How do we know when we're done losing - even if we don't want to be?



  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    Pat- You are one of my absolute favorite MFP VSGer's posters. You are always so positive and very firmly grounded on what is appropriate for us WLS patients. I know that you know what you have to do!

    I agree with so many of you above:

    1. Our body's do become accustomed to lower calorie intake;
    2. Our body's do become accustomed to burning a certain number of calories;
    3. Increasing work out intensity coupled with changes/improvements to calorie intake and macronutrients will lead to continued weight loss.

    According to the BMI charts, the most I should weigh is 165. I started this journey at 297. So I needed to lose 132 pounds. In August of 2014, I got down to 209, which was 67% of my excess body weight. I did this with MINIMAL exercise...I too am not a fan. After August and mostly during the holidays, I gained 18 pounds from just plain bad eating habits and continued to NOT exercise.

    After the holidays, I returned to a more balanced eating plan and implemented the calorie restriction again. I just didn't see any success on the scale for a few weeks. Then I started going back to the gym. I figured that I could do the elliptical for 30 minutes and a 30 minute circuit training class every other day and just getting moving would yield me copious amounts of weight loss. I felt like I was doing so much, but still the scale didn't reward my efforts. I tried to change macronutrients and such and still nothing. So I decided that it must be my intensity level during work outs. I really started pushing myself and setting goals with distance and time and what not. Since Christmas, I have lost 7 pounds. The calculations for what I should be loosing are much greater than what I am actually loosing and I'm sure there is a reason for it, but I'm just going to keep doing this. I love my carbs and reducing them daily is a chore, but exercising daily and at a high intensity is something completely foreign to me. I will keep doing this because I won't accept that my body is just done losing. It is a choice that we have to make.

    Pat, if you don't want to be done loosing weight, then get up and make the necessary changes! If anyone can do this, it is you!!! You are a daily inspiration to me and I am positive that if you really want to continue to lose the weight and make the hard choices, that you will achieve your goal! You've already lost so much can get those last 28 pounds off for good!!!

    It won't fall off like it did in the beginning, but it will come off slowly but surely. We can do this!!! We have each other to lean on for support!!!

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    jkern9110 wrote: »
    Pat, if you don't want to be done losing weight, then get up and make the necessary changes! If anyone can do this, it is you!!! You are a daily inspiration to me and I am positive that if you really want to continue to lose the weight and make the hard choices, that you will achieve your goal! You've already lost so much can get those last 28 pounds off for good!!!

    It won't fall off like it did in the beginning, but it will come off slowly but surely. We can do this!!! We have each other to lean on for support!!!


    Thanks Jess! I'm humbled by your words! I think I knew before I even posted that I would hear I needed to up the exercise and maybe the calories. I just wanted the input from everyone here because someday I will stop losing and I don't want to be one of those people who continue to beat their head against the wall to continue to lose when it's time to accept maintenance. I knew I would hear that truth here if this was the time.I don't want to find myself dissatisfied with where I landed.

    I'm slowly upping the calories and will monitor what that does. And I'm upping the exercise too because I know I need to and can do more.

    Thanks so much for the encouragment. I truly appreciate it.
  • renovagirl
    renovagirl Posts: 85 Member
    pawoodhull wrote: »
    renovagirl - I am also very sedentary and until the last year or so it hasn't been an issue. Year 2-3 I actually lost 15 pounds and the PA said I was still actively losing. But since I saw her in July I've lost just one pound. And then of course I gained 10 over the holidays. I think this last 30-60 pounds is going to come off the hard way and I need to add exercise to my life whether I like it or not.

    It is hard but so worth it. I was not one of the lucky ones who lost weigh with minimal effort. I did it by counting calories/protein/fat/carbs. It was not easy. Nor was maintenance easy. I got lazy, fell back into old habits and gained weight. Losing it was not easy but I was determined to not fail. I was always successful at losing weight, never at maintaining. I still feel many days like I could eat around the sleeve and gain all the weight once again. But I won't allow myself to do that.

