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February ETL - Food and Fitness



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Kelly, I’m sure you have results you just aren’t seeing. We’re usually the last to see and appreciate our own progress. I understand how hard it is to stay on track when you’re tired. Congrats on sticking with the 6 week plan, only 8 days left!

    JCN, good to see you. Weekends are harder for all of us I think.

    Sabine, hurry and write the 6:1 diet book before someone else does! I posted the link to the 10 spice veggie soup in the recipes thread. I hate the announcements threads because it doesn’t say when there are new posts. I think, if you follow the thread, that it will change to unshaded when there is a new post though. I’ll keep an eye on it to see if that is the case.

    I'll look there, thanks!
    And yes, wouldn't I be grand if I wrote a 6:1 diet! lol.
    Following our new "cooking on sunday's" tradition, I made the Lentil loaf and a curried cauliflower and eggplant. Hubs is making something that smells good, with zucchini. And we have left overs from last night's stir fry. We should be SET for a few days!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    B: green smoothie
    L: lentil loaf
    D: curried cauliflower and eggplant over hubs brown rice mix (mung beans and what not)
    S: pop corn
    S: olives
    S: 5 ounces red wine.
    A little lower in protein than I'd like, but I know tomorrow will more than make up for it, as I'm taking leftovers and and mixing with black soybeans for lunch.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited February 2015
    The weekend was very long; I did not get all the work done that I wanted to do, so now I'll have to work again next weekend. Yes, it's a tax thing. I was a WAHM for 7 years so my kids have never seen the inside of a daycare. I had a realy great job fall into my lap doing the books for a small company. They pay me ridiculously well. So when I went back to work, I just couldn't give up this gig. I can work less than 30 hours and make about the same that I make in 80 hours at my "real" job. Oh, if only I could get more of these bookkeeping jobs - what I wouldn't give to work from home again!!

    The main reason I didn't get as much done as I needed was because my son was throwing up. AGAIN. For the 4th bloody weekend in a row. This time it's not a cold, or bronchitis, but an allergic reaction to cats!!! Unbelievable! My hubby took the kids to a friend's house to leave me time to work. While he was there he started coughing and getting really snotty again and because of the colds, my hubby just kind of figured it was more of the same. But then a couple hours after he got home, my son had hives all over his face and chest, and was throwing up. What a violent reaction! I don't think we can ever visit anyone with cats ever again. We got some antihistamines for children and that helped, but you can still see the hives on his face a bit.

    So I feel really bad for the poor kid, but on the other hand, I am getting quite impatient with scrubbing down my bathroom every 5 minutes. I REALLY need him to be healthy!!

    In the meantime, I've started a cleaning strike. I quit! Well, at least until suppertime, anyway...

    HOWEVER, after all that, I'm still having a great day today; I woke up at 5:30 even though I really didn't want to and I got on the treadmill. I walked 4.34 miles (7km) at a pace of 4mph and I did the whole thing at an incline of 2%. I think tomorrow I'll do 3%.... Then I got everyone's lunch ready and off to school, then I packed myself a great breakfast and lunch.

    I really do feel like a million bucks when I get my workout out of the way first thing in the morning...

    B: banana, pineapple, blueberries & cashews
    L: OSG Tortilla Soup (made it last night - one of my favorites) with avocado
    D: taco salad - yum!

    Mihani, I looked at the red lentil & kale soup and it does look delish - I am very partial to the spices in that soup. I think I'll make that one later this week.

    Alright, I have to get to work. Have a good one!

    OH! Guess what?! My hubby's co-worker asked if we would like to join her and her hubby in a tough mudder in September. So we are going to register for that one too! That'll be my 3rd event so far this year (1/2 marathon in May, tough mudder in Sept and 1/2 marathon in October) ... Gotta find a couple more - something in the summer months, and I'd really like to try to convince my hubby to take me to the Honolulu marathon in December....)!! :smiley:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Today's plan:
    B: green smoothie
    L: lentil loaf and a small salad
    D: leftover curry
    S: NOT wine lol.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Wow what'shername those are some serious events!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wow I was only away 2 days and there are 23 new posts!! Awesome that our group is so active this month, woohoo!!

