


  • ashoona
    ashoona Posts: 42 Member
    Day 4 level 1 done! Did 15minutes of extra circuits because I slacked off yesterday. Feeling happy and motivated :)
  • Pole_Kat
    Pole_Kat Posts: 104 Member
    Day seven - done! Today I moved up to level two - it wasn't too bad, a bit rough on my knees, but nothing horrendous! Almost bottled it today after a rubbish day at work - but you all kept me motivated! <3
  • Amberella_Angel
    Amberella_Angel Posts: 14 Member
    Day 6 completed!! I also worked out a little on my Gazelle and did steps. :smile:
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Way to go everyone! Reading your posts makes me want to get up and go... I'll be back later after my workout. Is anyone only doing the 30DS or are you all combining it with some other activity?
  • MrsSawle
    MrsSawle Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Bit late joining in here, but I'm on day 4 of level 1 today... have a holiday booked end of feb which will include wearing a bikini and also the dreaded 30th birthday, so have got to do something to get in shape! I'm not doing any other 'proper' exercise, just cutting calories though I do have a horse to muck out etc every day, and I ride some days too, also take the dog out for walks but again, I don't count that as extra than normal. I'm finding the cardio and abs parts are fine, but any of the upper body strength parts are absolute killers (I simply CANNOT get the hang of press-ups and whichever muscle you use for the anterior raises I just don't seem to have, they make me want to cry!).
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    MrsSawle wrote: »
    Hi! Bit late joining in here, but I'm on day 4 of level 1 today... have a holiday booked end of feb which will include wearing a bikini and also the dreaded 30th birthday, so have got to do something to get in shape! I'm not doing any other 'proper' exercise, just cutting calories though I do have a horse to muck out etc every day, and I ride some days too, also take the dog out for walks but again, I don't count that as extra than normal. I'm finding the cardio and abs parts are fine, but any of the upper body strength parts are absolute killers (I simply CANNOT get the hang of press-ups and whichever muscle you use for the anterior raises I just don't seem to have, they make me want to cry!).

  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Hang in there!!! It does get easier...I can actually do the pushups ( modified) the whole time she's talking through the first round now. Before, I couldn't even do 5... However the soreness doesn't go...
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    I keep messing up the 'quote' thingy... Anyway....
    Day 7:Level 1 = Done :-D
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    36jessica wrote: »
    I keep messing up the 'quote' thingy... Anyway....
    Day 7:Level 1 = Done :-D

    Just checking
  • ashoona
    ashoona Posts: 42 Member
    MrsSawle wrote: »
    Hi! Bit late joining in here, but I'm on day 4 of level 1 today... have a holiday booked end of feb which will include wearing a bikini and also the dreaded 30th birthday, so have got to do something to get in shape! I'm not doing any other 'proper' exercise, just cutting calories though I do have a horse to muck out etc every day, and I ride some days too, also take the dog out for walks but again, I don't count that as extra than normal. I'm finding the cardio and abs parts are fine, but any of the upper body strength parts are absolute killers (I simply CANNOT get the hang of press-ups and whichever muscle you use for the anterior raises I just don't seem to have, they make me want to cry!).

    That section is my worst too! On day one I just held the plank for the push up bit but now I've worked my way up to the modified ones. Good luck!
  • kama_no
    kama_no Posts: 19 Member
    I am on my 4th day today, Level1. I did 30 day shred before, and other Jillian's workouts. I absolutely love her.

    I can't do pushups anymore as my wrist gave up on me! I have to plank.
    I am so excited about working out again! Just wish I could see results a tiny bit quicker!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Day 8:Level 1 = conquered! I was so NOT feeling it today so I'm extra proud I actually got it done :)
  • ahaar1
    ahaar1 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi, I just joined this group. I have been doing 30 day shred since Jan1. I am on Day 9 Level 1. Excited to have a group for some motivation. Good luck everyone. We can do this!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    ahaar1 wrote: »
    Hi, I just joined this group. I have been doing 30 day shred since Jan1. I am on Day 9 Level 1. Excited to have a group for some motivation. Good luck everyone. We can do this!

    Hi and good luck to you!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Day 9-Level 1= Done!
  • ashoona
    ashoona Posts: 42 Member
    Day 6 Level 1 done :) well done to everyone for sticking with it and welcome to all the new joiners!
  • Just finished Day 10 on Level 1. It was just starting to get a little easy. Pumped to start Level 2!
  • ana_lalic
    ana_lalic Posts: 26 Member
    Done with level 1. Finally jumping of to level 2 since the first one kinda started to bore me.
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Day 10:Level 1= DONE!!!

    Day 1:Level 2 = Done ( I couldn't wait to check it out)
  • Michlina82
    Michlina82 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I started 30DS on Jan 5. I tried it last year but had to stop after 2 weeks because I was having a lot of pain in my knees.

    This time I decided to do it Mon, Wed, Fri, and I've been doing the Bob Harper Weight Loss Yoga on Tues and Thurs along with my elliptical trainer.