Introduce yourselves!



  • My name is Brooke and I'm from Allen, Texas. :)

    I'm a 32 year old new mom to our 9 month old daughter, Juniper - the most magical creature I've ever known - and wife to my wonderful husband, Phillip, my best friend.

    I've been a vegetarian for about 12 years now! I will never go back! I've slowly watched my influence spread across friends and family and hope to see an overwhelmingly "veg"-filled world someday.

    Although my doc would say I'm pretty darn healthy, in general, working desk jobs over the years has slowly picked away at my fitness and I've gained 45 pounds! I feel good about what I eat (maybe not the quantity), but I'm uncomfortable, tired and can't be as active as I used to be. I'm sick of the sedentary life!

    BUT - I'm on the path to renewal! :D Refocusing on the basics of my diet and getting active again is my goal. I've got to keep up with my little girl as she grows! I look forward to getting to know like-minded people and helping to support your goals, too!

    Let's do this!

    Junie's Determined Mama
  • RosesandRadishes
    RosesandRadishes Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, my name is Sarah.
    I am 19 and 168cm tall
    I currently weigh 65 kgs and would love to drop to 56kgs by the end of this year.
    I weighed 60 kgs for around 5 years until I moved to Perth for my first year at uni which I put on over 10 kgs to my shame.
    I study environmental science at Murdoch which is rather fun but lots of work.
    I'd really love a pen pal to help keep me motivated and encourage me to push myself and get to my goal weigh
    I love the outdoors and diving but don't often find the time for the later now I'm away from my usual club.
    I love drinking tea with a good book and tend to be Paleo most of the time but fresh made bread and butter is still my greatest weakness.
  • Hello, my name is Danielle. I am 26 years old and live in Brampton, Ontario, Canada with my 2 fur babies (cats). I recently graduated as an Architectural Technologist from Sheridan college and this is where my weight was gained. I have started my career, moved to a new apartment and would like to get my health back on track. I am looking for some extra support so I decided why not try MFP, I have heard so many great things.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • Blaxican38
    Blaxican38 Posts: 27 Member
    mickipedia wrote: »
    So here is where you tell us a little about yourselves.. what do you do for a living, what made you decide to change your life, who/what is your inspiration. that sort of thing :)

    This does not count as your stats by the way as this group is getting too big for me to keep track of all posts, please either message me your info or reply to the "message me your stats" thread.

  • Blaxican38
    Blaxican38 Posts: 27 Member
    My age is 38 I'm 5'1 178 lbs my goal is to lose 28 lbs I exercise regularly ,do spin class and I need a buddy
  • Blaxican38
    Blaxican38 Posts: 27 Member
    CBROWN47 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Carla from Louisiana

    I'm 47 years old....I'm 5"1' and weigh 170lbs....My goal is to lose 20lbs...I have pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholestrol...These are all controlled by medication...My goal is to get rid of some of these medications....

    I'm the mother of two beautiful daughters and a stepson....I have 4 grandaughters and 2 grandsons....I work for the Federal Government.....I love my job and work with wonderful people...

    I'm unhappy with the way I look and feel....I have lost 15 or 20lbs in the past only to find it again....Before I always lost the weight by doing crash diets......I want to make lifestyle changes that will last.....When I was young I wanted to lose the weight to look better...Now I want to lose the weight for health purposes more than for cosmetic purposes.....

    I need lots of motivation!!!!! Pleas help!!!!:flowerforyou:

  • Blaxican38
    Blaxican38 Posts: 27 Member
    [/b I think we wld be great partners :)
  • celticlass69
    celticlass69 Posts: 61 Member
    From Ontario, Canada here. I'm a married 52 year old lady 5ft 6in. One son and two grandsons. Started out 172 lbs now at 165 lbs. I would like to get down to 140. I give palliative care at home. I'm currently using MFP, fitbit one, fitbit aria (when I get it working) and a nutritional scale. Anyone interested in being friends along the way is welcome to friend me.
  • sukanya88
    sukanya88 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! I am Sukanya. I am a 25 year old dancer. I used to be in really awesome shape but due to an injury last year I was out of practice and gained a lot of weight. Also I am hypothyroid so that didn't help me while I was inactive.

