March Melting



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    After Friday's workout I truly ached in every single muscle in my entire body. I did try the Zombies, Run! app on Saturday, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sprint - AT ALL - so I turned off the chases... It was fun though, and kept me going for an hour so I could hear more... I will turn on the chases soon, because I'm sure it'll be even better with those.

    Today we were back to chest and arms. I'm amazed I can type today. At the end of 3 circuits, she had us do 10 sets of 10x bicep curls. 100 curls ON TOP OF an arm and chest workout. WHAT?!?!?! Driving home was a challenge. Washing my hair was a challenge. Tomorrow I won't be able to pick up a pencil! ugh. not looking forward to that...

    Yesterday was a cooking day. I made the Red Lentil & Kale soup (it was tasty, but I'm really looking forward to trying it today because soups are always best on day 2). I also made Tex Mex Casserole and Black Bean Burgers. Later this week I'm going to make another 2-3 recipes. Gotta stock up that fridge & freezer!

    Alright, I've gotta get to it. Have a great day everyone!!
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    So not the best weekend, but I guess It could have been worse. I went out for a couple of drinks Friday night. I didn't realize that American bar drinks are a million times stronger than Canadian. Three drinks in the space of 3 hours, and when I got home I ate everything I could get my hands on, lol. The hangover lasted two days :( Of course this means 2 days of hangover food, too.

    Now I know better, at least. Bottled drinks or about 1/3 the number from now on.

    I did get a ton of steps in Friday. We went on our hike and took a small side trail, which turned out to be a lot longer and more challenging than I expected, so 45 minutes of light hiking became 90 minutes of hills and climbing. We didn't do much Saturday or yesterday but we got our jog in this morning and we will be hiking again today as well.

    Lia, could the plateau be due to fluid retention from the T25 exercises? You might not lose any weight or inches, but do you look more "pumped"? i.e. muscular? I find that happens to me when I up my exercise intensity. It's mostly temporary, though you may have some glycogen increases as well, especially if you upped carbs, and that tends to persist (but also looks hot :smiley:

    Hope everybody has a good start to the week :)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hey y'all... work is still crazy and boss is leaving on vacation this weekend. For whatever reason I had it in my head he wasn't leaving until the following week and I am now in full on panic mode to make sure all our deadlines and things are covered before he leaves. I will probably be pretty scarce the rest of the week.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Wow Karrie, I can't believe you still ran after that! Great workouts! How are the arms?!

    Victoria, thanks, I hope you're right! I am finally seeing or at least feeling my muscles again, which is so nice! So I'm trying to just be patient and stick through it. If nothing else, my performance has improved. Sounds like you kinda earned your drinks after that crazy hike btw!! Horrible about the hangover though. I didn't know that about US v. Cdn drinks either?!

    Mihani, hang in there! Hope everything goes well this week.

    I had an awesome and nutritious day yesterday! Hoping for another today. I finally get to try my 10-spice soup!
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    This probably won't be news to us ETL'ers....but maybe you have friends that need to hear about how food industries are influencing dietary guidelines.

    this one is about sugar:

  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    edited March 2015
    Last night we tried a great recipe from Dr Fuhrman.....chocolate hummus....both my hubby and I were amazed how good this was. The recipe says to chill it thoroughly but we had it room temp and it was excellent. I cut up apples and bananas to dip in it. YUMMY!! and filling. Highly recommend it. I didn't have any almond milk and just used water instead.

    the recipe is in my dropbox recipe folder and labelled Chocolate Hummus...
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks for the link to your dropbox again, coues! Love checking it out. Never heard of chocolate hummus, but it sounds interesting. (There are black bean brownies, after all!).
    The sugar article was interesting too!

    This is my last week of T25 -Alpha round. I can't believe I've stuck it out for 5 weeks! Then I have another 5 weeks of Beta round, which is apparently pretty intense. I'm sort of looking forward to it because I hope it sculpts my body!!! Pleeeease, body, cooperate!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Good morning ETL'ers! Still working like a maniac, haven't even had time to log, but I've stayed pretty ETL this week. I keep telling myself "don't eat your stress" and it seems to help lol. Will catch up this weekend!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hope you're doing alright, Mihani. Just today left and then I hope that either your boss is gone or that you have a weekend ahead of you!!! Or at least a good sleep.

    I went back to basics and reviewed the ETL 6 week plan in detail. I thought I knew it, but I think some things had slipped (maybe subconsciously, especially re carbs lol).

