Frodo and I are walking to Mt. Doom...

Anybody want to join our Fellowship?

I'm Elizabeth (Frodo is the dog). I just found the Eowyn Challenge today(, and will be setting out from Bag End this evening headed toward Rivendell...

Please feel free to join me!

(I will be tracking steps on my Fitbit, as that works easily for me. You, of course, may track however makes sense for you!)


  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Oooh... Maybe one can simply swim, skate, or hopscotch into Mordor?
  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    Ok i'm in! Maybe holding a ring could motivate us! :smiley:
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Hurray! Glad you could join us!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Day 1
    (15 February, 2015)

    With a little over 5 miles trodden, we have left Hobbiton far behind! (Though I will confess that, having started on this journey, I feel far more than the miles I've walked between me and my cozy home...)

    We crossed The Great Road from the Brandywine Bridge, and have just entered Tookland.

  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    First day (23 february) went great! Total of 10 km which is 6.2 miles. This means i'm also in Tookland. I guess i'll take a nap under a tree.
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Hurray! You've made it to Tookland, too!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Day 2: I am 9.57 miles into my journey, and the country is becoming hilly. Frodo and I can no longer see the lights of Hobbiton behind us.

    We are well and truly on our way...
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    This is brilliant! I'm totally going to do this, but I wonder if I should start a new journey now, or already count the miles I've done? And should I count all miles I walk a day (via fitbit) or only the ones I walk for formal exercise (1 hour walk/run 2x week)?
  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    Another 10km for me which means 12.4 miles since i left home. I had my fruggal supper and can't wait to reach Stock Road. Nature is magnificent here!

    I dont have fitbit so i only count the "formal" walk/runs but i guess you could put all the miles you do! Our journey is new too so even if you start logging your miles today you could catch up with us!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Autumnfilly2005 - Do as you will!

    For what it's worth, I chose to just start now (well, 2 days ago, actually...), so that I could have the fun of leaving the Shire, and not skip anything. Also, I do the miles via Fitbit. (I figure it's going to take me forever, anyway!)
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Well done, Arduinna4!
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    I did 7.64 miles today, so I'm looking back at lights of Hobbiton from first slopes of the Green Hill Country.

    Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
  • e_elizb
    e_elizb Posts: 62 Member
    Haha this is cool!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    We reached the Stock road last evening. Continued on another tenth of a mile, then stopped for the night.

    Frodo ranged around a bit, and came back to tell me with delight that he detected other kindred spirits travelling ahead and behind us!


    I must admit: It is a relief to know that, should my steps falter (or worse, yet, should the enemy's gaze fix upon me), there are friendly souls along my path, undertaking this same journey...
  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    (Day 2) Today was a lovely day so i managed to do 5.7 miles more. I'm 18.1 miles away from home but not feeling homesick yet! Saw some hoof prints on the way, i'm guessing Frodo passed from here! I'd better camp and light a fire cause the night is chilly!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    (I'm just gonna confess, here, that my picture, yesterday, was actually taken this Autumn: Too depressing to think of hobbitses marching through our mountains of snow!)

    Day 4. 26.2.15:6.38mi (21.17 total)

    The countryside has grown hilly; the road rolls up and down. I wonder how long it will last - and what will come next...
  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    (Day 3) i had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that a fox was staring at me. Whatever...the forest is full of strange creatures but i'm not afraid cause i'm one of them! 5.3 miles more (23.4 total) and i see a lot of hills in front of me. Time for a rest and then off we go again!
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    I forgot to post yesterday, but I walked 11.35 miles, bringing my total to 18.99 miles. I'm camping in a firwood just over top of the hill. Slept by a large tree. Fox saw us.

    I'll post later on tonight/tomorrow morning when I finish today's tally.
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Whoa, @Autumnfilly2005, way to rack up the miles! Nicely done - You may make it to Bree before the rest of us.

  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    edited February 2015
    Day 5 - the 26th of February in Shire reckoning, 2015 of the Third Age.

