Welcome! Introduce yourself



  • megastar6584
    megastar6584 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Meghan. I'm 30 & I live in a suburb south of Chicago. I'm 5'5" and currently weigh around 164 lbs. I'm the mother of two boys, one is about to turn 11 & my younger son is 6. I work part time as a medical receptionist, and I'm a full time student finishing up my bachelors degree in marketing (which I will graduate this May!!!). Over the past year and a half I've gained about 30lbs, so I'd like to lose about 30 lbs, but I'd even be happy with 20-25. I've been working with a personal trainer the past three months and I've been seeing body changes, but I'm not nearly where I want to be. I'm hoping with weekly weigh ins I'll have to be more accountable for what I'm eating and getting in my extra workouts during the week.
  • luckystars424
    luckystars424 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I'm Nicole. 29 yo and live in Colorado. I just need some motivation and accountability to get these last 40lbs off. Over the last 4 years have lost 40 lbs and kept it off :-) looks like a fun group so far, can't wait to get started
  • jamiebaldwin_
    jamiebaldwin_ Posts: 8 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hey everyone! I'm Jamie, 24, from Virginia. I'm really excited to stay accountable with you all. Last year I lost 40 lbs but gained a little more than half of it back. Determined to lose about 80lbs total and keep it off for good.

  • Rabby14
    Rabby14 Posts: 224 Member

    I am Emma! I am a newlywed and I started a new job in September. 2014 was a stressful and busy year for me. I finished law school, studied for the bar, was planning a wedding, looking for a job, and got married to the love of my life :). From graduation to the wedding, i gained about 10 pounds (May to October), but the next 15 came once I started working full time (October to January). I'm finally settled into my job and I just want to focus on losing weight in a healthy manner.

    I'm hoping this group keeps me accountable! Any friend requests are welcome! I think having some friends on here will help me stay motivated :)
  • kewierschke2
    kewierschke2 Posts: 38 Member

    I'm Kassie from Illinois. I started MFP just after Jan 1st. I'm 5'8" and on Jan1st I weighed in at 204lbs(which I hovered around for years now, luckily my job is pretty active so I get about 3.5mi of walking done there a day). It's been a month and a half now and Im down to 179lbs(which is really aggressive), but I still have 40-50lbs to go

    When I started using MFP I was able to meet my daily goal of 1350cal that it setup for me no prob...... Now this has become such an obsession that I really have a hard time meeting 1k cal a day. More often than not I have to lie to MFP on the calories I consume just so it will let me complete my entry for the day. Although I have no friends on here, so I'm the only one who sees my feed, I like having it up there for easy access to each day.

    I've just been doing this on my own. My biggest problem is my Fiance..lol. Hes never struggled with weight, he is one of those who can eat whatever and not gain an oz but if I look at it, whoop theres 5lbs. He's an enabler. :S

    Looking to belong to something where there's someone more like me and it will help keep me focused on my goals and stay on track... Valentine's Day was not a day I needed!
  • HI,
    I am Margie and I am 46 y/o and my kids are out of the house and now its time to get serious !! I am at my heaviest -230- 5'3" and i am coming off of major surgery in December.
    I have been cleared to start working out and dieting and I AM READY!!

    My biggest reason for not being succesful in the hundreds of times i tried to lose weight and be healthy has been.......ME!
    But my mind is right now and ready to do this for me!

    By Birthday is in June and I would love to be UNDER 200 by then.

    I run a shelter for homeless families in my community and love what I do to help others but i need to start also doing things for me.

    I am single and would love to start dating again but my self-conciousness over my weight has a huge negative affect on that! I am a great person on the inside and I know that after i start to see the weight coming off the confidence will start to grow and than ...LOOK OUT!

    Sooo this group will help with accountabily and i know WE CAN DO THIS....:)

  • slimmingqueen31
    slimmingqueen31 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey there, i am barbara 31 years old and from Belfast in N Ireland, i started weight training and kettlebells training on 5th jan, been working out up to 4 times a week and well have seen a few great losses in this time - starting to tighten up lol
    - I am here so i can stay accountable and really get involved with other people :-) lets keep each other motivated. Feel free to add me if you want some support along the way xx
  • Karala84
    Karala84 Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hey, I'm Kara. I'm originally from the UK but have been travelling for 10 months, currently in Sydney. The party lifestyle has taken it's toll on my waistline- too many beers and pizzas! I'm looking to lose 20lbs and think this group is a great way to keep on track- we're gonna kick butt guys!
  • Mrs_Cunningham420
    Mrs_Cunningham420 Posts: 15 Member
    Laura here in snowy NH
    I have two kids Matthew who will be 11 on the 25th & Alexandria who is 6.
    A great husband 2 ferrets and a cat name taz( who thinks he is a dog)
    I have been heavy almost all my life.
    I just started MFP today.
    SW 220
    GW 140-150
    Looking to get in shape before I turn 40 in January and I would like to get in shape before I walk in the relay for life this year in June. *this will be my second year walking for my mom.
  • TanyaS007
    TanyaS007 Posts: 177 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi there!
    Tanya from Maryland. Looking forward to getting back on track. Need to shed about 20 lbs. I think this group will be a perfect way to motivate me to stick with my plan and meet my goals. I appreciate the accountability! Good luck to all! :D
  • iontheball
    iontheball Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm Christine from Alabama. I have two young kids (age 5 and 2) and work full time. I still haven't lost the baby weight from #2. My goal is to lose 20 lbs. But another goal is to just get healthier, eating well and starting an exercise regimen. I currently am not doing any exercise and want to start.
  • ekat1234
    ekat1234 Posts: 290 Member
    Hello. My name is Catherine. I'm 5ft 4in. I started out at 240lbs and have gotten down to 215.5lbs. My GW is 130lbs. I have trouble staying motivated so I'm hoping looking at the smaller achievements rather than the big picture will help me keep the motivation that I feel now. I had back surgery last year and need to lose more weight to help my spine and health.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,778 Member
    Hi! I'm Terri. I started at 217 lbs last November. I struggled until I started MFP on Jan 9th.
    I am 68 live in Bangor, N Ireland and plan to lose at 1 lb every week this year.

    My goal is to be 120lbs on my 70th birthday next April.
    Accountability is key to this being successful.
    I have logged on now for 41 days, so on a roll.
  • kentmanion
    kentmanion Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm Kent. I started my weight loss journey about 6 years ago at 302 lbs. At my lowest, I was 192. I have since begun competing triathlons and love them! I am 35 years old. Over the years, i have gained a bit back here and there. I completed my first full Ironman race in September at 215 lbs. It was a great day, but I can only imagine what it would have been like at the lower weight. After Ironman, I had a medical procedure done that knocked me down for a few weeks and I lost motivation. I have put on 20lbs and am not happy about it! With race season coming, I have to do something NOW! I have a half Ironman race in April, June and September. I would like to race under 215 in April, under 200 in June and under 190 in September with my ultimate goal of racing Ironman Louisville in 2016 in the 170's, which I have not seen since the 5th grade! I am looking forward to this journey back into shape!