so there was this guy in the gym . . .



  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    katro111 wrote: »
    I love this thread! I don't belong to a gym anymore so I don't have any good stories to share (maybe one or two from a few years ago), but I still love coming in here to read! <3

    There's no statute of limitations. Share away!

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited January 2015
    kurt vonnegut's super-skinny, 6-foot-tall baby brother was in 'my' gym today. wandered in while i was preparing to leave dressed like a beachcomber, and he did a warmup/limbering routine that i've never seen before in my life. i actually paused putting all my outdoor gear back on just so i could watch. it was kind of like watching yanomono war dances or some form of kendo done with the bar instead of a stick or something.

    but he was obviously very centred and symmetrical and he had mad control so after the performance that i racked up tonight, i'm not gonna carp. it was just fun watching this great tall guy who probably weighs less than me with the wild grey-black afro curls and handlebar mustache squatting and bouncing and . . . he really did exactly that, actually. got all the way down in a sort of atg sumo stance with his hands going namaste at his mirror image, and then he held himself in exactly that pose and jumped eight or nine times. about half a foot off the floor. his hair bounced and his namaste never faltered an inch.

    we had a short exchange about him needing the bar that belongs to the bench i had all my outdoor clothes strewn all over and he seemed pleasant enough, even actively friendly. i'm kind of squirrelly about forming actual associations with anyone i have a short-form conversation with at a gym, because just having basic social abilities doesn't prevent a person from being weird or republican or just a thundering, blistering, head-bending bore . . . but still. noteworthy.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    kurt vonnegut's super-skinny, 6-foot-tall baby brother was in 'my' gym today.

    Best. Description. EVER.

    Hmmm... well, so this was a few years ago when I had a membership at XSport Fitness, but I'll share anyway cuz it will be forever burned into my memory!

    On Wednesday nights, my BFF and I would take the cycling class. We'd get there about 30 minutes early and do some putzing around and about 5 minutes before class would start the foam roller guy would show up. Super ripped, but not particularly huge if you know what I mean (low body fat, but hadn't done any major bulking). I worked out 6 days a week back then and never saw him there working out. I was friends with a couple of the PT's at the gym and they also said they never saw him come in and use the facilities to exercise. He would find an open spot on the floor which was the middle of the freakin gym and get out his tools. Different shaped and sized foam rollers and balls. Looked like an S&M sex toy kit to be honest. Then as we would start our cycling class, we could see him through the window going to town. He would use the lacrosse? ball on his upper quads so it looked like he was humping the floor. Then he'd flip over, put one of the rollers on his back and do hip thrusts while rolling out if back. Air humping. He'd go for about 30 minutes then leave the gym. Every. single. Wednesday. Our cycling class instructor even started getting distracted by him and would flub up when we were supposed to increase the resistance on the bikes because she'd be laughing too hard. So yeah, here's to you weird foam roller guy and your floor and air humping roll out sessions at a gym where you never worked out!

  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    "Then he'd flip over, put one of the rollers on his back and do hip thrusts while rolling out if back. Air humping. "
    Did it ever occur to you that this was his way of trying to pick up women? (or men)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    CHFay wrote: »
    Did it ever occur to you that this was his way of trying to pick up women? (or men)

    idk . . . how big was the roller?


  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited January 2015
    idk . . . how big was the roller?


    I can. ;D

    One of the many reasons why I <3 you.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm actually disappointed with myself for not asking about the size of his balls.

    hang out with lifters for long enough and just look how my level of discourse degrades.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    CHFay wrote: »
    "Then he'd flip over, put one of the rollers on his back and do hip thrusts while rolling out if back. Air humping. "
    Did it ever occur to you that this was his way of trying to pick up women? (or men)

    maybe he did his foam rolling at one gym and his training at a different one so he could be taken seriously?

    Except he really coulda just gone and rolled at home if he had all this stuff lol.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    No one else is wondering about @Katro's knowledge of S&M sex kits? Really?