    I am echoing everyone's weekend woes, lol. Sabine, I had the exact same meal as you on Friday night, and was actually SO excited that I stuck to ONLY two pieces and some wine. Seriously, I didn't binge on sweets at all this weekend and that was a HUGE win for me lol.

    Today's meals:
    B - Orange, banana, OSG zucchini/choco muffin
    L - Red lentil & kale soup (thanks Mihani for the suggestion!)
    S - apple; strawberries
    D - slow cooker veggie curry (someone suggested this one last month! thank you!)

    Elena, that retreat sounds amazing!!

    Peas, yes! I've been seeing a massage therapist monthly for a year or two. Before that I tried an osteopath, and before that, a physiotherapist. I've had back issues for awhile, and every time I think I've beat them for life, it bugs up again! Lol. I am feeling a ton better though, as long as I do all my stretches and see the therapist, so I'm hoping to try exercise tonight. Maybe I will just need to do a ton more stretches than usually required. Hope you can see someone in Cali too before it gets much worse!

    Mihani, I hope you can get your surgery soon... that sounds awful :( How far ahead do they book appointments? Any slow weeks coming up? Lol. You are just like my fiance... he worries so much about appeasing everyone else and his clients, he forgets about his own personal life/wants.

    Wowzers Karrie, that is such an ambitious and active year! Good for you!! We will cheer you on :) Your poor son, that sounds awful, although cleaning barf weekly may sound worse...

    Welcome back JCN! We are always looking for ways to combat the weekends lol.

    Kelle, 21 pounds!! You are seriously inspiring me. I feel like doing the plan would actually kickstart me big time, which I need, but I also need the push to actually START the plan lol. Maybe I will sit with a calendar and just pick a date to start...

    Delicious Sunday cooking Sabine! Sounds yummy. Yesterday we managed slow cooker veggie curry, red lentil & kale soup, rice + veggies, and cauliflower wings (again).
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited February 2015
    @liapr I'm planning to *actually do the six week plan* On Monday Feb 23 (after a trip where I can't control how, when and what I eat, I'll be in a board room eating hotel food). If another date after feb 23 would work better, I'd be happy to move it to when you could do it. I could use a buddy for that.

    eta: congrats on no sweets!
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    lia: thanks! This has definitely kick started my diet, that's for sure! I've been bummed for the past year at my last 20+ pounds of baby weight. now I have a little under 4 pounds to go!!!

    I keep seeing people mention OSG?? What does that stand for? Your meals sound great!

    whats_her_name: I'm sorry you didn't get your work done, but that's an awesome work opportunity! And oh my gosh, sorry for the puking kid. That's no fun! My daughter came in and threw up on my pillow a few weeks ago. Never a dull moment. The tortilla soup sounds amazing, and I would love to do a mud run!

    Sabine: I don't know, that 6:1 diet sounds great, haha! Your meal sound great though. Good luck starting on the 23rd!!!

    Mihani: No one has noticed my weight loss, but that's OK. I would imagine a lot of the weight was water weight, so I'm sure it's hard to notice. I'm not ill about it though, 21 pounds off my body is incredible, whether people see it, or not.

    JCN80: My daughter is almost 15 months, and she's killing me with this not sleeping stuff. ARGGGGH! These babies! But you have twins, so you are amazing!!

    Well, today is WEEK 6, DAY 1. I am 21.8 pounds down. Excited to see what the next week brings! I only have two things to make this week, and then I'll be set.