    5.02 miles through the hilly country.
    The road unwinds beneath my feet, like a wide dun ribbon carelessly dropped in wrinkles and folds on the green land. I find myself in a leapfrog game with Frodo: He runs ahead to the next little valley then waits for me, laughing, or sniffs around as I go ahead, then crests the hill behind me in a mad dash, tail flying. I think he is enjoying himself just a little too much!

    (Total of 26.19 - Wish I'd known I was so close to getting a Marathon...!)
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    If the map I have is correct - and we keep this same pace - we should leave this hill country at the end of the day!
  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    Rest day for me today. I'll better find some supplies to get me going.
    Nice work to both of you ladies!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Arduinna4 wrote: »
    Rest day for me today. I'll better find some supplies to get me going.
    Nice work to both of you ladies!

    Enjoy your rest day!
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    Yesterday I walked 4.2 miles, bringing my total to 23.19. The road rolls up and down.

    Actually, it really does roll up and down. Yesterday I was walking all over my college campus, trying to get financial aid and then hunting down my old teachers, and then the parking lot was so huge I lost my car and spent 15 minutes wandering around looking for it. And did I mention: my school is built on a hill? A really, really big one. So no matter where I go, I'm either walking uphill or downhill.

    My job involves walking all day, so on average I'm going to rack up 5-6 miles 5 days a week, and easily 8-9 on really busy days. Twice a week I also take a 3 miles walk/jog for training for a 5k in June, so I earn miles that way too. Not to mention when I'm in school there's going to be some extra distance there too because of how large the campus is. Then on my days off I hardly move at all, so I'm going to have days of a lot of miles, and days where I'm a total couch potato!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Day 6 - 27 February
    5.82 miles (32.01 total)

    We have left the hilly country behind us. At the end, we could see across Woody End to the river. Magnificent.

    The level ground beside the road made for easier going.

    Just as we had determined to stop for the night, we saw a Black Rider! I found a hollow in which to hide; Frodo was stuck behind a tree...

    The dire one eventually moved on, though it felt like an age. Our hearts were pounding, and all we wished to do was flee. But common sense prevailed: We had a cold supper, and huddled into the hollow together to conserve our energy and heat - The chill was almost unbearable after the shock of fright. Feigning unconcern, Frodo curled into a tight ball, with his brush of a tail warming his nose (his 'fox pose,' I call it). Listening to his soft breathing, I fell asleep, at last.
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    @Autumnfilly2005 - Isn't it cool we can each do this our own way?!?

    It's important, I think, to enjoy the rest days you take. If you need them, they are just as much a part of your journey as days you rack up the miles!

    I'm recovering from a chronic injury, myself. I probably won't ever rack up the big miles like yours, but, for me, I find that - even when I don't want to - I need to get steps in, to prevent the stiffness and soreness that could derail me. (In my case, slow and steady really does win the race!)

    Frodo and I will enjoy watching you leapfrog ahead of us! (But never fear: We will do our best to catch up and pass you on your rest days, so you will have the challenge of chasing and passing us once again!)

    So glad you're doing this, too...
  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    I am totally starting this today! I am setting out late but hopefully can catch up and stay around the same places you are. Setting out from Bag End right now.
  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    Day 5. Rest is over, gathered some wild berries for the road and off i went. Managed to walk for another 5 miles (total 28.4) and i see the last hill ahead of me. I'd better take a break before i conquer it.Those berries came handy. I can't wait to take a look at the river! But for now lets rest under that oak! Have a nice journey everyone!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Day 7 - Being the last Day of February (by Shire reckoning)
    6.12 miles (total: 38.13)

    Where the road split, we came to a lane that wound off through tall trees to the right. Taking this, we found ourselves amongst immense Oaks, seemingly too large - and ancient - to be real. With the twilight coming in, and silence surrounding us, we raised our voices in song.

    Going but a little way into the wood, we stopped for the night.