    I can tell by your posts that you are a fighter and you will not give up until you lose that last 30-60 lbs. My money is on a pawoodhull win!

  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    jkern9110 wrote: »
    Pat- You are one of my absolute favorite MFP VSGer's posters. You are always so positive and very firmly grounded on what is appropriate for us WLS patients. I know that you know what you have to do!

    I agree with so many of you above:

    1. Our body's do become accustomed to lower calorie intake;
    2. Our body's do become accustomed to burning a certain number of calories;
    3. Increasing work out intensity coupled with changes/improvements to calorie intake and macronutrients will lead to continued weight loss.

    According to the BMI charts, the most I should weigh is 165. I started this journey at 297. So I needed to lose 132 pounds. In August of 2014, I got down to 209, which was 67% of my excess body weight. I did this with MINIMAL exercise...I too am not a fan. After August and mostly during the holidays, I gained 18 pounds from just plain bad eating habits and continued to NOT exercise.

    After the holidays, I returned to a more balanced eating plan and implemented the calorie restriction again. I just didn't see any success on the scale for a few weeks. Then I started going back to the gym. I figured that I could do the elliptical for 30 minutes and a 30 minute circuit training class every other day and just getting moving would yield me copious amounts of weight loss. I felt like I was doing so much, but still the scale didn't reward my efforts. I tried to change macronutrients and such and still nothing. So I decided that it must be my intensity level during work outs. I really started pushing myself and setting goals with distance and time and what not. Since Christmas, I have lost 7 pounds. The calculations for what I should be loosing are much greater than what I am actually loosing and I'm sure there is a reason for it, but I'm just going to keep doing this. I love my carbs and reducing them daily is a chore, but exercising daily and at a high intensity is something completely foreign to me. I will keep doing this because I won't accept that my body is just done losing. It is a choice that we have to make.

    Pat, if you don't want to be done loosing weight, then get up and make the necessary changes! If anyone can do this, it is you!!! You are a daily inspiration to me and I am positive that if you really want to continue to lose the weight and make the hard choices, that you will achieve your goal! You've already lost so much can get those last 28 pounds off for good!!!

    It won't fall off like it did in the beginning, but it will come off slowly but surely. We can do this!!! We have each other to lean on for support!!!


    I totally agree with you and could not have said it better. I also believe that the exercise will build muscle mass and muscles are heavier than fat. That said I think we're exchanging one for the other and the scale is not reflecting the difference. The advantage of adding muscle mass is that they burn calories. The more muscle mass we have the more calories burned. The trick is keeping everything balanced. By balanced I mean protein and other nutrients as well as enough calories that our bodies will respond accordingly. All of us being a little different than each other, makes it impossible to get a one size fits all program.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,738 Member
    Hi Pat!

    VSG in Jun'13 & I've lost 165# and am w/in 5# of goal. I thought I hit bottom a couple times, and both times was able to buckle down and start losing again. It helps me to go "liquid only" for a couple days and then make sure I'm getting lots of protein and stay away from over-processed carbs. It takes me about a week to detox. Then the craving diminishes so that I'm not fighting the need to eat all the time.

    I have a carb addiction. My husband does not. Different strokes for different folks.

    FOR ME "liquid only" is lots of protein shakes, soup, jello. "High protein" is a refrigerator stocked with protein shakes, turkey jerky, meatloaf, tuna salad, etc...

    BTW, I quit exercising last fall and automatically lost weight. I'm sure it was muscle mass and won't be surprised if I gain a little back now that I'm on plan again.

    Doctors told me we lose 60% on lapband and 80% on sleeve. I suspect that's what we can lose "easily" rather than a physical limit. I'm proof that we can lose 100%.

