A new year...A new you weigh in challenge



  • suze1001
    suze1001 Posts: 4 Member
    I've just joined, I'm determined to lose weight and get healthier this year. If anyone on this thread would like to befriend me, please do- I'm hoping this increases my staying power for losing weight.
  • oualum26
    oualum26 Posts: 128 Member
    Went to the gym 5 days this week (which I'm pretty sure is a personal record). Was under my calories everyday. Massively decreased my Coke Zero intake (can't cut it all out yet, but I was much better with it). And didn't lose a pound. Super frustrating.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    oualum26 wrote: »
    Went to the gym 5 days this week (which I'm pretty sure is a personal record). Was under my calories everyday. Massively decreased my Coke Zero intake (can't cut it all out yet, but I was much better with it). And didn't lose a pound. Super frustrating.

    Frustrating yes, but at least you didn't gain. Always look on the bright side. Maybe this week you will lose double the amount to make up for it ;-)
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    oualum26 wrote: »
    Went to the gym 5 days this week (which I'm pretty sure is a personal record). Was under my calories everyday. Massively decreased my Coke Zero intake (can't cut it all out yet, but I was much better with it). And didn't lose a pound. Super frustrating.

    If you are working out more, you need to make sure you're drinking lots of water. I always find my weight loss halts when I ramp up exercise, but that's because your body is building muscle which weighs more than fat, but in the long run will help you lose fat weight quicker :wink: so don't lose heart
  • melanieleasure
    melanieleasure Posts: 47 Member
    I joined. Feel free to add me as we all need the support. I am watching what I eat Exercise includes stationery bike and walking.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Already Tuesday! How is your week going?

    My week is going well. Not as great and awesome as last week but I am managing to stay within calories (after some weekend indulgence) and have managed to exercise everyday. I have vowed not to step on the scale until friday.. no sneak peaks and so far so good. I haven't seen my weight since Friday and I feel good about it.
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    After a small gain last week, I'm starting to see my numbers go down again. I'm hopeful for Saturday's weigh in. Tried running last night and when I got to the canyon it was till covered by at least 3 inches of snow :-(
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    My week is tiring! Between work, uni & that fact I've walked 6 miles each day since Monday!
    Having a meal out Saturday for my partners birthday (Wagamama's) so trying my best to get plenty of exercise in this week.

    I'm mindful that this coming week, is going to be difficult to keep my motivation and good intentions up... The first week or so I'm full of energy, but as my body gets tired & the weeks go on it's harder to stick with it, so that will be next weeks challenge!

    Hope everyone else is having a week they are proud of :smile:
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    A little late to the party, but I've added myself to the spreadsheet. Great idea! I like community challenges, so I'm excited to hang out with all of you.
  • snoweduponberries
    snoweduponberries Posts: 24 Member
    I have to say, I'm more glad this week than ever that I joined this group. Accountability - it's the only thing keeping me on the straight and narrow, right now. Months of sleepless nights(baby) are catching up, and every day this week I've wanted to throw in the towel and eat everything in sight.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Weigh in tomorrow! Do you think you will have a good number? I am hoping I do. It hasn't been a great week, but it has been good. I haven't really overindulged since the weekend and although my activity level was a little less than last week, I still managed some solid work outs and at least some level of activity everyday. This is the first week in forever that I didn't "sneak peak" at the scale so I really don't know what to expect!
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    I'm nervous for the weigh in. Hopefully i am on target, but there is a voice in my head that is saying: you won't be, just give in and let go...pfff.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Maintained this week. At first I was disappointed. I looked back at my week and realized that 1)I WAY overindulged over the weekend 2) Had high sodium multiple times 3) I did not drink as much water 4) I worked out at a lower intensity than usual 5) and I had some unintentional undocumented snacking upping my total calories consumed. Now I am happy at the maintain and am moving on. My focus is to not sabotage myself this week and make smart choices. This does not mean I will not indulge a little bit, but I will pick my indulgences with success in mind! Happy Friday!
  • neurex
    neurex Posts: 58 Member
    ravenzwart wrote: »
    I'm nervous for the weigh in. Hopefully i am on target, but there is a voice in my head that is saying: you won't be, just give in and let go...pfff.

    Good job in keeping at it! My weight loss slowed down this week too, although the first week I had lost more than what I expected. It sounds like we should aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week to be healthy, so around 4 pounds in two weeks is good!
  • neurex
    neurex Posts: 58 Member
    edited January 2015
    It sounds like one of the most successful strategies to lose weight in the long term is just logging your food / calories and, thereby, becoming more aware of what you eat. Whether you lose weight or not this week doesn't matter in the long term. What matters is that you keep on logging!

    Good job at keeping at it!
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    neurex wrote: »
    It sounds like one of the most successful strategies to lose weight in the long term is just logging your food / calories and, thereby, becoming more aware of what you eat. Whether you lose weight or not this week doesn't matter in the long term. What matters is that you keep on logging!

    Good job at keeping at it!

    I like this & agree, it's what I strive to do... but sometimes that I give that damn number too much power!

    A challenge for the next couple of months I think... to not give a number so much power & to work on being fitter & healthier :smile:
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    Indeed i had a very very very small loss way less then i hoped ffor, so today i had a 'baaldag' (i guess a 'fed up' day is a translation that comes close to it). But now i have picked myself up again. Okay i went over my calories today, but indeed i kept on logging to confront myself with the effect of my foul mood (yes i am an emo eater).

    @neurex you are totally right, it's staying focussed and for me that is keep logging and keeping my eyes on the price at the end of the track! So thanx for the words of encouragement!
  • txagrn
    txagrn Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Just joined today! It took me awhile to figure out there were groups and challenges as I mostly log on with my phone. Looking forward to being a part of the challenge.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    txagrn wrote: »
    Hi! Just joined today! It took me awhile to figure out there were groups and challenges as I mostly log on with my phone. Looking forward to being a part of the challenge.

    Welcome I'm glad you found us & I hope you enjoy your stay :wink:
  • Steffie782000
    Steffie782000 Posts: 34 Member
    Well this week I stepped it up in being diligent with food and starting my exercise routine, finally over the flu, and I gained weight. Boo. I think it is water weight, or possibly bowel weight. However it is still frustrating.
    Here is to a better week next week.