2/1 - Week One

My sister-in-law and I are starting C25K next week and I'm wondering if anyone is starting the same time to keep eachother on track.

This is my SIL's first time doing C25K and my second time. I finished the first time 3 years ago and got up to running 10k nonstop (slowly lol). Looking forward to getting back out on the roads (and for the weather to warm up)!


  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    Congrats on starting again! There is a whole group of us on 1/27 start up discussion. I have only did day 1 and will be doing day 2 tonight. Feel free to join in on our thread for some support and encouragment!
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm currently debating starting on 2/1, a Sunday, or 2/2, a Monday. I know it's sort-of silly, but to do the program every other day, it kind of effects my entire schedule. I'm slated to do my walking tomorrow...so I'll have to decide pronto.
  • jkeyes87
    Hi Lyssa! As C25K is a 3x/week program, my first running day will actually be Monday. It's just easier to count the weeks starting Sunday :smile: Either way you decide, hope you stick around!
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Indeed, jkeyes. :smile: It looks like I'll be starting on Monday, as I'm still dickering with choosing a run tracker. My dear husband hooked me up with a new phone, so I have oodles of options...perhaps too many. I mean, I know I'll be using the C25k app, so it can tell me walk/jog (I don't run, per se) but I'd still like the additional tracker.

    I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to send a 'friend request' seeing as we're going to be hangin' together. ;)
  • joec1985
    I'll be starting Monday as well. I actually w1d1 on Thursday when I discovered c25k, But I decided to start over on a new week to make tracking easier.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome aboard, Joe!
  • iankirsch
    iankirsch Posts: 24 Member
    Did someone say warm weather
  • Kellyffm
    Kellyffm Posts: 61 Member
    Starting today!
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Today was postponed for me by a killer migraine. :( Usually, within 24hrs I am able to resume life, so I'm hopeful for tomorrow.
  • jkeyes87
    jkeyes87 Posts: 26
    edited February 2015
    So I ended up doing W1D1 on Sunday due to the snow storm that came through New England yesterday.

    Lyssa, personally I like mapmyrun for GPS tracking. I'm sure there are better paid applications out there but for what I need it works plus it's free.

    Planning to do D2 today assuming the weather cooperates!

  • jkeyes87
    Kellyffm wrote: »
    Starting today!

    Wooo! How'd it go Kelly?
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    jkeyes, roger that on the mapmyrun...that's the one I dl'd besides the C25k app. I know I'm going to need my cell telling me "walk now...run now" ;)
  • jkeyes87
    I go through so much data/battery on my phone with each run. Gotta have my Pandora to rock out to, MapMyRun to track my progress, and C25K Free to keep my eyes on the road and not at the clock.

  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Jennifer...I'm a total dork and didn't realize that the MapMyRun didn't engage. I'll blame it on my lack of training with the new cell phone. Ah well. I did the run/walk at least! :D But oh my goodness is there ever a difference between the fast-paced walking I'd been doing, compared to the jogging today! Even at a "slow pace" I'm like, "Oh ow, yeah, now I remember why I don't do this!" Kind of makes me wish we had a soft dirt road to run on...but down here it'd be that horrid red clay that destroys shoes.
  • jkeyes87
    LyssaJ1 wrote: »
    Jennifer...I'm a total dork and didn't realize that the MapMyRun didn't engage. I'll blame it on my lack of training with the new cell phone. Ah well. I did the run/walk at least! :D But oh my goodness is there ever a difference between the fast-paced walking I'd been doing, compared to the jogging today! Even at a "slow pace" I'm like, "Oh ow, yeah, now I remember why I don't do this!" Kind of makes me wish we had a soft dirt road to run on...but down here it'd be that horrid red clay that destroys shoes.

    I admit I forgot to turn on MapMyRun until about 1/3 of the way through my workout on Sunday. So it now says I went 1.45 mi instead of probably closer to 1.9. Oh well, as you said all that matters was that it was done. :smile:
  • jkeyes87
    joec1985 wrote: »
    I'll be starting Monday as well. I actually w1d1 on Thursday when I discovered c25k, But I decided to start over on a new week to make tracking easier.

    How was your run, Joe?
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Oh hey...a "funny" thing happened when the app voiced "You have reached the half-way point" or whatever she said...I (loudly) proclaimed, "Oh Crap!" ~chuckles~ Luckily, there weren't a whole lot of neighbors outside at the time. ;)
  • jkeyes87
    Day 2 was yesterday. Brought my dog along for the run. It was cold! 17*F! Also my phone died right after I started the cooldown. Maybe one of these times my phone will record my whole workout.
  • jkeyes87
    Anyone else still here besides me and Lyssa??????????
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Date fixed threads quite regularly fizzle out as people start to deviate from the plan, struggle and/ or lose interest or injure themselves.

    The Daily Check in thread has the critical mass to keep going, and with people at different stages the motivation can help a lot more.