February ETL - Food and Fitness



  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Hey ladies! I've been lurking, but not posting. This weekend is my last on the 6 week plan, ahhhhhhh!!!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kelleman1 wrote: »
    Hey ladies! I've been lurking, but not posting. This weekend is my last on the 6 week plan, ahhhhhhh!!!!
    You've done great!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,933 Member
    Karrie, hope that you are feeling better soon and that your work goes smoothly so you can get on with your time off.

    Kelly, you've done a great job on the 6 week plan!! How much of the ETL diet do you think you will continue with? When I'm working at it I figure I'm between 80 and 90% ETL most days. Can't wait to hear your final results. Have you noticed changes other than your weight?

    I'm heading to the office today. I hope I can get enough done that I can just bring some things home to work on tomorrow rather than going back in. I need to get some things done around here.
  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    Hi everyone! I thought I'd jump in on this thread. I discovered the Nutritarian lifestyle one night about 4-5 years ago when desperately Googling for a new eating lifestyle that would help me get healthy and lose weight. Not that I haven't slipped back into old SAD ways here and there (often for months on end...darn addictive crap!).

    Anyhoo, I've never been as active on MFP as I have in the last 25 days or so and it's been such a huge help. <3

    Now to resist the big SAD Valentine's Day breakfast my hubby is planning on making this morning (he's actually usually VERY supportive of a plant-based diet) after her gets back from trying to find a "roof rack" (??) to get the tons of snow currently sitting on our roof. I was planning on fasting breakfast so I could indulge a little tonight.

    I made Dr. F's Fudgy Black Bean Brownies last night for tonight, and I must say they are quite tasty!

    Have a fantastic Valentine's Day everyone!
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks, Sabine! :)

    Mihani: Everyone keeps asking me what I'm doing after. I really don't know!!! When I started this, I just wanted to lose some weight, and help my sugar cravings. I wasn't sure that I'd even finish it! And now I only have 5 meals left, and I don't know what I want to do! I know I don't want to be vegan, but I know that I need to eat less dairy and meat. I know I will come out of this eating a lot more vegetables than I was before. I've been dreaming of eggs on Monday morning, but it my mind, it was just eggs and toast, maybe with some cheese. But as more time has gone on, I plan on making an omelet full of veggies. I have a special pan you supposedly don't need to add any oil to, so we'll see.

    I'm going to be trying to find some recipes that the whole family likes, because I know we need to eat healthier. I was raised on a lot of fattening meals and junk, and it's hard to change that, you know?

    I finally was able to get the ETL book from the library, and I've been flipping through it. He says a lot of stuff like "my patients felt horrible, had trouble moving, high bp, high cholesterol, trouble sleeping, etc" but that wasn't how I felt at all. I'm still young, so I don't have issues with that stuff (yet). Even though I don't feel different in a physical sense, I feel SO much better emotionally and mentally from this weight coming off. I might feel better physically if one of my children didn't wake me up all night long, so it's hard to say on that front ;)
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Oh, and I'm .8 pounds away from losing all of my baby weight!!! When I started this almost 6 weeks ago, I never thought I'd get that weight off in 6 weeks when I've been struggling with it for over a year. Even though I still have a long way to go, getting off that weight makes me a feel indescribably better.
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    UtahWI wrote: »
    We are going to have lentil tacos for dinner tonight. I will also likely stir in some ground venison to one pan, such that there is a choice of straight lentil or a mix. I don't remember the last time I had beef, but am willing to eat this as it was running around free all its life, right up until it wasn't. But I cannot deal with a cattle feedlot.

    Why didn't I think of this?! It's a great idea and I have a freezer full of venison. Next time I haul out the meat grinder, I'm going to do this!

  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Elena, hope you got to your yoga class, and that tomorrow won’t be quite so busy.

    I got an email about this today... not sure if everyone is on the Dr. Fuhrman mailing list so thought I'd share. I'm contemplating it. drfuhrman.com/events/nj1015/default.aspx

    I did! Thank you! And the next day too. But today I think I did too much yoga twisting over the week and am laying on ice just to be safe. I am already thinking of substitutions in class when my twisting quota has been reached.

