Weekly Post 25/01/15 - 31/01/15



  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Fast day today. Good thing, cause my weekend got away from me! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Haha I can't blame it on being "hangry" anymore!

    Happy new week, yall! I tracked probably 75% of my TDEE day on Saturday (huge improvement) and maybe 50% on Sunday. I love that tracking isn't a requirement on your TDEE days, but I still feel like I have a lot to learn about "normal"/"maintenance" calories vs eating EVERYTHING BECAUSE I CAN. It's like fasting days- once you go through a few, you gain confidence because you know you can make it through and you know you can be satisfied and happy while limiting. However, when I can eat anything, I think about food non-stop lol. Saturday I was busy so I barely thought about food, but Sunday, at home, I kept getting up to go to the kitchen. Still room for improvement :)

    Excited to see a new lower "high" weight of the week! 292! I'm feeling confident that I will get down to my 50 pounds lost this week of 289. Even if I don't, I'm excited that I have gotten past 295 and hoping to add it to my "weight graveyard!".

    Dates I said goodbye to those numbers and haven't seen them again (even with weight fluctuations):
    Under 330: 8/5/2014
    Under 320: 9/9/2014
    Under 310: 10/8/2014
    Under 300: 11/8/2014
    Under 295: 1/21/2015????

  • MallowBrain
    MallowBrain Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone, my first time posting on a weekly thread. It's my first fasting day today and I'm struggling.....I really want to eat kebab meat lol! And that's not good even on a non fasting day! I think I need to drink more so I'm sat here with a nice cup of tea :)
    Sounds like you're all doing really well, well done :)
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Today's exercise is done. A good 45min on the rebounder. Did OK food wise without logging. My newest experiment.....only logging / limiting treats, as cals in the bank were always spent instead of listening to my body.

    Have brushed my teeth and will soon be off to TaiChi class, thus no more food today ;-)

    Fast day tomorrow - meals cooked, portioned and logged ;-)
  • JJA14
    JJA14 Posts: 82 Member
    OK, I have to ask finally as I still can't work it out...
    What's TDEE??
  • JJA14
    JJA14 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi everyone, my first time posting on a weekly thread. It's my first fasting day today and I'm struggling.....I really want to eat kebab meat lol! And that's not good even on a non fasting day! I think I need to drink more so I'm sat here with a nice cup of tea :)
    Sounds like you're all doing really well, well done :)

    Water - drink some water. Fizzy water is good. with ice and a slice. Or a nice herbal/fruit tea. If you really need something to eat choose something munchie to keep your hands busy. I love sugar snap peas and carrot sticks, cut up in a cute little pot.

    You CAN do this, Mallow, you CAN!

    (And if you really can't, just go to bed!!!)
  • JJA14
    JJA14 Posts: 82 Member
    Yikes! Just read your posts, flumi, and realised I have done NO exercise today and am now out for a meeting until 9:30pm. Will get the stepper out when I get home.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    TDEE is total daily energy expenditure aka maintainance cals ;-) What you are supposed to eat on non fast days...some complain they never get that high...I complain, that I'm often over.... :p
  • lulu1066
    lulu1066 Posts: 122 Member
    keep strong lovelies! About 4pm here and had my 48 cal cuppa soup. Gotta get through this evening but nice low cal homemade soups in fridge. Peckish though... Will try JJ's tip of fizzy water and lemon...
  • MallowBrain
    MallowBrain Posts: 17 Member
    Well I failed and had too many cals, going to change this fasting day to Wednesday! Thanks for the tips, I'll be ready when Wednesday comes!!!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Well I failed and had too many cals, going to change this fasting day to Wednesday! Thanks for the tips, I'll be ready when Wednesday comes!!!

    Keep trying @MallowBrain. It will get easier. Remind yourself you can plan for and eat kebab meat any non-fast day you want.

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Not sure when I will fast this week. Seems to be a reason to eat out almost every day. :) Will check back in when I have figured out my life.

    @thecarbmonster - love your weight graveyard. May I take a few plots in it for myself? :grinning:
  • lulu1066
    lulu1066 Posts: 122 Member
    see you then!
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm hoping to do a back to back fast tomorrow and Wed. I have a leaving lunch on Thurs, which would be my normal fast day. Good luck everyone.
  • boolz
    boolz Posts: 61 Member
    Today was fast day for me, the first of my second week on 5:2, so just my 3rd fast day ever. Still a lot to learn, but already there have been two pleasant surprises:

    1) I actually look forward to and enjoy fast days! Sure, I'm somewhat hungry, but not much. And the extra time more than makes up for it. I am not an early bird, so the extra 20-30 minutes I can sleep in are heaven. Likewise, working through lunch hour means less grading or planning to do after school.

    2) I haven't been thrown by day variety: My first FD was a day off, but the free time didn't turn into snack time. The second FD was a very busy work day with long meetings at the end. But pacing my "lunch" meant I wasn't any hungrier than usual end of day. Third FD, today, was an all-day offsite meeting. Lots of sitting, surrounded by plates of muffins and fruit in the morning and bowls of chocolate in the afternoon. It was pretty easy to resist.

    So, so far, so good!
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks Snaps!

    Tomorrow will be a fast day. I need to stay strong as today I ended up around 2,200 calories.
    Tracking all calories as honestly as possible and it seems to be the key to keeping me on track.

    Good luck all!
  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    lulu1066 wrote: »
    That's a very good point. Regular dieters are on a relentless treadmill of misery and we're just one day away from pudding at any time, so generally hopeful and positive. Hadn't thought of it like that. Hiya smallstuff - we're going to have to push each other through mon,wed, fri! Enjoy what's left of the weekend everyone.

    "One day away from pudding" - that made me laugh out loud for the first time in days - thanks lulu! :smiley::smiley:
  • razalar
    razalar Posts: 2 Member
    First ever fast day for me today so I'm feeling a bit apprehensive! Almost on high alert for hungry feelings, which can't be a good thing. Thankfully it looks like a busy day at work so that should keep me distracted. Any tips and encouragement welcome!!
  • ariel14
    ariel14 Posts: 4 Member
    JJA14 wrote: »
    "one day away from pudding" Haha! That's so true! God I love 5:2!

    I may have to make this into a poster for the front of the fridge! :smiley::smiley:
  • cal0rina
    cal0rina Posts: 111 Member
    Hi, new to the group but experienced faster. I definitely use the one day away from pudding mantra :D I am fasting today and thurs this week but it changes depending on what shift I'm on. I still count on food days cos otherwise I would scoff packets of choccie biscuits (I sometimes plan for that so I don't get deprived)