    I've been keeping up my blog, which I'm proud of. I'm such a blog slacker, lol.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Kelleman you continue to impress me!! If some of it's water weight, then in theory, a few pounds will come back. But, if you've eaten legumes and plenty of carbs, then it should only be a couple of pounds of water, right? It's carbs that retain water.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Kelleman, OSG = Oh She Glows. It's a vegan blog which has AMAZING food recipes!! They are easy and easily the best vegan food I've made, especially for those transitioning to a plant-based diet. I've tested them on non-veg ppl and they are people pleasers. There is a delicious tortilla soup in her cookbook!

    PS I always find weight loss is slow to show up on my body. Maybe in two weeks you will do a double take in the mirror!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    This thread IS busier than normal - it's awesome!!

    I was gonna answer the OSG question, but I'm too slow... :smiley:

    I *just* signed up for a strength training class that's designed just for women. The same co-worker invited me to join her - and it can only help with the rest of my training too, so I'm in!! It starts March 2nd and it runs Mon, Wed and Fri for 8 weeks. The good news (for me) is that it starts at 5:15am and is < 20 blocks from my house. So there will never be anything else that interferes with me attending the classes! I saw some pretty impressive before and after body shots of some other women who did the class previously - wowza!

    I am going to "act like an athlete" and "eat like an athlete", and maybe one day this year I will actually "feel like an athlete".

    A couple of years ago I did a tri-a-tri and I'm considering doing that again this year - it's in June. Now I just need to find something in August..... :smiley:

  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    My yoga retreat was fabulous! Not too expensive (we brought our own bedding, shared bathrooms and bunked in with a roommate), and I picked a place I could drive (Texas) to to save both time and money.

    For 2 1/2 days I ate some lovely spa quality vegan cuisine, attended yoga classes that really broke some poses down for better understanding, learned some stress-reduction breathing and meditation techniques, and attended workshops about "the yoga way of life" and how we can use the ancient teachings to maneuver modern life.

    I went by myself, and so was (VERY) anxious at meeting all new people, but by Sunday we were all talking and laughing like old friends. There were about 20 women -- young, old, beginners, advanced students, stiff, stretchy, fat, thin and everything in between. We were a diverse bunch brought together by an interest in physical health, emotional balance, and joy in life.

    I had been nervous that I wasn't a "serious" enough yogi, but I may now be hooked on retreats. I am already wondering what my next adventure will be.

    Namaste y'all.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member

    I am going to "act like an athlete" and "eat like an athlete", and maybe one day this year I will actually "feel like an athlete".

    Karrie, this is an awesome attitude. I’m so impressed with your early morning workouts. You are going to be a busy woman training for and going to all these events. Can’t wait to hear the reports as they come about. And now a strength training class to boot… wow! I hope your little guy is feeling better.

    Lia and Sabine, I'm in for doing the 6 week plan but will start a week later than you since the birthday sushi (vegan of course) party will be the last Saturday in February and there will also be wine, and then leftovers the next day.

    Kelly, I caught up with your blog this weekend. I’ve enjoyed reading it. I don’t think anyone else noticed my weight loss until I was down about 40 pounds, but I also think people are hesitant to comment. Oh She Glows is wonderful, definitely in my top 2 or 3 vegan blogs. Her recipes are really healthy and use minimal oil, but can be ETL-ized if you just leave out the oil.

    Elena the retreat sounds wonderful! I’ve always wanted to do something like that. I think there are several places around here, I should do some research, you’ve inspired me.

    Today was okay for me. I stuck to my plan, but I’ve been having stomach pain and not sure why other than stress. Kind of like an acid reflux thing. I’m going to try eating smaller amounts at meals and adding a couple of snacks to see if that helps.

    Peas, Happy 40th Birthday!
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Sabine, I don't know, maybe it's not a bunch of water weight. It would be nice to see it for myself :)

    I often see this quote: "It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing; it takes 8 weeks for your friends and family; it takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Don't give up." I think I've just lost so much weight in a short amount of time, that's it's hard to see. My husband has said twice that he can see a difference, which is refreshing.

