Fitbit doesn't sync with myfitnesspal



  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    traci9028 wrote: »
    I've just started using my Fitbit in the last week and have had numerous problems, including errors reading calories, not showing steps, not syncing, etc. Is it really worth it or is there a much easier, user-friendly tracker out there? I know for many people, it probably works great but I get sooooo frustrated, especially when I don't have time to troubleshoot problems. I'm ready to return it, if they'll take it back. I'm getting stressed. Thanks for any suggestions.

    I've had my Fitbit for less than a year, and I've experienced synching issues at least 6 times that I can recall, they usually last 2 to 3 days, sometimes longer. It is VERY frustrating when that happens. I need to be able to rely on the integration to work all the time or at least more than 90% of the time, but it feels like there are a lot of issues, too often.
    On the other hand, I love my fitbit when the integration IS working. If anything, I'd suggest maybe looking for a different tool to integrate it with outside of MFP? No idea if those work any better though.
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks Barbie. That helps. I have figured out how to force a sync (MFP said to put in a dummy workout, then delete it - or connect to the fitbit app on my phone to get it going) but will it eventually do it on it's own? Also, I walked over 3000 steps yesterday and the calories burned on MFP keeps changing. How can I tell what it's supposed to say? First, it said 166 calories burned (that was yesterday afternoon), then it changed to -27 before bed. This morning, it said -33, (that was all after setting it down and not wearing it). Then, after putting it on today, that figure from yesterday changed again to -14. Not sure why or what it should be. Any suggestions?
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks CM9178. It looks like everyone really likes the Fitbit, when it's working, but when it's not, there's really nothing to do but fight with it? I'm sorry you have so many problems with it. I seem to be having problems too but maybe once I get more familiar with it, I hope there will be fewer. Do you know why the calories burned keeps changing (from yesterday). It's not reliable but I don't know how else to figure out how many the steps burn.
  • eemmerson929
    eemmerson929 Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 2015
    traci9028 wrote: »
    Thanks CM9178. It looks like everyone really likes the Fitbit, when it's working, but when it's not, there's really nothing to do but fight with it? I'm sorry you have so many problems with it. I seem to be having problems too but maybe once I get more familiar with it, I hope there will be fewer. Do you know why the calories burned keeps changing (from yesterday). It's not reliable but I don't know how else to figure out how many the steps burn.

    Here is how it works in my head and from my calculations over 8 weeks has been pretty accurate. You also have had to allow for negative calories in your settings. I could be way off but it works for me.

    MFP calculates based on information you give it. Height, weight, sex, age and activity level (sedentary, active, etc.) factor into how many calories you burn in a day. Other methodologies call this Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). For the sake or argument let's say that it is 2200 calories per day. This is different from BMR which is base on your height, weight, sex and age in a still state for 24 hours. Let's say your BMR is 1800. That is a 400 calorie difference based on normal activity.
    Your Fitbit also calculates the average amount of calories burned in a day and updates incrementally over the day even if you do nothing. That is why you will wake up with no steps and calories already burned on your Fitbit. If the activity from your Fitbit does not equal the amount of activity expected, in this case, let's say at 6PM which would be 75% of a day or 300 extra calories (18 hours or .75/day x projected 400 extra activity calories =300), you get the negative adjustment. Theoretically, if you only had 250 activity calories at that point you would have around a negative 40 calories adjustment from the Fitbit on MFP (50 cal deficit x .75 of the day)

    Once you have a few weeks in you will be able to calculate how accurate this is and be able to make some mental adjustments like I did. When people declare that they want to lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days, they don't realize they just committed to a net 'gain' of 1167 calories per day over what their TDEE is. You can decide what ratio of less calories and more activity to use. I use a 50/50 split on 500 calories a day. 250 less calories and 250 more burned.

    The negative adjustment gives you a sense of where you are in terms of your goal at a given point during the day.

  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks eemmerson929. It really sounded overwhelming until I read it a second time. I guess I was reading the information wrong. Since the figure was in the "calories burned" box, I saw a -33 and thought it was doing something crazy. I still have questions, like why it changed yesterday's figure today and how will I be able to tell if the information is accurate after a few weeks, but thank you so much for helping me sort out the difference in figures and why they are calculated the way they are. I really appreciate your help.
  • tomnibus
    tomnibus Posts: 5 Member
    Your suggestion to log activity on Fitbit and it will sync with MFP the steps isn't working for me.