    Hope you all have a great weekend :)

    B - fruit
    L - 10 spice veggie soup (love this!)
    D - winter green salad (OSG)

    As a weekend treat, I made OSG's "Peanut Better Balls" and just made them quite small. I left them in the freezer. Super yummy! As long as I just stick to one...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    This has been the week from hell. Several really long days, and went back to the office today to try to get a bit more done and signed by boss before he takes off on vacation. SO taking tomorrow at home. I did bring some work home, but I don't even know if I will do any of it. I am tired. Really, really tired. I did make the OSG Tex Mex Casserole this evening, haven't had a chance to eat yet, but time to dig in now. I will have time tomorrow to catch up on everyone's posts. I have missed my mfp time!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Just a brief moment of catching up today, before heading back to work today. No time to post lately, am doing three classes right now, working extra, getting horses worked, AND, we got a new puppy who is sleeping in my lap currently. Black lab, eight weeks old, gets into everything, up every two hours, and ridiculously adorable. But lots of time. Workouts are going well, food is going well, I just don't have a lot of other participation time right now.
    Hope everything is going well, congrats lia on getting through Alpha! I just finished 21 day fix, and am going to start the extreme version today and see how that goes.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    This has been a bad week. I’m back though. I had to throw out all the groceries I bought in anticipation of doing a lot of home cooking healthy foods this past week. Work sucks. I really need to find some balance. I’m never going to have true health with so much stress. I was running home to let dogs out and get them fed then going back to the office for a few hours a couple days, missed Tai Chi on Monday because I was stuck there late. I worked a pretty full day yesterday, but did take today off and totally did not a darn thing but a load of laundry and some poop scooping. That, was an awful chore, the melting snow revealed a very nasty yard lol. But the sun was shining, it was warm, I saw a bunch of neighbors outside today and caught up, now that we are all emerging from our winter hibernation.

    Elena, pass along any magical stress reduction methods you find!

    Karrie, how go the workouts? You are doing great!

    Victoria, hope you are continuing to feel better. I didn’t know that about the alcohol content either. So happy to hear you are back to your hiking.

    Coues, I don’t know if I can wrap my head around chocolate hummus! How was it?

    Lia how goes T25? That 10 spice veggie soup is amazing! I love it, have several containers in the freezer, so I will let you know how it works freezing. Some soups seem to taste just as great after being frozen and some are really awful. I have eyed that peanut butter ball recipe, not sure if I should try them in my current bingey mood!

    Jean, you are the busiest girl I know. Congrats on your new baby!!! Boy or girl? Post a pic if you can. My younger dog is a black lab mix, and he drives me to distraction but he’s so darn cute and sweet I love him regardless.

    <3 y'all!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Karrie, how go the workouts? You are doing great!

    I love that you're so confident that I'm doing well. Thank you. I really needed to see that today.

    Today was day 1 of week 3, and this class is seriously kicking my a$s. I cannot lift my arms over my head today and I couldn't even hold my friend's cell phone to show her how to do something. Good grief!!

    I know it's making me stronger, but right now I feel like an idiot. There are many women in the class who have clearly done the class before, because they are strong. They pull way more weight than I do, and when we're doing box squat jumps, my box is about a foot tall, and other ladies are using 3 foot tall boxes. OMG! Makes me feel really weak and pathetic. I've broken into tears during 2 different classes already. But I just keep quiet, keep my head down and don't make eye contact with anyone and I just keep going. I AM pushing through. I AM getting better, but it's a HARD class...

    I've also already committed to signing up for it again immediately following this class. However, I'm hoping to earn it for free. The instructor gives a free session to the one most improved gal each session, and I fully intend for that gal to be me. (And let's face it, I'm definitely the weakest, so I've got nowhere to go but up!). I've asked my mom to make my juices for me (because I have no free time right now), and she's agreed. I'm going to juice for at least 21 days, maybe longer if it's going well. I fully intend to show the most dramatic improvement, and dropping 15+ lbs will sure help. If I can hack it, my ultimate goal would be to juice for 45 days... But I'm just committing to 21 days right now. I'm teaching my mom how to use my juicer tonight. I start tomorrow. Wish me luck!!

    I meant to start running last week, but I was always too sore to do it. I've only had that one run (which was mostly walking), so far. I've really gotta get that turned around, because my half marathon is in 11 weeks. YIKES!! Yup, gotta get on the treadmill even if I'm too sore... :(

    Alright, I've gotta get back to it. Have a good day everyone!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Karrie sticking with it is half the battle! Glad you are enjoying the class.

    I had my tai chi class last night, I was really confused after missing last week and a bunch of new moves, but I started to get caught up by the end of the class. I need to practice a lot this week to get back up to speed. My sis-in-law and I (she is taking the class with me) have decided to sign up for part 2 so I'll be continuing. Now that the weather is nicer I'm ready to start riding my bike again and I'd like to get back to the gym within the next month or so for strength. The warmer weather is making me feel much more motivated to move. This winter was rough, I just wanted to hide under a blanket the past few months.

    Hope y'all have a great day! I am still hoping to get a bit caught up at the office this week while the boss is gone.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi everyone :) hope you all had a great weekend!

    I started the Beta phase of T25 yesterday and actually really liked it! I noticed I've become so much stronger and faster in the last 5 weeks. I also was ready for something different too.

