Weekly Post 08/02/ - 14/02/15



  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    My 2nd fd was yesterday. The 12th so I think I'm doing the same as you guys. I love this way of life. Time will tell if the scales agree with me. But i know it works well for my dog so hopefully it'll be great for me
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Ps good luck with your fast day everyone!!!!!!
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Weigh in day for me. 69.8! That's a 6!
    SW 76.
    Hope you all get good results
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Weigh in day for me. 69.8! That's a 6!
    SW 76.
    Hope you all get good results


  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Always an awesome feeling to break in to a new bracket!
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Started 5:2 4 weeks ago having seen the BBC "Rightdiet" program. I've lost 10 lbs (!) at a nice and steady pace. Fast days tough but getting easier; coffee, gum and tomato soup help. I fast Mon/Thur except if I've got an event on. Weirdly, I'm not usually hungry on Tue/Fri morning at all. I find myself thinking "Well I'd better eat breakfast or I'll be hungry later". 2 years ago I was religiously MFP-ing and exercising like crazy (weights, running, bike, gym, TRX, swimming) totalling 8 or 9 times a week and absolutely pleateau'd at 205 lbs which left me still >38 inches on my waist (but down from 44 at my worst). A bad back put paid to all but some moderate cardio (bike, swim). So hoping 5:2 can break through the 37 inches mark which seems to be the accepted top of the "healthy" range.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I did it!!! I was 169.8 this morning!!! Finally! I lost 3.4lbs this week. I do attribute some of that to my thyroid medicine kicking in. However, I've been feeling short of breath, and getting some chest pains since starting the medicine, so i'll be going to the doctors today to make sure everything is okay. I'm a little worried, but I'm sure I'm fine!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    bburg86 wrote: »
    I did it!!! I was 169.8 this morning!!! Finally! I lost 3.4lbs this week. I do attribute some of that to my thyroid medicine kicking in. However, I've been feeling short of breath, and getting some chest pains since starting the medicine, so i'll be going to the doctors today to make sure everything is okay. I'm a little worried, but I'm sure I'm fine!

    You go girl! Congrats on the new weight. And meds just probably need to be adjusted.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Thanks! He started me on 50mcg and maybe it should have been 25? I really wanted a more natural medicine, but of course docs don't want to give you the good stuff.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Week 24 - 1.0 lbs (0.45 kg )
    Total loss as of 02/13/2015 13.8 lbs (6.26 kg)

    This is getting exciting! Looking forward to seeing the scale number begin with 14!!! Getting close, thanks to all your love and support. :heart:
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    jknight001 - you're such a big loser :p Will jump up and down, when you reach that 14!

    bburg - good news on the weight. Hope you get your meds sorted and feel better soon.

    No loss for me this week, but at least I've been back between 57-58kg again in the last few weeks. Gained a little bit due to my vacation days and the goodies that wandered home with me from vacation. Should be back on track next week though as the last of it will be passed on tomorrow.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited February 2015
    @jknight. Congrats, hun. I know you've been hanging in there. I love your emotional stamina :) Ty for the comment about muscle gains. I believe you might be right! Totally forgot about that, lol. The thigh isn't jiggling so much, due to more inner thigh muscles (thx to long hilly walks) I also stopped the coconut oil in morning coffee...and yes, the scale moved. So I'm one of those who needs a LONG daily fast.

    @Flumi. You're always so realistic about what you did or didn't do concerning results. You always seem to own your own problem, and I really think you're a role model in that sense.

    @newcomers. Welcome everyone who has found their way to our lil happy corner. Here we have no judgments, only support. Whatever you decide to eat or not eat when you want, it's up to you. We try to inform of best practices and disagree if something is completely off, but this is the internet and it's YOUR choice and responsibility what you do with your body. So flex the diet to your lifestyle and goals :)

    This group is mostly about sharing experiences and get inspired. And I must say without this group I woulda felt much more like a lonely sea plankton in the Pacific. Having this weekly open mike check-in reminds me that we are human with personalities after all, not just anonymous nicknames. Ty @Carbmonster for initiating that :)

    Edit: Add me if you want to. I'm almost at maintenance though, so bear that in mind :)

    Oh, btw the homemade sugar free ice cream with vanilla and raspberries was dangerously good. I made vanilla, espresso, cocoa mix today, make it tomorrow. It's not a FD-friendly recipe cause of all the double cream, but it's great to have a sweet dessert again that I can eat without guilt.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    @foamroller. TY for the kind words. I have learned a lot from you and your courage has encouraged me. Seems there is no mountain to high for you!