    At first around Saturday night or Sunday nothing synced. Then I unlinked/relinked the accounts and I got steps for Saturday synced. Then Sunday and yesterday MFP data was sent to Fitbit but nothing from Fitbit back to MFP. Then today no data is being synced again either way. This is obviously affecting several people and I wonder if it has to do with the negative calorie checkbox they introduced.
  • rdcfe
    rdcfe Posts: 2
    This whole thread makes me so frustrated and sad. I've been using FitBit and MFP for about two years. The two together were ideal! Then last year, they stopped syncing. Sometimes forcing a sync would work, sometimes it wouldn't. And even when it did work, it only sync'd as of that specific time, it wouldn't update until I forced a sync. (When I say "forced a sync" - I mean I would unlink and relink the accounts.) The two haven't sync'd on their own in almost a year now.

    I upgraded my FitBit in early December (bought a One) to one that would sync with my phone so it would update all day long. I was really hoping that might fix the problem. Not only do they not automatically sync, they won't even sync when I force it. I know it's not just an issue of I just don't have an adjustment to be made because in the past food that was logged in MFP would come over to FitBit, that doesn't even happen anymore.

    I wish I had some idea of what the issue is. Is it FitBit, is it MFP? I'm nearly ready to call it quits with MFP and just start logging my food at FitBit. That makes me sad since I think MFP is so much better at tracking food than FitBit. I know FitBit is a "free" service (free in the sense, we pay with our information) and I would gladly pay for a service that worked better (as long as I didn't have to see ads). At least with FitBit, it all works, I've already paid and I don't have to see ads (hopefully my info isn't being sold).

  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    rdcfe wrote: »
    This whole thread makes me so frustrated and sad. I've been using FitBit and MFP for about two years. The two together were ideal! Then last year, they stopped syncing. Sometimes forcing a sync would work, sometimes it wouldn't. And even when it did work, it only sync'd as of that specific time, it wouldn't update until I forced a sync. (When I say "forced a sync" - I mean I would unlink and relink the accounts.) The two haven't sync'd on their own in almost a year now.

    I upgraded my FitBit in early December (bought a One) to one that would sync with my phone so it would update all day long. I was really hoping that might fix the problem. Not only do they not automatically sync, they won't even sync when I force it. I know it's not just an issue of I just don't have an adjustment to be made because in the past food that was logged in MFP would come over to FitBit, that doesn't even happen anymore.

    I wish I had some idea of what the issue is. Is it FitBit, is it MFP? I'm nearly ready to call it quits with MFP and just start logging my food at FitBit. That makes me sad since I think MFP is so much better at tracking food than FitBit. I know FitBit is a "free" service (free in the sense, we pay with our information) and I would gladly pay for a service that worked better (as long as I didn't have to see ads). At least with FitBit, it all works, I've already paid and I don't have to see ads (hopefully my info isn't being sold).


    Have you ever reached out to MFP or Fitbit customer service? It's one thing when they have these wide outages that last a few days, but if you haven't been able to sync for a year, there's obviously something specific wrong with your account(s). Start with an email to one, they may tell you to go to the other, but that's what they're there to resolve. Don't sit silent and frustrated for that long - get someone to help you.

  • hkgwins
    hkgwins Posts: 3 Member
    My first sync didn't work, so I followed instructions to "revoke" from FitBit and disconnect from MFP. I followed the instructions to sync again to no avail. This sucks.
  • Mine synced yesterday but as of today it's not any word?
  • i loaded yesterday in MFP app 1074 calories but in mi fitbit website it only says 947 calories which makes me dessappointed as yesterday was my first day using it and today i've loaded 1100 calories in my MFP app but none has been synced to fitbit and i have revoked it, connected and disconnected, etc etc and it does work!!:(:/
  • dougcooperatl
    dougcooperatl Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having the same issue
  • CrtnyRene35
    CrtnyRene35 Posts: 4 Member
    This is driving me INSANE!!!!!!! I've been using my Fitbit with MyFitnesspal for over a year now and within the past 24 hours, it will NOT sync! :( I have been frustrated all day over this and have read and done everything to reset, revoke access, uninstall, reinstall, reboot, etc etc etc.......sad :(
  • d00dlefairy
    d00dlefairy Posts: 15 Member
    Primarily, my food intake from MFP isn't being synced. According to my Fitbit dashboard I ate nothing yesterday. Screws up the stats! :\
  • ceejld
    ceejld Posts: 7 Member
    I've now emailed MFP via the help button at the top and asked for an official response to what is going on with the sync issue.

