Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, I am a couple of weeks in restarting MFP. Looking for support / accountability. My stats are;
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 130
    CW: 125
    GW: 115

    I have always hovered around the 115-118 range until a few years ago. Even after having 3 kids I was able to get the baby weight off each time. I know what the problem has been and honestly it has been poor diet and letting regular exercise slip. Too many sugary snacks in between meals. I rarely drink alcohol these days, don't drink sodas and in general eat a balanced diet. I know what I have to do but changing habits is hard. I have a wardrobe full of clothes that are just too tight for comfort and I refuse to accept that it's just my age!! Feel free to add me if you're in the same boat.

    For exercise I've returned to running (which is killing me as I have lost so much fitness), I also like HiiT workouts and am one week into Insanity. I am loving this workout programme as I know I'm going to get results with it, even though I can't yet keep up with the folk on the DVD!

    Kicking the sugar addiction is the hardest. I had a major fail yesterday and gave in to biscuits and cakes with cups of tea. I felt so rotten afterward for the whole day. However I'm over it and moving forward again. Good luck everyone
  • Height 5'6"
    HW: 136
    CW: 136
    LW: 130
    GW: 128

    It looks like we are close...
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 148
    CW: 133
    LW: 124
    GW: 125
  • cat4life4
    cat4life4 Posts: 6 Member
    ok here we go
    height 6'1"
    current weight 211 lbs
    goal weight 175 lbs
  • ~Age: 23
    ~Height: 5'7
    ~Weight: 143
    ~Heaviest weight: 147lbs
    ~Lightest weight:115lbs (highschool)
    ~Goal weight: 143
    ~Body fat %: 26
    ~Body fat goal%: 16-20

    ~Just looking to maintain my weight with muscle instead of as much fat. Goal- lose 6-10% of body fat. :) Looking for my Twin!!
  • erinls76
    erinls76 Posts: 5 Member
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'3"
    Heaviest Weight: 260lb
    Current Weight: 147lb
    Lowest Weight: 118lb
    Goal Weight: 135lbs
    Body Fat % 22.5%

    I don't want to be back to 118lbs, I wasn't eating properly. Now, I workout, lift weights, run and eat healthy.
  • jalie1976
    jalie1976 Posts: 4 Member
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'2"
    Heaviest: 137
    Current: 127
    Lowest: 98
    Goal: 120
    Trying to find a happy medium and keep toned :)
    Please feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • novo24
    novo24 Posts: 192 Member
    I've seen this in the forums quite a bit and I thought finding a twin here would be a lot easier seeing as we are all ladies here and we are all considering ourselves to be in roughly the same weight category. Plus I don't know about you but having friends with almost identical goals is pretty motivating for me!! I would love to find some girls on here with goals like mine so we can really help and encourage each other on losing that fat/chub/pudge/jiggle in your wiggle/etc. !!!

    I am 5'9
    Heaviest: 162
    Current: 153
    GOAL!!!! : 133

    Current Body Fat: 29-28%
    Dream Body Fat: 18-20%!!!

    I hope this brings our groups a little closer together!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm close to you- will send a friend request -- if you are active and want an active friend please friend back :)

  • novo24
    novo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Great idea for this group!!

    I am 5'6"
    Heaviest 165
    Current 157
    Goal 141 (then I'll re-evaluate to see if I want to get to the 130s!)

    Best wishes to everyone!
  • novo24
    novo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Looking for a "twin" or a few! Would love someone of similar age (within 5 years either way- I think it is different at this age!)

    Age 50
    Ht 5'6"
    Heaviest 165
    Current 157
    Goal 141

    I log in every day- and exercise 6x a week. Let me know if you're my "twin" :)

  • DeeRay101712
    DeeRay101712 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all! Canadian newbie here. I just started MFP a couple weeks ago. This thread looks like a great place to start finding friends.

    I am 39 and a SAHM with a 2 year old girl. I started gaining weight after we got her. (She's adopted - we are so lucky to have her! :smiley: ) Go figure, being at home and eating all the time...the weight just crept up on me!
    I really want to be fit for 40! (Bday in November). I've started training for my first ever 5k run in June, along with at-home resistance training to increase my energy and strength.

    Height: 5'7
    HW: 170
    CW: 166
    GW: 140

    Twins (or close enough) feel free to add me. :)
  • jakeatsbetter2015
    edited January 2015

    Heaviest weight 145 (1998-2000)
    CW- 110
    GW- 106 is my happy weight
    BF% currently 12 according to my gym trainer (not sure I believe that)

    - Eating 2200 calories per day but they're not nutritious enough and I often feel too full!
    - Work out 4 or 5 days a week. Always do 80-90 mins and work really hard. Do it right or go home!
  • snowbab wrote: »
    Height: 5'8

    Heaviest: 142 (when I measured but it's been a bit more)

    Current: 115-116 (my scales don't work very accurately on the carpet here at uni :/)

    GOAL!!!! : 110?

    (I know it sounds low but I promise I don't look sickly haha)

    I think we look similar snowbab ??
  • RhiannonCreak
    RhiannonCreak Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there, also a newbie looking for chums.
    I'm from the UK, 33, no kiddies and about 5'5. Looking to tone, especially legs and abs. Healthy eater but not dead strict, would love some motivational pals to work along side.

    Hw. 119
    Lw. 105
    Cw. 119
    Gw. 106
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    Looking for twin!
    age - 40
    Height - 5'6
    Current weight - 145
    Goal weight - 130 -135
  • ZenDoggie
    ZenDoggie Posts: 74 Member
    edited January 2015
  • alip253
    alip253 Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2015
    Age: 43

    HW:141 = post baby
    CW: 135 = 15 years post-baby (guess that doesn't count anymore!)
    GW: 125

    Height 5'3"
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    Hello! What a fun idea- would love to find my twin to help motivate me to lose those last few lbs! (*)
    29 yrs old
    Highest weight: 164 lbs
    Current weight: 140 lbs
    Goal weight: 130 lbs

    Currently I am just starting my second wk of the strong curves weight training program. I'm also an aspiring runner! Looking forward to connecting!

  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    Age: 24
    Highest Weight: 150, but that was a long time ago. In recent past 140
    Current weight: 134
    Goal: 128 ish? I might want to start a recomp at 130

    I do step and strengths (step aerobics with high rep weight lifting) 3 days a week, and pure step once a week. I love step! I also do 30 min a day of physical therapy/personal training exercises to strengthen my knees and ankles, which are prone to injury and soreness. Hopefully will be replacing some of those days with Stronglift 5x5 in the next few months.

    I'm getting my masters in nutrition, so let me know if you have questions!
  • Found my twin!

  • hnbchance88
    hnbchance88 Posts: 4 Member
    Age: 26 (27 in march)
    Heaviest weight: 138lbs
    Current weight: 130lbs
    Goal weight: 110-115lbs
    Lowest weight : 105lbs (when i was like 18!)
    I have no clue about my body fat and all that because honestly I am sure it will make me want to cry and eat butter/salt mashed potatoes until I go into a food coma and dream about my toner days.

    trying to be under 120lbs in less than 2 months. Need a partner to help me stay on track. Focused on losing weight in obliques and abs. Would like to tone thighs and butt. Also, I am horrible about carbs,need someone to be a carb nazi for me. enjoying quick intense cardio trying to do it 2x a day every other day or 1x a day 6 days a week.