
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Oh man, we have a really nice furnace and we are the townhome in between 2 others so we get the heat from them too, its just my friggen boyfriend will not turn it up past 68!! I keep turning it up and then he gets too hot and turns it down. His too hot is my just finally starting to stop shivering. Also our windows and doors leak in cold air pretty bad. Plus anytime I have lost weight - especially if I lose a bit in the summer, I am ALWAYS freezing in the winter. I wish I had a ton of money so I could have a house in each hemisphere and skip winter.
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    heck yeah! you know some people do that, travel for the seasons so they don't have to deal with the cold weather. I WISH! lol
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I know I would love to do that. I asked my boyfriend if he'd be upset if I married a rich old man with a bad cough and got him to will me all his money and he said yes he'd be mad. I told him I'd buy him pretty things and he still said no. PFFT.
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    my boyfriend would tell me to go for it long as he gets his cut lol. greedy *kitten* lol
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Man. My boyfriend is all "but marry for love" blah blah blah. I told him he'd be my boy toy on the side. Then he calls me Anna Nicole Smith. I tell him she may have been high on everything but she wasn't dumb when it came to that! lol
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    true that! I loved Anna though, she was such an awesome person at heart, but she wasn't perfect!
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member

    It even hurts when I use the bathroom...I'm going to youtube it and hopefully find some kind of technique that helps, if that doesn't work. I may need some xrays smh!
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Are they cracking and hurting or just sore all the time?
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    no cracking...just hurting :s hurts when I use the bathroom..because you know that's like a squat position. But when I have to do anything when im on bending deep at the knee... No JOKE! I don't feel the pain until I bending, I'm completely fine.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Well at least its not making noise and hurting, because then it might be an actual knee injury, like your ACL, and you'd be screwed for a while. It might be just your body getting used to all the squads and quad work, plus cold weather not helping at all. The other day I soaked my legs in as hot as I could stand it water for about 15 minutes, then dried off and did my workout. My knees hurt a LOT less. Also, try after working out putting an ice pack on it for 10 minutes, then switching to a heating pad for 10 minutes.
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    that sounds sooo relaxing! Will definitely try that when I get home..after I take a quick nap :wink: ...I'm doing Cardio 2 for the first time today. :#
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    It is really nice! Oooh good luck with Cardio 2! It's fun!!!
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    Fun lol...Fun you say?
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    lol Let me rephrase that. After it's killed you a few times and you get used to it, it gets fun.

    Or maybe its fun to me because Cardio 3 is the devil. And I couldn't do workout 10 last night because I got my birth control shot yesterday and instead of giving it to me in my butt, but she gave it to me in my lower back and not even like my hip, my actual back muscle. It made my muscle cramp and feel like I had a huge knot. It still hurts this morning but its a little better. So now I have to do Cardio 3 AND workout 10 tonight. Which cardio 3 is all plyo and workout 10's cardio parts are all plyo too. Guess I'll be in a wheelchair tomorrow.
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    Honey! Sooo funny story, my mother has a really big butt, and as a teenager I was like...I want to big butt too. So when I was 16 I took my mother to get me a depo shot so my but get bigger lol. IT DID! But it also made me gain crazy weight so I quit it....Is it working for you, if so, that's good. I've been through every BC you can think of....I'm now using the implant...seems to be working great! I've never gotten the shot in my back though..that sounds too much like an epidural lol. Did she tell you why?

    Okay! So now I get has to kill me first and then it gets fun. Cardio 1 was pretty cool I think so, so when I was hit with Cardio 2...I was NOT prepared lol. It's all mental as well, and my mental state of mind was screaming pajamas and cake smh lol. HA! I'm in the same boat...I guess "I should" be doing cardio 2 and workout 5 tonight, but we will see.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    LOL!!! It hasn't made me gain weight, thankfully, but it has made my skin super oily and made me break out worse than I ever have before. I've finally figured out that putting tea tree oil on my face is helping with all those problems. I've been on it over a year. It really makes me crave dairy the first few days after the shot, which I don't get. I used to live 2 blocks away from a Dairy Queen, which was awesome but I wasn't trying to lose weight then. But I'd eat the *kitten* out of an ice cream cake right now from there. lol I'm on it because I have uterine fibroids and this is actually helping shrink them. She had me on pills before that and they didn't do crap for my fibroids. I have no idea why she gave it to me in my back. It wasn't in the middle of my back, just on my left side about 2 inches above my butt. It wasn't the doctor it was a nurse who gave it to me. I'd never seen her before so I think she was new. It's not like I'm weirdly shaped and she had no idea where my butt was, it's pretty huge so it's not hard to miss!

    Cardio 2 the first time is a great reminder that you are mortal and Jillian is trying to kill you. lol I'm not going to sugar coat it but Cardio 3 has hella more jumping in it and she even says at the beginning its one of the hardest workouts she has ever created. They should really call it, "Jillian Michaels is going to kill you now". So give Cardio 2 hell and make it your b*tch because that's the way you're going to survive 3. Then after you do cardio 2, you get all over those pajamas and cake!!!
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    I made this awesome carrot cake Wednesday night...why lol! I was just in a cooking and baking kind of mood. That's my problem though..I LOVE to cook and bake... hmm, we all need comfort foods every now and then.

    The nurse probably was! I've gotten depo in my arm and in my butt, but never my back. I guess they can put it anywhere these days lol.

    Thanks for the tip! I'm going to take my little pill and really try to give it my all.... the only thing about my little energy pill is that it feels like a drug, because whenever I take before my workout ..the workout is kick *kitten*, but im also kicking *kitten* right along with it. When I don't take my pill first...I'm damn near about to die. NOT GOOD!
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I made chocolate chip cookies the other night and they're gone. Whoops. lol

    I was scared when I started to get the shots because they said they would sometimes inject you in your stomach. :/ My mom had to get cumidin shots in her stomach and had horrible bruises from it so I didn't really want to do that.

    What do those pills have in them? Crack? lol just kidding! I've never tried energy pills. Well I took one in high school one day and thought I was going to explode. I should get some because some nights I'm too tired to work out.
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    It's really weird how much energy they (hydroxycut) actually gives me. If I work out in the am take them before work, it makes me feel like I want to do jumping jacks and cart wheels lol. Not good right....they say one pill is equal to 4 cups of coffee lol...

    Depo in your stomach :neutral_face: ..that's odd lol
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Oh man. I don't think I could do those and feel that way. Especially since I have to sit at a desk all day! How are your knees doing?