Encourage Along! A group within our group!

walker306 Posts: 92 Member
Let's set some New MONTH's Resolutions and encourage each other along!

Mine will be to weigh my food and to stay under my calculated calories!

I need to lose weight. I am going to the gym just about everyday and getting great exercise in but then I eat too much. I feel like I am exercising for nothing! I don't want to feel that way. I've been making excellent changes in my life but I need to eat better!

Anybody else want to put in ideas? Let's make it official!


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    My goals for January:
    - move 100Km (run, walk and/or hike)
    - start practicing tai-chi regularly again (3x a week plus the weekly class)

    Walker, weighing & measuring food was the best tool I found on MFP. It alone helped me lose my weight by showing me how much a true portion was. I was amazed at how much I could be overeating when I thought I was doing pretty good. I can't recommend weighing & measuring (weighing is the best) highly enough......but reach your calorie goals; don't go far below them. You need your energy.
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    PaytraB. How was your day today?

    I weighed all my food today! I am amazed at the portions I have been eating! I was thinking I would be able to afford a snack tonight but if I want a slight caloric deficit, I should not plan on any. Thanks for the comments about weighing!

    I will give myself a gold star for today. :)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I get no star today. After some cleaning, I was completely lazy and lounged around watching movies & reading.
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    Today is a new day! Do you have plans for successful eating today? Maybe a walk?

    It is very rainy here and snow is on the way. I am thinking of going to the gym today.

    I hope you get out to do something today!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I forgot to mention your gold star, Walker. Sorry! I'd just logged on quickly before turning the computer off and wasn't thinking.

    Keep weighing your food. It's an eye-opener. Also, fit in a snack once in awhile. It's good for the soul. :smile:

    Have you made it to the gym yet? I'm going to go for a run. It looks like a treadmill day. I don't think the rain is going to stop or even abate today.
    First I'm going to go get fruits & veggies for the coming week.

    Do you have a gym routine that you stick with?
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    Good! So did you run today?

    I did go to the Y today. I had some time on my hands so I lifted weights (on the weight machines) for upper and lower body. Then I did the elliptical for 30 min.

    My gym routine is kind of easy…nothing to complicated. My workout buddy and I go to the Y in the morning before work…which is getting up at 4:30…ugh! So our routine is gym one day and swim the next. The gym part is doing the elliptical and/or lifting. The swim part is just swimming laps. Neither one of us is a great swimmer so we do the side stroke/walk …basically move in the water for about 40 min. I have a knee that is giving me problems so I avoid anything that involves jumping or pounding. Running is out for me right now. It's an arthritis issue so it will probably be a lifetime kind of thing. I don't know.

    What is your routine?
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I'm not a great swimmer either but I used to go every second day when I lived closer to a pool. I was working the over-night shift then and would go to the pool before heading home to sleep. It was great because there weren't many people swimming that early. I haven't been in years.
    I'm glad you had a good time at the gym! Well done!
    I've got a touch of arthritis in my pinky finger. The Dr. recommended Omega-3. He says it helps for osteo-arthritis. I've started taking them a month or so ago. We'll see if it makes a difference.

    I had a good run: 70 minutes on the treadmill. I ran 6K in 51:00 and walked 1.75K in 19 minutes. The 6K was run in segments of 3K, 2K and 1K, with 2 minute walks in between.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Oh....my routine: I don't really have one other than I try to get out to run 3x a week for 70 minutes each session. I picked 70 minutes to eventually be able to run 60 straight with a 5 minute warm up and cool down walk. So far, I can run 60 minutes but not straight....I need walking breaks in between....but maybe this winter is the one!
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    wow! Great job on your run! We both get stars for exercise! Running has never been something I could do easily except 100 years ago when I was in high school. But I'm not in high school anymore! :) I admire those who can do it!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I just started 2 years ago. I'm slow and I doubt if I'll get much faster (too old, I suppose) but I can do it and that's good enough for me. I've never been a runner either.

    How is your food weighing coming along today?
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    I did well today. On Friday of last week I had some left over chicken. I took out the bones and weighed three separate portions and put them in the freezer. I had one of them for lunch today. So there are two more for a meal sometime in the future. I have been weighing and measuring and I stayed under my calories. I exercised today so I had additional calories that I did not eat back (well…not all of them). It is 6:30 pm and I am going to officially log my food in for the day so that will help me "NOT" eat anymore tonight.

    How was your day? It is very snowy here and it is very cold. It would not be fun to exercise outside!!!!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Not much going on today. My diet was good: yoghurt for breakfast, mixed veggie salad & cheese with pomelo for dessert for lunch and a kale, sausage, potato dish for dinner. ....but no exercise. My right leg has been feeling sore and "slow" (I can't define it more). It's been doing this on/off for about a week and is quite annoying today. I decided to rest it today. Tai-chi requires a lot of leg work.

    Nice going on pre-weighing your food. That's a big help. I like having pre-made portions or meals in the freezer, too.
    Well done on weighing and measuring today.

    Today is rainy and dark grey. It's fairly cold here, too. Thankfully, not cold enough for snow. I would hate to see the amount of snow that much rain could have been.

    Have a good evening!
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    My challenge started on Jan. 5th and I met my goals (at least 30 minutes of exercise and eat within my calorie limit) for the day. On track for today as well and feeling motivated.
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    Way to go nev888! I feel very accomplished if I manage to eat within the caloric limit. I know a lot of people on MFP are good at that but I have trouble with it. So, hence, the weighing. I want to keep measuring my food faithfully so that it becomes a habit rather than something I have to do.

    Let's have a great day!!!!!!!!!!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    walker306 wrote: »
    Let's set some New MONTH's Resolutions and encourage each other along!