    I am also losing my mind over my weight though. Like breaking out in tears on a regular basis. I gained that weight a few weeks ago and it hasn't moved. I've been tracking, exercising, and making 95% of my own meals at home. I think I need to still lessen my bites and tastes, but I know for a fact they are not enough to be causing me to GAIN. I honestly am half-wondering, is it my scale?! Am I one of those people now?! LOL. I generally am pretty grounded in terms of taking responsibility for my actions, but this time, I feel like I'm going to go crazy. Thankfully my body doesn't look like I've gained at least. Sorry to vent at you guys.

    Wow, Karrie, that class sounds crazyyyy!!! But kudos to you, seriously. And awesome you are improving yourself so much. Don't compare yourself! They were likely where you were a few rounds of classes ago! I am sure you would put your three-week old self to shame now! Good luck with the juicing, what an awesome Mom you have!

    Mihani, sorry to hear your work nightmares. How does this week look? Glad you made it to tai chi! I hope it helped. Also I agree that the spring weather brings so much promise of outdoor activity now! So exciting.

    Jean, yay for a new puppy!!! Pics please!! I think they would cheer everyone up lol. How did you like the 21 day fix overall??

    Happy St. Patty's to everyone too :)vnnjjpuubh0q.gif
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    This has been a bad week. I’m back though. I had to throw out all the groceries I bought in anticipation of doing a lot of home cooking healthy foods this past week. Work sucks. I really need to find some balance. I’m never going to have true health with so much stress. I was running home to let dogs out and get them fed then going back to the office for a few hours a couple days, missed Tai Chi on Monday because I was stuck there late. I worked a pretty full day yesterday, but did take today off and totally did not a darn thing but a load of laundry and some poop scooping. That, was an awful chore, the melting snow revealed a very nasty yard lol. But the sun was shining, it was warm, I saw a bunch of neighbors outside today and caught up, now that we are all emerging from our winter hibernation.

    Elena, pass along any magical stress reduction methods you find!

    Karrie, how go the workouts? You are doing great!

    Victoria, hope you are continuing to feel better. I didn’t know that about the alcohol content either. So happy to hear you are back to your hiking.

    Coues, I don’t know if I can wrap my head around chocolate hummus! How was it?

    Lia how goes T25? That 10 spice veggie soup is amazing! I love it, have several containers in the freezer, so I will let you know how it works freezing. Some soups seem to taste just as great after being frozen and some are really awful. I have eyed that peanut butter ball recipe, not sure if I should try them in my current bingey mood!

    Jean, you are the busiest girl I know. Congrats on your new baby!!! Boy or girl? Post a pic if you can. My younger dog is a black lab mix, and he drives me to distraction but he’s so darn cute and sweet I love him regardless.

    <3 y'all!

    Finding balance is so hard!
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    Mihani, the chocolate hummus was amazing! I was like you and thought it was too weird, but wow, it works! Just think of it as a healthy chocolate dip or spread for fruits rather than as hummus. We couldn't believe how good it was. It has nothing but good stuff in it and it encourages me to eat more fruit. Try it as a healthy desert.
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    Balance between work and health is very hard and most people really don't achieve it. I have worked harder on this lately. If you can't find time for exercise due to work, then just focus on trying to eat right during those times. Sometimes we can't do both, but just remember during those hard times that you are most likely doing better things for yourself now than you did during those same stressful times a year or two ago. Sometimes it's easy to forget about the power of incremental changes because you feel you are not doing enough at any given time. But if you have made any healthy changes (I think everyone here has), then you are doing more than you used to and are moving in the right direction!
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    edited March 2015
    For those that are in need of stress relief or relief from too much winter, I thought I would share this video I made of the amazing poppy bloom we are having in AZ this year. I hope it's OK to share this even though it's a bit off topic.

    Make sure you watch it in HD (use gear icon in lower right of youtube view to select 1080p HD) and have your speakers on to enjoy the music.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Lia, it is so hard sometimes to keep going when the scale isn't giving us the rewards we want. I bet you are going to have a sudden drop soon. Good for you sticking with it and not getting discouraged. That's the hardest thing for me.

    Coues that is a beautiful video. Thanks for sharing. There's nothing really off topic in this group I don't think lol. I agree, my habits now are sooooo different than they were 4 or 5 years ago. I used to go straight for alcohol. I'm not sure I'm all that virtuous in not drinking much these days, I simply can't without feeling like crap the next day. So age is doing a lot of what my willpower couldn't in years past. Thanks for the encouraging words.

    I woke up this morning with a horrible head cold. Sniffly drippy stuffed up ears and nose. Ugh. This is supposed to be my catch up week with the boss gone. I left a little bit early today and stopped to get some cold medicine and a whole bunch of kleenex. Going to eat something, take some meds, then hit the couch. I need to nip this in the bud.

    And oh yeah, thanks for the reminder Lia. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all. I totally forgot until I was leaving the office and saw people stacked up outside the Irish pub down the street from the office. People have been there drinking since early this morning from what I heard on the radio going home. I've never had green beer myself.

    I got some of the On the Mend Red Lentil Kale soup out of the freezer. If OSG says it will cure the common cold then I'm putting it to the test.