I will never mention Low Carb or no sugar again on the discussion board WOW



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I think maybe people just don't like told that something they enjoy might be bad for them- there is probably an element of denial going on as well (they might not like what they find if they actually do some proper research). I imagine that there are some parallels with when it was first discovered that smoking could cause lung cancer etc. The big tobacco companies spent a lot of money and effort trying to disprove the science and now we are seeing a lot of lobbying and watering down of new sugar guidelines in response to some of the food manufacturers. I suppose unless you start to dig into the science and literature for yourself, you wouldn't know what to believe - and given that governments aren't really on message yet it is not surprising that we are made out to be fools. I'm not sure if you have watched Robert Lustig's latest lecture on You Tube yet, but he said something that really hit home to me - he said that you will never be able to get the large scale randomised trials for this as you couldn't find a population who was naive to added sugar exposure. You just have to make your own mind up based on the weight of evidence available. I'm convinced enough to have made some major changes to my diet.

    I am in agreement with the thoughts in this tread but wanted to mention it is Big Tobacco that owns many of the major processed food making corporations today. That is why the MO seems the same. :(

    I agree one just has to make up their own mind based on the info that we can find.
  • knorris47
    knorris47 Posts: 2 Member
    Glad to have found a like minded group!
    Megthehen I lost 60+ at 60 yrs and it took me about a year. Lost the majority, around 40 in about 3,4 months the 5 or less at a time for the next month's. Been at goal for 6 almost 7 yrs now. Bad thing is I'm gaining and still on lc so I figured I'd start tracking to see if there is carb creep
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I can't stand the main forums because of the meanness. There is so much new information coming out about weight being effected by food quality, sleep, hormones, etc. I read an article just the other day off of MSN's main page saying that calories in vs. calories out is a diet myth that needs to be put to rest. I know you can find articles to back any stance, but it's the close-mindedness that irritates me to no end!!! Science is evolving constantly. I'm not sure why people have such a hard time accepting that. Just my two cents...
  • arhoney
    arhoney Posts: 27 Member
    I love the locarb no sugar lifestyle. I've found that eating carbs I generally retain water and crave sugar. It is definitely not a starvation or deprivation diet because I can still eat a lot of great foods without any gaining weight.

    I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm sold out! Locarbs for LIFE!!!
  • lollynn
    lollynn Posts: 13 Member
    megthehen wrote: »
    I have just had 14 replies telling me that omitting sugar is a gimmick and stupid and will not result in weight loss. And sugar consumption has nothing to do with diabetes. So the mantra is stick to a calorie deficit and you will lose weight. Okay, I cant do that. Tried and tried and tried. I just end up binge eating on sugar. So I am going to do this no matter what the common sense multitude say.
    megthehen wrote: »
    I have just had 14 replies telling me that omitting sugar is a gimmick and stupid and will not result in weight loss. And sugar consumption has nothing to do with diabetes. So the mantra is stick to a calorie deficit and you will lose weight. Okay, I cant do that. Tried and tried and tried. I just end up binge eating on sugar. So I am going to do this no matter what the common sense multitude say.

  • lollynn
    lollynn Posts: 13 Member
    Keep up the good work....I am 21 days sugar free....and my body is losing weight......I wish my doctors would have told me how serious is is for someone with PCOS.... Or diabetes to eliminate white sugar and white flour......I would have taken it a lot more seriously. I'm barely having any cravings anymore....a cup of raspberry hot tea with nutra sweet helps calm my feeling for something sweet. Be positive. You are making great healthy changea
  • JenniferCarter2015
    JenniferCarter2015 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 24 days carb free and I'm feeling great, no cravings and the weight is coming off! I feel cutting out sugars is the best way to weight for me anyway- add me could use some carb free friends and I can't figure out how to add people
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    edited January 2015
    PHEW I am so glad they do not know where we all are over here.
  • twjay1970
    twjay1970 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with ya all, have been living a low carb lifestyle for the last 8-10 years...I let is slip as my kids were around and I gave in to the sugar addiction from time to time...I am renewing my efforts and would live this lifestyle whether I lost weight or not....it just makes me feel good. I can run upstairs, I have lots of energy, and I feel happier and less grouchy.

