Post your recent results - Part 2



  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    First 15K yesterday--Hot Chocolate in Atlanta. 1:53:14. Either the course was a touch long or I need to get better at running the tangents. Garmin said 9.48miles. Oh the hills!! :/
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    My first marathon was this past Sunday - NOLA Rock n' Roll - 3:32:30. Time wasn't terrible, but I was definitely not ready for the mental side of the race, especially one in which I spent a majority of the race in a runner gap. I did PR my half marathon, though, so that's always nice. =)
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    not a "long race" but I did run a 5K and set a PR! 18:56, first in my age group, second overall. Pink Nose Blue Toes 5K
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    new PR for 10mi.
    today: 1:28:31
    previously 1:38:36 in Oct 2012
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    First trail race - first night race! Half marathon in two hours was good for a top 3 age group finish and top 50 overall.

    I like this "small race" business.
  • SecretAgent27
    SecretAgent27 Posts: 57 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hadn't posted this one yet.

    Katy YMCA Turkey Dash 10K
    November 27, 2014.
    46:42 (7:31/mile) PR
    135/1,124 Overall
    113/546 Gender
    12/62 AG

    Then today, I ran my first Half Marathon! :D

    Katy Half Marathon
    February 7, 2015
    1:39:42 (7:36/mile) PR
    87/2,282 Overall
    73/924 Gender
    7/126 AG

    First time finishing in the Top 100 Overall and Top 10 AG in a field this large. My mile splits were pretty even. After running the first two miles under pace, I ran 8 miles between 7:32 and 7:37. The other 3 miles were under 7:30 including the last mile which was done in 7:20.

    1:40:00 was my goal time. I thought it was a bit ambitious but I made it.

    I started running just over a year ago (January '14). My first race was a 5K last March which I finished in 28:08 (9:05). I'm thrilled with the progress I've made so far (and the 40 lbs I've lost). I set an initial goal of running my first Half after a year (mission accomplished) and my first Full Marathon after two (49 weeks until the 2016 Houston Marathon). My initial goal for the Marathon was to finish under 3:30:00 but I'm already projected to do that now. I'm not sure what time I should set my sights on now.

    My next immediate goal is to get under 45 minutes for the 10K, of which I have a couple of coming up.
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    did a 5K today...Rosy Cheeks 5K, 2nd overall, beating a number of high school boys in the process of hitting a PR of 18:44!
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Hadn't posted the last couple results, but this is one I'm really proud of.

    Ran the Spartan Sprint in Conyers, GA, yesterday. 5.1 miles, 28 obstacles (and 120 obstacle-penalty burpees). 1 hour, 55 minutes and change. Scrapes, bumps and bruises and it feels like someone took a baseball bat to my calves and back.

    I learned real quick where the weak part of my fitness are (time to increase the upper body pulling exercises). Glad that I had a good group of guys I work with to help on some of the obstacles, we truly worked as a team.

    Quebe 082-2772 (for those that get it).

  • phil230532
    phil230532 Posts: 41 Member
    First annual Belmont Middle School 5k (my wife teaches there). Oldest daughter 1st female, youngest daughter paced my wife and won her age group, wife won her age group, I hobbled in with IT band flare up and won my age group, wife's teacher team won first. Not the most competitive field but a fun day for this running family.
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    I'm a newer runner but expanding my distance now, in addition to being down 90lbs, I set my PR last weekend.

    Break away 5k in Frederick, MD almost 10 minute improvement from my last 5k in October. Finished 33:08
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Hadn't posted any of these results.

    City of Oaks Marathon (Raleigh, NC) on November 2, 2014: New PR of 4:41:55. It was cold, dry and windy and I second guessed myself about what I should wear for the conditions. Let my legs get too cold with shorts and my upper body get too warm (light jacket). Was roughly 12 minutes off my anticipated pace but nearly 29 minutes faster than last year on the same course. My fueling plan felt good. Recovered very quickly after the race.

    Hilton Head 2nd-annual Marathon on February 7, 2015. Another cold race (hey, it's the beach in winter practically in Georgia) with the temperature of 32°F at the race start, but a relatively flat course). It warmed up nicely as the raceA bright sunny day compared to the cold rain of last year and a slightly different course from last year. My legs stayed warm with running tights, but I had to shed my lightweight jacket at about mile 12.

