Ladies: effect of fat loss on cycle duration?



  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    I have a 30-31 day cycle, but my actual menses last 5-6 days and are freaking super heavy for at least four of those days. With weight loss, I have regularized my cycle length, but it hasn't helped my fracking bleeding any. Been seriously contemplating endometrial ablation.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Been seriously contemplating endometrial ablation.
    I had old-school thermal ablation and it really helped, but I think the newer methods do a better job of reducing flow entirely. I think my endo has caused some of my uterine lining to grow back. Without endo I'm guessing I'd have less bleeding each cycle.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    For me it would be laser ablation. Honestly, I am hoping if I take the plunge that it more or less kills my menses entirely. I have 4 kids, my husband had a vasectomy 9.5 yrs ago and 15 more years of super heavy, painful periods is not to be desired.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Yeah, on the bright side, I'm likely 10 years or less from menopause, given how long I've had what appear to be perimenopause symptoms.

    And I've decided that this current spotting is definitely not ovulation and is a full-on period, so I had a 26 day cycle, followed by 11 days. I have NO clue when to expect the next one!
  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    zoom2 wrote: »
    Update: After it last stopped around 2/7 or so, I am just now seeing signs of it again, which would be normal for a cycle. :D I have also lost 16 more lbs since then. :)

    NICE! And that is amazing progress. Have you had to buy a new wardrobe, yet?

    Thank you! I have had to buy a few things, some new jeans, work pants and a few tops. I've been trying to just buy a few things at a time cuz I know I'm gonna go through a lot of sizes.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    zoom2 wrote: »
    Update: After it last stopped around 2/7 or so, I am just now seeing signs of it again, which would be normal for a cycle. :D I have also lost 16 more lbs since then. :)

    NICE! And that is amazing progress. Have you had to buy a new wardrobe, yet?

    Thank you! I have had to buy a few things, some new jeans, work pants and a few tops. I've been trying to just buy a few things at a time cuz I know I'm gonna go through a lot of sizes.

    My sister won a $1000 gift card to The Loft and is in the middle of losing weight. I advised her to just buy maybe 3-4 new things every 2-3 months...because otherwise she's going to blow it all on stuff she won't get much wear out of. She wants to drop 3-4 sizes.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Something else I'm acne (yes, at 42 I still battle this -- worse than I ever did as a teen -- now with 100% more wrinkles!) is worsening. My guess is as relative balance of estrogen decreases, relative testosterone is higher...and associated acne. Joy. :p
  • mongoosealamode
    mongoosealamode Posts: 112 Member
    I just started keto today. I have had mirena for about 4 years and had a gradual shift to virtually no period. I wonder how it will be effected.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I've been on constant birth control for a while now, and had had no break-through bleeding for at least six months, and I had 7-10 days of super mild spotting that started 2 weeks ago out of nowhere. That's the only real thing I've noticed, cycle-wise, @mongoosealamode‌ . Just FYI
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    edited March 2015
    My periods have always been incredibly short (one day of bleeding) but since dropping 30 lbs they've increased two-three days. :( I'm hoping that they go back to my normal (29-30 days). I love working out because 1. make me feel better and 2. less days on period. I also have 0 pain when I do my standard high intensity weight lifting regime.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    I just started keto today. I have had mirena for about 4 years and had a gradual shift to virtually no period. I wonder how it will be effected.
    I have mirena too! Was down to very light spotting like you. When I started keto I got "full flow" period for 2 cycles, but back down to light spotting again thank goodness. :p TMI?
  • mindysmerski
    mindysmerski Posts: 1 Member
    Do you guys see your weight loss stall during menstration? I just started Keto a few weeks ago and I am wondering what to expect.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    I get the usual weight loss stall during menstruation (actually beginning a few days before) due to water retention, aka bloating.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    I get the usual weight loss stall during menstruation (actually beginning a few days before) due to water retention, aka bloating.

    I kind of notice that, too. I'm seeing a whoosh around days 17-19, but then by days 21-24 (when I typically start) I stall for maybe a week or more...then maybe a tiny whoosh around day 10.

    2 cycles ago was 26 days (LONG for me), then I had a weird 11 day cycle that I initially thought was ovulation bleeding...until I bled for a good week. And I've never had ovulation bleeding, anyhow. Today is day 21 and my app is telling me that I should be starting today. Given how my boobs feel and mild crampiness, I suspect that it will be within the next 12-24 hours.

    So my current theory is that fat loss = wonky cycles. Or maybe it's fat loss + perimenopause that is to blame.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    Yeah, I am due in 11 days and hoping to drop 3 or so more pounds before then :disappointed:
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Weirdness...still no AF, 2 days after my app predicted it. But it was predicting 21 days and I've generally been at 23ish for several years, aside from the last couple of months of wonkiness.
  • vanhavely
    vanhavely Posts: 33 Member
    edited March 2015
    Do you guys see your weight loss stall during menstration? I just started Keto a few weeks ago and I am wondering what to expect.

    I get the stall and gain a few before and during. All gain goes away after the "deflation" towards the end of my AF attack. I started Keto a week before my AF and have stayed pretty much in the 28 day range. Give or take a few days.

    I have been tracking my AF since I went off "the pill" 18 years ago. Through regular activity and eating it hasn't changed. I've been Keto only 2 months so far and no change in duration. Little bit more on the twingy pain side though.

  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    So I just finished-out a 24 day aside from a long one followed by a really short one, I'm pretty much back at square 1. My couple wonkier cycles appear to coincide with the period where I lost the fastest, so maybe the fat loss simply has yielded a temporary hormonal shock. Darn, I was hoping that I'd see a trend of increasingly longer, "normal" cycles. I'm regular, but sure would like cycles closer to the 28 day ideal. *sigh* Menopause, take me away!!