Stef Sardelsa's Log



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    Ok so here are my charts updated Oct-Dec. Right on schedule at 127lbs. So proud of myself! :smiley:

    Check out those holiday water fluctuations ! Can I input this into Rollercoaster Tycoon and make my own ride? :p (LOL, sorry for the nerd moment!)


  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Great job! Love all the data points. I'm a bit of numbers nerd myself but still had to quit logging so frequently because it was effing with my head.
  • Skyeziepyzie
    Doing so well babes :) You're my fitspiration and foodspiration for this bulk :) hehe
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thanks Skye!

    So I am nearing the end of my bulk, just under 3 weeks left. I am hovering around 128-129 lbs so pretty much right on track. I would have liked to get up to 131 by the end, we will see how I feel if I want to extend it another 2 weeks. I am just getting tired of bulking. I love the gains, the energy, but it is starting to get to me. The constant eating, the lack of cardio, the bloat, etc.

    After my bulk, I will spend 2 weeks at maintenance, just to adjust my hunger levels more or less and then go from there. I may do a very slow cut (just slightly under maintenance) or stay at maintenance. I have a beach vacation 2nd week of May and I would prefer to look a little more lean for that.

    Trying to figure out my macros, right now I aim for 130-140g protein, 120 g fat and the rest carbs. I am guessing to either keep protein and fat the same (or slightly higher protein, a little overkill but for hunger mgt I like it that way) and lower the carbs. If anyone has suggestions I am definitely open :)
  • Skyeziepyzie
    Options provides some pretty accurate numbers for maintaining and cutting :)
    I know its not for everyone but it may help you :)

    Great work on the bulk :) take care and you still look fabulous without cutting! What would you want to cut down to for your beach vacay?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Oh wow I haven't updated in a while. Well, this is the last weekend of my bulk. For those of you not on my friends list, I have decided to stay at maintenance indefinitely starting on Tuesday. I am happy with my progress and shape. We will see where that takes me. I will also be posting a blog Monday with all my stats and progress pics (I'll be sure to link it here) :)
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    I think staying at maintenance is a great plan. Can't wait to see your progress/post-bulk pics! Just from pics you've posted on your profile it looks like it was a really successful bulk.