    Perhaps if a few of us did the same it may help. I made it clear in my email that I've tried all the official ways to force a sync and that there were lots of us reporting the same issue. Will let everyone know if I get any feedback.
  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited January 2015
    Finally fixed mine this morning and is currently working. (I did email MFP yesterday and just got an automated message back for now.)

    I have been syncing my Fitbit with my iPhone and iPad for the last 9 months with no problems, but this morning decided to find my dongle and sync with my computer. Didn't do anything at first so I used my computer to revoke MFP access on the Fitbit website and then went to MFP. Still showed Fitbit being connect even though I had revoked through Fitbit (same results as yesterday when I tried on my iPad). I then disconnected and reconnected Fitbit through MFP website and I was able to get today's Fitbit adjustment but not yesterday's.

    I then decided to create an activity on Fitbit for yesterday's date... Same results as yesterday when I used my iPad... Didn't show up on MFP. Deleted activity from Fitbit then tried logging a manual Fitbit adjustment on MFP. This time it did sync with Fitbit. I then deleted my manual Fitbit adjust and I do have the correct adjustments for yesterday and today. Don't know if this will continue to work but it has synced a couple more times this morning so I am hopeful.
  • 4manda76
    4manda76 Posts: 47 Member
    Mine has been working fine up until this morning tried revoking, unlinking and all that still no luck hope it's sorted out soon.
  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited January 2015
    Updated to add:

    When I synced my Fitbit with my iPhone it erased my Fitbit adjustment that I was able to get to show up on MFP this morning. (See previous post)

    The only fix I have been able to do is to create a cardio exercise in MFP. I named it Manual Fitbit Adjustment. I entered in 1 minute duration and 1 calorie burned and my Fitbit adjust shows up correctly. I just left the 1 calorie manual add for now. Hopefully it continues to sync properly with MFP. If not, I will delete my 1 calorie cardio and create it again.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    BarbieAS wrote: »
    rdcfe wrote: »
    This whole thread makes me so frustrated and sad. I've been using FitBit and MFP for about two years. The two together were ideal! Then last year, they stopped syncing. Sometimes forcing a sync would work, sometimes it wouldn't. And even when it did work, it only sync'd as of that specific time, it wouldn't update until I forced a sync. (When I say "forced a sync" - I mean I would unlink and relink the accounts.) The two haven't sync'd on their own in almost a year now.

    I upgraded my FitBit in early December (bought a One) to one that would sync with my phone so it would update all day long. I was really hoping that might fix the problem. Not only do they not automatically sync, they won't even sync when I force it. I know it's not just an issue of I just don't have an adjustment to be made because in the past food that was logged in MFP would come over to FitBit, that doesn't even happen anymore.

    I wish I had some idea of what the issue is. Is it FitBit, is it MFP? I'm nearly ready to call it quits with MFP and just start logging my food at FitBit. That makes me sad since I think MFP is so much better at tracking food than FitBit. I know FitBit is a "free" service (free in the sense, we pay with our information) and I would gladly pay for a service that worked better (as long as I didn't have to see ads). At least with FitBit, it all works, I've already paid and I don't have to see ads (hopefully my info isn't being sold).


    Have you ever reached out to MFP or Fitbit customer service? It's one thing when they have these wide outages that last a few days, but if you haven't been able to sync for a year, there's obviously something specific wrong with your account(s). Start with an email to one, they may tell you to go to the other, but that's what they're there to resolve. Don't sit silent and frustrated for that long - get someone to help you.

    I completely agree, if you haven't been able to sync for a year, something is wrong with one of your accounts or settings. I would contact someone for support.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    edited January 2015
    Mine still is only working intermittently. Yesterday I got it to sync a few times by adding an activity on the fitbit side and that would force it. It seemed to update on its own after that for the rest of last night. I use drivebit when driving to work in the morning, so it synced immediately after (around 2 1/2 hrs ago) and still hasn't synced on its own since then. I am going to try creating an activity on the Fitbit side again now and will update here if it works.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    *Update* Just tried what I said above and once again, this worked for me.

