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March Melting



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I indulged in pistachios and pretzels yesterday. Musta been a thing...

    Today's workout was shoulders and back. Not as sore as I was after Monday's workout, so that's good... Friday's workout is gonna be legs and core. Wish me luck!!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    oh, I also bought the "Zombies, Run!" app today. It's a game/storyline built into your run. From what I've read, you can create your own music playlist as you normally would, but then the app will add the sounds of zombies approaching (so you might have to do some sprints), and then between tracks you'll hear updates to the game's storyline. Sounds fun!!! If I'm feeling not too sore tomorrow morning I might give it a try.

    Again, wish me luck!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Lia, are you doing a buffet or plated dinner? Did you ever email Angela from OSG? I’m sure you looked beautiful in your dress, and if you keep up that T25 workout your arms are going to be super toned by June.

    Sloth, you should just win the lottery so work won’t get in your way anymore.

    Karrie the zombies app sounds like fun! Good luck on all counts.

    More freezing rain today but it did start to warm up a bit this afternoon. I am eating stuff from the freezer this week, haven’t had time to hit the store so no salads. I will try to get to the grocery tomorrow, and then I’m going to start clear over on the 6 week plan.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Snow again :( Need i say more.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Mihani, plated dinner! I did email her actually, but nothing back yet! Though it was only recent, because I kept putting it off lol. You're right, I'll just stay the course and have some faith in the process. I'm back to ETL today too! I need need need to ease up on my carbs, but I blame the cold and snow for everything, lol.

    Karrie, I hear great things about Zombies, Run actually! Have fun! I'm such a chicken, it would freak me out too much lol.

    Happy Thursday :)
    B- Green smoothie; soy latte
    L - red lentil pasta with veggies + tomato sauce
    D - green salad
    And some T25 tonight too :)
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Zombies, Run! is awesome. I used to listen to it at the track back in Toronto. It's not quite as good for city runs because you can't always change your speed on cue, but I found it really fun and motivating. I definitely pushed harder using the app than without it.

    So I did the fast; it was really hard, and it definitely left me weaker but my lungs feel better than they did and my joint pain is gone. I lost quite a bit of weight, but I have managed to put most of it back on with the re-feed. I am cautiously optimistic about my health going forward. I walked to the supermarket today which is longer than I've been able to go for about a month, and tomorrow I am going to try for my first jog since October.

    My goals for March are:
    Slowly get my steps back up to 10,000+ per day
    Start a bodyweight-based strength routine
    Eat a large salad at least once a day

    I hope everybody has a great month!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Lia, really cool article! Loads of ideas: vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=32&catId=5
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Terri, we got more snow too, but not very much. I hope it is almost over. I need to see some green!

    Peas, so glad you are feeling better. Sounds like a good plan to work back up slowly.

    I'm totally craving starches all day every day, and letting myself have them far too often. I really have to get it under control. I still have a few wraps left for lunches so I'm going to use them up then I'm going to cut out starches and sweets other than fruit for the rest of March, get back to all whole foods. I think that is the only way I'm going to get the cravings under control.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    off to visit my daughter today, she is playing with the Berkshire Symphony tonight. So, work then travel.

    Peas: wishing you strong healthy going forward.

    Mahini; starches are hard i can sympathize.

    Lia: when is the wedding?
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys :)

    Victoria, hope you are feeling back to normal soon! Glad you are not having pain at least. Good goals for March! I am trying more strength-based exercise now too, and I feel more confident about myself and my abilities, but it isn't helping the scale lol.

    Mihani, thanks so much for sending that! Those menus actually looks so delicious... they sound way better than traditionall wedding fare. Actually, funny enough, the coordinator at the venue sent me a new menu yesterday that the chef recently created that is entirely vegan!! I was so impressed! They have a veggie curry, a veg thai noodle and a mushroom risotto all as additional options for dinner. I was super impressed. Even vegan desserts too.

    Terri, the wedding is at the end of June! June 27. It seems to be closing in quickly actually, but not in a stressful way. Wow, your daughter plays with a symphony?! What is her instrument? Have a fun evening :)

    Happy it's Friday!!! I am going to really try to stick with my all or nothing approach this weekend, nothing meaning no sugar, crap, alcohol, and hopefully no flour too. I am still UP a couple pounds since January and have no idea what is really happening with my body right now. I had an off day Tuesday, but otherwise have stuck to ETL and vegan, although I know my starches are my downfall too. Ah, I hate worrying so much about this! Lol.

    Happy weekend xo
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I did my jog this morning. Didn't get very far, but it's a start. I also designed a quick beginner bodyweight routine and tried it out after my "run". I am feeling pretty good and I think we are going to try for a 45 minute hike in Fryman Canyon today.

    Mihani, I hear you on the starches. I think it's a weather thing, because I have noticed the cravings got better after I moved down south, but I still want nothing but bread and potatoes on chilly days.

    Lia, congratulations on your upcoming wedding. The chef's menu sounds amazing :)

    Happy Friday
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Lia, the dinner selections sound great. You are doing soooo well with your T25. Good luck this weekend! I am still very much on the wagon after last Saturday so no alcohol for me for sure haha!

    Terri, very cool. What instrument does your daughter play?

    Peas, did you get out on your hike? How did it go? I think the weather is part of my starch cravings too.