    Lia: Oh, Ok, thanks! I'm actually familiar with Oh She Glows, the acronym was throwing me off. I have her cookbook on hold at the library. :)

    Whats_her_name: have fun in your class! I've always wanted to do a triathlon. They have an indoor one at the local gym, but it's too soon.

    Elena, the yoga retreat sounds amazing!

    Mihani: Thanks for reading my blog! It's helped me stay accountable, even if a lot of people don't read it.

    I lost 30 pounds once, and hadn't seen my mom for a few months. She didn't notice :/ Crazy how that is, eh??

    Sorry about your stomach issues. I hear apple cider vinegar helps reflux.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited February 2015
    Mihani wrote: »

    Lia and Sabine, I'm in for doing the 6 week plan but will start a week later than you since the birthday sushi (vegan of course) party will be the last Saturday in February and there will also be wine, and then leftovers the next day.

    Peas, Happy 40th Birthday!

    I'd love the support, if you're game to do it!

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I DID tell hubs I was seriously thinking of doing the 6 week plan and told him my timing was: after my work trip and after HIS trip to see his raw food vegan parents (which always means he comes back healthier). He got it. He likely won't go completely along, but his daily diet is either: pretty darn EtL and/or pretty darn independent. In waves. Either way he's on board and a supportive partner.
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Wow, that's awesome that his parents eat that way. My parents eat horribly. :/
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kelleman1 wrote: »
    Wow, that's awesome that his parents eat that way. My parents eat horribly. :/

    Yeah, he's pretty lucky.

    Today, btw, I had a duh/aha moment. On a lark, I weighed all the raw veggies going into my smoothie, and weighed the raw veggies I take for a snack. Well over a pound. I had no idea. ha.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited February 2015
    Well my son was told by his teacher yesterday that he's too sick to be at school. Oops. But he was only coughing with a runny nose, and he wasn't that bad in the morning when I sent him. But when he got home he was coughing up a storm and blowing his nose like crazy, and then I felt like a bad parent for sending him to school like that. :disappointed:

    And then of course, last night, to drive the point home, he decided he needed to throw up all over his bed. Ugh.

    So I'm at home with him today and he's still sleeping - it's almost 3 hours past when he normally wakes up. I hope it's a good sign that his body is healing. *PLEASE let it be a good sign!!*

    I crashed hard too, and missed my alarm this morning when it went off. So I haven't been on the treadmill just yet - I'm going to wait to make sure he's up and ok before I do that. (And also so he knows where I am and doesn't freak out).

    I have a fridge full of taco salad fixin's and tortilla soup ready to roll... I made a boatload of pico de gallo. :smiley: Guess I've got a hankering for Mexican food right now. :lol: lol I want to get a few more things prepped and frozen for times when I'm in a rush, or just plain not in the mood to cook.

    OH - I think I hear my little man moving around. Gotta run!

    Have a great day.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Well my son was told by his teacher yesterday that he's too sick to be at school. Oops. But he was only coughing with a runny nose, and he wasn't that bad in the morning when I sent him. But when he got home he was coughing up a storm and blowing his nose like crazy, and then I felt like a bad parent for sending him to school like that. :disappointed:

    And then of course, last night, to drive the point home, he decided he needed to throw up all over his bed. Ugh.

    So I'm at home with him today and he's still sleeping - it's almost 3 hours past when he normally wakes up. I hope it's a good sign that his body is healing. *PLEASE let it be a good sign!!*

    I crashed hard too, and missed my alarm this morning when it went off. So I haven't been on the treadmill just yet - I'm going to wait to make sure he's up and ok before I do that. (And also so he knows where I am and doesn't freak out).

    I have a fridge full of taco salad fixin's and tortilla soup ready to roll... I made a boatload of pico de gallo. :smiley: Guess I've got a hankering for Mexican food right now. :lol: lol I want to get a few more things prepped and frozen for times when I'm in a rush, or just plain not in the mood to cook.

    OH - I think I hear my little man moving around. Gotta run!

    Have a great day.
    Uh-oh. Hope it's a reasonable quiet day.