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Nope. But then I've researched many different things including doing a BDSM neg file for policy debate, which mostly led to research on abjection. :sunglasses:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I just assume there's a lot of differently shaped things in one of those kits, right?? Lol
  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    Back to our original topic...
    So there was this guy in the gym today, while we were in the rack. He's Mr Studly, all plugged into his tunes and wearing enough cologne that if he ever escaped from max security the dogs would catch him before he'd gone 10 feet. (In other words, he reeked)
    He's on the Smith machine doing benches, and walks over to the squat rack and takes the 10# plates off one side w/o asking. My husband yelled something like "hey, we need those" and of course, he couldn't hear us...
    I looked over and counted 8 10# plates racked on the back of the Smith machine, but *kitten* had to walk to the squat rack and take ours. Really?
    Then he looked upset when I told him to rerack them on the squat cage.
    I see why people buy their own racks and equipment to work out at home.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    ^^ That's annoying.

    Tonight, at my gym I confirmed something that I've been noticing --

    99% of the guys who bench in my gym don't actually bring the bar down their chests.

    Now, I know some of them are doing whatever micro-movements they think they need, but that's not even what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the guys who are actually doing full on bench press.

    Just seems to kind of defeat the purpose to me. Or maybe I'm just being a snob.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i've been given advice here and there not to go all the way down to the touch because pec tears, so it seems like it might be legit. i do it anyway, but i've got a nice round ribcage like a labrador retriever, so maybe it just works for me.

    my guys-in-the-gym . . . there are so many new random people in there, it's the plus side of happy new year i suppose. on the other hand, the whole 'buddy' factor of new years workouts is a thing to deal with. boyfriends telling their girlfriends how to do stuff is one trend i really notice and try not to bristle/eavesdrop about. and the other is roving collections of young/youngish guys. basically, if it's at either end of the teen spectrum and it's in the gym, then there's three or four others just like them somewhere very close by.

    i usually try to just mind my own business and not try to critique other folks' form, since it's not like i feel anywhere near sure enough to give intructions to anyone. but right now it's really really quite hard to keep to that rule because even i see things that are making me flinch. the little cluster of 13-yo's all 'squatting' under the direction of one of them in the smith rack. and benching with their upper arms out at right angles eeek yike. two specific things spotted tonight though:

    1. guy in a beanie and combat pants, instructing his girlfriend in leotards and tight tank top. they happened to be doing it in the floor zone where i was stretching, so this doesn't count as creeping them. he was teaching her squats first, and tbh from where i was sitting it looked to me like her form was much better than his. but anyway, i heard him saying 'you do five' to her, and then i heard her checking her phone and asking 'how come everything's five except deadlift?' and so i had to pipe up and yup, stronglifts. they were quite nice really and i think she was pleased to know i was doing it too. although i'm not sure how happy the dude was about me interrupting. he seemed to sort of know what he was talking about, but also sort of, in some ways, perhaps not. i was able to point them both towards the big skinny training plates when they did get to deadlift, and i feel like i did a good deed because he had her with only 25's on the bar, and the poor girl had long legs. i'm sort of hopeful she might become one of those people you don't ever really get to know as a friend outside the gym, but you kind of smile and feel pleased to see them inside of it. why not? the guys all seem to have plenty of people like that.

    2. roving gang of young late-teens guys. oy vey. these ones just did hack me off because you could have transposed them straight to the sidewalk outside the 7-11 of a small town and they would have been less out of place. it was that typical configuration where one of them does something while the other two stand round and watch. they antagonized me without even trying because they were right where i couldn't help noticing them, and one of them was sort of doing something with some sort of bar in a half-assed hur hur kind of way, and one of the others picked up the broomstick people use for dislocations etc - and he was using it at his friend like a fake sword. you know the kind of stupid meaningless fake-fighting stuff stupid meaningless people do when they're bored and brainless and just arsing around. it surprised me how arnold i felt. You Don't Act Like That In The Gym. Show Respect For The Iron, all that. but they wandered off to take turns at wrecking their rotator cuffs on the cable pulldown before i could make up my mind whether to mouth off or not.

    thing is, one of them . . . i was watching them a little bit anyway, kind of glowering, maybe kind of hoping that they'd make my day, i dunno. and i suddenly noticed one of them's socks. he was wearing i-dunno-what for a shirt, long stupid silky baggy blue shorts for his pants, and ankle-high motorbike boots. i kid not. the kind that come right across the whole foot and close with snaps and buckles and stuff on the outside of the foot, instead of laces or even velcro. and right above the top edge of his socks, some kind of bad-*kitten* ufc or marine-looking tattoo, all over one calf reaching up to his knee.

    but his socks. his socks were the gift. they looked like a little girl's flannel pyjamas, is why i double-took and looked closer at them. toadstools, they had printed on them. toadstools. and some kind of woodland-crittery something else, and these bigger green images that looked like turtles or perhaps lily pads, i'm still not totally sure. i couldn't swear to it although i'd love to be able to, but even though i can't swear it i really do think he was wearing franklin-the-turtle-themed socks.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I saw a couple of interesting things tonight.