    So at least in my case, it seems like the only time Fitbit is ever pushing over the calorie adjustment is when an activity is entered (or deleted) on either side (Fitbit or MFP, I tried both sides and both forced a sync).

    My food is also pushing over fine from MFP --> Fitbit.
    The issue (for me) solely lies with automatic calorie adjustments throughout the day.

    My fitbit syncs with the app on my phone throughout the day, however, after syncing to my phone, it does not push over the calorie adjustment to MFP like it should.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Mine is actually working today!!!! Kept working after last night when I followed the tip to revoke access from the Fitbit side and then re-connect from the MFP side. Fingers crossed...
  • calithulu
    calithulu Posts: 25 Member
    So far it's a no-go since late Sunday on my account. Not a huge deal, since I just use Fitbit to ensure I stay moving throughout the day (damn you, desk job!) and for the better calorie estimate daily when I'm not able to exercise the way I want to.

    Now, I've been using Fitbit for a few years now and this is the first time I can recall a multi-day outage. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention...
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    calithulu wrote: »
    So far it's a no-go since late Sunday on my account. Not a huge deal, since I just use Fitbit to ensure I stay moving throughout the day (damn you, desk job!) and for the better calorie estimate daily when I'm not able to exercise the way I want to.

    Now, I've been using Fitbit for a few years now and this is the first time I can recall a multi-day outage. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention...

    yeah.. there have been a bunch of multi day outages in the last 6 months.
  • katie5467
    katie5467 Posts: 57 Member

    BarbieAS wrote: »
    Mine is actually working today!!!! Kept working after last night when I followed the tip to revoke access from the Fitbit side and then re-connect from the MFP side. Fingers crossed...

    Hi, had problems since yesterday and I've just done this too and it's worked, it's updated my excercise on mfp and my food on fitbit. It didn't update yesterday, but hopefully will be ok from now on...
  • crankyrobot
    crankyrobot Posts: 74 Member
    This is still not working for me. I did change time zones recently thinking it might change the hour at which everything resets, but that did not work, and so I changed it back. ARG.
  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited January 2015
    I emailed MFP and they responded back today. Here is a copy and paste (May take up to 24 hours to work due to backlog):

    Our apologies for any problems you have been having. We are aware a hiccup between us and Fitbit syncing which may have caused users to lose their access token. Refreshing your token will hopefully get you back on track (due to backlogs it may take 24 hours for your info to populate), but if not please reply back and we will further investigate.

    To refresh your token, please perform the following exact steps:

    - First unlink your Fitbit from you MFP account once more
    - Then Log into your Fitbit account at
    - Click the gear icon, then settings
    - Next click Applications
    - Then Click the blue 'Revoke Access' button
    - Finally go back the the MFP site and relink your Fitbit device

    This should refresh your link on both sides. Once you have reestablished the connection, if you are using one of our iOS or Android apps and have set up Fitbit with Steps, please make sure to also go back in and add Fitbit back to Steps once more as well. Please let us know if you continue to have any problems or need additional assistance.
  • calithulu
    calithulu Posts: 25 Member
    Kidominos wrote: »
    I emailed MFP and they responded back today. Here is a copy and paste (May take up to 24 hours to work due to backlog):

    Thank you for taking the time to do that. I've been at work but that was on my list of things to do when I got home.
  • JonfromIndiana
    JonfromIndiana Posts: 34 Member
    Kidominos wrote: »
    I emailed MFP and they responded back today. Here is a copy and paste (May take up to 24 hours to work due to backlog):

    Our apologies for any problems you have been having. We are aware a hiccup between us and Fitbit syncing which may have caused users to lose their access token. Refreshing your token will hopefully get you back on track (due to backlogs it may take 24 hours for your info to populate), but if not please reply back and we will further investigate.

    To refresh your token, please perform the following exact steps:

    - First unlink your Fitbit from you MFP account once more
    - Then Log into your Fitbit account at
    - Click the gear icon, then settings
    - Next click Applications
    - Then Click the blue 'Revoke Access' button
    - Finally go back the the MFP site and relink your Fitbit device

    This should refresh your link on both sides. Once you have reestablished the connection, if you are using one of our iOS or Android apps and have set up Fitbit with Steps, please make sure to also go back in and add Fitbit back to Steps once more as well. Please let us know if you continue to have any problems or need additional assistance.

  • JonfromIndiana
    JonfromIndiana Posts: 34 Member
    this worked for me :)