Intermediate Team Chat Board



  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    Yay! Go team!!
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    Way to go team! Let's kill it again next week! Great job MVPs
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    You guys did awesome! I am so proud of you!!!!
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    Wohoo! Awesome Job Team!
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Sorry, guys....for some reason my check-in on Saturday didn't post. So glad it didn't prevent us from taking first place this week. It won't happen again - scouts honor!
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Yay! Great job! I'll be checking in early this week as I leave Saturday morning for vacation.
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    Yay! Awesome job team :)
  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    Great job team!
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    Go team! You all really kicked butt (I don't claim to have helped as much as I would've liked, since I lost 100 points for not tracking calories). This week, I'll do better and bring you up even more. :)

    So, the challenge says to share weird lean protein recipe ideas, and I'm here to do that. I left a valentines party with all the leftover smoked salmon, so I was looking up some creative ways to use it. Here, I share two of them, which are a bit lighter than most of the other things I found. I'm going to try the egg salad one, since I don't have any artichokes handy, but do have some avocado. :)

    breakfast egg salad: Salmon Recipes|/650151/smoked-salmon-recipes/@center/344318/fish-and-shellfish-recipes|344912


    Steamed artichokes with poached eggs and smoked salmon: Salmon Recipes|/650151/smoked-salmon-recipes/@center/344318/fish-and-shellfish-recipes|356430

  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    So, made the smoked salmon egg salad open sandwich this morning (minus watercress). Tasty!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Yum! Congrats team!!! You rock!!
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    edited February 2015
    One of my favorite snacks is cottage cheese with pumpkin seeds, unsalted of course. Just a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds delivers 16g of protien - nearly 25% of the RDA. Now, it's not as unusual as what Rick and everyone 'enjoyed', but my family sure gives me strange looks.

    And since I'm on team Maggie - I'll share that I enjoyed watching the sunrise looking out my window from my nice warm bed yesterday. Typically we're up at 5am, but I had a vacation day. Still woke up at 5am, but after grabbing a cup of coffee got back in bed and watched TWD on Google Play as the sun came up.

    Also, Sunday, I was really motivated by an acquaintance I saw at church. He turned around from the row in front of me and said, "Wow, much weight have you lost?". I'm sure he didn't intentionally mean to motivate me, but boy he sure did. Not to mention I was on cloud nine the rest of the day. I really haven't lost but about 7# in the last 12 months, but strength training has made a big difference in my shape. I'm totally gonna keep it up!
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    Delicious and healthy, but unusual lean protein recipe:

    I do not believe in “unusual” when it comes to food, because everyone is different and what is unusual to me might be completely normal for others and vice versa. So with that in mind, I’m just going to list one of my favorite high/lean protein recipes.

    Baked Chicken with Brown Sugar and Italian Seasoning
    Place boneless skinless chicken breasts in a glass pan lined with foil. Mix brown sugar and Italian seasoning in a bowl then coat the chicken with the mix. Bake in the oven at 350 until chicken is thoroughly cooked.

    You don’t have to use a lot of brown sugar to get the good flavor so the calories are relatively low for this recipe. My husband and I love this recipe!

    Drink MFP’s recommended 8 cups of water a day!

    This is complete torture! I don’t drink that much to start with and I hate water! This will be a major challenge for me! This is worse than wall push-ups in my book LOL!

    So challenge accepted. I need to drink 56 cups of water by the end of the week………oh my!

    Team Daryl challenge:

    I suffered a devastating loss last week when my little cousin passed away. To be completely honest every day that I get out of bed and go to work is a small triumph for me right now. So participating in challenges and attempting to enjoy social aspects of life is a triumph as well. I just take it a day at a time!
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    Unusual lean protein recipe.....we are pretty big hunters in the family, so we have "different" meats that some people would look at us funny for. So here is mine...we have this about once, maybe twice a year, only when pheasant is in season because I don't like to keep the breast in the freezer that long, it is much better fresh.

    I will have issues with the drinking the 8 glasses of water a day. I am not a huge water fan, I usually just drink it during/after my workouts. I will really have to work on this one.

    Team Daryl Challenge:
    My mother (51) had a stroke in June of this past year. She was lucky however and didn't suffer any long term side effects besides slight weakness on her left side. I am the rock in the family of myself, my brother, and my parents. I am the one that makes sure things get done when things like this happen. I don't show emotion because I feel I need to be the "strong" one. So when I got the call, I drove 90 miles to my home town to get my dad and pack things for my mom, drove the 60 miles to the hospital that she was flown to, and talked to the nurses and doctors to find out what room she was in. It wasn't until that night in the hotel room with my husband that I finally let myself break down and cry. The stress of the past few hours had finally hit and I was able to let it all go. Then I was able to calm down and get back to business. It's not really a triumph but, it definitely did help to cry and let it all out.

  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hey team,
    I'm trying to get an early jump on this week's challenge.
    Protein Recipe:
    I'll represent my state of Vermont here with one of my favorite recipes. You can do this in either a crockpot if you have time, or in the oven.
    Crockpot version: Combine pork roast with a cup of REAL maple syrup, yellow onions, and peeled cored apples cut in half. Cook until pork reaches temperature- or longer :)
    Oven: I prefer to use pork tenderloin and cut down the cooking time. Lightly flour, sear on all sides. Combine in casserole dish with syrup, yellow onions, and peeled cored apples, cut into quarters. Roast in oven until pork reaches temperature.

    I'm team Daryl so I am to sure a moment of triumph after a challenging time or tragedy.
    I consider mine a plan in motion, a recovery range. A long triumph rather than a moment. My story is also about my mom who was very dear to me. She had been sick for sometime before passing away this past Christmas Eve. With her health deteriorating in the last year especially, I finally had the push to get my own health in order. I've lost nearly 60 lbs in the last year. I look at my children every day and I vow to myself that I will do whatever is in my power to be here for them as long as possible. There are things that are not, but I will do what can for those things that are.

  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    PS- I am so sorry for everyone here who has lost someone close to them.
  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    Since we’re fighting the zombie apocalypse, and I’m a prepper anyway, for my unusual protein recipe, I decided to post "Meatless Recipes for Hard Times!"
    These are also nice recipes for vegetarians.
    8 cups of water a day is no problem here. I love water and typically have a glass or bottle with me at all times.
    For the Michonne challenge, I’d like to share the 3 main things that keep me motivated:
    1) Knowing that the more fit I become, the better able I will be to protect my family.
    2) Seeing my FAT pictures and knowing how far I have come.
    3) (I know this is probably wrong but…..) the more I exercise, the more I get to eat!
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    For my character challenge I am team Rick and what motivates me is my daughter and husband, but also looking back at my past photos and how I feel about my body. I don't want to feel self-conscious anymore.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Hey Guys - how 'bout this for the punishment when we win this week? Notice there's not even an option for 'Intermediate' :)

  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    I like maphammonds HIIT punishment!