What's the one keto recipe that made you think "I can do this"



  • Pizza, especially a nice tortilla pizza.
  • DarlingNikki2011
    DarlingNikki2011 Posts: 287 Member
    Buffalo Chicken Dip and Chicken Bacon Alfredo. Both include cheese and chicken. One has bacon and one has hot sauce. What else do I need? I could literally eat them every day.
  • BitterGrace
    BitterGrace Posts: 19 Member
    I brown 2 pounds of ground beef and add one pound of cooked mushrooms and random veggies (broccoli, spinach, cauli, diced tomato, etc) and cheese. It's simple, fast, and I can easily make meals for my week that way. Right now I'm stupidly busy so it's been my best bet for easy and healthy meals.
  • chideldali
    chideldali Posts: 11 Member
    When I realised that camembert was almost perfect in terms of macros, I knew that keto was for me.
  • Churg
    Churg Posts: 1 Member
    Personal pizza dip- it is all the toppings in an individual ramekin, by Craig at ruled.me
    I had been trying to make some kind of base, but then when I had this hot dip I realised that I don't need a fake pizza base after all.
  • elli41
    elli41 Posts: 4 Member
    These all sound so good. Thanks for the suggestions. I made baked/broiled bacon wrapped Avacado. Next time I'm going to add cheese. So easy and so yummy. .. and so much fat!
  • jbrains762
    jbrains762 Posts: 2 Member
    Meatza, even though I rarely have it now. (I prefer the cheese/almond flour crust.) This broke the death grip that pizza had on me. Now I don't care whether I eat another flour-crust pizza in my life.
  • gonesquatchin85
    gonesquatchin85 Posts: 8 Member
    authentic Mexican food is inherently keto. just have to avoid the tortillas, rice, and go easy on the refried beans. Other than that, just load up on extra cheese and avocados :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Fathead pizza (there is a website), mashed loaded cauliflower (this was really good). I don't miss potatoes at all!