10 lbs to loose by Valentine -anybody wants to join in?



  • I'm in! Though only have 4 weeks, I'll do my best!

    Starting weight: 137

  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 537 Member
    I had to just stop eating a tortilla chip in order to commit; one small step but at least in the right direction. I need to lose around 7 pounds according to the scale this morning. I have started working out and joined a gym. I am 49 and realize I need to change my habits- I need a healthier lifestyle including eating healthy and working out. I am starting at 123 and was 115 until we relocated.
  • Arizona_C wrote: »
    Hi, getting ready for the new year, I wish to look ahead and make new goals to keep motivated.

    I am thinking of loosing the last 10 lbs by Valentines Day, anybody wants to join in staying forcus for the coming 8 weeks?

    Starting weight: 139 lbs

  • I need to lose 20,_but count me in to lose 10 by valentines day. I downloaded daily workouts free on my phone, and I try to do them every day. I think being connected to y'all might help.
  • candylarocque
    candylarocque Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in...haven't figured out how to add friends yet so Pls feel free to add me!!! I'm at 130 and goal is 118.
  • I am in. 10lbs would be wonderful. Better go weigh in. Have not stepped on a scale for about a week.
  • pragatipatel
    pragatipatel Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2015
    KateH7 wrote: »
    Im in starting at 139.
    Hello everyone! I am in too. My starting weight is 65kg or 143.3 lbs. I am trying to lose weight from last week and today I found out that I lost 2 lbs :o I hope that I will lose more in coming weeks. Best of luck

    current wt. 139lbs
  • It's a little late, but I just joined myfitnesspal and I'll try to lose 5 by that date! Also just got a fitbit and am doing Kayla Itsines' BBG. :)
  • nattyy264
    nattyy264 Posts: 176 Member
    Hiya everyone. Okay I'm taking up this challenge. I know Iv only got 4 weeks to but being positive and worked out need 2 loose 2.5lbs a week. In going try my hardest!!! currently weigh 163lbs. Let's do this!!!!!
  • liza713
    liza713 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! Cutrent weight 136. Had my first child on Nov 5th and i'm trying to kick the last 10-15 lbs!
  • erikajane88
    erikajane88 Posts: 14 Member
    I am in!!
  • zstow
    zstow Posts: 1
    carolzuck wrote: »
    I would love to join this group! I have wanted to lose 10 last year- my other goal was to do the swim/ bike legs of a triathalon. I did that but didn't lose the 10. Got to give it a better focus!

  • nannykely
    nannykely Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in but don't know how to friend yet. Looking for encouragement and support.
  • preranatd
    preranatd Posts: 1 Member
    So, I have 3 weeks to lose 10lbs. Bit too strict. I can perhaps aim for 6lbs. I'm 136lbs. How is everybody negotiating their plateau?
  • LuFindy
    LuFindy Posts: 28
    I have joined late! 3 weeks till Valentines? How much should I try and lose in 3 weeks!

    How have you all done by the way?
  • LuFindy
    LuFindy Posts: 28
    preranatd wrote: »
    So, I have 3 weeks to lose 10lbs. Bit too strict. I can perhaps aim for 6lbs. I'm 136lbs. How is everybody negotiating their plateau?

    I'll aim for 5lbs by that time! We can do it together!!
  • Fatimahasnain
    Fatimahasnain Posts: 91 Member
    When is next weight update?
  • liza713 wrote: »
    I'm in! Cutrent weight 136. Had my first child on Nov 5th and i'm trying to kick the last 10-15 lbs!

    I'm all about the Kayla Itsines BBG workout guide. There are so many pictures of amazing moms that basically have their high school bodies back after 12 weeks. I'm not a spokesperson, but if you want more info I'm looking for more MFP buddies doing the same thing. :)
  • It's been a good couple of days. With the amount of exercise I've been doing I've been consistently hitting my BMR -500 rate since I took up the challenge. In addition to that, I've been waking anywhere between 7000-1500 steps per day plus a massage or two (I'm a part time massage therapist).

    How is everyone else? Feeling like you're on track? :D
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    12/31/14- 168.4
    1/9/15- 164.4
    1/16/15- 164.4

    Almost a lb this week with TOM expected anytime. I will take it! I don't expect 158 by Valentines day since it is only 3 weeks away, but we will see!