    I was debating on what I wanted to do to get myself back in gear and I was thinking I could start back strict ETL on Sunday or Monday since I still hadn't restocked my lettuce, and then I realized I was just making an excuse to put it off. So I stopped at the store on the way home and got a big container of lettuce, a bag of precut broccoli, a couple containers of mushrooms, kale, and a big bag of apples. I do have some other fresh veggies already in stock, and onions. All the G-BOMBS are ready. Once I got the stuff home and started putting it away I realized I'm actually craving fresh non-starchy food after this past week. I am ready to get back at it! Starting with tomorrow morning's smoothie full of spinach, chia seeds and berries. Also going to continue Tai Chi and start getting back to some strength training.

    I'm getting rid of these extra pounds in March! I want to at least see my previous low by the end of the month.

    Oh, and Sabine, I bought some hemp hearts last week. Haven't tried them yet, but will try them in a smoothie soon.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    tdh1991, thanks for the two recipes. I will definitely try these. (Musical daughter? Very impressive! Does that mean you get free tickets? LOL! )

    I'm planning to make Greek spinach pie again, from Helyn's Healthy Kitchen for tomorrow. We both loved that recipe. Also I want to try her Lentil Butternut Shepherd's Pie next week. I'm planning menus for next week in between working on those darn taxes.

    For breakfast this morning, I had a sliced green apple with some almond butter on each slice. Perfect for my morning workout (which is bowling on a senior league -- okay, so not much of a workout but we have fun doing it). I've noticed lately that I get full faster on less food so maybe my stomach has shrunk some. That's a good thing!

    Starch cravings, yeah, I get those. Not so much anymore but still... a big pot of beans, especially black beans and lentils, really hits the spot for those cravings. Also sweet potatoes and sometimes yellow potatoes help, too. Sure beats wolfing down 6 slices of bread or munching a box of crackers. Lentil soup on a sweet potato is a great combo.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Lisa, I will have to try that spinach pie. The Forks Over Knives cookbook has a really good split pea soup recipe that uses sweet potatoes. It is my favorite now. Yeah, bread and crackers, I love 'em, but moderation eludes me.

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Bah I had a disappointing start to the weekend. Weighed and measured myself for the first time in 4 weeks after starting T25, and nothing has changed. I've been pretty good with ETL too, but I think this is where, for me at least, the carb increases are really making a difference. I will need to be more strict.

    Mihani, same as you, I did my groceries last night so I am fully stocked! It feels awesome having a fridge full of ETL stuff, makes me feel excited to cook with it!! I am also determined now to crack down and move the scale or at least my measurements! Something has to give ... What's your plan for teh weekend? Do you have to work?

    Victoria, that's so true re the weather!! I keep forgetting about that. This week is the first time we are not below 0 in probably 6 weeks or so! I hope that means me and my body will get ready to shed the winter layer, lol. Great job on the jog!!

    Lisa, great idea about the soup actually... I will try and keep that in mind. Lentil soup and warm potatoes in soups even are always so comforting.

    Recipes that I'm trying to this week: 10 spice veggie soup, homemade burritos, salads, tex-mex casserole, and OSG's warm winter salad bowl. Happy Saturday :)
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    I'm late to the party, as it's already the 7th of melting March! Great theme though as I had stalled out a bit towards the end of February but am now back to melting in March.

    My phone does not support these boards, so I don't end up here as often as I'd like, but it sure has been nice to read up on what everyone's been up to.

    My March goals are easy. . . just keep on doing the stuff I've been aiming at: mindful, cleaning eating, regular yoga and stress-relief practices, walk often and lift once or twice a week. I may not hit these all all of the time, but I sure like aiming at them!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Lia, sorry for your disappointment. I am afraid that the starchy carbs are a deficit breaker for me too. I tend to think it is because my maintenance calories are so low and I don’t have a lot of wiggle room for calorie dense food like rice, bread, pasta, etc. That is my guess. I keep trying to fool myself into believing I can have them and still lose, despite repeated failed experiments. I did go to the office for a few hours yesterday but didn’t get as much done as hoped, going back for a full day today. I love that 10 spice veggie soup. I’ve liked all of the OSG soups I’ve tried, but that is a favorite.

    Hi Elena, great goals. I really need to focus on stress reduction too.

    Lisa, thanks for sharing that article. I considered joining Dr. F’s get healthy contest.

    I need to go back to bed. I fell asleep on the couch too early last night, and then the time changed, and now I’m all messed up, but I think I should sleep for a couple more hours before I head to the office.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    oh, I also bought the "Zombies, Run!" app today. It's a game/storyline built into your run. From what I've read, you can create your own music playlist as you normally would, but then the app will add the sounds of zombies approaching (so you might have to do some sprints), and then between tracks you'll hear updates to the game's storyline. Sounds fun!!! If I'm feeling not too sore tomorrow morning I might give it a try.

    Again, wish me luck!

    Hubs used that for a while and enjoyed it. It was a hoot when we ran together because he'd periodically take off running fast.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Sabine, haha, I can't imagine running WITH someone who is listening to Zombies chase them!!

    Mihani, my gosh you were up early!! I hope you got some more sleep. I'm groggy this morning too... stupid time change. Although it was SO nice have it light out later - really felt like summer was coming.

    Elena, sounds like good goals! Glad you are here with us for March melting too.

    I'm anxious to get on with the melting lol. Mihani, I think you're right. I finally just acknowledged that to myself and my partner last night too. I think I've been so good, but I'm still snacking too much and on the wrong things. Back to basics - fruit/veg for snacks, fruit/veg/beans for meals, and a sprinkling of the other stuff occasionally. Wish me luck!

    How is everyone else feeling ETL wise?