Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • Hi there!

    Highest weight : 165
    Current weight : 151

    Goal weight : 137

    Long way to gooooo!!!
  • ajudice525
    ajudice525 Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2015
    I want friends and motivation on here!

    Age: 23
    Heaviest: 145
    Current: 144
    Goal: 130

    I just started!!!
  • Height- 5'8"
    Age- 22
    HW- 150 this year, it was once 159
    CW- 142
    GW- 120ish, depends on how well I can lift.
  • hiii!!

    HW: 145
    CW: 135
    GW: 125

    I'm not to worried about the numbers, I just want to tone up and be in overall good health and shape :)
  • Age:18
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 143
    GW: 118-120
  • norasharks
    norasharks Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi there :)

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 138
    LW: 110
    CW: 132
    GW: 123

    Have been trying to lose those damned 10 lbs for the past 8 months, so far they are sticking.
    I swim 4-5 times a week, plus some yoga at home.

    I am new to MFP :)
  • kazhomuhsin
    kazhomuhsin Posts: 12 Member
    I love this ! Hi I'm kazho

    Height : 5'7"

    HW: 180
    CW: 134.2
    GW: 127

    7 Ibs to go ✋
  • snardvark2
    snardvark2 Posts: 1 Member
    Ok I guess I'll post here. Add me anyone who is looking for pals, not just twins.
    Age. 24
    Ht. 5'6"
    HW. 145 (not including pregnancy)
    LW. 99
    CW. 125
    GW. 115
    Looking to get in better cardiac health, and get a nice bum for the summer! Learning about nutrition and clean eating. And I love baking!
  • torisalvatore
    torisalvatore Posts: 1 Member
    sdado1013 wrote: »
    I am 26 yrs old just under 5'4"
    heaviest: 144lbs
    current: 136lbs
    goal: 125lbs

    looking for motivational friends with similar goals, add me :)

    sdado1013, you might be my twin!

    Age: 24
    Ht. 5'4"
    HW: 140+
    LW: 119
    CW: 130-131
    GW: 125

    Since early december I have been losing, and then took a break at 129lbs, because i felt my body was going WAY TOO FAST. I am back on at 131, after a 2.5 week break, and ready to kick those last 6 lbs out of the park.
  • Hi, I'm new here. I love this idea! I gained a bit recently and am trying to go back down. I have a small bone structure so at my lowest I was 124 pounds and still had had some extra fat, but I think getting to 124 with muscle would make up for that.

    Here's my info:

    Height: 5'6
    Current weight: ~132
    Goal weight: 124 give or take 2, depending on muscle.
    Body fat: 21%
    Goal body fat: 18%
  • clepczyk wrote: »
    Highest- now :neutral_face: at 145
    Current- 145 lb
    Goal- 125 lb (or less)
    Freshman year of high school I was 115 lb and healthy athletic and happier. Mental illness struck me hard now my senior year I want to get rid of the crap I packed on!
    Hi! I think we're pretty close, I'm
    Age- 21
    HW- 145
    CW- 136.2
    LW- 118
    GW- 125
    I used to be super athletic, but have lost it in college, I'm trying to lose those last stubborn 11 lbs!! Want to be buddies?

    We're twins! Almost.
    I'm 21
    HW: 146
    CW: 132-134 depending on on the scale.
    GW: ~124.
    LW: 120
  • norasharks wrote: »
    Hi there :)

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 138
    LW: 110
    CW: 132
    GW: 123

    Have been trying to lose those damned 10 lbs for the past 8 months, so far they are sticking.
    I swim 4-5 times a week, plus some yoga at home.

    I am new to MFP :)

    Hey I'm new too. I'm 21, CW 132, GW 124 give or take depending on muscle. I do some yoga at home and work out at a the gym, no swimming though
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    sdado1013 wrote: »
    I am 26 yrs old just under 5'4"
    heaviest: 144lbs
    current: 136lbs
    goal: 125lbs

    looking for motivational friends with similar goals, add me :)

    sdado1013, you might be my twin!

    Age: 24
    Ht. 5'4"
    HW: 140+
    LW: 119
    CW: 130-131
    GW: 125

    Since early december I have been losing, and then took a break at 129lbs, because i felt my body was going WAY TOO FAST. I am back on at 131, after a 2.5 week break, and ready to kick those last 6 lbs out of the park.

    I added you!
  • LaceyRuth
    LaceyRuth Posts: 51 Member
    HW: 175/79kg
    CW: 159/72kg

    Starting BMI: 30 (Obese)
    Current BMI: 27.5 (Overweight)
    Goal BMI: 23-24 (Healthy)
  • ChristineE63
    ChristineE63 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi, I might be your twin, also 51 also 5'3 just a different goal, (I have bird bone's) the amount we want to lose is about the same.

    HW 130
    CW 124
    GW 113[

    quote="fletcherdebbie;31429927"]Hi everyone!
    I'm 51 years old
    My height is 5'3"
    My heaviest weight was 168
    My current weight is 137 which I've been maintaining for 2 years
    My goal weight is 125
    I've finally decided to work on losing the last few pounds to reach my goal. [/quote]

  • Hiya :)
    age: 19
    height: 5'7" (just)
    highest weight: 158 (borderline overweight)
    current weight: 153
    goal weight: 130 (comfortably healthy)
  • sunandstars2
    sunandstars2 Posts: 56 Member
    BluthLover wrote: »
    Sounds Great!

    Here's all my info
    32 Years old
    2 kids
    Heaviest 170
    CW- 135
    GW-120 or 125
    BF% 24
    Eating 1800 calories a day
    Working out 6 times a week.

    i think you're my twin :)

    41 years old
    2 step kids
    HW: 145
    CW: 133
    GW: 120

    eating 1600 per day
    working out 6 day/wk
  • Sounds fun!

    I'm 5'6"
    Highest Weight- 130
    Lowest Weight- REALLY unhealthy! :(
    Current Weight- Somewhere around 122 (I try not to weigh myself obsessively)
    GOAL- 115
  • nmmd
    nmmd Posts: 94 Member
    36 yrs young
    with one child
    HW 180
    CW 141.8
    GW 130
  • kellytayla
    kellytayla Posts: 2 Member
    Highest 180
    Current 172
    Goal 145