my aches usually disappear once I start working out again.

    Just got to convince the 2yo that she does actually want a nap so daddy can be murdered by Shaun T again! ;)
  • BrendSherwood
    BrendSherwood Posts: 31 Member
    finished day 3....i can do squats forever but cant plank for my life haha

    Ha, ditto! Total Body Circuit was a real tough one for me (I was even having trouble keeping up with Tania by about half way through). Sick thing is I'm kinda looking forward to doing it again next week...