Unappreciated Comments



  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    edited February 2015
    I didn't tell people until right before my surgery because I'd heard negative comments in passing over the years about others. However, after surgery, I told anyone who asked about my weight loss--both the surgery and that it isn't a quick fix. Happily, I have a very supportive circle of family, friends, and co-workers and haven't directly heard any negative comments. One reason I am so open after surgery is that I finally opted for the surgery in part because I personally knew, or knew someone who knew, people who had been successful WLS patients.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have not hid any of what I am going through. Not saying it is right or wrong. I am completely comfortable and willing to discuss this kind of topic with ignorant or uneducated individuals. I have had in depth conversations with coworkers about the surgery, what it entails, struggles and reasons. I look at this as a way to start to educate the general public on the procedure. I do not think anyone should do this if they are not comfortable or easily have their feelings hurt. All of you hang in there and I am sorry you have had to hear those negative things, when you did not invite them.
  • Jamielynn_77
    Jamielynn_77 Posts: 85 Member
    In my 4 years post op I have met people of all opinions. Most have been super supportive. And when I decided to have it done, I told my coworkers. I wanted people around me to hold me accountable. And though I am no longer there, I still see them out and they still tell me that I look great.
    I had the most awful things said to me by those closest to me. Family members who said, "well sure you can lose weight, you cheated" "Oh, it's easy for YOU!" Those who say that will never know the struggle. Mine is a food addiction. I am no different than an alcoholic going to AA. This was just a tool, it is up to me to make sure I stay the course. I have lost people because of my success. Because of my "cheating."
    I just smile and say I appreciate your opinion, but you have NO idea what you are talking about. And I walk away.
    I think some people hate to see others succeed. So they throw stones. It was best described in the other posts. IF you wear glasses, use a riding mower, then you cheat too.
    We'll teach em....lol one at a time. Until then, we are going to enjoy our successes, and we will praise each other here and keep each other going. :wink:
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I'm only a little over 2mo post op. But so far I've gotten "oh is that all you lost?" "I bet you would of felt better if you could of just lost it on your own." And my favorite.... "You can't eat (incert something bad here), sucks to be you!"
    All by my friends. Awesome huh!!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    That's another good reason I'm keeping this private. I hope you overlook negative comments and remember that you are doing something great for yourself!