    1. Young male attempting to do rows. He had a small, light weight on the bar and looked to be trying to get them to touch the ground each time but he was also very thin and rather tall so it was a bit of a stretch. He'd do some reps, then ponder a moment, check his phone to note something and rest a little, then do it again. I almost wanted to go recommend he stack some plates to make it easier for him but I was still in my squat sets.

    2. Male showing female how to squat. Or well, he was trying to but had some odd focus on the hip thrust. He had a bit of weights on the bar and didn't move it at tall to adjust height. It was still down from when I'd used it so pretty short. He showed the girl with him and paused before getting all the way back up to thrust his hips and that was really his focus. He then convinced her to try it though she was quite reluctant. I had to take my earbud out cause I was curious, and he tried to tell her how to squat and when to push her hips forward. She was not as into it as him, for sure.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    ^^ That's annoying.

    Tonight, at my gym I confirmed something that I've been noticing --

    99% of the guys who bench in my gym don't actually bring the bar down their chests.

    Now, I know some of them are doing whatever micro-movements they think they need, but that's not even what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the guys who are actually doing full on bench press.

    Just seems to kind of defeat the purpose to me. Or maybe I'm just being a snob.

    I've heard the advice to not go down to the chest for shoulder-protection purpose. But mostly from the bro-crowd that do the wide grip bench or don't tuck their elbows in at all when they go down. It *is* less damaging to the rotator cuffs to not go down all the way then. I think. Also, it also means they're not bouncing the weight off their chest. That can be a good thing, lol.

    I saw this man on my way out yesterday on the lat pulldown... It made me cringe and I almost stopped to help him out because
    1- he had too much weight on and was using lots of momentum
    2- every rep, because he had so much weight on, I presume, he would curl his upper back down and almost "crunch" the bar down to his upper abdomen with elbows flaring wide out. I can't imagine how bad that can be on all of his upper body. There is a reason you're supposed to keep the shoulder blades back. =/

    Didn't seem like a regular, or an experienced guy at all, so Ima go on a limb here and say he's all kinds of sore this AM.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Yeah -- everything I've read recommends touching the chest, but this obviously assumes arm and elbow form is correct.

    And yes, I'm seeing lots of couples too. Not so much yesterday -- they're probably too busy having sex or going on picnics or whatever couples do on Saturdays :) -- but earlier in the week, it was like a requirement or something. And the men can't just explain things and show, they have to *touch.* Hands on the waist, on the ribcage, practically right up on the boobs. And while I'm aware there are legitimate reasons to do this, with these particular couples, it really does just look to be an excuse. :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    he would curl his upper back down and almost "crunch" the bar down to his upper abdomen with elbows flaring wide out. I can't imagine how bad that can be on all of his upper body. There is a reason you're supposed to keep the shoulder blades back. =/

    this. but it's one of those things where how would you ever know, if you didn't know? all this stuff with my own shoulder has made me slowly capable of actually seeing various lifts in anatomical terms like humerus angle inside the shoulder capsule. but i had to start getting hurt before the picture began to put itself together for me.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    She was not as into it as him, for sure.

    ugh, i hate seeing that. i wonder when i see some of the couple dynamics floating around in the gym. some of them give you the sense that it really is the woman's idea and the woman's initiative, kind of like the way crabada got to start out with help from her trainer friend. but then you get the other end of the fence where the guy has basically decided all by himself that he wants his girlfriend to have a different kind of physique, and she's basically just getting dragged in there to fulfill his requirements for him. i always bristle.

    i hear that kind of thing now and then from men i work with too, because of the bike. how they want their wives to exercise more, and they think that their wives should take up biking like me. i usually find some way of telling them it's not nearly as much about what they want as they think it is.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    I get that sometimes there are underlying selfish reasons one half of a couple wants the other half to work out with him or her. I think a lot of times, though, the one half is just trying to share something he or she really likes with his or her partner. They might think the other will really like it and it will become a mutual interest. Unfortunately for them, it's not always easy to get someone else to "see the light" and get really into lifting or biking or martial arts or whatever. Exercise is very personal.