    But I have been eating clean and exercising and I have seen a slow progress. I have lost around 11 pounds so far and I have to lose 20 more. Hope to be back in the groove by this summer.

    I hope I can find my soul sister here, who have similar set backs and hope we can all push each other hard to be in our best shape possible.

    Height: 5' 3"
    Starting weight: 143
    Current weight: 132
    Goal Weight: 110
  • Hi! My name is Amanda. I'm 32 and working as a data analyst in Oregon. My start on the journey isn't the norm.

    I started on a meal plan site/app to get my confidence back in the kitchen. During my last long term relationship I was booted out of the kitchen, and needed help getting back on my feet. The plan that looked the most appetizing was the paleo one.

    2 weeks in to switching to mostly paleo, my health issues I had been struggling with started getting better. With the ball rolling, I decided to give the working out a try and then found this fantastic app.

    My local friends all go to Zumba for their workouts. Zumba makes me feel like I have no feet and no coordination, so going with them just isn't doable. Since they're all in love with it, they just keep trying to get me to go that route instead of finding my own way. If love to have a partner that knows as well as I do that other people are entitled to their own preferences and still need support.
  • d_waters
    d_waters Posts: 11 Member
    Hello y'all. My name is denisse and I am in Maryland now. I just turned 38 and I swear I am too fluffy to be truly happy. A christmas picture has been playing over and over again in my mind...tried to take a nice picture with my army brat boyfriend..who is in top shape..and all I saw was my big ol gut and lower half....yuck.. I just started working out a few days ago (my birthday actually ) and need motivation! I am 38,5 foot 1, and weigh140....way too much for my height...I have always been around this size but the years have made me ....let's say.... jiggly..and I have a goal of 20 pds to lose....but ultimately I would like to lose 25...I want to feel good in my clothes....smaller clothes!!
  • Hi, my name is Christina. 33, single and from New York. I work for a Children's Hospital in the fundraising department planning events and doing research on potential donor prospects (a lot of sitting). During Baseball season i also Bartend in the Suites at Yankee Stadium, which enables me to be more active during the day, but it also means i am exposed to so much more food and over a much longer period of time. Since my work day consists of two jobs (Hospital 8:30-2:00, Yankees 3:00 - 11:00) i end up eating until much later than normal.

    I trained for, and ran the NYC Marathon in 2011 - finished the race, though it took me a bit longer than i expected (that wall at mile 20 is no joke). When i trained for the marathon, and was logging 25-45 miles a week, i took it as license to eat whatever i wanted. I was 161 lbs when i completed the marathon - not my heaviest, but i have been as low as 142. I have been off/on Weight Watchers since 2005 with varying results. I got tired of paying for it and the points system for me made me lose sight of actual calories, fat, sugar etc. I started with My Fitness Pal Saturday, and instantly i could see how easy it was to keep track and make better choices. I had no idea how much sugar i was eating!

    I discovered after a very painful experience 2 years ago that i have a herniated disk and a bulging disk in my back. It made working out tough for a while, but after a lot of core work i slowly made my way back. As of two weeks ago, i was working with a trainer weight lifting, kickboxing 3-4 days a week and taking Pilates classes - i weighed myself and was shocked to find out i was 184 lbs. True, i packed on some muscle, and i carry it pretty well, so i don't think people would believe me if i told them that, but that number scared the crap out of me and it certainly makes my doctors raise their eyebrows at me. I re-injured my disk shoveling snow so i have been out of commission for nearly two weeks now and it's killing me not to be active. My back is 90% better, but I am truthfully scared to work out again because i don't want to aggravate my disks. I know eating is a large part of being healthy and losing weight, so i thought i would try to manage that part more carefully while i ease myself back into "Beast Mode" again.