    Stay Strong My Oppressed Low Carb Brothers and Sisters!!! B)
  • ladygi19
    ladygi19 Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 2015
    I ignore them the same way they ignore science... all calories are not equal.
  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    Funny!!! :)
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Then how come I would gain weight so easily eating high fiber, low fat?
  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    yea.. I don't go there.. I know it worked with me.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    ladygi19 wrote: »
    I ignore them the same way they ignore science... all calories are not equal.

    Do you think they really ignore science or just want to be a pain in the butt? I really do not see how someone can ignore the new research that has come out over the last 20 years on this subject but when dieting becomes like a religion I guess logic can go flying out of the brain. :)

  • HaggisWhisperer
    HaggisWhisperer Posts: 125 Member
    I think there are some definate trolls over there. I also know that until low carb/cutting or reducing sugar becomes a more accepted weight loss/heath indicators strategy that most people will still consider it a bit of a nutty idea. I didn't try dabbling with my carbs macro until I read the 4 hour body book by Tim Ferriss. I was just prepared to accept that the recommended food pyramid must be the healthy way to lose weight. At the start of his book he says "If you want to sit on the sidelines and play full-time sceptic, suspending action until a scientific consensus is reached, that's your choice. Just realise the science is alas, often as political as a dinner party with die-hard Republicans and Democrats. Consensus comes late at best. Don't use scepticism as a thinly veiled excuse for inaction or remaining in your comfort zone. Be sceptical, but for the right reason: because you're looking for the most promising option to test in real life"

    This really spoke to me at the time - because what I had been trying (calorie counting and lots of so called healthy carbs) just wasn't working for me. I had to try something different. I work as a medical writer and the more I actually dug into the science of low carb eating (and more recently drastically reducing sugar) I realised how out of date the current guidance is. I can see where some people are coming from with mocking what we are doing - I remember about 12 years ago or so, a colleague announced that she was going to do Atkins. After smiling and wishing her good luck, after she left my desk, a colleague and I spent a good amount of time bitching what a crazy way to lose weight that was and it couldn't possibly be safe. We took our standpoint from accepted medical guidelines rather than any research we might have actually done. After all, we were both medical writers and science graduates so we must know what is right? Ha, we live and learn.

    That was a bit rambly - and doesn't excuse the vitriol that some of the people on the main boards use to express their viewpoint though.
  • spunkyabroad
    spunkyabroad Posts: 137 Member
    edited January 2015
    I read through a thread the other day where someone was asking for help because they were starving all the time. The main gist of all the advice was to suck it up. I mean, seriously? Hunger isn't something one can ignore permanently. I eat keto because I am able to eat well and not starve myself. I can't imagine being able to stay motivated if I thought I just had to be hungry forever. No thank you.

    Plus cutting out sugar has totally eliminated my migraines. So that is worth it right there.

    There seems to be a lot of self hate actually. It makes me sad because there's no way being hungry forever is a successful long term weight loss strategy.

    (edited for spelling)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I read through a thread the other day where someone was asking for help because they were starving all the time. The main gist of all the advice was to suck it up. I mean, seriously? Hunger isn't something one can ignore permanently. I eat keto because I am able to eat well and not starve myself. I can't imagine being able to stay motivated if I thought I just had to be hungry forever. No thank you.

    Plus cutting out sugar has totally eliminated my migraines. So that is worth it right there.

    There seems to be a lot of self hate actually. It makes me sad because there's no way being hungry forever is a successful long term weight loss strategy.

    (edited for spelling)


    Also, I'm right there with you on the sugar and migraines thing! Best thing ever for me. Even too much starch will do it for me.

    I'd much rather do this "nutty fad diet" and have no migraines without medication than follow the conventional guidelines and be on two or three or four different meds for headaches and other issues.

