Weekly Check-In

hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
To keep us motivated - try updating this every week: (or would you all prefer measurements because as we know, it's not JUST about losing the weight, sometimes our successes come from losing inches and it doesn't always show on the scale)

Starting Weight (1/1):
Goal Weight (1/31):


Loss/gain for the week:
Loss/gain for the month so far:

Struggles or successes of your week:



  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    How about if we do the measurements per the Quick Start Guide?

  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    I'm all for that. The scale never tells the whole story! I measured on Monday (sooo depressing...yikes) and will remeasure Sunday night - takes up less time than trying to get it done before the 6 am workout. :)
  • BrendSherwood
    BrendSherwood Posts: 31 Member
    Right, I'll go first then. :)

    Weight: -2lbs (to 13st 11)
    Chest, Arms and Waist: All -0.5"
    Thighs: No change in size, but they definitely feel stronger and there is definitely a hint of definition around my knees now.

    For about 3 hours of work and being sensible with food, I'd call losing 2lbs and 1.5" a win!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    Weight: - 5lbs!
    waist: - 1 inches
    hips: -.5 inches

    This was a hard first week, but we followed it exactly with the quick start guide! I'm looking forward to having the extra calories this week!
  • shummel53
    shummel53 Posts: 20 Member
    Congratulations on your hard work! I just started on Monday. I'll post on Tuesday. Keep it up!!
  • nicolhelen
    nicolhelen Posts: 11 Member
    Great results, well done!

    Mine are:
    Weight -2lbs
    Waist -1 1/4 inch
    Thigh -1 inch
    Chest and arm stayed the same.

    Looking forward to doing the stretch dvd tomorrow, and to week 2!
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    Great job everyone! Love seeing the results - fingers crossed I get similar ones on Sunday at my first week check-in. :)
  • Monnix39
    Monnix39 Posts: 127
    I will have them for next week! I never logged a started weight/measurement and can only guess that I'm at least down 1 lb but have no idea on inches. Bring on week 2!
  • Missy022014
    Missy022014 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm getting a tape measure today so I can log measurements next week. This week I'm down 3 lbs!
  • tessavonhagen
    tessavonhagen Posts: 94 Member
    My kids lost my tape measure this week but down about 8 lbs today was week 4 day 1
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    down 5 lbs (tho i tribute that to some "female" bloating last week...lol)

    I lost I'm sure in inches as well however, I'm not sure we measured in exactly the same spots as last week as some seemed to have "inched" up.
  • ScrapperCandy
    ScrapperCandy Posts: 31 Member
    I actually haven't lost a single ounce, which is discouraging. But i know that I've lost some inches in my belly because I can button up the last button on my coat. :smiley: So that's something. I'll have to actually measure sometime.
  • shummel53
    shummel53 Posts: 20 Member
    I lost 6 lbs...I have a long way to go, but happy w the loss. Looking forward to losing inches so I can complete the moves accurately.
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    Next week I will detail out a bit more on the losses - I like seeing the stats, not only weight loss but inches too! :D
  • Monnix39
    Monnix39 Posts: 127
    Due to my schedule, it's better for me to do my weekly check in on Fridays so:

    Weight: -2.4lbs
    Waist: -0.5 inch
    Thighs: -0.5 inch
    Chest and arms stayed the same
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    Monnix39 wrote: »
    Due to my schedule, it's better for me to do my weekly check in on Fridays so:

    Weight: -2.4lbs
    Waist: -0.5 inch
    Thighs: -0.5 inch
    Chest and arms stayed the same

    Nice job! I will report in on Sunday. *fingers crossed*

  • amyj000
    amyj000 Posts: 75 Member
    I just finished week 1 of Alpha. Feeling good. Didn't take measurements, but will tomorrow. Good job everyone!
  • BrendSherwood
    BrendSherwood Posts: 31 Member
    Weight: -0.5lb (BOO!)
    Chest: +0.5" (BOO!)
    Arm and Thigh: +1"

    I was quite disheartened when I took my measurements this morning... until I measured my body fat % with the trusty calipers. Down 3 points on last week and down a total of 8 points since I started. Could this mean I'm actually gaining the tiniest bit of muscle?! :o
  • nicolhelen
    nicolhelen Posts: 11 Member
    Measurements were broadly the same as last week but I lost 2lbs.
  • roxie228
    roxie228 Posts: 7 Member
    Didnt upload my stats from last week but here are my stats from Day 1 to now
    Weight: -3lbs
    Waist: -2inches
    Hips: -1inch
    Chest; - 1 inch
    Arms: -.5 inch
    Thigh: - .5 inch

    Onto Week 3 soon!