    Was cruising along at a 4:30:00 pace when I got ambitious after the mile 20 marker. Left a lot of people behind and passed a number of people over the next 3 miles and then found "the wall" just beyond mile 23. Didn't have any doubts about finishing, I just didn't have much left in the tank to run the last three miles. Left just enough so I could run into the finish area and through the finish line and still looking good. Finished in 4:50:23 (still under five hours and bettered my time from last year by 22:32). This was the most "expended" I ever felt after a race. The bad news....

    I was running another marathon just seven days later.

    The Myrtle Beach Marathon on Valentines Day. Even colder. Temperature at the start was 25°F with a wind chill of 19°F before we even started running. We would run the first six miles into a slight headwind, the next ten with a tailwind and crosswind, and the most of the remainder of the race from mile 17 to the end running into the headwind that got progressive stronger as the morning drew towards the afternoon. By mile 23 I was running into a constant 25 mph headwind with gusts to 35 mph and was totally exposed to the wind.

    I took it much more slowly in the first two miles than the week before and then picked up the pace to a very even pace until the turn back into the wind. At the halfway point I was running a 4:33:00 finish pace. Even at the last timing point (18.3 miles) my time was projecting a finish of 4:33:19, but right after that almost all of the remainder of the course would be run directly into the wind. Got to mile 20 and felt just a bit more tired than the week previous. Stuck with the plan to try to maintain pace but the headwinds were challenging and I ended up maintaining effort as measured by my heart rate. Finally, at mile 23, I punched up the pace for the last 3 miles and dropped to less than 10:00/mile and got progressively faster with each remaining mile. The exhausted feeling in my legs during those last three miles felt just like they did running those interval runs and fast finish runs and I knew I could sustain that for a few minutes more.

    I don't remember how many people I overtook in the 385 yard chute at the end. There was one person I didn't think I could catch with about 150 yards to go, but I just decided to go for it and did catch and pass her. She finished one second behind me. Set a new PR of 4:33:59/4:34:00 (depending upon which result you are looking at on the website). Didn't feel anywhere near as exhausted as I did the previous week. Fueling plan worked great. Probably a great course to try the BQ when I'm finally ready to go for it.

    Valentine's dinner was incredible with no race to run the next day or next week.
  • vcphil
    vcphil Posts: 79 Member
    1:29:06 half today 4 min PR. :D 7th woman
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    My focus is on training for my 1st Marathon in 7 weeks but do my local parkrun every weekend. Felt good today so pushed it and took 23s off my PB (now 24:11). Hopefully won't pay for it too much in tomorrow's 20 miler!
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Haha, 2-second half marathon PR today. Wonder how long I could keep a 'tiny PR' streak going? 1:21:31.
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    1:26:40 half!!! 3 min PR!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Heart Mini Half Marathon - 1:28:42
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Heart Mini Half Marathon - 1:28:42

    Awesome run yesterday Doug. I can attest that the course was from hell. It's usually a nice event, but with the Ohio river flooding, they had to make some last minute adjustments to the half marathon course. The race itself is a HM that starts in tandem with a 15K. Typically, the HM course splits off from the out and back 15K at about mile 9 (at the crest of a pretty tough hill) and then goes down and across the river and back. This year, at about mile 6 , the HM course doubled back on itself again to make up for the lost miles of not crossing the river. This led to turning around right into slow traffic (for me, that was casual walkers, oblivious to the fact that there were runners trying to get around them). It also made it so that the dreaded hill was now at mile 12 instead of 8. There were plenty of people from the 15K walking that portion of the hill as well. Having done this HM twice before and the 15K about 5 times, I was not at all prepared for this. I was pretty happy with my 1:45:17 in spite of everything, but Doug just flat out killed it!

  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    edited March 2015
    Seabrook Lucky Trails Half-Marathon - Pelican Challenge completed this weekend. The challenge is to run their half-marathon on both Saturday and Sunday. Great event.

    Finished Saturday's half with a PR of 2:30:21. Finished Sunday's half at 2:35:34, which met my goal of running the second one at 2:40 or less. Hope to break 2:30 mark on my next half in the fall.

  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Wow, that is an amazing medal!
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I ran my first Half Marathon in October 2014, at the Melbourne Marathon Festival, and it took me 2:48. Two weeks ago, I ran my second (Just in week 10 of my 20 week training plan for my Marathon) and it took me 2:16!
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