    And I am on the ETL mailing list. I'll check this out and see which one it is. Thanks for the heads up.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,933 Member
    Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

    Hello Heidi! Glad to see you. It really is soooo easy to slide back into SAD. I divert myself with fruit a lot of times when I want something sweet. That has helped me immensely. I’ve been hearing about black bean brownies for years and have yet to try them. I really should.

    Kelly, eating lots of veggies to me is about half the battle. I’ve always liked veggies, but going vegan really broadened my horizons on that front. I’ve tried some veggies I had never tried before like celeriac, rutabaga, swiss chard, kale. It was hard at first to always be looking for recipes and how to cook things, but over the years I’ve accumulated a number of go-to recipes and it makes it a lot easier. I did a lot, a whole lot, of abusing my body when I was young with alcohol and cigarettes, high stress work, and basically not taking care of myself at all. The past 10 years have been a long, slow journey to a more healthful lifestyle mentally and physically. You’re way smarter than I was to start thinking about your health now rather than after you start feeling like crap all the time. And also, a huge congrats on getting the baby weight off!

    Elena, it’s tough when you have back issues. I have to be so careful. I do start my tai chi class on Monday, can’t wait! I think it should be easy on my back.

    I went to the office today for about 5 hours, but the weather has taken a turn and the roads are a mess so I thought I’d better get home before it got worse. I did bring some work home so I won’t have to go out at all tomorrow I hope.

    Going to make some more soups this evening I think. I want to replenish the freezer stash, and it is so cold that having a couple big pots of soup simmering sounds lovely.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Making the red lentil kale soup tomorrow!
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Mihani: Tai Chi? oh how wonderful. I am sure it will help. Please report back as you explore this.

    My back feels so much better today. I laid on a large frozen gel pack off and on through out the day. Why don't I think of this sooner? :) It always occurs to me well into the stiffness. I got it on Amazon after a reference from my dear chiropractor. It's probably 10 x 15, so it really covers the whole area well.

    So today I shall ice some and later stretch some and see how it goes.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,933 Member
    Had a nice lazy day today. Did a little work that I brought home, but not that much. Napped, did laundry, made a batch of the 10 spice vegetable soup. Last night I made red lentil kale soup and black bean soup. With those and the tortilla soup I made Friday, my freezer stash of soups has been replenished!

    Sabine how did the soup turn out for you?

    Elena, glad your back is feeling better.
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    I just finished dinner, which means I have officially finished the 6 week plan!!!!!!!!!! There are only 3 times I can think of that one could say I "cheated", but I think I did a pretty good job! :). Ah, such a relief.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,933 Member
    Kelly you rock!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Had a nice lazy day today. Did a little work that I brought home, but not that much. Napped, did laundry, made a batch of the 10 spice vegetable soup. Last night I made red lentil kale soup and black bean soup. With those and the tortilla soup I made Friday, my freezer stash of soups has been replenished!

    Sabine how did the soup turn out for you?

    Elena, glad your back is feeling better.

    The soup is great!! It's going to be in our lunches today. It has a nice flavor. And I adore soups.

    In the end, it wasn't ready for dinner, so we ate hubs' contribution, which was a zucchini hazelnut salad.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kelleman1 wrote: »
    I just finished dinner, which means I have officially finished the 6 week plan!!!!!!!!!! There are only 3 times I can think of that one could say I "cheated", but I think I did a pretty good job! :). Ah, such a relief.

    Well done!!
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Since we can't search for other groups right now on MFP, what are some of everyone's other favorite groups? Any good yoga, vegan, vegetarian, grain- or fat-free, 5:2 fasting groups out there?

    I noticed on the main boards, that some people are putting links in their posts when they recommend a MFP group. . . Which makes me think. . . when/if one of us is on a main board and wishes to contribute, we can let people know about the ETL group through a link as well. Cuz browsing boards/groups is an impossible task right now and it looks like MFP does not have a firm date of providing key word searching soon.
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Elena, I plan on posting in success stories sometime today (hopefully) about the 6 week plan, so I'll post a link to the group!

    Final weight loss for the 6 weeks: 26 pounds!!! Not bad at all. :)
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    kelleman1 wrote: »
    I plan on posting in success stories sometime today (hopefully) about the 6 week plan, so I'll post a link to the group!

    Final weight loss for the 6 weeks: 26 pounds!!! Not bad at all. :)

    Wowee!!! Way to go!