    Best wishes to you!!!
    :flowerforyou: Paula
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I want you all to know how much I appreciate you and your support! Yesterday I tried out a recumbent bike. I've kicked the idea around for a long time but just kept putting it off because of my aversion to exercise. Imagine my surprise to find out how much fun riding this bike was! I rode for 10 minutes, but really felt like I could have gone for hours! No pain anywhere just a little discomfort in the knees that they assured me would go away as I rode more (makes sense). The bike will load easily into my car so I can transprot it to the paved trails by me and I can easily lift it into and out of the car. So why didn't I buy it? The price. It's more than I could comfortably spend without discussing with the husband and more than I am comfortable taking out of the savings account. I am not giving up on this though. They have my name and number if a used one comes in and I will look for used ones on-line. In the meantime, I'm going to be trying to save because I can see me really using this bike. You all know what I mean, you know when you buy the gym membership or the piece of exercise equipment that you want to do this but you're not really excited? Well I am totally excited about this! I know I would use it and enjoy riding even by myself. Stay tuned. I will post pics when I eventually get my bike!
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member

    You certainly have gotten some good advise and you know what you need to do. I just wanted to ask if you have ever worked with a personal trainer. It may be a good idea. They can help you feel more comfortable in the gym and give you ideas on what to work on. Changing up and increaing your exercise is fantastic and I think it will help. What I think will help in the long run is resistance training. We eat such low calories that our bodies that our bodies will use our muscles for energy. The less they are used, the more we will lose and since our muscles can increase our metabloic rate, losing muscle can slow it down as well. Resistance training also helps with our bones and balance which are very important as we age.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    janet0513 wrote: »

    You certainly have gotten some good advise and you know what you need to do. I just wanted to ask if you have ever worked with a personal trainer. It may be a good idea. They can help you feel more comfortable in the gym and give you ideas on what to work on. Changing up and increaing your exercise is fantastic and I think it will help. What I think will help in the long run is resistance training. We eat such low calories that our bodies that our bodies will use our muscles for energy. The less they are used, the more we will lose and since our muscles can increase our metabloic rate, losing muscle can slow it down as well. Resistance training also helps with our bones and balance which are very important as we age.

    Money for a gym membership with trainer isn't available. My resistance workouts will need to be my Pilates machine for the time being. I know what you are saying is true and I need to work on this much more than I do. Thanks for the advice and reminder. While I wait for my bike, I need to use what I have.

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    pawoodhull wrote: »
    We all know that with WLS we are told we will lose about 60-70% of our excess weight. at my lowest I have lost 57.5%. As some of you know, I got down to 222 and then through the holidays bounced back up to 232, all just plain bad eating. The first week I was "back on track" I lost 5, so was at 227. Since then I have bounced between that 227 and 230. I haven't lost anything since September and I'm wondering if I'm done. If I need to accept where I am. If my body isn't going to let me go any further. Frankly, I'm not sure if I can accept this but I don't seem to be able to get to my goal of being below 200. Confused, frustrated and a little sad.

    I mis-figured my weight loss percentage. I have lost 74.5% of my excess weight. Part of why I'm wondering if I'm done.
  • rscpjim
    rscpjim Posts: 72 Member
    Hey Pawoodhull!! Great you at least tried one out and found out how easy they are to ride. You may try Craigs list or even see what kind of deal the bike shop may make for you. Sometimes they know some one who wants to upgrade and you might find yourself falling into a sweet deal.
    Sure hope it works out for you as I know how much I enjoy riding!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    pawoodhull wrote: »
    You all know what I mean, you know when you buy the gym membership or the piece of exercise equipment that you want to do this but you're not really excited? Well I am totally excited about this! I know I would use it and enjoy riding even by myself. Stay tuned. I will post pics when I eventually get my bike!

    SUPER excited for you!! I know it will happen--- and I am hoping it happens soon!!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    exercise waxes and wanes with me so I just set my goal intake at 1360 which is my BMR. this allows a little blowover. I have to stick to calorie restriction