Weekly weight in????



  • kumitejs
    kumitejs Posts: 34 Member
    Morning gals!

    Maureli - don't get down on yourself ! I feel your pain. Truly. Keep at it and you'll get there !

    Thanks for the advice regarding my stall and the tips on changing things up. I'm feeling somewhat better not having to reach that 1,200 goal but instead having bumped it up to 1,450. It's a lot easier to sustain and feels better for me! I think I'm also eating a fairly good balanced diet. This week I was having a really hard time with my back, so only made it to karate on Wednesday. Today will be going to get some weights...just some 10 pounds to add to the 5 pound weights I already have. It's a start. My karate teacher recommended I start dong that and it seems to be the thing and she says it will improve my strength and perhaps my back issue.

    The good news is - I lost 0.6 pounds this week ! Yay ! It is great to see some progress and I will definitely take 0.6.

    I want to congratulation you all on your successes and your dedication !!!! You continue to inspire me!

  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I have been fallen off the wagon for about 10 days..:blushing: , but I am back. Thankfully I didn't gain any weight (I still tried to be concious what and how much I ate). The scale read this morning 163.8lbs.

    I require surgery in September and will be unable to run/bike, but I am hoping after the healing I will be able to do that pain free. Will continue to do upper body workouts and try to swim as soon as I am cleared from the doc, since there is no gravity involved in swimming.

    Awesome on all of you who made progress and keep pushing and continue what you are doing for all who are not satisfied with their progress.

    Have a great week

  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Okay, time to weigh in. I lost 1.2 lbs this week. I was 180.4 last week and weigh 179.2 today. Last Saturday, I weighed in under 180 and I managed to stay below 180 all week! So happy about that!

    Hope everyone else did well! Congrats to everyone who lost last week and hoping those who didn't have some losses to report today!

  • kumitejs
    kumitejs Posts: 34 Member
    Weighed in at 146 this morning. Lost 1.4 pounds. My biggest loss all at once so far and puts me only 1 pound away from my first milestone goal - to get to 145 and fall back into the "normal" bmi range. I don't know if increasing my calories slightly helped, but I certainly feel better and good thing too - since injuries and circumstance have kept me from my regular karate routine. Next week I'm on vacation (though still at home). Will be a challenge outside of regular routine - but I am determined. Good luck to all and congrats for your determination. p.s. Emy - Woo hoo !
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Forgot to post here yesterday, so I'm a day late. I was down 1lb from last Friday! Back in the 140's

  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I'm late posting too! Great job on the losses! Maureen, the 140s must be great! I dream of being there again! Johanne, I saw on my feed that you lost again this week! Great job!

    I lost 3.2 pounds this past week, from Friday to Friday, but I had a lot of ups and downs. I'm weighing in on Mondays for my nutrition group, and only lost .6 pounds when I look from Monday to Monday. Either way, the scale is going down, so I'm happy! i stayed in the 170s for the past two weeks, and that's great considering where I started.

  • Congrats to all the losers! I stayed the same again, but I won't let it get me down as I had a lot of pizza last week and I actually notice a difference in the shape of my legs, so between the both; I'm going to say it's all good.

    I will admit I am hopeful for a good week this week though. ON my runs I've pushed it with a long sprint on a couple of the run portions to hopefully boost some weight loss this week. We shall see!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    This morning I am up .5. booooo! I did have a weird week with all the driving the kids back to university etc etc. But, still. I will have a better week this coming week.

  • Good attitude Maureen!

    I'm down .4. Not near what I was expecting (was expecting more; I've been status quo for a while and busted my butt this week!), but it is 'tom' so hopefully that has something to do with it and next week will be my big winner. If not, I need to figure something out as this hasn't changed in weeks.

    Good luck to everyone else!
  • Down .6 today. Really slow the last 5 weeks. 1 or 2 of the weeks, I knew it was me, but the others I was expecting a lot more. I think next week I'll change my 50 mins of cardio to 30 cardio20 weights and see if that helps any. Hoping!!!

    Good luck to everyone else :)
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    165.3 lbs this week. Not much move here....:frown: ....congrats to all who lost weight and keep going and stay motivated to all who are stalling.............
  • Down .4
  • Finally!!!! Down 2.2. Been waiting for something to give it's been awhile since I've had movement. Made for a happy Friday!! :)

    Good luck to all others!
  • No +. No -.

    Guess it'll work for this week….
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Friday November 7th WI for me is 152. I had a bad week last week and was 154 at the start of this week. So, 152 is actaully a good number for me. I know it was probably a lot of water weight, but I feel better. Hoping to have a strong week, and make it through this weekend without a lot of indulging.

  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Weighed in yesterday but didn't post....
    down one lb!

  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    150! Down one more
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    149.5 :) I love the 140's
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Well, let me be the first to post here in 2015! :D

    My first weekly weigh in of the year has me down 3.4 lbs. Very pleased with my efforts this week and the results. Now onto challenging week 2, the fight to maintain the changes.
  • BeckyRozz
    BeckyRozz Posts: 1 Member
    Up 0.3. I am doing well with exercise, but doing poorly with night snacking.