    Mine will be to weigh my food and to stay under my calculated calories!

    I need to lose weight. I am going to the gym just about everyday and getting great exercise in but then I eat too much. I feel like I am exercising for nothing! I don't want to feel that way. I've been making excellent changes in my life but I need to eat better!

    Anybody else want to put in ideas? Let's make it official!

    I did that for years. Exercised, but didn't change my eating.

  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    I really stink at it!
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm trying not to lose my motivation - have stuck to my calorie limit, exercised at least 30 minutes every day and haven't lost a single pound the second week! The first week I seemed to drop a 1/2 pound every day, and I know that's probably just the quick holiday weight gain dropping off, I want/need to see some results. My clothes definitely feel looser but I want the scale to move.

    Have planned my meals for the day and will drink lots of water (no meetings, so it's easier to do that!!).
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Patience. Patience.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    edited January 2015
    One week isn't something to panic over. Give it time.
    1/2 lb per day is too fast and not sustainable. Your body is probably just equalizing and settling out. Drink lots of water (to flush any sodium) and relax. It'll all balance out in the end.
    Just keep doing what what you're doing because you're doing really well.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks for the support on this - I know last week wasn't sustainable (but it was nice to see the scales move). I'm not giving up - will stick to it.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I think you're doing great. With your motivation, those pounds will come off steadily and healthily. Keep doing what you're doing.

    I got myself on the treadmill today for a total of 70 minutes. I ran 6K in 50 minutes and walked the other 20 minutes; went for a total of 7.4K.
    I'm hoping that it will be dry sometime over the weekend so that I can go for an outdoor run. I also must, must, must practice some tai-chi!
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Wow - 70 minutes on the treadmill - I'm impressed. I need to build up my time. Still hovering around 30 minutes, walking at 3.5.
    - Temps have finally warmed up enough so that I'll get out for a ride on my horse this afternoon.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    When I first started to run, I set 70 minutes on the treadmill as my "default" work-out time. I picked it because I thought I might one day run 10K, which would be about an hour (wishful thinking, I think now). The other 10 minutes were for the warm-up & cool-down walks on either end. I thought I'd set the time into my schedule right away so that I had no excuses when the time came.
    I still keep to the 70 minute schedule, even when I'm outdoors, although I don't think I'll run 10K anytime soon. It's a good workout. I do some warm-up walking, run my 5-7K, walk a kilometer or two at the end and cool down nicely. I try for 3 times a week.

    Have a fun ride and tell us all about it. How nice that you have that opportunity. How long have you had your horse?

    It's warm here but lots of rain. When on the treadmill, I've got an outside door open and the fan going in front of the door to direct cool air on me, otherwise the room gets too warm.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    There's a break in the storm and I took advantage by going out for a run. It felt great to be outdoors. In total, I ran 5.5K in 43:30 minutes and walked 2.96K in 30:30 minutes. It felt really good.
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    Good job ladies! Keep at it! I was at our camp all weekend snowmobiling. Burnt some calories but wasn't able to drink my water as much as I wanted to. Going to try to make this week count. I want to get into the next stage from obese to overweight! Almost there but have been "almost there" for a long time. I have such good intentions all day until evening when I blow it. I'm going to change that this week!!!!!

    You guys are awesome! Keep moving!
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    I think we're all doing well! My challenge this week will be starting tomorrow as we go into negotiations for our collective agreement with the Union. Lots of sitting around a hotel meeting room with endless snacking opportunities. I am prepared with healthy snacks (fruit, almonds) and will keep my goals in mind. Wish me luck!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Walker, have you tried air-popped popcorn (no butter) in the evenings? You can eat a lot of popcorn for very few calories. It used to save me on many an evening.

    Nev, ugh! Conferences are hard and have so many snacking opportunities. Hang in there. You can do this. Watch out for those almonds....tasty, good for you and lots of calories.
    Have you heard of Hickory Farms Mini Mints? They are tiny, creamy and melt slowly on the tongue. I'd have to look them up again but I think 30 of them is about 100 calories....and it's hard to melt 30 on your tongue before tiring of them. I used to use these as my "sweet" snack.

    Here they are:
    Hickory Farms - Mini Meltaway Mints 3 calories each.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Paytra, thanks for the mint idea - I'll have to see if I can find them. You're absolutely right about the almonds - I have to be careful to count them out but it's too easy to get carried away. Mindless snacking is my downfall.
    - By the way, probably should have introduced myself properly before - my name is Nancy!
  • gunnsgirl91303
    gunnsgirl91303 Posts: 26 Member
    So far I have not been able to force myself up at 4 am for exercise. I'm truly not lazy, don't know why its so hard but I'm wondering if I should just try to do my 10 minutes of strength training when I get home. In bed at 9:30 pm, sleep for like 4 hours and then up at 4:15 am and not sure I can get up earlier than that. When I get home in the evening I don't feel like it either.

    How do you early morning exercisers motivate yourself to get up that much earlier to work out? I guess I'll just keep trying. I can't really go to bed any earlier unless I want to give up the less than 2 hours I get to spend with my husband every evening.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I don't exercise in the mornings on a work day. I also can't/won't get up earlier. I exercise as soon as I get home: change my clothes and just do it. It's hard on many days and I do feel too tired to do it but I feel really good afterwards.
    I exercise a minimum 3 times a week, which means at least 2 workouts after work. I try to plan an easy meal and prep the night before: a casserole, soup, chili from the freezer (I always make up 2 of everything when I cook....one for right away & one for the freezer) or a sandwich night or a pizza (with lots of veggies and no/little meat).
    It's hard sometimes but we can do it.

    Tai-chi tonight. I'm looking forward to it.