    I also much prefer not feeling like I want to gnaw my arm off every night, too. Been there, done that. Wasn't fun. The sad part is that the idea that you "should" be hungry when on a diet and that if you can't deal with it, it's a failing on your part, is so ingrained that many people don't realize that there are better ways, and when someone suggests one such better way, it gets mocked into the ground, and people fall prey to the fallacy of consensus ("all these other people don't agree with that way, so it must not be what that one or two people are claiming it is").
  • spunkyabroad
    spunkyabroad Posts: 137 Member
    I've dealt with migraines my entire adult life. Total suckage. I'd rather go through labor and delivery with no pain meds again than have migraines. So cutting out sugar and carbs is totally doable for me. Being hungry for the rest of my life just isn't realistic. If you ask me, expecting that a human can ignore hunger signals indefinitely is nutty. Avoiding foods that make me feel like crap is simple logic, not a nutty fad diet. But I'm preaching to the choir.

    Anyway, yay for us not having migraines!

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    dawlfin318 wrote: »
    Meg as you can read we all have had the same experience over there. :) I still reply to serious posts by people about sugar and try to not see posts from those just wanting to fight.

    Until I stopped sugar I was hungry even when gaining 2 pounds every week. :(

    This freedom to eat and not go hungry and still lose weight and lose a ton of pain just boggles my mind.

    Dawlfin318 that is good you are being watched. How is your Vitamin D3 levels. Being low can impact sleep I read and if taking any D3 to do it in the morning because if taken at bedtime it can impact sleep as well. There is a lot of good stuff that can be Googled. I am watching a lot of medical convention speakers on Youtube as well.

    My sister and I run low normal(28-30) even with supplementing vit D. In the winter I take 5000mg a day. We live in the northeast.I do better since taking it( and I only take it in the am) but thanks so much for the tip! ;-) I will try anything that could help. I have so much more energy it is a bit crazy! My house is much cleaner now, lol .

    I love not being hungry and being easily able to say no to sugar!!! Birthday cake even my much loved chocolate chip cookie dough. Amazing how easy it is to say no and not feel deprived. I make my own dark chocolate and crack off a small piece when I feel jealous of what my family is eating.

    If you have any other tips for sleep let me know. I tried melatonin 3mg, and it did nothing.
    If I could just sleep this diet would be perfect.


    Andrea - L-Theanine is another night time supplement that really helped me sleep (I was on ambien for a while, which was just BAD!). Inositol (B8) really helps, too.... The L-Theanine can be expensive, but there is also a blend out there with melatonin, L-theanine, and a third one I can't remember...but I've heard good things. Melatonin doesn't do anything for me, either! Good luck.
  • dawlfin318
    dawlfin318 Posts: 227 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    dawlfin318 wrote: »
    Meg as you can read we all have had the same experience over there. :) I still reply to serious posts by people about sugar and try to not see posts from those just wanting to fight.

    Until I stopped sugar I was hungry even when gaining 2 pounds every week. :(

    This freedom to eat and not go hungry and still lose weight and lose a ton of pain just boggles my mind.

    Dawlfin318 that is good you are being watched. How is your Vitamin D3 levels. Being low can impact sleep I read and if taking any D3 to do it in the morning because if taken at bedtime it can impact sleep as well. There is a lot of good stuff that can be Googled. I am watching a lot of medical convention speakers on Youtube as well.

    My sister and I run low normal(28-30) even with supplementing vit D. In the winter I take 5000mg a day. We live in the northeast.I do better since taking it( and I only take it in the am) but thanks so much for the tip! ;-) I will try anything that could help. I have so much more energy it is a bit crazy! My house is much cleaner now, lol .

    I love not being hungry and being easily able to say no to sugar!!! Birthday cake even my much loved chocolate chip cookie dough. Amazing how easy it is to say no and not feel deprived. I make my own dark chocolate and crack off a small piece when I feel jealous of what my family is eating.

    If you have any other tips for sleep let me know. I tried melatonin 3mg, and it did nothing.
    If I could just sleep this diet would be perfect.


    Andrea - L-Theanine is another night time supplement that really helped me sleep (I was on ambien for a while, which was just BAD!). Inositol (B8) really helps, too.... The L-Theanine can be expensive, but there is also a blend out there with melatonin, L-theanine, and a third one I can't remember...but I've heard good things. Melatonin doesn't do anything for me, either! Good luck.

    Thanks so much! I will try it.