    Start Weight: 184
    Current Weight: 180
    Goal Weight: 140
    Height: 5'5"
  • Vsparrott
    Vsparrott Posts: 7
    edited February 2015
    Hi, I'm Vicki. 61 and want to lose 20-30 lbs. live in Houston. Dying to look good in clothes again, and the mirror. I'm retired from teaching, ready to improve myself.
  • trolkeeper wrote: »
    55 y/o
    SW 235
    GW 150
    Disgusted with myself for becoming so heavy, getting older, want to look better in clothes and feel better overall
    reduce B/P and cholesterol
    Want to enjoy life more

    Exercise: work full time so it will be walking for now

  • Thought we might motivate each other
  • Greatorexc wrote: »
    Hi All!

    I'm Caryl, lifetime WW member, but currently trying the 17-day Diet (and loving it!) because I have been stuck for a long time, despite eating healthy and exercising regularly (I love the outdoors). Would love to find my weight loss twin in this group!

    Age: 58
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 145
    CW: 140
    GW: 130
    Work: Full-time, sedentary (full-time & part-time job)
    Married w/two adult children
    Pets: 3 year old Border Collie, Tess (who keeps me moving!)
    Exercise: Daily (hiking, jogging, weight lifting, stationary biking, elliptical, treadmill, etc.)

  • You and I might be a match. I'm 61. 5'6. I weigh 158. More than you but our ages are closer.
  • Aswennu
    Aswennu Posts: 57 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I just happened across this group and think it is such a fantastic idea! Having a partner to be accountable and journey with sounds like it would be really helpful and fun!

    I suppose I should start by telling you a little about myself:

    I'm in my mid twenties, I go to university (just got an anthro degree and am working on a history one now). I have three beasties -Xochitl, Taz, and Luci-fur and I like to take them on adventures to the bog or the dog park whenever I can. I enjoy HP, Star Wars, X-men, and comics in general. I spend most weekends reading, playing video games or D&D with my husband, and exploring nature when the weather allows. I'm a vegetarian, but not the "better than thou" kind, lol.

    The last few years have been pretty terrible health wise. I've gained a ton of weight due to terrible eating habits and sheer laziness. I feel like my weight has started really impact my life, particularly how I see myself. I don't go out and do things that I used to because I hate the way I look and am irrationally afraid of what people might think of me. I need to get off my butt and become more mindful of my body. I'm hoping that with some discipline, time, and hard work I can reach my goal of losing 60lbs and learn to live a healthier lifestyle.

    Starting Weight: 222
    Current Weight: 201.6
    Goal Weight: 140
    Height: 5'7

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, hopefully it wasn't too boring : )
  • Hi All! I am Angie. I live in Sebree KY. Married with no children but a houseful of pets. I am now a housewife after working for 20 years.
    I am 44" tall (NOT a typo) - which comes out to 3'10". I currently weigh 140.4 which is morbidly obese for someone who's 44" tall. I am currently down from 151.2# I am seeing a Dietitian through my local hospital & I am also doing some nutritional support as well.
    I would love to connect with someone else who's a little person. I have a genetic condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Don't let all those letters intimidate, it breaks down into root words rather harmlessly. Osteo-Bone. Genesis-Genetic. Imperfect with an A on the end. Simply comes up to Genetically Imperfect Bone. It's also a misnomer. It's not even about bone, just that's the most commonly destroyed part of us. It's actually a genetically modified collagen gene (A1C). In truth, any part of the body that has connective tissue (not liquid) is effected. Most commonly seen is deformed, brittle, broken bones & teeth. Very very fragile skin. Insanely ornery personalities & sadly, a little wee bit of Evel Knevel is born in us all. LOL
    Oh, and a funny aside - we never have bald babies. Our OI babies are the hairiest little things you've ever seen!
  • ah26738
    ah26738 Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am 23 almost 24 and live in the UK.

    I lost around 5 stone with a fat club a few years ago and since then have yo yoed up and down and put on around 2.5 stone.

    I am back to dieting - which is something I do reguarly and drop off again. Want to stick at it this time. I have a busy job and get home quite late and always have an active food focused social life which makes it hard to diet and excercise.

    The last couple of weeks I have been doing quite well but don't always feel I can keep it up. I am just under 13 stone and want to get down to 10 stone.