What are your high carb cravings and replacements?

photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
I know for me, I crave cheesy snacking things ( I probably should have owned stock in Cheetos and Smartfood).
I tried one of the no-carb cheetos recipes out there and it was basically an unsweetened meringue with tiny shreds of cheddar folded in. I just couldn't get past the texture. I do like these low-carb "goldfish" crackers that I found ( http://www.ruled.me/keto-recipe-better-goldfish/ ) so maybe the answer is to make them in stick form.


  • angela_carreen
    angela_carreen Posts: 17 Member
    Chocolate. I'm very thankful for russel stovers sugar free chocolates for those days! I can make everything else from scratch and have some decent recipes but I don't really like fat bombs and those hit the spot for me.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Crackers. No replacement. .

    Tonight I had oven roasted cauliflower with pot roast. The cauliflower tasted like soft tater tots. It was okay. I did not miss potatoes.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I nuke kraft deli deluxe cheese squares (i break it into little squares) on parchment paper in the micro machine for like 1 mins. my cheesits. yum. i also eat lindt 90% dark.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I usually have zero cravings on LCHF..that is if I'm following correctly. When I splurge and eat more carbs, esp. grains and/or sweets/desserts, I crave them for days afterward along with all things carby like potatoes, chips, bread, crackers, cake, pastry, more ice cream, pie, cookies, etc. It's awful. I plan my splurges for this reason, so I know that I will need to end the cravings.

    Over Christmas my plan was for 1 day of splurge. I got weak (which is very unlike me) and made it 4 days. I didn't do too much damage, but it took almost 2 weeks to get that water weight off. Was it worth it? Nah, not really.
  • tatiianag13
    tatiianag13 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm with sljohnson1207 above. What I like about LCHF is that I dont' have cravings. So I haven't really had to "replace" them. When I eat flour+sugar+fat desserts, I crave them. And crave them, and crave them. I never stop craving them. There is no replacement for it. Not for me. Its like trying to find a replacement for cocaine (I'm not saying desserts are like cocaine--I'm saying its an apt analogy for me!). I won't even make "paleo" breadlike desserts. If I don't eat them, I dont' crave them. I eat cacao flavored fat bombs when I want something sweet. But I've never been much of a sweets person--not without the flour and fat to go with it!

    I will say that my natural, non-cocaine-like craving is for salty, crunchy things. I truly do miss popcorn! But Bacon fits that niche. And so does a snack of cheese and nuts. (Although, I'm not even sure how "natural" that craving is either. I think I'm just always slightly anemic, and that's why I crave salt.)
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    Sweets, mainly chocolate. So far the only thing I have used for replacement is sugar free jello and one time I had a spoonful of peanut butter
  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    Sometimes I miss sweets and get a little tempted when my boyfriend is eating ice cream, but honestly I really DON'T have any real cravings where I feel like I need to eat something I shouldn't. The main things I've had to get used to is the different textures of things. When I want crunchy, I do almonds or bacon or some bell pepper slices or something. When I want bread for a sandwich or burger or something, I make oopsie rolls (love em). When I want something sweet, I pretty much say screw that cuz I feel like eating sugar free sweets would just make me want some all the time. lol I've done really well so far, not cheated at all. I've stayed away from all carby foods and I have to say I'm both proud of myself and amazed with how sustainable this diet actually is!
  • lifeofheart
    lifeofheart Posts: 13 Member
    nill4me and amehrkens, how often do you have chocolate? I think that my chocolate consumption is really getting in the way of my weight loss (I eat 4-5 squares a day). I am addicted. Tonight, I made Perlmutter's chocolate truffles from scratch. MISTAKE (I ate three truffles just making the darn things!) I gave up my cherished wine (for the most part), but must I give up chocolate too?! (I know nill4me recommends 90% cacao, but how often can you eat that?)
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    Crackers. No replacement. .

    Tonight I had oven roasted cauliflower with pot roast. The cauliflower tasted like soft tater tots. It was okay. I did not miss potatoes.
    Have you seen these http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/almond_thins.html ?

    Tatiianag13 - I miss popcorn too! I've read on suggestion to break up oopsie rolls in popcorn sized pieces and then dry them out in a dehydrator or a very low temp oven, but I haven't tried them yet.
  • Timon0201
    Timon0201 Posts: 20 Member
    For chocolate cravers. I go for one piece of dark chocolate. Actually is quie low carb if uncan limit urself to 1 or 2 pieces a day
  • lifeofheart
    lifeofheart Posts: 13 Member
    Timon0201, yes, I started by saying that I would only have one square a day (70%). I am going to try 90%. Maybe that'll stop me! lol
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I usually have zero cravings on LCHF..that is if I'm following correctly. When I splurge and eat more carbs, esp. grains and/or sweets/desserts, I crave them for days afterward along with all things carby like potatoes, chips, bread, crackers, cake, pastry, more ice cream, pie, cookies, etc. It's awful. I plan my splurges for this reason, so I know that I will need to end the cravings.

