Weekly Post - 04/01/15 - 10/01/15

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
Welcome to 2015!

I'm spending today in bed with a very sore throat and many mugs of thyme and ginger tea.... Need to be back on my feet tomorrow as it is the first day back at work and a new course is starting. So I even put some onion, ginger and honey in a jam glass. The syrup is supposed to be the best thing for sore throats. I will see in a few hours, when it's ready...

No real logging on my side the last few days. There were too many meals out, that would have to be estimated. I was definitely over by a bit on some days. Weight is up a few pounds as always after some grain carbs and high days. Most should be water and come off on the next fast. That would bring me back to my pre Christmas weight.

As of tomorrow I will be logging again. A fast is planned, but I might move that to Tuesday, if I don't feel well enough yet. I'm ready to tackle those next few kilos with you!

Enjoy your Sunday! And to everyone starting back at work tomorrow, have a great start!


  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    @flumi_f‌ - hope you're feeling better soon. <3

    1st fast day for me today. My plan is to have the following:-

    Lunch - baked egg.
    Dinner - salmon in ginger and lime and a large salad
    Snack - hotel chocolate 70% dark chocolate baton, Apple
    Lots of water and coffee.

    Putting it out there so I stick to it. :D

    Good luck anyone who's fasting today. <3
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Sounds like a plan!

    Doing Ok. No fever just the sore throat. Onion syrup tastier than expected :) and potatoes for my neck wrap are in the steamer. Together with the hot tea, I will scare this virus away!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »

    Doing Ok. No fever just the sore throat. Onion syrup tastier than expected :) and potatoes for my neck wrap are in the steamer. Together with the hot tea, I will scare this virus away!

    Sorry to hear your under the weather. Hope you get well soon.

    Had a fast day yesterday, so of course the weigh-in this morning is a 'low' weigh-in, but I am happy to report that I am back to 168.6...still up from my lowest by 4lbs.

    High hopes for the new year...happy to have 5:2 to fall back on. I am letting go of the past year and focusing on the possibilities for 2015. Trying my very best to focus on the good this year and no more dwelling on what I can't change, but what I can!
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone, oldies and newcomers :smile:

    As some of you may know, I'm adopted and I was recently informed my biological Father is stage 4 cancer, so I'm quite upset atm. I'll probably go to Korea within 2 weeks. Dealing with the loss that is inevitable is one thing, dealing with my somewhat odd, estranged korean family as well is going to take most of my energy for a time. They've asked me to come over for a month...and that I will "help out", since Father wants to stay at his home. Not really sure what this means. I said "I'm not a nurse". So I guess being very mindful of my boundaries is crucial in this situation. I'm not even legally his daughter anymore. But then koreans are notoriously occupied with bloodlines.

    I'm logging and lurking, but I won't be posting a lot.

    I overate yesterday, but that's ok. I refuse to let this derail my weight loss goals too much. I'm 4 kg from goal. NO WAY I'm gonna gain back hard won losses. I'll try to use my frustrations and anger at the gym instead of falling into tubs of icecream and bags of chips.

    Right now, I'm REALLY happy that I've become an exercise addict.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Jknight: thanks for the quotes...good stuff.

    Get well Flumi!

    Good 1 Deb...still eating leftovers here (cabbage, black eyed peas, etc.), haven't started fasting again yet.

    Snaps: had a feeling it would come off quick, even better than expected.

    Foamie: can't imagine... going to be an unsettling but life changing experience...very brave, good luck.

    Some extraordinary people in this group, with extraordinary stories.
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    @Foamroller‌ thinking of you. Make sure you look after yourself. <3
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Flum-get feeling better. A little cayenne pepper in a tablespoon of water will do wonders for a sore throat.

    Debbie-your food plan looks wonderful.

    Snaps-Congrats on the weight loss. The ball is rolling in the right direction and should have no problem with your attitude.

    Foam-that's some heavy stuff to deal with. I love your plan of turning to exercise for an outlet. My friends husband died unexpectedly and it affected me in a way I wasn't prepared for. Which resulted in gained weight. We'll be here for you when you decide to check back in. I'd suggest lots of exercise and uplifting books.

    I'm fasting today...which is uncommon for a Sunday but that's the beauty of this plan. If you're not hungry, why not turn it into a fast day. If all goes to plan this week I'll be doing 4:3 to help with the holiday gain.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    @flumi_f So sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. <3

    @foamroller - You will be in my thoughts and prayers for your trip. I hope this trip is more profound than you could even imagine. When people are facing death it has a way of clarifying what is really important in life.
    But as other have said, take good care of yourself. Others around you will have their own ways of grieving and may take their pain out on you. Even going for a walk can be a great way to get to feel your own feeling and get clarity. And spending a little time in the morning planning, so that you are setting the pace for your day rather than others, can be a great way to care for yourself.
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    Fast day yesterday went well. Not quite as planned, as I went out with my mum and daughter for the afternoon, so skipped lunch.

