Lose 10 by St. Patrick's day anyone?



  • theflyingpelican
    theflyingpelican Posts: 42 Member
    im 155lb! want to be 120-130 range! 5'6!

    I'm the same height and struggling to figure out what a healthy and reasonable goal weight is. So i'm curious - is that an arbitrary range that you picked, or has it been recommended to you? Have you ever weighed that little before, and if so how did you feel?

    The only time I can remember being in the 130's was like 10th grade...not even sure I was done growing. Right now I'm 144 and I want desperately to see the 130's again, but honestly for no real reason other than I feel like "whoa that would be crazy", you know? Which is probably not a great reason. I think I just have no idea how to be okay with maintaining.

    I also strength train a lot so that might screw with my numbers.
  • jchenks
    jchenks Posts: 164 Member
    I'm in!!!!

    I'm currently around 165 and am aiming for 150

    My workouts incorporate strength training and cardio. Cardio is intervals, running/sprinting. This is mainly for soccer games :)

    Lets all support eachother :)
  • joyxoxo
    joyxoxo Posts: 9 Member
    I'm currently 150 lb and would love to drop down 10 lb to start! ideally I'd love to drop down to 130lb. I'm new to mfp so please let me know how join?
  • chisholm_laura
    chisholm_laura Posts: 6 Member
    Heya that sounds like a good time frame. I really want to lose the pounds too but my motivations been low as on New Year's Day I got injured and I'm unable to run at all now. It is so frustrating as I was a 37 minute 10k but can't even run a few yards. I'm feeling because I can't run it's almost impossible for me to lose the weight I've been putting on. Any tips on what would help I'm 11.3 the now but I want to get down to 10 I'm 5"8.

    Nicola :smiley:

  • chisholm_laura
    chisholm_laura Posts: 6 Member
    hi Nicola,
    I just joined MFP on Monday and really like this app! I sympathize with you on your injury! I tore a ligament in my ankle during a 10k trail race on Oct.25, 2014. i was going crazy not being able to run! My hubbie and 3 boys were probably suffering from my moods.Physio really helped and I bought a trainer for my bike
    and being able to do biking really helped keep my heart rate strong(and great +training). I am running 5k indoors (i live in snowy Ottawa CA). There is hope, don't despair!
  • kjohnson754
    kjohnson754 Posts: 54 Member
    Really mad. I'm 197 lbs at 6'. I don't LOOK it but this is some trash. So now I'm back in the gym. It looks like I just need to tone and eat better although most people don't believe me, I'm not trying to hit 200 lbs. I weigh more than what I weighed when I was pregnant AND after my pregnancy. SO mad.
  • sweety510
    sweety510 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi all I was in the Valentine Day thread trying to lose 10lb by Valentine Day, only lost 5lbs so far and I am up for this challenge as well so St. Patrick Day it is! You can count me in! I am 28 yrs old 4'11 currently weighing at 121 lbs, my HW:135 and GW:105. I am motivated and ready to shed as much weight as possible til St. Patrick Day! I will do my part and update on my progress, so good luck to all! We can do it!!!!! :D
  • I'm 155 and my GW is 130-135. 10 pounds down by St.Patty's is a challenge I'm willing to take! Let's do this ladies
  • Samma6652
    Samma6652 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey ladies! Have a great day! Make healthy choices and stay positive. I know it is hard, but i know i feel better after seeing so many of you in the same boat as me and it makes me feel like i am not alone. Keep up the hard work.

    Tip for drinking more water: carry a bottle around all day. It's easier if the bottle has a straw. I know it's tough, especially when that "i gotta go feeling" kicks in and you're at work with no break in sight (i work on an ambulance so i go when i can, incase we get a call).

    We can do this! :D
  • I'm in!!!!!! Great goal date.
  • dmoeller2
    dmoeller2 Posts: 3 Member
    Samma6652 wrote: »
    Hey ladies! Have a great day! Make healthy choices and stay positive. I know it is hard, but i know i feel better after seeing so many of you in the same boat as me and it makes me feel like i am not alone. Keep up the hard work.

    Tip for drinking more water: carry a bottle around all day. It's easier if the bottle has a straw. I know it's tough, especially when that "i gotta go feeling" kicks in and you're at work with no break in sight (i work on an ambulance so i go when i can, incase we get a call).

    We can do this! :D

    You're so positive! I'm also trying to increase my water intake. Based on the new water recommendations, I'm supposed to drink 11 cups every day. I can't even get to 8! My problem is that I've been dehydrated for so many years that I'm used to it and I'm never thirsty anymore. I'm slowly improving, and I'm starting to feel thirsty when I go without water for a while.
  • LaCane01
    LaCane01 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in, I am at 153 and my GW is 135-140. I have been stuck at 152ish for a while now and need a challenge to help me get past this hump.
  • MrsLegolas
    MrsLegolas Posts: 7 Member
    Samma6652 wrote: »
    Hey ladies! Have a great day! Make healthy choices and stay positive. I know it is hard, but i know i feel better after seeing so many of you in the same boat as me and it makes me feel like i am not alone. Keep up the hard work.

    Tip for drinking more water: carry a bottle around all day. It's easier if the bottle has a straw. I know it's tough, especially when that "i gotta go feeling" kicks in and you're at work with no break in sight (i work on an ambulance so i go when i can, incase we get a call).

    We can do this! :D

    Thanks Samma6652! I feel the same way - it's so helpful knowing we're all in this together! We can do it! :)
  • angielisa75
    angielisa75 Posts: 46 Member
    I have very recently decided to give up alcohol in order to loose 10 pounds. So I am in for loosing 10 pounds by Patrick's day.
  • Samma6652
    Samma6652 Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2015
    I know the feeling about the water, like i said, it is easier to carry a bottle with you because you are reminded to drink just by staring at it lol. There is an app called water your body which basically takes your weight and divide it in half and thats how many oz you should drink...it's tough in the winter when it's cold lol. The app also reminds you to drink water.
  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 139 Member
    I am terrible at the water. My one secret is that when I (remember to) take a drink of water, I take a BIG drink. In for a sip, in for a cup! so much easier that way. I would like do the lose 10 by St. Patty's Day! I am doing a 5 K a few days before, and really would like to carry 10 pounds less through the race!
  • KrisAZ000
    KrisAZ000 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm joining in for the Lose 10 by St Patrick's Day! I am 5'7", CW 146, goal weight 130. I got off track this week due to some boredom eating while home with the flu, so I'm ready to get back in gear and get these last pounds off.
  • I try to drink a big cup of water first thing in the morning, that helps, before anything. I also drink a lot of caffeine free tea at work.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Ok. I'm in. I think I can do it.
  • I have very recently decided to give up alcohol in order to loose 10 pounds. So I am in for loosing 10 pounds by Patrick's day.

    Im in too! I've also given up alcohol in order to finally shift this weight. Im 5'3 and 147 pounds. Im finding it impossible to shift weight the closer I get to 40!!!!