    Over Christmas my plan was for 1 day of splurge. I got weak (which is very unlike me) and made it 4 days. I didn't do too much damage, but it took almost 2 weeks to get that water weight off. Was it worth it? Nah, not really.

    This is me, too. The bane of my existence over the holidays was pumpkin rolls (and the many varieties my mom and I have come up with over the years). Flour+sugar+fat and it's all over.

    I don't generally keep that kind of thing in the house, though (I sometimes make that stuff for other people, but that naturally limits my consumption, because it's not mine to eat, and even if I have extras, as long as I don't start cutting into the roll, I won't touch them), and I don't really crave them, so I have no desire to make them or things like it.

    I don't generally plan "splurges" or "cheats," but rather, follow the 80/20 rule (or as it's probably more accurately, 90/10) -- strive for 100% compliance, but if something comes up, don't sweat it. For example, this weekend, I had a bit more in the carb department (mostly in the form of starch from potatoes, but some sugar, too) and am paying for it now in bloating/inflammation, but I refuse to feel guilty over it. I observe what happens, take note, and learn that it's not really worth it to do that kind of thing again if I can, and move on. It will ultimately take me a few times of that happening, just because that's how I am with food, but eventually, I'll not consume them at all (this is happening with pizza, too -- we went to a pizza place, because that's where my in-laws wanted to go, and for the most part, I ate the topping off and didn't eat the crust, where I used to eat the crust, too). It takes time, but I'm in this for the long haul, so I'm okay with not being perfect right this instant.
  • emilymean
    emilymean Posts: 159 Member
    I might miss pizza and popcorn but I don't really crave them. When my stomach starts making a fuss between meals I will have an ounce macadamia nuts, or beef jerky, or pork rinds and if I crave sweet it's a tbsp almond butter. Any of these feel like a treat and I don't have to prepare anything, just measure and eat. These are always available in my house, if not then I'd most likely start eyeing the kid's food.
  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    I think I might just have to get some almond butter or Splenda I can mix into cream cheese for the sweet cravings. Other than that, I'm good.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I am a chip/fried food kind of girl. I eat seaweed snacks or pork rinds to fight chip cravings, in the summer make zucchini or kale chips. For fried goodies I look up ways to make it low carb. FOr example chicken nuggets made in coconut and almond flour, or parmesan breaded mozzarella sticks.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I think I might just have to get some almond butter or Splenda I can mix into cream cheese for the sweet cravings. Other than that, I'm good.

    OMG, these -- http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/cream_cheese_clouds.html -- with some peanut butter mixed in is heaven! *drool*
  • AshleyDillo
    AshleyDillo Posts: 2 Member
    I crave crunchy/salty things when I am craving carbs. I don't actively seek out a replacement though since the cravings aren't active when I keep my total carbs low and am not indulging in my beloved Coke Zero.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Today I wanted something really chewy like toffee. Course I didn't have it, but couldn't think of an lc replacement -any suggestions? Also saw someone eating curry chips today and felt a wee bit jealous! What could ever replace chips/fries?
  • CJ0821
    CJ0821 Posts: 51 Member
    POTATOES. Any way you can make them. I have kicked the cravings to the curb..thank goodness.. but any time I smell the glorious-ness of a russet my heart skips a small beat.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Today I wanted something really chewy like toffee. Course I didn't have it, but couldn't think of an lc replacement -any suggestions? Also saw someone eating curry chips today and felt a wee bit jealous! What could ever replace chips/fries?

    Pork rinds! At least, that's what most people on here use. I haven't been keen on them, but it works for a lot of people.

    You could also do kale chips if you like kale.

    Bacon works for me, though, since I like crispy bacon, so I get the crisp and the salt combination.
    CJ0821 wrote: »
    POTATOES. Any way you can make them. I have kicked the cravings to the curb..thank goodness.. but any time I smell the glorious-ness of a russet my heart skips a small beat.

    I know the feeling. I've been able to make due without my mashed potatoes for the most part, but I do have them at holidays and just accept the consequences. They've always been a comfort food, and one thing I could reliably eat even when I'm sicker than a dog (seriously, that and steak would stay down even when everything else didn't).