    I would add one more thing to your post and that is I love how we all get each other. There is no judgement here, just understanding and support. Very cool. :sunglasses:
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Thanks Foami. Been at this game long enough to know, how much I have put into my system on a given day ;-) This week...too much.

    And as a scientist, I am my own guinea pig, learning how and when my body works and what tends to make my weight fluctuate. I don't always have a reason, but often I do figure it out in the long run. Just have to stay honest with myself, when it comes to gains or losses over a few weeks time....

    This keeps me from freaking out, when the scale or the tape measure shows an upward trend and it gets me back on track, when this does happen. 'Cause that's no one elses fault, than my own. If only I didn't like food so much... :p

    BTW...pizza night tomorrow...might have to try the Barilla Senza on Sunday as an antidote for my normal pizza based water retention ;)
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »
    @jknight. Congrats, hun. I know you've been hanging in there. I love your emotional stamina :) Ty for the comment about muscle gains. I believe you might be right! Totally forgot about that, lol. The thigh isn't jiggling so much, due to more inner thigh muscles (thx to long hilly walks) I also stopped the coconut oil in morning coffee...and yes, the scale moved. So I'm one of those who needs a LONG daily fast.

    @Flumi. You're always so realistic about what you did or didn't do concerning results. You always seem to own your own problem, and I really think you're a role model in that sense.

    @newcomers. Welcome everyone who has found their way to our lil happy corner. Here we have no judgments, only support. Whatever you decide to eat or not eat when you want, it's up to you. We try to inform of best practices and disagree if something is completely off, but this is the internet and it's YOUR choice and responsibility what you do with your body. So flex the diet to your lifestyle and goals :)

    This group is mostly about sharing experiences and get inspired. And I must say without this group I woulda felt much more like a lonely sea plankton in the Pacific. Having this weekly open mike check-in reminds me that we are human with personalities after all, not just anonymous nicknames. Ty @Carbmonster for initiating that :)
    I was going to say the exact same thing...dangit.
    Edit: Add me if you want to. I'm almost at maintenance though, so bear that in mind :)
    You better not leave me...I have about 3 more years to get to "normalcy" and if you leave I will fail...so it's on you!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    More seriously...I thought about this last night...
    What a mix of individuals this little group has acquired. At times I've felt all of this was a bit tedious, pointless, futile, maybe even trivial, but I look at the people here and what they have accomplished...not just in dieting, but in life. We have some serious scholars, health junkies, world travelers, dedicated parents, selfless do-gooders and they've all carved out a portion of their busy lives and given it to others in this forum...

    ...thanks for that.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    orlcam wrote: »
    More seriously...I thought about this last night...
    What a mix of individuals this little group has acquired. At times I've felt all of this was a bit tedious, pointless, futile, maybe even trivial, but I look at the people here and what they have accomplished...not just in dieting, but in life. We have some serious scholars, health junkies, world travelers, dedicated parents, selfless do-gooders and they've all carved out a portion of their busy lives and given it to others in this forum...

    ...thanks for that.

    And which one(s) are you?
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    jknight001 wrote: »
    And which one(s) are you?
    Just a fat guy looking to be inspired.

  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Hey @bmoregan, I watched that too and it confirmed that what I am already doing is right for me! I have been doing 5/2 since November and low carb seriously for a couple of months. I started low carb for health not weight reasons so that has been a huge bonus.

    My husband is starting to do both 5/2 and lowcarb after watching it last night on Youtube and seeing my results. Let us all know how you go! I have yet to watch episodes 2 and 3