    Ended up with the following for the day:-

    2 baked eggs with a very large salad.
    70% dark chocolate penguin from Hotel Chocolate.
    Pink Lady apple
    2 small satsumas.
    Lots of water and black coffee.

    Hope everyone is having a good Monday especially if it's your 1st fast day. :)
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Today is my first fast day now that the holidays are over. I plan on fasting Today, Wed. and Friday to get as much of the 4 lbs. I gained in the last two weeks off.
    I'm going to have a protein smoothie at 1:00 and a 4oz steak and salad for dinner for a total of 480 calories.

    I'm planning on starting a knitting pattern today and finish a book I started to keep be busy on my fasting days this week.

    Debbie: Sounds like you had a great fast day yesterday. Your menu sounds good. What are satsumas?

    Flumi: I hope you are feeling better today.

    foamroller: So sorry to hear about all that you are going through right now.

    I hope those that are fasting today do well......

  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    @‌loveswalking - satsumas are small oranges, like clementines or small tangerines.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Scale is not loving me lately lol! Luckily I know I'm just holding onto water weight since I'm tracking and have been at a calorie deficit and doing 16/8 type fasts. I had a TDEE + some day yesterday to shake it up and I'm having a 1200 cal day today. It's still a bit frustrating to see the scale go up when I'm tracking everything, but it's not distracting me or deterring me from my goals. I know eventually it'll come off. Some of it might even be due to my back pain/inflammation. I need to rewatch the documentary and get some real fast days in vs my just tracking calories and hoping not to go over my TDEE.

    Hope everyone has a great week <3
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    You're in for a WHOOSH soon, Carbi! Yup, that documentary can motivate you again. I've gone back to it a few times!

    Foami - just know, that we are thinking about you! Take care of yourself! <3

    I'm still fighting and kicking this virus...throat still sore...onion/honey syrup, potato wraps (around the neck, not down the hatch ;-) ) are helping, but as the doc says, a cold lasts 7 days or a week... Had my first day back at work today. Went ok, but cancelled TaiChi tonight to stay at home and drink more tea. I didn't really fast today. Kind of left it open and landed around 1000. Which is still a low day. Will probably do that again tomorrow and do a proper fast towards the end of the week.

    Still up around 2kg, one real one, one is water and may be off tomorrow. One step at a time....

    Thanks for all the well wishes! And enjoy your week!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    First fast day of the new year for me. Going ok. Fired up about what 5:2 will bring me this year. Best wishes to all of you fasters today.
  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    Glad to see I'm not not the only one who feels a little uneasy if I break the routine (even though my experience shows me that it all works out when I get back on track).
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Ever since xmas fasting has been a bit tougher, for some reason. I maintain the fast but feel hungry way more. Hope this passes. Fasted yesterday and have woken up starving when I am not usually hungry until 11ish fasting or not. Trying to imagine that all my fat is being eaten away by those pangs. I have been on a bit of a plateau, hoping for good things at Friday's weigh in.
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    So I turned this week into 4:3, yesterday's fast went well and I was down 2 lbs.
    My fast days are Sun/Tues/Thursday. I'm hoping to have the holiday weight off at the end of this week .

    Uptight-some fasts days are harder than others. If you're really hungry it's hard being active. What helps me is a ton of water and a good book or movie to get me through the tough hours (3:00-4:30pm for me).

    I don't know if anyone exercises on fast days but I believe it does wonders. After I get through this first week of fasting I hope to incorporate activity burns 300-500 cal's on my fast days . :p
  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    First fast of 2015 for me too! It went well and I didn't feel too hungry. @chiccam, congrats on yesterday's loss and hope the 4:3 goes well. @uptightoutofsight, I hope the hunger pangs pass soon! Holidays were great, now let's all get back to work :-)
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 261 Member
    End of first week for me and I have lost 2.1kg most of which will be water - according to MFP I should lose 0.4kg per week and looking at my net calorie intake for the week 0.4kg loss would be correct. Am doing 5:2 - and in total awe of those of you doing 4:3, I really really don't know how you manage it.

    Today is FD for me and I'm struggling so need to make myself busy. Just had a vegetable smoothie - would have had an egg but looking at what's in the fridge and wanting to avoid food shopping it looks like omelette tonight anyway. May go out for walk/jog before dinner to blow the cobwebs away.

    Hope everyone else's FDs are going okay and really hoping the FDs get easier.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Great job on your fasts this week everyone!

    I still have my cold, so I just trying to eat more or less sensibly. Throat hurts less, now nose is dripping...argh! Hoping I will be well enough to fast on Thursday or Friday.

    Only a half day of work tomorrow, so I shall take it a bit easy in the afternoon. Not really up to much exercise this week. Hoping for some sun instead of fog tomorrow, then a little walk would do me good.